Saturday, January 8, 2022

"Franklin For All" Community Engagement Plan ready for your reading and review

"MAPC has developed a Community Engagement Plan to clearly delineate the approach for community engagement throughout the process. The purpose of community engagement for this project is to: 
1. Inform residents and business stakeholders (business owners, landlords, developers) about how zoning can be a tool for equitable land use to meet housing demands, develop vibrant neighborhoods, and support economic revitalization.
2. Solicit feedback on stakeholders’ visions for Franklin Center and develop a plan for rezoning the area to best achieve the overall vision.
3. Engage and educate members of relevant boards/commissions who will be tasked with approving and implementing the rezoning strategy. 
The Community Engagement Plan provides a stakeholder analysis that identifies populations or groups that may be underrepresented or hard to reach when the Town is engaging stakeholders through typical community engagement techniques. The plan includes an engagement strategy chart detailing specific approaches for each of the groups who have been identified for more proactive engagement with the aim of ensuring diverse participation. 
Project outreach will be town-wide with a special effort to reach groups who may be most impacted by zoning changes as it relates to housing affordability. It is assumed that populations and groups that are already active and engaged in Franklin will be reached through more typical engagement techniques and that additional efforts or techniques are not required to actively engage them in this planning process. In order to get in touch with historically less-engaged groups, the project team will coordinate with local conveners and/or local media as two potential outreach sources. 
In addition, the Community Engagement Plan outlines the specific tools that will be used throughout this process to conduct outreach and engagement, including print, digital, and 'on the ground ' engagement tools like focus groups and forums along with how they will be used."
The Community Engagement Plan section of the EDC meeting agenda can be found here ->

The full EDC agenda doc is found here ->

The presentation doc used in the Jan 5, 2022 meeting is available 

What is the study area?
'Franklin Center' is the term to encompass both of the key downtown and the Franklin Crossing sections along with the brief extensions from those areas as outlined in the map.

The Community Engagement Plan section as an embedded document:

"Franklin For All" Community Engagement Plan
"Franklin For All" Community Engagement Plan

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