Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Franklin Area Blogs: real estate

There are two real estate blogs that are based in Franklin, focus on Franklin, and are updated frequently.

Warren Reynolds writes at Warren is a Franklin resident and a realtor for Century 21.

Kathy Stankard writes at Franklin Massachusetts Homes Kathy is a Franklin resident and a realtor for Re/Max.

The most recent updates from both blogs can be in the Franklin Area Blog section along the far right column here on Franklin Matters.

Click on over there to find out what is happening in the Franklin real estate world and let them know you found out about them here.


Franklin, MA

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Franklin Area Blogs: Collection

Real Estate

There are two real estate blogs that are based in Franklin, focus on Franklin, and are updated frequently.

Warren Reynolds writes at Warren is a Franklin resident and a realtor for Century 21.

Kathy Stankard writes at Franklin Massachusetts Homes Kathy is a Franklin resident and a realtor for Re/Max.


Due to the number of fitness type blogs, one could say that Franklin is concerned about their health.

In no particular order, you can read

Athletes in Motion This blog is
"... for the purpose of getting YOU over the finish line at the SheROX Triathlon on Sunday, July 25, 2010. Here is our journey of some Franklin, MA-area women who learned that by having inspiration from other like-minded women, they are able to do what they thought might be unachievable. We call it "the power of the group!"
A journal of my bike rides along with photos taken during my rides via my cell phone. A cool feature is embedded GPS ride data of my rides courtesy of
360 Fitness Revolution This blog covers
General Fitness, Spinning (Indoor Cycling), Pilates, Weight Management, Lifestyle and Nutrition related articles, commentary and research. Fitness business management, marketing, and whatever else comes our way! We are located in Franklin, Massachusetts.


There are a couple of blogs based in Franklin writing about the environment and living green.

The Clueless Gardeners - Michelle is a frequent commenter here and should be followed. She and her husband are doing some good stuff in their garden.
"Welcome to our garden! Since 2007 we have been striving to turn our lawn into something beautiful, tasty, ecologically sound, and a centerpiece of our community here in Franklin, Massachusetts. We hope you enjoy your visit! -Michelle, Chris, and Gabe Clay"
The Experimental Farmer and The Green Suitcase. Maureen writes both blogs as she is
"A New England gardener and purveyor of all things vintage"

Arts and Crafts

The art and craft world is covered by Franklin Area blogs.

The Franklin Mill Store has its own blog. Mary writes
ruminations from the Franklin Mill Store

... just a little something is a creation by joanne b who says of herself
"First and foremost, I'm a mom to two wonderful young boys. I'm a home daycare provider by day, and at night, and on the weekends, I treat myself with lots of stamping time! Thanks for stopping by!"

AubreyGreenPhotography is a blog by a recent Franklin resident and photographer.
"I am a professional photographer specializing in creative and fun photography. I am located in Franklin, MA, but serve all of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Islans and New Hampshire. ~Please contact me if you are interested in portrait, engagement or wedding services~"

One of a kind

We are getting to the 'one-of' kind of blogs that populate the remainder of my listing of Franklin Area Blogs.

First up is the Cub Scouts with Franklin Cub Scout Pack 126

Rev Charley Eastman, of the Franklin Federated Church, writes at Federated Rev

Dr Dan Van Roon, who runs a chiropractic service (yes, the same one who created a stir recently when he tried proposing to move to a new location at the corner of RT 140 and Jordan Road), writes frequently at Van Roon Chiropractic


In the whole group of the Franklin Area Blogs, there is one where humor is king, rather queen; Lydia Oh Lydia!

Lydia's blogger description tell us that she is
"a fat eccentric suburban soccer mom takes you along on all her hilarious adventures. She along with her crazy kids, and an odd cast of characters raise hell in their quiet idyllic New England town. Lydia is a brilliant satirist...She is the crazy suburban mom you wished lived next door! No need to shave your legs before you read this blog. Lydia Dustin's blog Lydia Oh Lydia Copyright © Blog All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of content, text, or image is strictly prohibited without prior written consent. The Lydia Oh Lydia Blog was launched by Lydia Dustin Kirchthurn in October, 2008."
When you need a laugh, you only need to turn to Lydia.

If you find other Franklin area blogs, please let me know.

Franklin, MA

Crossways Church - Summer St

Two views of what will become of the Crossways Church on Summer St

And here:

The Planning Board discussions on the Crossways Church proposal can be found here

Meeting May 3rd

Franklin, MA

Price Chopper or rock pile?

The proposal for a Price Chopper market starts the process all over again as if it had never happened due to a technicality.

The rock pile along RT 140 at the intersection of Chestnut Ridge would be replaced by the supermarket, IF the proposal goes through. It requires a special permit as well as approval for the site plan from the Planning Board.

Stay tuned to the Planning Board for the hearings on this proposal. It will resume discussion on Aug 9th.

