Monday, December 3, 2007

Historical Comm Q&A 2

McGann, Nutting, Roche

Time: 5 minutes, 52 seconds

MP3 File

Historical Comm Q&A 1

Whalen, Nutting, Bartlett

Time: 5 minutes, 36 seconds

MP3 File

Franklin Center Commons

Franklin Center Commons, originally uploaded by shersteve.

on a dreary slushy day, a photo from the sunshine on Saturday.

This is a good idea to let folks know how much is open and operating in the new building for those heading West on 140 coming into Franklin.

The way the sign is angled it does not help those heading East.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Franklin in the news

Cookie monsters invade Franklin church

By Aaron Wasserman/Daily News staff

Shelf space was in short supply yesterday morning in the Franklin United Methodist Church's kitchen. By 10 a.m. rows of cookies had already filled several baking sheets, their smell noticeable moments after walking in the church's side door.


Chambers seek energy consultants to aid businesses

By Aaron Wasserman/Daily News staff

Several area chambers of commerce, concerned about volatile utility prices' impact on their members, are working with energy consultants to help local businesses control their costs.


'Friends' help Franklin Senior Center get underway

By Michael Morton/Daily News staff

Inside the game room of the town's new senior center, a donated pool table is already well on its way to bringing in more men to the community facility.


Franklin artist helps reproduce historical town painting

By John Fenuccio/News Staff Writer

When the Historical Commission needed help restoring Admiral Louis Emil Denfeld’s portrait, it not only sought out a professional artist, but also a “townie.”


Questioning tax share for businesses

By Alexandra Perloe - Globe Correspondent / December 2, 2007

Franklin officials have again entered the perennial debate on whether to continue taxing residential and commercial properties at the same rate, or convert to a dual, or split-rate, system.


Where in Franklin? #21

Where in Franklin? #21, originally uploaded by shersteve.

Where is this scene?

The guidelines for playing "Where in Franklin?" can be found here.


Where in Franklin? - Answer #20

Where in Franklin? - Answer #20, originally uploaded by shersteve.

"mns-franklin" provided the correct answer. This is the building located at the corner of King/Chestnut and 140 next to DeVita's Market.

Currently owned by the town and up for sale, the Four Corners building has generated some discussion during the run up to the election.

We came to Franklin in 1995 and I recall it being office space then. I recall buying flowers from the florist whose building (now torn down) was tucked tigthly along and angled lot in back of this building.

When did the Four Corners building end being a school? Sometime in the 1980's?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Chris Lavery gets recognized for good work

While recognizing the need for safeguards in the post-9/11 era, Lavery believes immigration law does need to be reformed.

"It can be incredibly draconian," Lavery said of U.S. immigration law. "There are laws in place that kind of curl your toes."

For example, he said, the law requires the detention of anyone with "even a minor offense," such as violating a visa. It can take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to resolve such cases, Lavery said, and in the meantime the aliens are kept in corrections facilities along with people who have been tried and convicted of various crimes.

If an alien in detention gives up on becoming a U.S. citizen, Lavery said, even then it can take six to eight weeks before they are released to return to their countries of origin.

"There needs to be reform. The immigrant population here is just burgeoning," Lavery said. "It's about time we give them some kind of fair avenue to legalize their status here."

Read the full article by Heather McCarron in the Milford Daily News about the recognition Chris is receiving as a recipient of the Solas Appreciation Award.

Congratulations, Chris. Keep up the good work!

The drinking problem amongst our youth

Michael Morton writes on the report presented at the School Committee meeting this week that
Nearly half of town high school students participating in a health survey said they had drank alcohol recently, according to results released this week, with the rate exceeding the average regional consumption.

The survey, funded by the MetroWest Community Health Care Foundation and conducted last spring by the nonprofit Education Development Center, found that 48 percent of the 1,350 Franklin high school students who took part in the survey said they drank within the last month. That figure was higher than the 42 percent average for the 18 MetroWest and Milford area communities that participated, but the same as the statewide rate.

"Every community is surprised it's that high," said Michele Kingsland-Smith, Franklin's director of instructional services. "If it were 35 (percent), it'd still be too high."

The survey's topics included alcohol, drug and tobacco use; violent behavior; suicide; and sexual behavior among middle school and high school students. While regional averages were released last month, Franklin unveiled its results during a School Committee meeting Tuesday, with a number of categories showing a continued downward trend.

This is an issue where Franklin can take control of it and put their own resources to use to make some real substantial progress. This is not just a school issue, this is a community issue.

Read the full article here.

Note: I do have the recorded presentation from the School Committee meeting in queue to post. You will be able to hear that important information for yourself.

Historical Commission Statement

Bob Percy, representing the Historical Commission read the prepared statement advocating to use the old Town Hall as the new lcation of the museum.

Time: 6 minutes, 30 seconds

MP3 File

Note: I did not hear the representative identify himself, nor did I catch anyone refer to him by name. If anyone can identify the individual, I will update this with his name.

Updated 12/3/07: As noted in the comment from Susan Spears, she had correctly identified Bob Percy as the representative. I did get an email from Bob to confirm as well.

Reapplication of Hotel Tax

Jeff Nutting proposes to reapply the hotel tax receipts for the next tax year to fund repairs to the old Town Hall and to the Library instead of continuing to build the open space fund

Time: 3 minutes, 40 seconds

MP3 File

Tax Hearing Citizens Comment 9

Jane Curran comments

Time: 41 seconds

MP3 File

Tax Hearing Citizens Comment 8

Ken Norman comments

Time: 1 minute, 14 seconds

MP3 File

Tax Hearing Citizens Comment 7

Dave Collier (?) comments. He his holding the microphone and not always talking into it so it makes this one hard to hear. J Nutting, S Zollo, S Whalen also speak during this time.

Time: 4 minutes, 4 seconds

MP3 File

Friday, November 30, 2007

Franklin in the news

From the Milford Daily News:

The Charter Commission recommendations are reported on here

Hotel tax revenue vote from Wednesday's Town Council meeting

From the Franklin Gazette:

The school deficit covered temporarily

Taxes to rise, no surprise since the override passed

Tax Hearing Citizens Comment 6

Tom Fleming comment

Time: 1 minute, 56 seconds

MP3 File

Tax Hearing Citizens Comment 5

Michael Doherty comment

Time: 4 minutes, 48 seconds

MP3 File

Tax Hearing Citizens Comment 4

Councilor Whalen makes his statement on assessment issue

Time: 1 minute, 22 seconds

MP3 File

Tax Hearing Citizens Comment 3

Councilor Zollo makes his statement on assessment issue

Time: 1 minute, 31 seconds

MP3 File

Tax Hearing Citizens Comment 2

Councilor Doak has a follow up question for LeBlanc

Time: 1 minute, 54 seconds

MP3 File