Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Live reporting - MCAS Q&A

Q - How has the budget cuts affected our results?
A - Loosing the curriculum team hurts. We could react quickly to the test results. We don't have the people to do that now. We can respond as timely to these results now. It is falling upon the administration and the principals to do this amongst their other duties. We can work on special projects but it is the only way to get at this.

Sabolinski - We are seeing our most vulnerable learners across the K12 grades in the subgroups suffer via the results.We lost our data analyst in this cycle. It forces the principals and teachers to look at the data directly.

Kingsland-Smith - Neither the State nor the Federal level are slowing down the AYP goals. We are being pulled in multiple directions.

Q - what is the process for a school that doesn't make the grade?
A - It is a rule of thumb that it takes two years to get into a problem and then at least two years to get out of it. It can be anomaly for one year due to special circumstances.If you are in Year 1 of improvement, the State expects that the district will be doing what it can to make progress. If you are in Year Two and not making sufficient improvement, the State can come in and direct some specific programs for improvement.

Cafasso - I would like to see a priority to address the ELA in the next budget process.

Q - How long do you have to comply with a change in curriculum?
A - The testing cycle is in progress when they make a release so it would usually be looked for in the next cycle. Franklin is fortunate to have stayed ahead of the curve because we have had a standing curriculum team. That team is no longer here. It really about professional development and professional learning communities for the teachers.

Live reporting - MCAS Report 2009

b. MCAS Presentation – Michele Kingsland-Smith; Beth Fitzmaurice

The full district report is shown here:
Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

The presentation will be updated later.

113 Franklin senior class students are Adams Scholarship winners.

State identified 13 schools with high growth and high performance. JF Kennedy School was one of the 13 schools.

Average Yearly Progress (AYP) the district has met the AYP standard in combined scores for all students. The district did not make AYP for ELA and Math subgroups in all cases for the various grade levels.

SPED subgroup doesn't meet AYP. Being looked at for special attention.
Individual student performance
Audit Curriculum alignment and instructional practices

The Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is coming in to visit this week for a Coordinated Program Review

K-12 Response to Intervention (RtI)
District Data Team
Middle school Math Initiative
Middle school CET support
K-12 Literacy initiative

Live reporting - MASS Awards

3. Guests/Presentations

a. MASS Academic Excellence Awards

1. Kimberly Takahata
2. Christopher Anderson


Left to right: Principal Peter Light, Kimberly Takahata, Christopher Anderson, School Committee Chair Jeff Roy and School Superintendent Maureen Sabolinski

Live reporting - School Committee

Attending: Douglas, Cafasso, Rohrbach, Mullen, Roy, Trahan, Glynn

Call to order Mr. Roy
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence

2. Routine Business

Citizen’s Comments - none
Review of Agenda - no modifications
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the October 27, 2009 and November 4, 2009 School Committee Meetings.  motion to approve each separately - Oct 27, passed 7-0; Nov 4 passed 6-0, 1 abstain (Cafasso)

Payment of Bills - Mr. Glynn  motion to approve, passed 7-0
Payroll - Mrs. Douglas
FHS Student Representatives

Correspondence: 1. Budget to Actual

In the News - fund raiser

You have your choice of fund raising activities on Friday night. You can participate in the Franklin Education Foundation Annual Casino night or:

Fundraiser Friday in honor of soldier killed in Iraq

from The Milford Daily News Homepage RSS

Town Recycle page

If you need to find the Town Recycle page you can locate in two places

1 - Off the DPW page

2 - Off the Town Clerk page

either way you get the Recycle page

Did you know there is a program to recycle crayons?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Gallery 218 - Portraits 2009

FHS student Sarah Libby created a wonderful postcard to advertise the opening of the new show "Portraits 2009". The show will take place at Gallery 218 adjacent to the cafeteria at Franklin High School. The show opens on Nov 16th but the reception will be held Tuesday, Nov 17th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.


Come out and see the art work produced by students within the Franklin schools


Having seen art in Gallery 218 previously, you will not be disappointed!

Prior Gallery 218 shows can be found here (alumni art) and here (non-Art teachers).

