Saturday, October 8, 2011

Looking for military uniforms

The Franklin Historical Museum is looking for military uniforms to display during November.

If you have any that you could share, the details are in the document on how to contact the museum.

Franklin Historical Museum Notice: Military Uniforms

In the News - tax bills, Jewell, trooper, state aid

Tax bills are due in Franklin

Meet the Franklin Candidate: John Jewell, School Committee

Franklin trooper honored at State House for saving choking girl

Franklin, Medway get boost in state aid

Does School Start too Early?

It is good to see students at Franklin High School using social media tools, like this blog - Pantherbook. Click through to read the full article and continue to explore their archives. They have a good mix of news and school discussions.

Way to go Panthers!

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Pantherbook on 10/7/11

This question has been brought up many times in the past; do high school students start too early? Teachers complain about students sleeping in class all the time but it might not be their fault. In an issue of the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine they stated that there is more and more evidence [...]

Things you can do from here:

RMV Urges Customers: Renew Online

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 10/7/11

RMV Renew Online Billboard MassDOT RMV is again urging eligible drivers to renew their licenses online.

The number of license renewals is expected to increase by 50 percent beginning in November and continue at higher levels for the months thereafter.

November is the beginning of a five-year license renewal cycle that began in 1991, replacing the previous four-year cycle.   The result of that change is one year every five years with a reduced number of license renewals.  That lower volume year ends as of November 1, and transactions will increase. The RMV has responded by launching a publicity campaign through Highway Division billboards and public service announcements at the MBTA to urge drivers to check their license expiration dates and renew online.

The goal of the campaign is to let the public know that approximately 50% percent of drivers are eligible to renew their license online and avoid a branch visit. It also reminds customers that they can renew their licenses up to one year before the expiration date that falls on their birthday.

The RMV's online renewal application asks customers a series of questions. Customers eligible to renew online can pay the required fee and their license will be mailed to them in 7-10 business days. The online application also helps customers that aren't eligible to renew via the Internet. The web transaction informs customers 75 years or older that they must renew at a branch, in accordance with the 2010 Safe Driving Law. It also informs customers if they owe parking tickets or excise bills that have to be paid in order to renew. Customers that are required to renew in a branch can complete and print the web application to save time during their visit.

Customers not able to renew online should plan ahead and check branch locations and wait times online. To help prepare for the expected increase in customers, RMV recently expanded its hours at some of its busiest branches.  The RMV website allows customers to check branch wait times and locations

Services available on the MassDOT RMV website include applying for a first time license; converting an out-of-state license; scheduling a branch appointment; registration renewals; ordering a driving record, crash report or Fast Lane transponder; viewing the status of a license, registration, driver education certificate and title; signing up for organ/tissue donation; and canceling a registration plate.

You can also sign up online for a free license renewal or Massachusetts ID reminder service.

Things you can do from here:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Farmer's Market - today - (video)

Franklin Farmers Market,  Friday,  12:00pm to 6:00pm

Located on the Town Common

Franklin: Farmers Market

Berry Insurance shares this video they put together on the Farmer's Market

Reminder that the Farmers' Market now accepts SNAP dollars and can double your purchasing power.

Visit the Food Pantry tent at the Farmers' Market for details.

Note: email subscribers will need to click through to Franklin Matters to view the video.

In the News - McIntyre, Glynn

Meet the Franklin Candidate: Pamela McIntyre, School Committee

Glynn drops out of Franklin School Committee race

Amy Lockwood: Selling condoms in the Congo

Amy Lockwood in this TED Talk discusses selling condoms in the Congo. Yes, really.

Caution, this video is probably the riskiest shown here. Only four minutes long.

Why? What does this have to do with Franklin?
"And so the lesson is this: it doesn't really matter what you're selling; you just have to think about who is your customer, and what are the messages that are going to get them to change their behavior."