Showing posts with label kelly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kelly. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2020

State Senate Candidates Debate Oct 6, 2020 (YouTube video)

The State Senate candidates for the Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex District participated in a debate broadcast by the North Attleboro cable TV station and available via YouTube.

Senator Becca Rausch is running for re-election as the Democratic candidate and current Franklin Town Councilor Matt Kelly is running as the Republican candidate.

Candidate webpages:

Video link =



Thursday, August 28, 2008

"We're entering some tough times"

Posted Aug 27, 2008 @ 11:34 PM


School Superintendent Wayne Ogden formally gave his resignation Tuesday, saying in a press release that restrictive budgets and massive layoffs preclude him from moving the schools "from good to great."

"I have no desire to continue to dismantle our school system and, as such, I no longer feel I offer the right fit to lead the Franklin schools," Ogden said in a statement released by his office yesterday.

Ogden, who came to Franklin in May 2006 after serving as assistant superintendent for Wayland public schools, will end his tenure June 30, 2009, fulfilling three years of a five-year contract.

"I came to Franklin ... to help move the public schools from good to great. Instead, we are beginning another academic year moving in the opposite direction," he said in the statement.

Franklin starts the 2008-2009 school year with 180 more students than when Ogden first arrived, and a budget that is several million dollars short of keeping pace with that growth, he said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

live reporting - Superintendent's report, subcommittee reports

Superintendent’s Report - Maureen Sabolinski
a. Projected Enrollment - numbers in School Committee packet
b. School Choice - discussed previously
c. Ed Nets
becoming involved, contract still up in air, breaches of staff and student information still need to be reviewed

d. Bus Accident Update
one of the outcomes of the accident as previously reported was who was going to be in charge to avoid the situation where some students were not examined after the incident. Protocols being set up with a very productive meeting, will be updated into the crisis manual. Will come back with an update.

e. Traffic Study at High School/Horace Mann
The Town is initiating a traffic study in the area and engage a traffic engineer to study and report back.

MSBA opening a window to accept new statements of interest for building projects, need to submit by Sep 15

technically according to the statute don't need a building committee until the State says you are getting money for construction. Should not re-submit what we did previously, should get together to decide what should be re-submitted

Jeff Roy requesting that the audit copies be sent directly to the school committee as an internal control, should not have to go through either the Town or the Central Office. He has made the request before and will make it again

Subcommittee reports

Matt Kelly will be meeting with Miriam Goodman on a weekly basis to review and approve the bills on a timely basis

Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Business: The Charlebois issue (audio)

The Franklin School Committee does not have much of a position to handle this issue but it is addressed. Karen Seyfried, Principal and Director of the ECDC answers questions along with Wayne Ogden.

Time: 11 minutes, 5 seconds

MP3 File

Action Items (audio)

The Franklin School Committee rolls through a number of actions items. The listing can be found on the copy of the agenda.

Time: 11 minutes, 31 seconds

MP3 File

FY09 - Final questions (audio)

Franklin School Committee completes their discussion for today on the proposed FY09 budget.

Times: 10 minutes, 45 seconds

MP3 File

Sunday, March 2, 2008

KCD Policy - Gifts (audio)

The School Committee gets to the final discussion and vote on the policy. Matt Kelly attempts to amend the form and when that fails he remains as the lone negative vote when the policy passes 6-1.

Deb Pellegri speaks on behalf of the Brick School Association.

Time: 23 minutes, 23 seconds

MP3 File

FY09 Budget Q&A Part 2 (audio)

The second part of the Q&A on the FY09 Budget discussion. Broken into two parts only for the sake of splitting into smaller sections. Discussion involved Rohrbach, Kelly, Roy, Ogden, and Sabolinski.

Time: 17 minutes, 27 seconds

MP3 File

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

FHS Renovation - Q&A (audio)

Question & Answer section following the presentation by Kaestle Boos on the options for renovating Franklin High School. Questions from committee members in order of appearance: Roy, Mullen, Armenio, Trahan, Kelly and Cafasso.

Time: 15 minutes, 0 seconds

MP3 File

My notes from the discussion:

Michael McKean (?) representing Kaestle Boos on the Franklin High School renovation options.
  • approximately 30 months for total renovation
  • approximately 24 months to build a new school keeping the existing field house
  • students will adjust quickly during the construction, the teachers and parents generally have more of an issue adjusting
  • in the renovation options, the traffic flow remains mostly the same other than attempting to separate the parent drop offs from the buses
  • the auditorium would be about $7 million (as sized at 26000 sq foot)
  • all the options would connect on the second level, for brevity of the presentation they were not shown here
  • this is not simply building on the roof as the existing building was done before the current seismic codes were put into place
  • the new building option would locate the building further away from the existing homes