Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Live reporting - FHS update - Part 4

The Senior Class gift along with some money from the Athletic Dept is to bring some flat screens into the building to have a rolling show of the announcements for the day.

One request from the student always was to open the bathrooms during the day. We did try an experiment with some open, one monitored and one not monitored. The monitored one did get some graffiti, the other did not. We will continue to monitor this situation and try to use the passing time to allow for visits to the bathroom. Once in class, they should stay in class.

The lunch period lengthened. The passing time lengthened.

Mullen - Not a school culture question but I thought of it. Community Service is that still going to be part of the school?
Light - That is one answer I don't have fully yet as that is one of the staffing items that I have open and will be resolving soon. We do excel in this area with the number of hours of community service that our students perform.

Live reporting - FHS update - Part 3

Guidance and administration

All guidance will be located together and actually switched into the space where the administration offices were to be more of a focal point. A computer lab will be set up for students to come in and do research on colleges. Guidance should be all about college and career planning. It should be structured over the four years and not just in the last couple.

The Administrative structure is changing at FHS. One of our Asst Principals will have an academic focus; with MCAS and the department heads, and teachers in the evaluation process.

Asst Principals for Student Services, they will work with adjustment councilors to ensure that there is a learning process associated with the punitive process.

Live reporting - FHS update - part 2

Technology center

many folks are coming in to re-order the books in the library, keeping the Dewey Decimal numbering but with a new layout.

There are a total of eight learning pods coming into the Technology Center. It will be opened extended hours with ESPs on staggered hours. Trying to create an atmosphere where student should be able to come in anytime of the day and feel comfortable.

There will be a writing center with a certified writing teacher. They can work with the classroom teachers to work on specific projects.

200 laptops will be available for students to check out during the day. Students will be encouraged to bring in their own laptop or netbook into school to work on in the classroom or the Technology Center.

The school is fully wireless enabled now. For security reasons, a student can not print directly to the school systems. They can save a file up to their folder on the school system and print it from their.

Implementing Edline (?) a parent focused portal for viewing the student grades later. It will be opened up early to enable some of the forms that the parents are required to fill out. Hoping to open Edline around October 1 for student grades. There will be a professional day used for training the teachers before Edline gets opened to the parents.

Mullen - the writing teacher will not be handling a course load.
Light - correct

Sabolinski - the laptops were purchased from the Town capital budget and not from the school operating budget.

Roy - I am loving hearing about the writing center, the technology center, the use of these tools.

Light - one initiative I did not mention is Moodle. Any teacher that wants to do an online portion for one of their courses can use it. I think we have about 30 teachers involved with it now.

Sabolinski - The Moddle thing will roll out more in the later part of the year. Tim can only do so much with the technology initiatives underway.

Live reporting - FHS update - part 1

Peter Light, Principal

A couple of staffing issues are still outstanding so not all the info can be provided tonight.

Carnegie unit = measure of instruction time, works up to the credit hour

Moving to 6 credit course, an increase of 25 instructional hours per course

Three options for meeting physical education credits
  1. in class at FHS
  2. in an interscholastic sport for FHS
  3. in a program of min 30 hours of dance, etc with an outside organization
Courses were re-entered into the system to provide new course numbers
Boston College provided advice that the scoring for GPA was disadvantageous for the FHS students, now moving to a 5 point scale that is more of a standard across the spectrum

Armenio - since January, I am amazed at the things that you have had to do. I understand the GPA for the first time now.

Light - It is the same process for calculating GPAs but now on a 5 point scale instead of the 17.5 point scale we did use.

Armenio - If I understand you, there are three ways to obtain credit for physical education.
Light - We are following almost exactly to the letter of the law the State guidelines.

Light - students determine the pathways that they would declare in the Fall (assigned to class, interscholastic sports, or outside). They select it early on and provide the certification at the end. If there are changes during, they are some restrictions but they would need to follow through.

Mullen - to clarify for the PE thing, it is 30 hours for the year, so they have to do only one season of a sport?
Light - yes, the interscholastic sports would put in far more than 30 hours as most would be doing a couple of hours a day. Only one sport season would be required.

Mullen - we've been talking about changes at the FHS for a long time. I don't think that when you made the first change, we all realized that the snowball effect was coming down the way it has.
Light - we have taken a huge hit with the PE changes, we'll see what that does with the MetroWest survey. We will be able to do so other things but it will be a change.

Trahan - You'll be telling the parents about the various options available to them
Light - I sent a draft to Maureen today a letter describing the changes. It is in the final stages of proofing. I have one or two staffing items to finalize so I am hoping to have it early next week.

Cafasso - Can you make sure we get copies of that?
Light - It was my intent. It is actualy addressed to the Franklin community not just the FHS parents.

