Showing posts with label dedicated override. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dedicated override. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Override & debt exclusion info in the archives

Now that the "O" word (override) has been mentioned, there is a bunch of information in these  archives that may be useful to provide the historical perspective. 

Long time readers may recall that Franklin Matters came to be during the 2007 override and the domain officially was born in Nov 2007. 

The 2007 Override is noteworthy as it is the only successful override Franklin has passed in its history to date. It passed because there was unified support across the Town Council and School Committee. The succeeding overrides (2008 & 2010) failed because that unity did not exist. Some naysayers among the Council and School Committee created enough doubt and discord that success was unattainable. 

There also was a special ballot question on the State election of 2014 to provide $1.5 million to fund road maintenance that failed significantly. As it was a Sate election, Franklin turned out at 59% (normal for State elections) and 8289 voters said No, 3583 said Yes.

Coming out of the 2008 override failure there was recognition that a long term financial plan needed to be developed. A committee was created and began work on that in early 2010. The Financial Planning Committee changed to the Long Range Planning Committee. The first report they produced is now what we see each year when the Town Administrator publishes their 5 year outlook.

The Joint Budget Committee is the current working group to help with these long range and financial planning matters. They have not met frequently enough so we find ourselves now in a position where some folks understand the situation and many do not. The Joint Budget should meet more frequently (at least quarterly, in my view) rather than the annual meeting they have had in recent years.

The archive has links to collect the information pasted for each of the elections. 

There is also a spreadsheet with the specific ballot question history for both the debt exclusions (i.e. schools) and override votes. 
Some of the links break as the Town and School pages were updated twice since then (and neither upgrade maintained link integrity). 

If you find a link that might be valuable for your research, let me know, I might have the individual document in my own archives and can find and update the link accordingly.

Additional archive links can be found in the Key Link tab

Lincoln St road work during Aug 2014
Lincoln St road work during Aug 2014

Sunday, August 25, 2019

In the News: Hopedale votes on an override Weds; DOR has Prop 2 1/2 video series

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Renee Polechronis walked away from her desk in the Assessor’s Office Friday morning with some paperwork.

When she returned moments later, fresh forms had been dropped off. Soon afterward, the phone rang. Before any of that, she had answered a resident’s question on senior citizen tax exemptions.

“I’m usually pretty busy on Fridays,” Polechronis, the office administrative clerk, said with a smile.

If Hopedale voters fail to pass the $430,000 tax override on Wednesday’s election ballot, residents might not have access to Polechronis’ cheerful attitude on Fridays.

Officials are asking for the money to bolster Hopedale’s operating budget, and have categorized the $430,000 as the amount needed just to keep basic services running. They aren’t yet sure where they’ll cut if voters don’t approve the override, but closing Town Hall the final day of the work week has made the list of possible partial solutions.
Residents overwhelmingly approved the override at Town Meeting this spring, but a majority vote in the townwide election is also required before the tax can be levied."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

The MA Dept of Revenue has a video series on Proposition 2 1/2 explaining overrides, debt exclusions, and other accurate info on this matter

Thursday, October 30, 2014

In the News: taxes for better roads

The Milford Daily News writes about the Franklin ballot question to fund road repairs.
Voting yes would move forward a $1.5 million dedicated override to raise money for road and sidewalk improvements. The town council must appropriate the funds annually with a two-thirds vote. Councilors would not be able to use the revenue generated for anything other than roadwork, though it may tweak the amount needed each year. 
Starting this fiscal year, the override would increase the taxes on a single-family home valued at $360,000 – the average valuation – by roughly $130 per year. 
According to Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting, the town needs the extra funds to get to a nearly $50 million backlog of road and sidewalk repairs. Franklin has more than 200 miles of roads, many of which need some level of work. 
With annual state funds, normal town allocations, and override monies, the town could reserve about $4 million every year for roadwork, Department of Public Works Director Robert Cantoreggi has said.
continue reading the article in the Milford Daily News here (subscription may be required)

Additional details on the road plans can be found here

road work on Lincoln St during August 2014
road work on Lincoln St during August 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ballot Question 5 - Dedicated Override to fund repairs to Roads and Sidewalks for Franklin

Ballot question 5 has been in discussion for several years with the discussion finally moving to action this year. The DPW has been updating their inventory of road conditions and coordinating the rebuilds with water/sewer work for the roads at the same time. 

A good number of the 200+ miles of roads in Franklin are all coming due for repairs around the same time. not surprising for those who were here to witness the explosion of Franklin's growth during the 1980's and 1990's.