Conservation Commission meeting of May 13th

Planning Board meeting of May 17th

Franklin, MA

Monday, July 5, 2010

"It's no mystery why so many would choose to live here"

Jamie Barrett composed and sings the song "City Known as the Town of Franklin"

I know this place in Massachusetts
That's better than best it's as great as it gets
It's beauty and all of it's history's awaiting for you!

Folks are as friendly as friendly can be
Open your eyes there's plenty to see
Let's take a look at the long list of things you can do...

In the city known as the town of Franklin

Check out America's first lending library
A closer look shows you it's not ordinary
For inside you'll find the first books that were furnished by Ben

The one-room Red Brick School's become the town's treasure
The oldest one running by anyone's measure
Still looks the same now today as it did way back then

In the city known as the town of Franklin

Well, then there's the common that's uncommonly good
Where townspeople gather as townspeople should
Weddings, concerts, and festivals throughout the year

And monuments honor the mighty Mann, Horace
And all that this father of education did for us
It's no mystery why so many would choose to live here

In the city known as the town of Franklin

Franklin, MA

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July - links of interest on this historic day

From the Declaration of Independence
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
History of the 4th of July (wikipedia)

From the Franklin Charter:
We, the people of the Town of Franklin, Massachusetts, in order to form a more perfect community, reaffirm the customary and traditional liberties of the people with respect to the conduct of our local government and take fullest advantage of the Home Rule Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, do ordain and adopt this Home Rule Charter for our Town.
Read more of the charter here:

There will likely be an opportunity for Franklin voters to accept or turn down changes to the charter later this year. The proposed changes are into Boston for legislative approval before returning for the Franklin voters to have their say.

Reporting from the various Town Council discussions about the proposed changes can be found here:

Franklin, MA

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Franklin, MA: 2010 Midyear Review

Let's take some time to review what matters here in Franklin, MA. July 1 is upon us, celebration of the 4th happens this weekend. Let's take a mid-year look back at what has happened in the past six months and ahead to see what we have for the remainder of the year.

biotech bylaw changes introduced
discussion on snow removal process for sidewalks

School Dept received results of the “fiscal review”
Best Buddies, Town Common Veterans Memorial fund raising recognized
Teenangels presentation

charter revisions reviewed by subcommittee
Downtown Revitalization Project previewed
New trash/recycle process introduced

Budget workshop held on Jan 25th

Finance Committee hears the capital budget
Town Council gets into real discussion on trash/recycle process

More on the trash/recycling process as the vote to reduce the fee and finance the bins occurs

Abatements, etc for seniors
Bio-tech bylaw changes in formal hearing
Audit report for FY 2009 came up basically clean

School Committee got first look at FY 2011 budget
Bully task force formed
Franklin Arts Academy approved quietly
Charter revisions got a formal hearing
The BIG Y proposal came before the Planning Board

Finance Committee was broadcast while the School Committee used the cable broadcast

Parmenter solar project
Capital budget approved

Financial Planning Committee bringing report up to date

Charter changes approved by a 6-2 vote (Jones, Zollo, voted no – Vallee was absent)
Capital budget was approved

Earth day, raised garden beds
Charles River cleanup
BSA Venture Crew work along Mine Brook at the VFW Post on Pond St

Practically all budget all the time from the discussion to put forward an override vote to the ongoing discussions pro/con

VanRoon Chiropractic's proposal for Jordan Road came forward

Finance Committee began their series of budget hearings
Downtown Revitalization Project workshop
Historical Museum opens
EPA Storm water open forum held

Scott Mason sat for a wide ranging interview to review discussion items for the override

The big news as we close the first half of 2010 was the override vote on June 8th. All the posts related to the override can be found here:

I refreshed the split tax versus single tax rate publication I had done in 2009

Town Council formalized the budget in their two hearings on June 9 and 10

The Big Y has been approved, Van Roon Chiropractic has not been approved
The proposal for the Price Chopper gets to start all over again due to a technicality.

The new trash and recycling bins were delivered and the first pickups were scheduled for July 1

Looking ahead

July should get the kinks out of new trash/recycle process
August gets final prep on the school year with less teachers, less buses and maybe some word on the contract negotiations
Road construction on Sahlin Circle, Chestnut St and Wachusett St will be completed
September school opens

also on the calendar but not in a particular month

we should find out about the Charter revisions, are they really going to be on the ballot in November?
Plans for the Downtown Revitalization should get finalized
The annual tax rate setting exercise will be held (likely in Dec)

What else is on our plate?

Did I forget something?

Please feel free to comment and I can add it to the listing.

As I close this session this week, let me remind you that
If you like what I am doing here, please tell your friends and neighbors
If you don’t like something, please tell me


Thank you for stopping by to read!

For additional information, please visit

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

Franklin, MA