Cafasso - Have you figured out all the re-jiggering with the schedule.
Light - I have a close version in the system running now. It was running as I left and it should be ready when I go in to school in the morning.

Cafasso - Are you going to take some time off?
Light - Yes, I am planning to. After this week and next, I plan on taking a couple fo weeks with the family.

Live reporting - School Committee 7/21/09

Attending: Armenio, Cafasso, Mullen, Roy, Rohrbach, Trahan
Missing: Kelly

1. Routine Business

Citizen’s Comments - none
Review of Agenda - none
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the June 23, 2009 School Committee Meeting. Motion to approve - Passed 5-0, 1 Abstain (Mullen)
Payment of Bills - Mr. Kelly
Payroll - Ms. Armenio
FHS Student Representatives
1. Letter from Mrs. Kristin Redpath.
2. Response from FSC to Mrs. Redpath

FM #43 - This week in Franklin, 7/19/09

This is #43 in the series of podcasts for Franklin Matters. Give me about ten minutes and I'll let you know what matters in Franklin, MA for the week ending July 19, 2009

Time: 8 minutes, 59 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes:

Music intro My intro FM #43

This internet radio show or podcast for Franklin Matters is number 43 in the series.

You give me about ten minutes and I'll let you know what matters in Franklin, MA for the w/e 7/19.

We'll start with what happened this past week
  • Town Council meeting 7/15
  • Ribbon cutting at Shades IN Place
  • Third Thursday

Town Council approved a license transaction for a new operator for what had been recently Caso's bar & Grill.

Town Council had the most discussion on the vote to fund the renovations for the museum
The discussion centered around the use of the capital funds, they can't be used for operational purposes. Deb Bartlett's main objection was the amount at this time for the museum when there are other items on the capital wish list that are wanting. The vote was 7-1 Bartlett against, Doak was absent, all others voted for the museum.

Town Council also voted to take advantage of the local tax for hotel and meals, voting separately for each item by the same 7-1 vote. Vallee voted against both saying it was the wrong thing to do for the economy at this time, forgetting the more important item (in my opinion) that these are the first non-residential tax revenue sources to be allowed Franklin. Without them, the inevitable overrides in our future will be higher.

The DPW provided an update on the Water status.
The Planning and Community Development group provided an update on the economic development areas and priority development site progress made thus far.
Both presentation are posted and available on Franklin Matters

The Downtown Partnership had another good event on Third Thursday. I participated with other members of the United Regional Chamber of Commerce at the ribbon cutting for the new showroom for Shades IN Place. Pictures and other details from Thursday are found in the posting “From stained glass to blue grass”

What does this week hold for us? A couple of key meetings will occur.
School committee mtg 7/21
Financial Planning Committee 7/23

The School Committee meeting on Tuesday will explain how their budget got balanced. They had last met on June 23rd and were facing cuts of 40 plus teachers. Somehow the number got reduced.

“There will be no teachers laid off except four gym teachers, all the librarians, and a data analyst, Roy said. “
How the number was balanced was not successfully explained by the Milford Daily News article. I am looking for the meeting to provide the insights required to understand where the cuts did come from.

The Financial Planning Committee meets on Thursday this week. I will be unable to attend but I would be looking to find out when the final presentation is ready and when the update to the Town Council is going to be scheduled.

Given the TC will likely be handling the final FY 2010 budget adjustments in their first August meeting, I would guess that this might be a prime topic for the second August meeting.

We'll see how this plays out.

Please stay tuned in

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This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow citizens of Franklin, MA

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network
Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

King St and I495 Construction

From the MassHighway website, this is the project description for the I495 and King St intersection construction work underway.

This is a safety and traffic improvements project. It extends along King Street from Union Street to Upper Union Street and also includes Upper Union Street from King Street to Constitution Boulevard and all four I-495 ramps at King Street. It involves roadway improvements as well as intersection signalization improvements.

Project includes widening of King Street to provide two lanes in each direction with left and right turning lanes at appropriate locations; widening and realignment of Upper Union Street to make Constitution Boulevard the major traffic movement; upgrading the signals at the King and Upper Union Street intersection and providing two left turn lanes from King Street onto Upper Union Street.

New signals will be installed at the intersections of I-495 southbound and northbound ramps, and the signals at the King and Union Street intersection will be upgraded. The signals along King Street will be synchronized to provide better traffic flow along King Street.

Existing concrete pavement will be removed from all four I-495 ramps and ramps will be reconstructed with full depth asphalt pavement. In addition, project involves drainage improvements, curbing, new sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, pavement markings, signing, landscaping, a closed circuit television camera for traffic monitoring on I-495, and other incidental work. This project will require temporary and permanent easements for its implementation.
You can find this on the MassHighway web site here. Select Franklin to see the current project status. Project 602962. By the way, it also shows completed projects.

Note: Like most State websites, the performance is better with IE than Firefox.