Thursday, September 12, 2013

Liquor license suspensions to be served

The Village Mall Liquor Store near Stop & Shop will be closed on Friday, Sep 13th to serve its one day liquor license suspension. 2 additional days suspension will be held in abeyance for two years as this is their first violation.

Ichigo Ichie, the Japanese themed restaurant will be open for business but unable to serve liquor from Sep 20 through Sep 24 as currently scheduled. This is their second offense and they have only been open for 2 years. The second offense usually is 3 days suspension with 2 held in abeyance for two years. As this is their second offense in two years, the 2 days held in abeyance from last year apply here to make it a 5 days suspension of liquor sales. They have a food license which is not affected this, they can remain open and serve food and drink as long as the drinks are NOT alcohol.

Bob Dean, was recognized for his work in multiple capacities over the years for Franklin.

Several zoning bylaw changes were referred to the Planning Board for action. Assuming the Planning Board approves, they'll come back to the Council for 2 hearings before the final vote.

Jeff Nutting's contract was renewed for 5 years.

Additional details from the full Town Council meeting can be found in these links

Franklin's Dacey Field

On a beautiful sunny day in July, I stopped by Dacey Fields to take some photos. It is great recreational space. There are multiple soccer fields and two youth baseball fields. The playground lacking any shade cover was unused while the dog park with good shade cover was being used.

I did not venture into the field disc golf course to take photos there as the work to complete that is not done and the town doesn't really want to advertise it until it is complete.

The photos I took are in this slide show:

"Special attention in the Medfield and South Eastern Massachusetts area."

Brittany, who attends Tri-County Regional Vocational High School in Franklin, is developmentally delayed and police say they have reason to believe she is in danger. 
When last seen, Brittany was wearing a red sleeveless shirt, blue jeans, and flip flops. She has braces on her teeth and typically wears her sunglasses on her head. Brittany is about 5 feet, 6 inches tall and 140 pounds, police said. 
The man she was seen leaving with had on a "Sons of Anarchy" T-shirt and has slicked back hair. He is described as white and heavy-set, police said.

Read more:

"We take responsibility for what happened that night"

The two liquor license hearings were conducted during the Town Council meeting on Weds. Village Mall Liquors has their license suspended for one day and they will close this Friday, Sep 13 to serve their penalty.

Ichigo Ichie will serve their 5 day penalty beginning Fri Sep 20th.They will be allowed to serve liquor again on Wednesday Sep 25.
Semerjian recommended a five-day suspension, which includes two days that were put aside from the restaurant’s first violation in July 2012. Typically, he noted, second offenders receive a three-day suspension with two put on hold for two years unless there is another incident. 
The restaurant requested a lighter sentence, however, saying the suspension hurts business. Since June, Brazilian said, Cheng has spent about $20,000 on preventing further violations, such as purchasing an electronic ID scanner.\ 
Councilors commended those efforts. But the stiffer penalty, they all agreed, should stand.

Ichigo Ichie may appeal their suspension contending the mitigating circumstance as reported but it is their second violation in the two years they have operated.

Read the full MDN article:

Read the full detailed reporting as it occurred on Weds

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Live reporting - closing

condolences to D Netto's family on his passing
best wishes to B Yadersaria who fell and is hospitalized

thanks to the DPW for the light at King St, getting good feedback from it

thanks to the school building workers for preparation of the schools in a short summer

thanks to the Council for working to make his job easier and to work well as a team


question on work with the lot next to the Post Office
owner claims to be making a site plan proposal and it has been delayed
will ask the Town Attorney to take a second look at it

Both Jeffs are tag teaming working with CSX to get a resolution

Pfeffer - initiate discussions on exploring acquistion of MBTA stationa nd parking lot downtown

Bissanti - would like to explore acquiring the small lot next to the town dump


Mercer - acknowledge the contractor for getting accomplished what needed to be done during the summer, all was done as scheduled and required
invite the council to a walk through Oct 7th 5::30 PM at the trailers

Kelly - I'd like to remind Mr Grillo that these positions are volunteer and that while I have missed a meeting, I have made many. And encourage him to take out papers for the Council if he thinks he can do a better job

Vallee - how come we are not listed in the Top 50?
Multiple answers to that question

