Thursday, March 7, 2013

Franklin Public Schools: Afternoon/Evening Activities



Please be advised all school buildings will close at 4:00 this afternoon. All afterschool and evening activities are canceled. All athletic programs and tournament games are canceled. This includes all special events, private music lessons and rehearsals.

Due to the logistical challenge of parents/guardians who may commute long distances to work and for those who may not have childcare  arranged, we are not planning to have a shortened school day. Dismissal will be at the regular time.

The Solutions program will remain open until 6:00 p.m.
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Town Council Meeting - 03/06/13

The collection of posts by agenda section for the Town Council meeting Wednesday evening, March 6, 2013 can be found below.

Police Chief Stephan Semerjian presented an overview of the Police Dept spiced with some historical photos. He committed to sending the presentation copy to me so I can share it here.

The refinancing costs for the high school building project can be reduced by over $1,000 per homeowner. There are two years early in the life of the bond where the cost for the year is higher than initially projected but then the remaining years are all lower. This is with a project rate of 3.65% and the bonds may actually be able to be financed for less than that resulting in a further reduction overall. The Town Council was in consensus on this non-voting item. We'll get an update later this year as the bond deal is finalized.

The solid waste (trash and recycling rate) will increase from $204 to $212 for the next fiscal year (beginning in July). While this is an increase, the overall cost is still lower (with the increase) than with the previous system. The totters are paid off, the system is working well, trash collection is down and recycling is up.

The Town Council approved the second power purchase agreement for the solar energy 'farm' being put up on the Mount St Mary's property this year. This is the second of the two agreements signed. The combined worth of the two agreements is $6M over twenty years. This amount comes from the cost savings for the electricity purchased as well as the increased property taxes being collected.

The Public Library has a Facebook Page and a Twitter account! Yes, the Town is continuing to explore the use of these social media tools to help share information with Franklin residents.

You can find the Library on Facebook here

and on Twitter here

The agenda and documentation as published by Franklin can be found here

Spring Garden Celebration!


Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Growing In Franklin by Franklin Community Gardens on 3/6/13

Spring is just around the corner, and as Saint Patrick's Day approaches, so too does our first major garden event of the year.

Spring Garden Celebration 2013
@ King Street Memorial Community Garden

On Sunday March 17th, from 9am until Noon we'll be in the garden hosting some special events to kick off the growing season!

- Raised Bed Construction Demonstration - We'll be building four new raised beds in the garden.  Come along to lend a hand and learn what you need to build one of your own for home.

- Seed Exchange - Bring your excess seeds and exchange them with other gardeners for those you need.

- Winter Sowing - Learn how to create your own mini-greenhouse out of a milk jug to give your seeds a head start on the season.

- Pea Planting - We'll be running a pea planting demonstration in the Food Pantry bed. Yes, you can plant seeds in March!

The Franklin Community Garden Committee has been hard at work preparing for the garden's third season as we work to add new beds, and bring in new members from the wait list.  We're looking for some new committee members to help us to continue this great community project. 

our page:

If you are interested in becoming a committee member please contact us via the gardenmail link on the sidebar for additional information.

See You At The Garden!

Things you can do from here:

"Anytime we can save the taxpayers money, I would be in favor of it"

In the Milford Daily News recap of the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, they report on only one agenda item, the proposed refinancing of the high school building project.
Homeowners residing in a property assessed at $353,000 will see a $71 increase on their tax bills in fiscal year 2014 — up from $45 in the prior plan — and a $212 increase in fiscal 2015, up from $85. They will pay $212 again in fiscal 2016, down from $216, and the same amount every year after that until the town covers its debt. 
The preliminary payment method had residents paying an additional $260 in 2017. 
With the plan Nutting presented on Wednesday, taxpayers would over the life of the project pay a total of $5,440, rather than $6,612. 
"I’m very comfortable from where we’re sitting right now," said School Building Committee Chairman Tom Mercer, speaking remotely from China. "Although we have that ... spike, this is really a no brainer; it just saves everybody money."