School Committee - Policy Draft JIEE

The text of the proposed policy on Pregnant Students scheduled for discussion Tuesday night at the School Committee meeting is as follows:

File: JIEE


Pregnant students will be permitted to continue in school in all instances. The student, in consultation with the school staff, will develop an appropriate educational plan if it is agreed she should no longer attend school regularly.
Every effort will be made to see that the educational program of the student is disrupted as little as possible; that health counseling services, as well as instruction are offered; that return to school after delivery is encouraged; and that every opportunity to complete high school is provided.

LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 71:84

Note: This policy is proposed for discussion only on Tuesday. The wording may get modified and would get moved to a second reading before be accepted according to School Committee policy.

School Committee - Agenda - 11/17/09

6:00 Call to order Mr. Roy
1. Executive Session


7:00 Call to order Mr. Roy
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence

2. Routine Business

Citizen’s Comments
Review of Agenda
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the October 27, 2009 and November 4, 2009 School Committee Meetings.
Payment of Bills Mr. Glynn
Payroll Mrs. Douglas
FHS Student Representatives

Correspondence: 1. Budget to Actual

3. Guests/Presentations

a. MASS Academic Excellence Awards
1. Kimberly Takahata
2. Christopher Anderson
b. MCAS Presentation – Michele Kingsland-Smith; Beth Fitzmaurice
c. Capital Plans – Tim Rapoza; Maureen Sabolinski

4. Discussion Only Items

First Reading – Policy JIEE Pregnant Students

Subcommittee Review

5. Action Items

a. I recommend approval of the recurring field trip for the 3 middle schools to New York City to see Mary Poppins as detailed.
b. I recommend acceptance of a check for $500.00 from Amy & Dana Lilly for the Annie Sullivan Student Activity Account for in-house enrichment, supplies & scholarships.
c. I recommend acceptance of a check for $1,450.00 from the various sports boosters (as listed) for television installation at FHS.
d. I recommend approval of the request of Corine Minkle to declare outdated reading and math materials and old text books surplus for disposal.
e. I recommend acceptance of a check for $1,800.00 from the Franklin Music Boosters for in-house enrichment at the FHS.
f. I recommend approval of the Technology capital plan.
g. I recommend approval of the Facilities capital plan.
h. I recommend approval of the Budget Transfers and declassification as detailed.

6. Information Matters

Superintendent’s Report
a. Enrollment Comparison 10-31-08 to 10-30-09
b. Capital Request Process
c. FHS Art Gallery 218
School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
School Committee Liaison Reports

7. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

8. Adjourn

FM #49 - reference sheet

The spreadsheet with the calculations and election totals as referenced in the weekly podcast FM #49 can be found below.

The weekly podcast that explains this can be found here:

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

If you would like a live spreadsheet copy to make your own calculations, please contact me.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

FM #49 - The week ending 11/15/09

Give me about ten minutes and I'll fill you in on what matters in Franklin, MA. In this session, I review my five findings from the recent town election and look over the busy week ahead.

Time: 8 minutes, 10 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes
Music intro
My intro
FM #49

This internet radio show or podcast for Franklin Matters. This one is number 49 in the series.

In this session, you give me about ten minutes and I'll fill you in on what matters in Franklin. I'll cover my 5 findings from the recent election. And review the week ahead.

While I am not finished with my analysis on the results from the election, I would like to share what I have found thus far.

By the way – I'll make the numbers from which I draw these thoughts available. There will be a link in the posting to a doc. If you want a live spreadsheet version, all you'll need to do is contact me.

1 – population shifts

Precincts 6, 1, 2 and 5 are declining in their voter percent relative to the whole of Franklin's registered voters. (in that order) as the population shifts within Franklin.

Precincts 4, 8 and 7 are gaining in relative voter percent (in that order) for the same population shift. The numbers were calculated as a change in 2009 versus 2006.

2 – voter participation

Year   2005       2007        2009

Votes 3,119       3,845       3,244

Percent 17.6%    20.7%     16.6%

Reg Voters        18572      19509

2005 estimated to calculate out at 17,772 (avg 425 voters inc per year)

3 – ballot position

an old marketing adage says, location, location, location

Ballot position does not make a difference. The voters worked to select their candidates. Yes, the first six listed on the ballot were ultimately selected but it is more important to note that the #1, 3, 5 overall finishers were well down on the ballot. The voters knew who they wanted and weren’t overwhelmed by the total number of candidates (13).