The Town Council voted in June to put the question to the votes at the November 4th election. The 'official' explanation for the vote and associated links covering the details behind the question can be found here:

This question requests the voters to consider a $1,500,000 dedicated override specifically for the improvements to roads and sidewalks and the extension of sidewalks in Franklin. A dedicated override means that the funds can only be spent on roads and sidewalks and for no other purpose without the approval of the voters at a future election. The dedicated override is a permanent increase in your taxes unless the citizens vote to reduce or eliminate it. The Town Council cannot appropriate the money for any other purpose. 
The $1,500,000 will help address the nearly $50,000,000 backlog in road and sidewalk repairs as outlined in the 2012 BETA Engineering Study. If the voters approve the dedicated override, then starting in fiscal year 2015, the annual cost to the average single-family home assessed at approximately $360,000 would be $130 per year.

This text can also be found on the official Franklin webpage here

Ballot Question 5 text

***      ***      ***

Shall the Town of Franklin be allowed to assess an additional $1,500,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of funding a stabilization fund as provided in GL Chapter 40 Section 5 B, said funds to be expended solely for roadway, sidewalk and related drainage work for the fiscal year beginning July first, two thousand and sixteen?

The text was included in the Town Council resolution approved on June 4, 2014

***      ***      ***

Lincoln St road work during Aug 2014
Lincoln St road work during Aug 2014

Related posts

Road updates around town this year (2104)

The "Initiative 2014 Plan" as presented to the Town Council June 2014

DPW Upcoming projects updated for 2014

The road condition inventory as of Jan 2013

From Apr 2013, DPW work planned for 2013 - 2015

From Aug 2013, the initial proposal

The presentation document from the Aug meeting

From Mar 2014, the updated listing of road projects already being planned

Friday, June 13, 2014

Give us a crack seal, we'll make a mosaic

I loved the mosaic made when the crack seal was done on Blueberry Lane last week. I had to go out to take some of my own photos to share here. You have heard the expression "when given lemons, you make lemonade". Franklin has now come up with its own version "give us a crack seal, we'll make a mosaic."

Thanks for the creativity!

crack seal on Blueberry Lane - 1
crack seal on Blueberry Lane - 1

crack seal on Blueberry Lane - 2
crack seal on Blueberry Lane - 2

crack seal on Blueberry Lane - 3
crack seal on Blueberry Lane - 3

crack seal on Blueberry Lane - 4
crack seal on Blueberry Lane - 4

The crack seal is one step on the road maintenance process that Franklin uses. More information on the process and total cost of maintaining our 200 miles of roads can be found here

Crack seal would still be needed even if the dedicated override is passed to fund our needed road repairs with additional money. The ballot question will appear in the November election.

In case you are wondering what roads will be seeing construction this year, the list is a fairly extensive.

Lincoln Street
Culvert Repairs and Road Reconstruction
Daniels Street
Drainage Work and Road Reconstruction
Harborwood Drive
Water Line Replacement (Paving 2015)
Betten Court
Water Line Replacement (Paving 2015)
Corrine Road
Water Line Replacement (Paving 2015)
Anthony Road
Water Line Replacement and Drainage Improvements (Paving 2015)
Carmine Drive
Water Line Replacement and Drainage Improvements (Paving 2015)
Conlyn Avenue
Water Line Replacement and Drainage Improvements (Paving 2015)
Crocker Avenue
Water Line Replacement (Paving 2015)
Hill Avenue
Water Line Replacement (Paving 2015)
Lewis Street
Water Line Replacement (Paving 2015)
Uncas Avenue
Water Line Replacement (Paving 2015)
Summer Street (King St to Rt 140)
Waterline Replacement and Drainage Improvements
(Paving in 2015)
Panther Way
Sidewalk Construction
DelCarte Recreation Area
Playground Parking Lot and Walking Path Construction
Kathleen Drive
Drainage Improvements and Road Reconstruction
Fannie Way
Drainage Improvements and Road Reconstruction
Brielle Way
Sidewalk Construction and Roadway Paving
Baron Road (Coronation Dr to Parliment Dr)
Water Line Replacement

Friday, June 6, 2014

Do we pay for the roads, or not that is the question...

*** The Town Council voted to put the ballot question before the voters to raise $1.5 million on a dedicated override to pay for roads and sidewalks. The dedicated override if approved, can only be used for this purpose. This is not line an 'operational' override which for the first year has a cause to rally around it, but in subsequent years the fund drop into the general fund.

road work on Uncas St
road work on Uncas St

If approved, the money raised by the vote would be voted on by the Town Council in July of 2015 to be used for repairing some roads. If the Council in subsequent years, doesn't vote the full amount or any amount, then no money would be spent on the roads. The voters could change the amount or stop the override in another vote.

The $1.5 million would likely be paired with the approx. $1M of water/sewer line repairs and $900,000 in Chapter 90 funds from the State to help make a dent in the overall backlog of repairs required by the 200 miles of roads in Franklin.

The text of the ballot question can be found here

*** The Town Council voted to fund the hiring of a project manager and architect to proceed with the Library renovations and expansion. This funding would allow for the more detail planning that a formal committee would do to eventually come back to the Council with a more detailed design and cost estimate for the work. The return would like be about this time next year.

