Monday, November 1, 2021

Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers - Time for a change on the Planning Board

Boy, time sure does fly by!  Would you believe that Anthony Padula and Joseph Halligan, Jr. have been serving on the Planning Board for a total of 30 years between them.

Perhaps, it is time for a change!   We should thank each of them for giving their time and expertise to ensure that all residential and commercial projects that have come before the Planning Board have correctly followed the zoning, building, and town bylaws before being approved.  That has been no small task, considering all the growth that has occurred in all of those years.  

But now, the town has high hopes for the two new candidates who are currently seeking election to the Planning Board.

Jennifer Williams, who is currently an Associate Member of the Board, is a registered architect with  planning experience.  Jennifer has the correct skill set and expertise that will be needed when reviewing site plans, subdivision plans, by-law changes, and anything else that needs Planning Board approval or input.  

Beth Wierling, another great new candidate is very qualified to serve on the Franklin Planning Board, having worked for eight years as the Franklin Town Planner, beginning in 2007.  She has 20 years of experience in the field of economic development, construction management, planning, and land use.   She is a graduate  of UMass-Amherst and holds a graduate degree in Public Administration from Clark University.  

In addition, both Jennifer and Beth have no potential conflicts of interest that could detract from serving on the Planning Board and making decisions on all projects that need approval.  

Please consider voting for both Jennifer and Beth on November 2nd.  For more information about these new candidates, please review their bio in the 2021 Voters Guide or on Franklin Matters.

Thank you, 

Karen Landers 
Franklin Resident

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Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers - Time for a change on the Planning Board
Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers - Time for a change on the Planning Board


  1. Voted early and voted for Jennifer and Beth!

  2. Jennifer and Beth are two very qualified candidates for the Franklin Planning Board. I voted early for both of them.
