Thursday, November 4, 2021

Why the 'sudden' cancelation of the Town Council meeting?

The Town Council meeting scheduled for Nov 3 when scheduled with the agenda published last week, was scheduled in advance of when it 'could' be scheduled per the Town Charter. 

The Nov 3 date is the key. While the Council generally meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month, the beginning of the new term (i.e. after an election) is prescribed in the Town Charter. The bold text in section 2-1-4 added for emphasis.

The relevant section of Article Two is shared here:
"Section 1 Composition and Membership 
2-1-1 The legislative body of the Town shall be a Town Council whose members shall be elected to meet, deliberate, act and vote in exercise of the corporate powers of the Town. 
2-1-2 Nine (9) Council members shall be nominated and elected from the Town at large, all for two-year concurrent terms of office. 
2-1-3 Town Council members shall receive no compensation for service but may be allowed expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. 
2-1-4 The term of office of the Town Council shall begin on the second Wednesday following the election and continuing until their successors are qualified."

Note: I shared in 2009 the comparison of our charter preamble with that of the US Constitution (

We, the people of the Town of Franklin, Massachusetts, in order to form a more perfect community, reaffirm the customary and traditional liberties of the people with respect to the conduct of our local government and take fullest advantage of the Home Rule Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, do ordain and adopt this Home Rule Charter for our Town."

You can find the full Town Charter online ->

Why the 'sudden' cancelation of the Town Council meeting?
Why the 'sudden' cancelation of the Town Council meeting?


  1. Wouldn't the 2nd weds make the meeting Nov 10th? The town calendar shows the meeting as Nov 17th:

  2. It is likely the one on the 17th is the normal second meeting. They haven't moved the 3rd to the 10th yet