Read more:

For the full report on the entire agenda of the Town Council meeting, you can visit this link

Poetry Goes to Hollywood

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

If you didn't get enough poetry from this year's Oscar winning films, take a look at this partial list we've compiled of poems in cinema, including:

Alone by Maya Angelou

   from Poetic Justice
by W. H. Auden
   from Before Sunrise
One Art by Elizabeth Bishop
   from In Her Shoes
The Tyger by William Blake
   from Blade Runner
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
   from Citizen Kane
by Robert Frost
   from The Outsiders
To an Athlete, Dying Young by A. E. Housman
   from Out of Africa
   from Dangerous Minds
O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman
   from Dead Poets Society

Poem as Screenplay: Six Video Collaborations
Poets have long been interested in the cinematic. Here are six video adaptations by filmmakers inspired by poems and the poets who wrote them, including Rita Dove, Allen Ginsberg, Academy Chancellor Anne Waldman, and others.

What is the relationship between verse and the moving image? In this new lesson plan students focus on how poetry and film connect, and create their own screenplay in which poetry plays the leading role. The lesson includes poems by Maya Angelou, Elizabeth Bishop, Walt Whitman, and others.
 Like us on Facebook
 Follow us on Twitter
 Join us on Tumblr
Featured Poetry Gift:
 From our Sponsors: 
Thanks for being a part of the Academy of American Poets community. To learn about other programs, including National Poetry Month, Poem in Your Pocket Day, the annual Poets Forum, and more, visit Claudia Rankine photo © John Lucas. Video stills taken from Richard Linklater's Before Sunrise and Allen Ginsberg's "The Ballad of the Skeletons."

Academy of American Poets | 75 Maiden Lane | Suite 901 | New York | NY | 10038

Franklin Library: Fun Club - Green Slime Time

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Franklin Public Library by Franklin Public Library on 3/5/13

Things you can do from here:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Live reporting - closing

Congrats to Brustus for becoming a "roads scholar"

Library waiver was granted for this year
more programs will be announced via Facebook and Twitter

Thanks to DPW and public safety folks for work during the blizzard

Annual budget coming out the FinCom and Council this week
level service, no job loses
Schools coming in at 3%, hearing next week
budget hearings scheduled for Mar 13, 14 and 28. Apr 1, 2 at FinCom

Recreation plan for DelCarte property
public hearing Tues Mar 12, 6:30 at 3rd floor training room

Update for Apr 3 meeting on Downtown Project


Nutting - update on NationalGrid, pole hearings underway, for Partridge St and Maple St

Roy - an update from Franklin Housing Authority is requested
think and talk about a impact of a casino in Milford

Bissanti - Community Preservations Act could be beneficial, lot of exciting projects under this program

Vallee - lot at Union and Cottage owned by the railroad (CSX)
Nutting we had approached them before to see if they were interested in selling and were not
trying to get CSX to do anything is difficult

Kelly - library events on Facebook, glad to join the masses

Powderly - wish the girls basketball team good luck!

Jones - Mar 9 - Thayer PCC - bid for the Kids auction, largest fund raiser
Economic Dev meeting Mar 13, 5:30 PM

Bissanti - loved a book reading at Davis Thayer, proud to be part of it

Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required 

motion to adjourn, passed 9-0 via roll

Live reporting - action items

1. Resolution 13-08: Swahn Lane, A Private Way Acceptance of Covenant with Owner 
motion to approve, 9-0 via roll call

2. Resolution 13-09: Transfer of Tax Title Possession Parcels to Different Municipal Purposes
motion to approve as amended, 9-0 via roll call

annual event, after tax title determine which use of the land is best
motion to amend striking item #3 from the proposal at this time, motion passed 9-0 via roll call

3. Resolution 13-10: Town of Franklin Net Metering Power Purchase Agreement Authorization
motion to approve, 9-0 via roll call

Phase 2 of the solar development discussed before. To be built at the St Mary's. Worth over $6M between cost saved for power and increased revenue from property taxes over 20 years

4. Resolution 13-11:Authorization to Expend Funds in Excess of Available Appropriations 
motion to approve, 9-0 via roll call

standard request for coverage of the snow and ice during winter, likely to get to it spent approx $700K against the $900K budget

5. Bylaw Amendment 13-700: Amendment to Chapter 82, Appendix A, List of Service Fee Rates – 1st Reading
motion to move to 2nd reading, 9-0 via roll call

trash fee currently $204 would rise to $212 for next fiscal year

Powderly - fee did drop earlier, totters paid off, even with the increase we are still paying less than we did before the system switched

Live reporting - High School Building costs

slide included in PDF for agenda
will be added for this later)

$6,612 vs. 5,440
projected to be individualized costs per household over the life of the funding required

for a couple of years up front, you pay slightly more but over the long term, the total payments are less by $1,172 (and it could be more)

Jeff made presentation, Tom Mercer participating via telephone conference call

Nutting - The under ground is done, the steel is rising. The only real unknown left is if when we take down the old school we find something we didn't expect.

