Quick recap:
- Board of Health conducted their normal business approving minutes of prior meeting, hearing updates from nurse, epidemiologist and inspector.
- Winter St demolition approvals in process, other abandoned housing being addressed in coordinated manner with attorney general
- problem with ordering at home test kits, not as easy as it was lead to be, no date yet for availability
- multiple residents commented against a mask policy in light of the request at the prior meeting for the Board to consider one.
Agenda for this meeting -> https://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6896/f/agendas/boh_agenda_02022022_1.pdf
Board of Health meetings are generally scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month at 5 PM
My notes captured via Twitter during the meeting
- Real time reporting for the Board of Health meeting underway, #boh0202 Winter St update provided, prior meeting minutes approved (twice, once 2-0; then 3-0; 3rd member arrived)
- Some audio items on the Zoom bridge worked through to be able to hear folks in the room clearly #boh0202
- Update from inspections, update from nurse, clinics being worked, COVID is still prevalent #boh0202
- Epidemiologist provides updates, working on reporting and tracking, new webpage/dashboard being put together, #boh0202
- At home rest kits ordered from lowest priced vendor, couldn't get ship dates; order cancelled, new being set, no date yet for availability, #boh0202 not as easy as it sounded.
- Property on Union St being worked collaboratively, police, fire, health, building, Attny General office coordinated - working on abandoned housing initiatives and making progress #boh0202
- Open to citizen comment, M Benson speaking to mask mandate discussion from last time to raise several issues, #boh0202 mask mandate would instill a sense of fear, not necessary
- Another citizen, (didn't catch name) anti mask comments, #boh0202 "respect the choice people have" define an exit strategy. D Videra, backing up M and Kevin, also anti mask, tremendous mental health issues, start tracking those in addition toCOVID-19
- Another citizen, (name missed) complaining that the school committee which is also supposed to be apolitical has members that just endorsed Senator Rausch so that doesn't work and is contradictory with other statements being made #boh0202
- No hands raised for other remote comments, #boh0202 Board comments, thanks for the citizen comments, good engagement, good commitment, folks need to stay safe and healthy motion to adjourn, second, passes 3-0 via roll call
Audio recording to be available in a couple of days
Board of Health conducts regular business, listens to resident comments on masking |
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