Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Franklin Art Association sets monthly meetings, welcomes new members

The purpose of the Franklin Art Association is the advancement of the arts of painting, drawing, graphics, textiles and all creative art media in the greater Franklin area. To preserve the finest artistic traditions by means of exhibiting work, conducting classes, demonstrations, lectures, and sponsoring other activities favorable to artistic expression and for the development of friendly exchanges among artists and those interested in the arts.

The Franklin Art Association meets on the first Wednesday of the month (except July & August). Meetings are held at the Franklin Senior Center, 10 Daniel McCahill St., Franklin, MA, with a business meeting starting at 6:45pm, refreshments and socialization starts at 6:30 PM, the monthly demonstration/workshop starts at ~7 PM  and runs until ~9 PM. 

In addition to the monthly meetings, which include a demonstration by a noted regional artist or life drawing session, workshops and field trips are sponsored throughout the ear. Art exhibitions are held each fall and spring. The Association also sponsors a scholarship competition for graduating high school seniors who plan to continue their education in an art related field. 

Next meeting: Wednesday, Sep 7 at the Franklin Senior Center
Sign up for membership or renew for the new year. Fill out the form (PDF), bring to the next meeting Sep 7 or mail it to the address provided on the form.
Franklin Art Association
Franklin Art Association

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