Roy - Anytime we can save the taxpayers money it is a no-brainer

Nutting - projected to be about a 20% savings over the life of the bond

Mercer - yes, we have a year spike but otherwise it saves us money in the long term

Jones - many of the naysayers for the school were fearful that the school was going to be a taj mahal and be full of cost overruns. To that we have been under and continuing to reduce is good.

Powderly - I appreciate the diligence in looking to avoid surprises, saving money overall

Live reporting - Police Presentation


1. Chief of Police, Stephan Semerjian

(Document to be added later)

5000 in 1904 to 33,000 in 2012, arrests rose from 33 to 400+ in those years

Some historical figures and anecdotes told along the way

picture of parking meters from back in the 1940"s

photo of the new building from 1991

map of the four sectors patrolled by the police

photo of firearms seized from one Franklin resident

photo of dispatch station with four monitors operated by a single person when a 911 call comes in

certificate as America's Safest City for 2013 (actually #2 in 2012)

Chief says I am very proud of the guys we have, they want to work, they make it easy for me

Dellorco, they help us so much, there are coaches at the high school, they are involved, they know the kids

There is only one female officer currently

We get what we need to do what we have to do, we're better educated and trained so that helps

Live reporting - Town Council - Mar 6

Present: Mercer (remote) Dellorco, Kelly, Powderly, Vallee,  Pfeffer, Jones, Bissanti, Roy (late)

February 6, 2013 

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by Franklin Matters.






Franklin Public Schools: Update/Information



Weather Update
Many parents/guardians have called or emailed today concerning the status of school. At this time there is no data to make a decision. We will work closely with the Franklin DPW, Police and Fire to make the safest decision. We will not make a decision until tomorrow (Thursday) morning.

Many in our community have inquired as to the last day of school - June 24. As per MA General Law we must be in session for 180 days and we cannot extend the school year beyond June 28.

FHS Winter Carnival 
Fun Event for Preschool and Elementary Children
Date/Time: Sunday March 10   12:00-4:00
FHS Field House
Games, snacks and prizes
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Reminder: Tour of Keller and Sullivan - Mar 7 - 6:00 PM



Please join the administration and School Committee for a tour of the Helen Keller Elementary School and Annie Sullivan Middle School.

Thursday, March 7, 2013 from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.

All community members invited - please meet in Keller lobby (on the left).
Address: 500 Lincoln Street.

If school is closed  due to inclement weather, the tour will be rescheduled.
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Bone Marrow Drive, Organ Donor Awareness - Mar 10

It is our hope to create awareness within families to talk about two very important Donor topics that are often difficult to discuss. We will have information available for you to consider this personal decision. We will also be able to add you to the marrow registry with a simple cheek swab (check out 
Pour Richards will have a wine/beer tasting during the event and we are selling tickets to it for $10. Proceeds from sales of wine/beer during our event will also be directed to our foundations. Join us for a fun afternoon and please share this information with your friends!

Share the event on Facebook

March Women's Success Network's Pure Networking

Spring is in the air - March Pure Networking

Come join the spring "Pure Networking" event hosted by Self Aesthetic and Therapeutic Specialists, Medical Spa, located at 37 East Central Street in Franklin
on Wednesday, March 20 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Self Aesthetic and Therapeutic Specialists, Medical Spa is a beauty and wellness practice. They offer state of the art techniques in facial treatments, medical cosmetics, massage therapy, and holistic wellness services. Christine Dreier, WSN member and the owner and Aesthetics Director of Self, has been in the beauty industry for over 30 years. She is licensed as an aesthetician and cosmetologist; certified in skin tightening and chemical peels; and medically certified in several practices. To contact Christine Dreier or see a list of services visit or call 508-541-7353.

If your business is in or around Franklin and you are a Women's Success Network member, take advantage of the sponsorship opportunity. For $50 you can be spotlighted before and during the meeting. Your business information will be included in all media communications. If you would like to be a sponsor or, perhaps, donate a door prize, email Sue Haley at

There are two ways to register for Pure Networking: online at or at the door. The $5 cost supports the WSN Founders Scholarship Fund. Door prizes are accepted. Don't forget to bring your name tag and plenty of business cards.