Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Manufacturing Caucus Hosts Third Annual Manufacturing Award Ceremony

MGB Company in Franklin, received a Manufacturer of the Year Award at the Third Annual Manufacturing Award Ceremony at the State House. The company which specializes in the manufacturing of precision screw machined parts for the electronics, military, aerospace, medical, telecommunications, and automotive industries, was nominated by State Representative Jeffrey N. Roy (D-Franklin).
Representative Roy with MGB US Inc
Representative Roy with MGB US Inc

"MGB excels in innovation in the medical, electronics and military markets, and it is great that it has chosen Franklin as the home for its American facility," said Rep. Jeffrey N, Roy (D Franklin). "We know that the company is well positioned to grow and is looking to expand its operations, bring in more equipment, increase production, and hire more employees in Franklin. So I was please to nominate MGB because of its contributions to the sector and its commitment to Massachusetts."

The Award Ceremony was the state's Third Annual Manufacturing Award Ceremony sponsored by the Legislature's Manufacturing Caucus, Along with MGB, 58 manufacturers were recognized for truly "making it" in Massachusetts. The ceremony honored the manufacturers and showcased their innovative and revolutionary manufacturing capabilities and products. 

The event included companies who make furniture, jewelry, handcrafted electric bicycles, precision screw machined parts, marble and granite, custom paper, flutes and piccolos, precision machined parts for aerospace, and even hummus and peanut butter.
members of the Manufacturing Caucus and award winners
members of the Manufacturing Caucus and award winners

Representative Roy, Senator Eric P. Lesser (Co-Chair of the Caucus), Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash, Senate President Karen E. Spilka, and House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo offered remarks at the ceremony.

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