Tuesday, July 21, 2009

FM #43 - This week in Franklin, 7/19/09

This is #43 in the series of podcasts for Franklin Matters. Give me about ten minutes and I'll let you know what matters in Franklin, MA for the week ending July 19, 2009

Time: 8 minutes, 59 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes:

Music intro My intro FM #43

This internet radio show or podcast for Franklin Matters is number 43 in the series.

You give me about ten minutes and I'll let you know what matters in Franklin, MA for the w/e 7/19.

We'll start with what happened this past week
  • Town Council meeting 7/15
  • Ribbon cutting at Shades IN Place
  • Third Thursday

Town Council approved a license transaction for a new operator for what had been recently Caso's bar & Grill.

Town Council had the most discussion on the vote to fund the renovations for the museum
The discussion centered around the use of the capital funds, they can't be used for operational purposes. Deb Bartlett's main objection was the amount at this time for the museum when there are other items on the capital wish list that are wanting. The vote was 7-1 Bartlett against, Doak was absent, all others voted for the museum.

Town Council also voted to take advantage of the local tax for hotel and meals, voting separately for each item by the same 7-1 vote. Vallee voted against both saying it was the wrong thing to do for the economy at this time, forgetting the more important item (in my opinion) that these are the first non-residential tax revenue sources to be allowed Franklin. Without them, the inevitable overrides in our future will be higher.

The DPW provided an update on the Water status.
The Planning and Community Development group provided an update on the economic development areas and priority development site progress made thus far.
Both presentation are posted and available on Franklin Matters

The Downtown Partnership had another good event on Third Thursday. I participated with other members of the United Regional Chamber of Commerce at the ribbon cutting for the new showroom for Shades IN Place. Pictures and other details from Thursday are found in the posting “From stained glass to blue grass”

What does this week hold for us? A couple of key meetings will occur.
School committee mtg 7/21
Financial Planning Committee 7/23

The School Committee meeting on Tuesday will explain how their budget got balanced. They had last met on June 23rd and were facing cuts of 40 plus teachers. Somehow the number got reduced.

“There will be no teachers laid off except four gym teachers, all the librarians, and a data analyst, Roy said. “
How the number was balanced was not successfully explained by the Milford Daily News article. I am looking for the meeting to provide the insights required to understand where the cuts did come from.

The Financial Planning Committee meets on Thursday this week. I will be unable to attend but I would be looking to find out when the final presentation is ready and when the update to the Town Council is going to be scheduled.

Given the TC will likely be handling the final FY 2010 budget adjustments in their first August meeting, I would guess that this might be a prime topic for the second August meeting.

We'll see how this plays out.

Please stay tuned in

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This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow citizens of Franklin, MA

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network
Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

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