Roy - there are so many numbers, it is purely a numbers game, we are still a high performing district
there is always room for improvement, there is an

– Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required

motion to adjourn

Live reporting - legislation

Residence Inn by Marriott-Franklin: Change of Manager
motion to approve, passed 8-0


Economic Development Committee scheduled for Oct 6 at 6:00 PM

1. Bylaw Amendment 13-719: Changes to Chapter 185. Attachment 9. Schedule of Lot, Area, Frontage, Yard and Height Requirements – Referral to Planning Board
Bissanti and Mercer recused themselves
motion to waive the reading, passed
motion to move amendment to planning board, approved 6-0

2. Bylaw Amendment 13-720:Changes to Chapter 185-4. Districts Enumerated. – Referral to Planning Board
motion to waive the reading, passed
motion to move amendment to planning board, approved 6-0

3. Bylaw Amendment 13-721: Changes to Chapter 185-5. Zoning Map. - Referral to Planning Board
motion to waive the reading, passed
motion to move amendment to planning board, approved 6-0

4. Bylaw Amendment 13-722: Changes to Chapter 185-50. Residential VII Zoning District – Referral to Planning Board
motion to waive the reading, passed
will have some minor language changes to be brought forward at the time of approval
motion to move amendment to planning board, approved 6-0

5. Bylaw Amendment 13-723: Changes to Chapter 185 Use Regulation Schedule, Parts I through Parts VII. - Referral to Planning Board
motion to waive the reading, passed
motion to move amendment to planning board, approved 6-0

6. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-718: Changes to Chapter 185-7. Compliance Required - 1st Reading
motion to waive the reading, passed
motion to move to a second reading, passed 8-0 (Mercer and Bissanti returned)

7. Resolution 13-61: Acceptance of Relocated Water Easement and Release (Abandonment) of Original Water Easement on Property at 34 Longfellow Drive
motion to waive the reading, passed
the original easement was granted but the pipe was built outside the easement
motion to approve, passed 8-0

8. Resolution 13-62: Local Acceptance of G.L. Chapter 60A, Section 1, Paragraph 8
unanimous recommendation to Council by Senior Subcommittee
motion to approve, 8-0

9. Resolution 13-63: Local Acceptance of G.L. Chapter 60A, Section 9
unanimous recommendation to Council by Senior Subcommittee
motion to approve, 8-0

10. Resolution 13-64: Council on Aging – Outreach Coordinator
Amount requested $4,000 voted by FinCom (5-0) on 9/3/13 to approve
Bob Fahey had been outreach coordinator, was asked to serve as veterans agent
nitially served 6 cases for veterans, now has 30 cases and can't do both
a grant will fund most of this position, this is money well spent

also recommended by Senior Subcommittee, had been desired didn't have the opportunity, now we have the option to do so

motion to approve, passed 8-0

11. Resolution 13-65: Ratification of Town Administrator’s Contract
change date to Sep 4, 2013 from Feb date as shown, also needs to reflect date on contract as well
motion to approve, passed 8-0

12. Resolution 13-66: Authorization for Disposition (Sale) of Town-Owned Land (Vacant Parcel Between Old West Central and West Central Streets)
motion to waive the reading, passed

did post the land for sale, accepted bid as just over the minimum
motion to approve, passed 8-0

13. Resolution 13-67: Order of Taking – Downtown Roadway Improvements
motion to waive the reading, passed
motion to approve, passed 8-0 (via roll)

over 90 easements obtained, most are temporary to expire after construction
small amount will require compensation, required as part of the project bid
requires 2/3 vote

14. Resolution 13-68: Citizen Committee
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Live reporting - Citizens comment


Dennis Grillo
has 5 minutes to talk, normally 3

how are we going to handle the traffic, do we have sufficient shelter space, sufficient signage to indicate shelters
concerned about the combination of the various permits available for Franklin and the neighboring towns
some of the towns are getting together for a traffic study, I don;t see Franklin getting into that

complains to Kelly and Bissanti about their lack of participation in the hearings

issue with going green, which made the papers
administration took taxpayers money without guarantees, the businesses failed

he looks at numbers and it bothers him that his unborn grandson is burdened 
time expired

advised to return for the Master Plan hearing before the Town Council 9/25 (had been announced as 9/18)