Showing posts with label Emmons St. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emmons St. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2019

Franklin Annual Report - 2018: Department of Planning & Community Development

The Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) maintains a professional staff that provides the Town of Franklin with a wide array of planning services. DPCD’s mission is to plan and implement comprehensive policies and initiatives that work to fulfill the land use-related goals of the people of Franklin. We make every effort to maintain the character of the community while enhancing its economic, cultural and social vitality.

The DPCD’s staffing reflects the diverse skills needed to complete the many activities and roles the Department participates. DPCD’s activities and services include, but are not limited to comprehensive planning, economic development, subdivision plan, site plan and conservation plan review, open space and wetlands preservation, historic preservation, zoning by-law and subdivision regulation development, downtown revitalization, brownfields redevelopment, affordable housing, public transportation, transit oriented development, and sustainable development including use of smart growth and low impact development concepts. The Department regularly identifies and sources funding for various community development projects and activities. DPCD balances its approach to these initiatives through long-term planning and public participation.

Support of Town Boards, Commissions and Committees
DPCD personnel provide staff support to several boards, commissions and committees, including the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Design Review Commission, Technical Review Committee, and the Cultural District Committee.

Approximately 65 percent of the Department’s total staff hours are utilized on Planning Board and Conservation Commission related issues. In addition, DPCD staff occasionally provides professional technical assistance to other public entities including Town Council, Zoning Board of Appeals, Town Council’s Economic Development Sub-committee, and various ad hoc committees including the Town’s Master Plan Committee.

Site Permitting and Guidance
DPCD is not a permit granting authority; its function during the permitting process is to integrate laws, regulations and plans with the Town’s goals to ensure that the best interests of the Town and its residents are served. DPCD personnel organize and attend meetings, provide technical assistance, offer professional opinions, and guide developers, businesses and residents through the Town’s various permitting processes.

Conservation and Land Use
DPCD provides support to the Conservation Commission, as provided by MGL Chapter 131, Section 40. Conservation Staff, specifically the Town’s Conservation Agent, is responsible for speaking for the Conservation Commission when they are not present (see separate Conservation Commission Report). Although not a permit authority, the Conservation Agent does have limited police powers to regulate already approved Conservation Commission activities, stop unauthorized activities, and promote and protect the natural resources of Franklin and its wetlands, streams, brooks, ponds, lakes and watersheds. In addition, Conservation staff provides administrative support and reviews applications being presented to the Conservation Commission, as well as provides professional support to other Town Boards and Departments. During FY19 DPCD worked on various conservation and land use related projects.

Chapter 61 Properties.
During FY17 and FY18 DPCD staff, headed up by Conservation Agent George Russell, assessed privately-owned parcels within Franklin that are known as Chapter 61 parcels.
Chapters 61, 61A and 61B of Massachusetts General Law outline programs that require municipalities to reduce assessments of farm, forest and open space lands, provided the owners make a commitment to keep their lands in one or more of those uses. Should the owner of any of these parcels decide to remove them from their current tax status and offer them for sale, the town would have the right of first refusal. The parcels were evaluated in order to gain a greater understanding of which may be more prudent for the town to acquire, and to ensure that the Town gains the greatest benefit from its open space and recreation funds by objectively reviewing proposed land acquisition projects using established criteria.

Conservation Commission Managed Land.
During FY18, DPCD staff, again headed up by Conservation Agent George Russell, assessed the 125 Town-owned properties that are managed by the Conservation Commission. One result of the study was to identify parcels that could be utilized for passive recreation purposes, including the possibility of connecting Conservation properties with other public lands. DPCD continued to implement the Master Plan for the DelCarte Conservation area, including beginning the second year of pond treatments, and worked to procure the services of a contractor to construct ADA improvements to access the canoe launch. In addition, DPCD began the process of amending the Conservation Commission’s regulations and standard operating procedures to help streamline the approval process for "minor" projects.

Comprehensive Planning and Zoning
DPCD is responsible for traditional land-use related activities including updating the Town’s plans, and amending and creating zoning bylaws. A description of zoning and land use issues worked on by DPCD during the 2018 fiscal year is summarized below.

Zoning Bylaw Amendments.
During the 2018 fiscal year DPCD worked on amendment of several sections of Franklin’s Zoning Bylaw. Zoning Map Amendment 18-795 amended Franklin’s Zoning Map by changing the zoning district of two dozen parcels in area near Union, Cottage and Saxon Streets. The Zoning Map Amendment eliminated the Commercial II Zoning District from that section of Town. Zoning Bylaw Amendments 17-797 changed the setback requirements for accessory buildings and structures. DPCD is undergoing a project to better define the Town's zoning districts by following parcel lines. Where parcels are within two or more zoning districts the subject Zoning Map Amendment will move the
Zoning District line so each parcel is only in one zoning district, in most cases based on the current land use. DPCD will develop roughly a dozen Zoning Map Amendments to complete this project. The first three, Zoning Map Amendments 18-802, 18-803 and 18-804, were developed in the last quarter of FY18.

Planning and Implementation of Community Development and Economic Development Projects
Each year the DPCD works on many community and economic development initiatives. The Department develops strategies, proposes policies, bylaw changes and Town Council resolutions, manages projects, and seeks grants in efforts to balance Franklin’s community livability and its economic viability. DPCD encourages responsible community
development that meets the goals and objectives of the Town’s various planning documents, and the State’s Sustainable Development and Smart Growth Principles. Some of DPCD’s more important recently completed or ongoing projects and initiatives are summarized below.

