Monday, May 10, 2010

Live reporting - Building Inspector

Building Inspector
Dave Roche

most of the budget is payroll, staffing is about the same, we lost an inspector last year
we seem to be maintaining, if things get busy it could get interesting
inspecting yearly for license renewals
economy off, inspections have been steady, permits should be close to what we had last year
not asking for any more by way of expenses

has there been a fee increase?
building inspection fees have been the same for the last six years

steady, but was there a dip?
there was a dip but it has been picking up, compared to other towns we are doing more
some are doing much, we are doing well
we are still building houses, building over 55's, others have stopped

motion to approve, passed 8-0


the same $5,000 for advertising we ask every year

motion to approve, passed 8-0

Franklin, MA

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