Saturday, October 2, 2021

Town of Franklin, MA: October 2021 E-Newsletter

October 2021 Edition
The Biennial Town Election is set for Nov. 2nd at FHS 6am-8pm.

The last day to register to vote in the Biennial Election is Oct.13. Office hours will be extended till 8pm. Alternatively, you can register to vote online at

Ballot testing will take place Oct. 20 at 2pm in the council chambers, observers welcome.

In office early voting will run Oct. 23-24 from 10am-1pm.

Harvest Festival
Join in!
Visit the Town's Department of Planning and Community Development booth. Come learn more about how you can get involved in reimagining our downtown during this revitalization process with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council.

Resident Pop Up Shop Greco Design Co. will have a booth and with raffles and giveaways.

Thank you to the Franklin Downtown Partnership, sponsors and vendors for your continued work on this event!
Library Event Highlights
As always, the Franklin Public Library provides an array of programming for residents of all ages. Visit the library website to find out more about our upcoming special events, workshops, book sale, and so much more! Check out some of their featured programming below...
Oct. 16 - Paint Party for Adults
Local artist Denise Palmieri will lead the class to paint a fun fall themed work of art. The class is limited to twenty adults. Event begins at 3pm, register here to reserve your spot.
Oct. 20 - Stephano The True Story of Shakespeare's Shipwreck
The screening of the film will feature an introduction by Two-time Emmy-nominated producer and host Andrew Giles Buckley, followed by a question and answer session. This program is free and open to the public. Program starts at 6:30pm.
Oct. 30 - Trunk or Treat
Families! Dress up and join in at 10:30am in the library parking lot for a safe, little-kid friendly afternoon of trick-or-treating!

Library Hours
The Franklin Public Library will be closed Monday, October 11th for Columbus Day. The Library's regular hours are Monday through Thursday, 9am to 8pm, and Friday and Saturday, 9am. to 5pm, and Sunday 1:30-5pm.
Now Offering eBill & No Fee for ACH
The Treasurer/ Collectors office reminds residents that they offer the convenience of online payments through UniPay. Take advantage of some great features including scheduling payments, saving payment information, viewing payment history and setting payment reminders. Best of all, you can now receive your bill, completely paperless!
To pay your taxes have your bill and checkbook or credit card in hand, and then...
2) Click on Payments & Permits Tab
3) Select the bill you would like to pay.
4) Complete each screen to process your payment.

For the residents' convenience, the Town is waiving the ACH fee when paying by electronic check. UniBank, our banking partner, will charge a nominal processing fee for credit card payments. A fee schedule is located on the welcome page for your convenience. 
Franklin Public Schools returned full and in person on Aug. 30 with staff and Aug. 31 for students. As you may know, the district has received several rounds of federal COVID relief funding to assist with resources to support an in-person opening. FPS released a Stakeholder Input Survey regarding the use of ESSER III funds as part of the application process for the 3rd round of ESSER funding for the Oct. 4 deadline.

You can view the feedback from the stakeholder survey as well as intended funding areas via this presentation that was shared with the School Committee on 9/28. FPS is focusing its efforts on the 5 main areas outlined below...
Main Focus of Our Efforts
1. Social workers
2. Director of SEL and Equity
3. Two Bridge for Resilient Youth Transition programs to support students transitioning back to school from hospitalizations at the high school and one share by middle schools. Project is to be staffed by an adjustment counselor and ESP.
4. Stipends to support after school tutoring for middle and high school students
5. Continued funding of elementary interventionists

Although we may start to expend grant funds this year, we intend to stretch these funds into FY 23 and FY 24, as we know that the impacts of the pandemic on students will be long-lasting.

These items are being written into the grant proposal but may change as a result of DESE feedback or through the grant amendment process. Thank you to all of you who completed the survey to inform this plan.
October 6 – Veterans' Monthly Coffee Social – 10:00 a.m. at the Senior Center. We will welcome Shannon Nisbett, our new Veterans' Services Officer and Franklin Board of Health Director Cathleen Liberty will provide Covid-19 updates.
October 7 – Veteran Suicide Prevention "Virtual" Roundtable sponsored by Home Base – 11:00 a.m. Call the VSO for more info.
October 13 – U.S. Navy's 246th Birthday.
October 21 – Veterans' Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m. at the Senior Center. All members of the community are invited.
October 26 – National Day of the Deployed annually honors United States military personnel deployed around the globe. The designation recognizes all of the brave military personnel who have been deployed, are sacrificing, or have sacrificed their lives to defend our country.

Save the Date…The Veterans' Day Luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, November 11 at 11:00 a.m. at the Senior Center. The number of attendees will be limited due to Covid-19 restrictions. Reservations are required. Call Mary at: (508) 520-4945 to RSVP by October 29. 

Per Town of Franklin policy, proof of vaccination will be required for all in-person events at the Senior Center.

Veterans and Dependents – If you are a veteran or immediate family member of a veteran, please contact our office to find out if there may be any veterans' benefits or privileges available. Please visit our webpage at: to learn more.
The Franklin Fire Department accepted a generous donation of $25,000 from Bristol County Savings Bank mid August. Funds will be used to support the department's critical and life saving efforts throughout the community.
Connect With Franklin Fire
  • Oct. 9 - Franklin Fire Open House at Headquarters 10am-2pm (rain date Oct.10).
  • Oct. 17 - Firefighters Memorial at Headquarters at 9am.
  • Oct. 19 - Fire Prevention Safety Talk at Franklin Housing Authority Community Room for residents at 3pm followed by pizza provided by Franklin Rotarians.
Upcoming Events
Conservation Commission
Earth Day in October? You heard it right. The Conservation Commission will be hosting a belated Earth Day clean up at Delcarte Recreation & Conservation Area on Oct.16 from 9am-12pm. Volunteers can meet at 459 Pleasant St. in the playground parking lot. Great opportunity to get some community service hours!
Franklin Historical Museum
Second Sunday Speaker Series
Oct. 10 at 1pm - Voyage of Mercy: Author Steve Pluto returns to the museum to discuss his 8th book, Voyage of Mercy. The USS Jamestown, the Irish famine, and the remarkable story of America's first humanitarian mission. Sponsored by the Friends of the Franklin Historical Museum.
Keep up with meetings, departments & committees. The schedule and links can be found on our website calendar.
Arts, theater, dining, live music & more! Find out what's happening in town! Visit our website!
Subscribe to our Town podcast and listen to bi-weekly episodes detailing news and updates about our town.
Town of Franklin
355 East Central Street
Franklin, MA 02038 (508) 520-4949
Town of Franklin | 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038
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