This was also observed in the 2007 election results where Vallee, Whalen, Yurgenson and Zollo held the bottom four positions and three of them were elected. Valle took the top number of votes and Zollo was 3rd only one vote behind Chris Feeley.

4 – hidden message?

There may be something to the “elect all newcomers” attempt that was referenced in a few of the exit poll comments as reported in the Milford Daily News. That would help explain how the one candidate who withdrew from the race too late to come off the ballot actually still received 592 votes.

5 – what majority?

In the 2007 election, three Council candidates gathered more than 50% of the voters who actually cast their ballots. This year, four achieved that mark. It is still disconcerting, one that so few bother to vote and of those that do, so few of the candidates actually achieve a majority vote.

In a standard two person race, you have one vote. One person gets it, the other doesn't. In the TC, we had thirteen candidates and each voter had 9 votes. What the blanks tell us is that most folks found 5 or 6 candidates to vote for but not 9.

Given the number of blanks recorded in the elections, it seems rare that a voter actually will cast their vote for all nine of the Town Council candidates and all seven of the School Committee candidates. How significant is the blank? Almost 35% of the ballots for Town Council included blanks, and just over 50% of the ballots for School Committee.

What does this all mean? We need to understand how to better engage the Franklin voters. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I'll be spending some time on this over the next several weeks at least.

6 - A busy week ahead

Gallery 218 opens a Portrait 2009 show on Tuesday

School committee meeting Tuesday

Town Council meeting Wednesday

Third Thursday sponsored by the Downtown Partnership

FEF Casino Night on Friday

The vote results by precinct were previously published here

The spreadsheet I reference during this can be found here

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This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but I can't do it alone. I can use your help.
How can you help?
  • If you like this, please tell a neighbor.
  • If you don't like this, please tell me.
Thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and East of Shirley. The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with permission.

Another unfunded mandate coming down the pike?

The advocates are focusing their attention on a bill, sponsored by Representative John Rogers, a Democrat, that would require school districts to report bullying incidents and any discipline imposed to the state. The bill, one of those to be taken up at a hearing Tuesday, has the support of such groups as the Massachusetts Teachers Association, Microsoft Corp., and the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association.
The Bold is for my emphasis. You can read the full article in the Boston Sunday Globe here.

To be clear, I do not support bullying. I do know what it feels like. I was called "four-eyes" and worse growing up. Once I learned to stand up for myself, the bullying stopped. Bullies pick on those who are perceived to be weaker than themselves. Once stood up to, they generally back off.

I do think with sufficient funding, the schools can provide some help in this area. In fact, I think they are already doing what they should. 

I do believe that the responsibility to address bullying falls squarely in the realm of the parents. The parents of those bullying need to create a better home environment (easier said than done). The parents of those being bullied need to help their students stand up for themselves (coddling them doesn't cut it).

I'll focus on the unfunded mandate part because that is what we should have some control over. 

Let's recognize that even if the schools were sufficiently funded to support this reporting effort, once the kids go home, what was learned and fostered in the school environment may not be reinforced at home hence wasting the effort.

What do you think?

I added a new poll in the top center column to help obtain your feedback on this issue.

Can the Governor sing?

Can the Governor sing?

Yes, he can. Apparently, when he stopped by the Franklin Senior Center recently he joined in song with some of Franklin's finest seniors.

On the same day that he visited the Senior Center, Gov Patrick stopped by Jefferson Elementary School. The public address announcement to the school that the Governor made while there was recorded.

More on the Governor's visit can be found here

November 3rd Election Ballot

Since so many of the Franklin voters did not see the ballot on November 3rd, I thought it would be a good idea to share it here.

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

Some of the commentary on the election turnout and results reference this ballot.

This was originally located on the Town Clerk website


Regionalization, a dirty word for some but one of the realistic ways to tackle the issue of providing appropriate services at a reasonable cost is the topic of the video.

There is a new Regional Advisory Commission underway to explore opportunities in this area.