A great mix for this weekend; take part in the Culinary Cabaret Friday night, participate in the poetry workshop at the Library Saturday afternoon, and close out with some gelato at the new Applause shop. Complete Saturday evening with pizza, brews, and live music at 67 Degrees. Yes, #artshappenhere in Franklin!
Friday, April 7 - No School today in observance of Good Friday
10:00am - Peter Cootontails Eggcellent Adventure (King St Memorial Field)
6:00pm - Paul Avidson & Jim McCue (live music) (67 Degrees Brewery)
7:00pm - Culinary Cabaret (ticket event) (THE BLACK BOX)
Saturday, April 8
10:00am - Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
12;00pm - Applause Gelato opens on Main St (gelato and unique gifts)
12:00pm - Poetry creative writing workshops (Franklin Public Library)
2:00pm - Sons of Sam Pizza (Food truck) (67 Degrees Brewery)
5:00pm - The McCrites (live music) (67 Degrees Brewery)
Sunday, April 9 - Easter Sunday
1:00pm - Franklin Historical Museum - CLOSED Today
Monday, April 10
6:00pm - 5th Annual Legislative Forum (Hybrid) (Franklin High School, Lecture Hall)
Tuesday, April 11
7:00pm - FBRTC Meeting (67 Degrees Brewery)
7:00pm - Yankee Quilters (Emma’s Quilt Cupboard)
Wednesday, April 12
1:00pm - Senior Scribblers (writing group) (Franklin Senior Center)
6:30pm - Decoding Dyslexia: Reading Goals Workshop (virtual meeting)
7:00pm - St Mary's Women's Faith Formation Group (virtual meeting)
Thursday, April 13
10:00am - Writer's Quiet Space (Escape Into Fiction)
7:00pm - Parents Night Out at Box Seats (In-Person) (Franklin SEPAC)
If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication: https://forms.gle/oPdi8X3ZbHHyrHzo6
The School district calendar is found https://www.franklinps.net/calendar-by-event-type/26
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