The amount authorized was $1M. The amount would be funded within the existing debt service plan and not require any increase in taxes. The same funding method was use to provide for the Senior Center, the Fire Stations, and other significant capital expenses outside of the schools which have been covered by debt overrides (and an appropriate increase in taxes).

Franklin Public Library
Franklin Public Library
The Finance Committee meeting had a more detail overview of the project. The presentation and those notes can be found here

*** The Town Council also heard from Alan Mercer on the proposal for creation of a "Cultural District" in Franklin. There are many benefits to do so and the Council spoke in favor of the process.

revised outline of proposed Cultural Council for Franklin
revised outline of proposed Cultural Council for Franklin

My notes as captured during the meeting on Wednesday can be found here
Live reporting: Closing 
Live reporting: Legislation 
Live reporting: Cultural Council presentation 
Live reporting: Town Council - June 4

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Live reporting - Dedicated Override for roads

Notes from the first part of the Finance Committee meeting can be found here

Roads – DPW Director Brutus Cantoreggi
Mike Meglio, Town Engineer

*** From Mar 2014, the updated listing of road projects already being planned

Apparently, tonight is an abbreviated presentation from the March meeting

When road ratings are above 70, the maintenance will work
when below 70, you need to do more
want to get overall average of roads above 80

keeping just above water with repairs at this point
with the override, we could make some headway into the road repairs

some of the work would continue to be coordinated with water main projects
others would be taken care of purely with road repairs

also would be looking to expand the sidewalk network
would still require annual approval by the Council for the plan of work

the Panther Way sidewalk bid came in at $200,000

We have already planned out the water program for the next five year, can tie this with the water and come up with the master plan

what existing capacity do we have that requires design and coordination with in house staff?

a lot of administrative staff work required but the actual work is contracted out

Q - is there an option to put a term on this override?
A - not the way the legislation has been structured. Now the Council could not vote any money for the roads and that would kill the program.

Q - is this amount enough?
A - the facts are, we could use more money? What can the citizens afford? How much can we work with in capacity? Time down the road, the citizens could come back for more.

This is based upon today's dollars for hot top and chip seal. This could cost more as it goes, it is based upon the oil pricing

The sidewalk needs to go down to Miller St... Pleasant St; Washington St, Beaver St have been identified as needing sidewalks but none of them are cheap... do you need to curb and handle drainage? It depends upon the conditions and area

You might not educate your kids, go to the library, or call the police/fire but you do drive down the roads
The good thing about November is you'll get a good turnout as it is a State election

The text of the override question can be found here

VOTE: Proposition 2 ½ Override
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

Related posts

From Aug 2013, the initial proposal

The presentation document from the Aug meeting


DelCarte ribbon cutting at 5:00 PM on Weds Jun 4th
program is short, so should be held unless there is a real down pour

FinCom done until the Fall time frame...

Final walk through of FHS Jun 21
Grand Opening in Sep
demolition of the old building during the summer

start Capital Plan again in Sep, fiscal forecast due in Jan
Sculpture Park opening June/July

Panther Way sidewalk should be starting in couple of week
Waiting on State for when the downtown will start

Lincoln St will start when school is out

Summer (East Central to King) late summer timeline

Senior Center 2nd floor possibly in the Fall

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Resolution 14-45: Dedicated Override to fund Road Repair - $1.5 million



WHEREAS, Subsection g of GL Chapter 59 Section 21C (Proposition 2 ½)authorizes a municipality to assess taxes in excess of the amount otherwise allowed, to fund a stabilization fund for a stated purpose, and

WHEREAS, The Town of Franklin (Town) has a significant backlog of roadways, sidewalks, and related drainage which require work, the cost for which exceeds forty-eight million dollars, and

WHEREAS, The Town desires to undertake said work,

NOW THEREFORE, The Franklin Town Council, as the appropriating authority for Town, hereby seeks voter approval as authorized by GL Chapter 59 Section 21C (g) to assess taxes in excess of the amount otherwise allowed, for the purpose of funding a stabilization fund for roadway, sidewalk, and related drainage work, and hereby directs the Town Clerk to place the following question on the ballot to be decided by voters at the general election to be held on Tuesday November 4, 2014;
Shall the Town of Franklin be allowed to assess an additional $1,500,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of funding a stabilization fund as provided in GL Chapter 40 Section 5 B, said funds to be expended solely for roadway, sidewalk and related drainage work for the fiscal year beginning July first, two thousand and sixteen?

This resolution shall become effective according to the provisions of the Franklin Home Rule Charter.

The full set of documents for the Town Council agenda for June 4, 2014 can be found here

one of the road repair steps is crack seal
one of the road repair steps is crack seal

Related posts:

From Aug 2013, the initial proposal

The presentation document from the Aug meeting

From Mar 2014, the updated listing of road projects already being planned