Quick Recap:
- The new School Committee organized itself by voting in Denise Spencer as Chair and Elise Stokes as Vice-Chair
- Multiple Citizen Comments, a variety this time; Rev Juncker and Rabbi Alpert spoke representing the Interfaith Council; parent for challenging text like "Bluest Eye"; parent speaking against vaccination; J Maciel questions equity of comment time between School Committee and Town Council meetings, vs. student representative comments who get to speak more than residents
- minor business conducted in this first session, approving policy with minor wording changes for consistency of text
- moved to Executive Session, via roll call vote, not to return to public session
- Note - confirmed post meeting that the committee members were all sworn in before the meeting commenced
As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting live from the Council Chambers
The Twitter hashtag can be found online #schcom1109
- getting ready for the #schcom1109 meeting to begin shortly. Live tweeting from the Council Chambers this evening
- Meeting agenda -> https://www.franklinps.net/sites/g/files/vyhlif4431/f/uploads/scagenda_11-9-21_org.pdf Meeting packet folder -> https://www.franklinps.net/district/meeting-packets/pages/november-9-2021-school-committee-meeting-packet #schcom1109
- Working out some tech difficulty to get the meeting broadcast going. As you may be aware, there were three simultaneous broadcasts of FHS playoff games, 2 are underway, the 3rd did end in time for this to assume its channel spot #schcom1109
- nomination of Spencer for Chair, seconded; passes 7-0 #schcom1109
- Zoom appears to have sound, cable may not, motion for Stokes for Vice Chair, second, passes 7-0 #schcom1109
- pause to check on audio status, Zoom can hear, Cable cannot; meeting starts on Zoom then goes to the Studio for broadcast via Verizon/Comcast... confirmed as working now #schcom1109
- open soon for Citizen Comments, Chair reading statement and guidelines on comment policy; #schcom1109
- expectation of conduct set for Council Chambers; slide to be added #schcom1109
- Franklin Interfaith Council - Rev Juncker and Rabbi Alpert stand to talk for their statement in support for #LoveFranklin https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/a-call-to-our-community-lovefranklin.html
- parent speaking for challenging books, like the Bluest Eye, as good for education in understanding the situation #schcom1109 challenge and empower the students, invest in the amazing staff so they can continue this work
- parent speaking against the vaccine for kids quoting FDA statements #schcom1109 challenging Supt to speak to answer the science on this matter
- J Maciel requests a podium, requesting change in meeting order agenda; @schcom1109 where is the equity with Sch comments of 3 mins; Town Council mtg allows 5; runs out of time
- FHS student comments; sports team deep in a playoff run; Mamma Mia this weekend, Fri/Sat; auditions for Central District submitted; #schcom1109; already time to order caps/gown by 11/19
- Field hockey won today, Volleyball also won today; girls soccer playing now, still 0-0 at last report; #schcom1109 winter sports start after Thanksgiving; conference Fri/Mon, off Thu due to Veterans Day; pep rally shirts on sale (until 8 PM tonight)
- FHS student acknowledges work to do to ensure a safe environment for all students, not just most; the Peace display was heartening; #schcom1109 admonish SchCom to live up to the awesome role they have, with a positive attitude
- Supt Report - doc to be posted to schools page on Weds; updates/reminders on policy and meeting process; appreciation week for school psychologists; #schcom1109 Parmenter mural work (pix to be included) ; also to be part of a More Perfect Union show on Portrait of a Graduate
- Moving to Discussion/Action - tutoring for pay, largely from conflict of interest law; i.e. tutoring by teachers of students; https://www.franklinps.net/sites/g/files/vyhlif4431/f/uploads/discussion_action_a_-_policy_9.pdf #schcom1109
- comment on consistency of language within the text; discussion on use of 'school resources' - possible clarification on district social media accounts vs. personal account; motion amended, seconded, passes 7-0 #schcom1109
- discussion only items; approval received yesterday to get waiver on masks; discussion on how to proceed among other districts; #schcom1109 ? on how to monitor the unvaccinated individuals; FHS welcomes option; working on plan for next couple of weeks on metrics to determine
- plan once approved by #schCom1109 would be effective, time TBD right now; logistics and details to be worked
- next to Information Matters; School Wellness met today, next mtg on Dec 7; MASC resolutions passed; requesting ideas on what subcommittees are desired; Nov 18, at FHS critical conversations also to be live streamed; panel discussion on substance use, and mental health #schcom1109
- from panel to break out sessions; "hidden in plain site" room available for review/Q&A; discussion cards on how to have the difficult conversation; flyer to be shared tomorrow via multiple channels #schCom1109
- next meeting; workshop at 6, handbook for introduction to Committee; meeting begins at 7; MCAS results and updates; #schcom1109 job description for Director of Diversity, Equity and inclusion
- consent agenda - split for returning members and new members - both accepted; one 2-0, other 7-0 #schcom1109 to enter executive session, not to return to public meeting, vote to enter passes 7-0
- vote via roll call, passes #schcom1109
Audio recording of meeting to be available in couple of days
expectation of conduct set for Council Chambers |
newly elected School Committee |
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