Hello Everyone!
Staying Connected
Link to the Senior Center - https://www.franklinma.gov/fsc
Link to the Senior Center Calendar -https://www.franklinma.gov/node/39/events/day/2020-07-07
Link to Franklin Matters - https://www.franklinmatters.org/
Link to the Town's webpage - https://www.franklinma.gov/
Link to Mass.Gov COVID - https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-updates-and-information
Brain Games. Work out your brain
Smiling can trick the body into helping you elevate your mood because the physical act of smiling actually activates neural messaging in your brain. A simple smile can trigger the release of neural communication boosting neuropeptides as well as mood-boosting neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Make sure you SMILE today!
Qigong for beginners - 30 minutes
The Alps - A scenic journey of relaxation and beauty set to calming music. 60 minute scenic film
Beatbox brilliance - Tom Thum - TEDx talk
The Robotic Musician
Street Artist Playing Hallelujah on crystal glasses
Just for Fun
Rolling Stone Readers Picks for the top 10 greatest cover songs.
Amazing secrets hidden in everyday items - How many of these were you aware of?
Admiral McRaven's motivational speech. 16 minutes that will change your life.
9 of the most mysterious islands on the planet - WOW! I just added places to my bucket list
Funniest Flight Attendant safety speech
Man loses his teeth playing guitar wait until you see what happens next!
Kindness Matters
The Science of Kindness
Upcoming Events
email adoggett@franklinma.gov to attend zoom events unless noted otherwise.
*Monday Jan. 25th at 2pm - Memory Cafe' Sponsored by Benchmark - Join us for an hour of music and socialization.
*Tuesday Jan. 26th at 5pm - Quarantini Time a virtual, social, cocktail hour.
*Tuesday Jan. 26th at 1pm -Audio Book Discussion Group- email mgunderson@franklinma.gov
*Wed. Jan. 27th at 4pm -Alzheimer's Support Group - email elaine.owens@verizon.net
*Thursday Jan. 28th at 10am- Discussion Group - call to sign up 508-520-4945
*Thursday Jan. 28th at 1pm - Tele-Bingo call the Senior Center to sign up 508-520-4945
*Thursday Jan. 28th at 1pm - Franklin Historical Museum Tour with Jim Johnston via zoom
*Friday Jan. 29th at 11am - Sunshine Zoom - for members with memory loss - 1 hour of socialization, games and gentle exercise.
Wednesday Feb. 3rd at 1 pm - Fireside Chat with the staff of the Franklin Senior Center Hear what's on the schedule for February, Ask questions of the staff, provide input as to activities and events you would like to see or just catch up with us all. Call to sign up for this zoom event or email adoggett@franklinma.gov
Attached you will find:
Donna's Fun filled Activity Pages - Do you remember the Carol Burnett show?!? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fLzESt-dRAToWsGkTSywLjeoofcE7x3c/view?usp=sharing
Love, virtual hugs and good health to you all! We are still here for you!
Ariel and the staff of the Franklin Senior Center
Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think might enjoy it. If you want me to add someone to the email blast list just send me a message with their email in it.
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