Regional Planning. 
DPCD attends meetings and works on various regional planning issues with a variety of regional organizations, including Metropolitan Area Planning Council, the Southwest Advisory Planning Committee, I-495/MetroWest Corridor Partnership, and the I-95/495 South Regional Technology Economic Target Area’s Coordinating Council. In addition, the DPCD occasionally supports the initiatives of other regional organizations including the Franklin Bellingham Rail Trail Committee, Friends of the SNETT, the MetroWest Tourism and Visitors Bureau, and a workforce development advisory committee established by Employment and Training Resources in Framingham. DPCD also provides support for the Charles River Meadowlands, an effort among citizens and officials from the Towns of Bellingham, Medway and Franklin, to work together and to work with Federal and State officials, to improve management and access of the Federally-owned meadowlands, and adjacent public lands.

Downtown Revitalization. 
For more than fifteen years the Town has made revitalization of Downtown Franklin a major focus and has worked to improve the Downtown in a variety of ways. The revitalization of Downtown Franklin must be carefully planned to ensure that improvements positively impact the entire community. During the 2018 fiscal year DPCD continued to work on projects related to implementation of the Franklin Center Plan, which was developed in 2002 and 2003 to provide Town officials with a vision and basic strategy for revitalization of Downtown Franklin. 

One component of the Franklin Center Plan is Cultural Uses. The issue of Cultural Economic Development has been a focus for DPCD in recent years, including working with the MetroWest Tourism and Visitors Bureau on a variety of cultural economic development marketing activities. As part of these efforts DPCD provided assistance to the Franklin Cultural District Steering Committee, a group of individuals and organizations working to increase the number of art and culture related events in the area, create a State designated Franklin Cultural District in Franklin center. 

The Cultural District Steering Committee has accomplished much; this group of hard working arts and culture advocates has: assisted DPCD with the Cultural District application process including development of a strong cultural district Partnership; worked hard to support art and culture programing; and even organized the annual Franklin Cultural Festival. Lovers of the arts in Franklin owe them a great deal for their passion and hard work. During recent years DPCD prepared Cultural District marketing materials, coordinated efforts with local stakeholders, and performed outreach and educational activities, including setting up booths and displays at various events.

A cultural district is a specific geographical area that has a concentration of cultural facilities, activities, and assets. It needs to be walkable, easily accessible, easily identifiable to visitors and residents, and serve as a center for cultural, artistic and economic activity. The goals of a Cultural District, as defined by the legislative statute, are to encourage business and job development, attract artists and cultural enterprises, establish the district as a tourist destination, preserve and reuse historic buildings, enhance property values, and foster local cultural economic development.

In June 2017 Franklin Town Council passed two resolutions that accomplished the following: created the Cultural District Committee; formally expressed Franklin’s interest in establishing a state-designated cultural district; endorsed state-sponsored cultural district goals; and endorsed submission of a Cultural District application. During FY2018 the Cultural District Committee was formed. DPCD provides the Committee with administrative and Technical support; during June 2018 the Town submitted a Cultural District application to Massachusetts Cultural Council.

The Cultural District Committee’s responsibilities include applying for Cultural District designation, managing and marketing the District, assuring the Districts goals are obtained, and managing and strengthening the Town’s Cultural District Partnership.

Over the last few years a strong Partnership has formed in support of creating a state-designated cultural district in the Downtown area. The Cultural District Partnership includes many of Franklin’s well known organizations and businesses, including: Franklin’s School Department, Historic Commission, Public Library, Cultural Council, and Senior Center/COA; Franklin TV/Franklin Radio; Franklin Downtown Partnership; Dean College; Franklin Art Association; Franklin Performing Arts Company; the Circle of Friends Coffeehouse; and Franklin School for the Performing Arts.

Town Properties. 
DPCD regularly works with the Administration and other Town departments to assess and develop recommendations for Town-owned parcels of land, including Tax Title Properties and lands of low value. Each year recommendations are developed for a number of these properties, and the work is submitted to the Town Administrator and Town Council for consideration. DPCD works regularly on a wide range of economic development projects and programs, and is one of DPCD’s top priorities, second only to providing excellent administrative and technical assistance to the Town’s boards, commissions and committees. Potential benefits to the Town from successful implementation of DPCD’s business retainage and attraction initiatives are significant. Efforts focus on increasing the value of Franklin’s commercial and industrial tax base, filling the Town’s empty and underutilized industrially zoned buildings, and attracting the right mix of companies to the community.

As part of efforts to market the Town of Franklin, DPCD staff maintains a site selection web page -, and develops press releases, advertisements for industry periodicals, and economic development marketing brochures. DPCD regularly communicates with realtors, property owners and businesses to make them aware of State and Federal technical assistance programs and financial resources that can be made available to further their development, and to raise awareness of DPCD as a resource for local businesses. DPCD works regularly Massachusetts Office of Business Development, MassDevelopment and other agencies in efforts to attract the right mix of companies to Franklin’s industrial and commercial areas.

Redevelopment Projects. 
Redevelopment of Town owned properties is a regular DPCD activity. In recent years much progress has been made with three important Town-owned properties. Redevelopment of the former Municipal Building property at 150 Emmons Street was completed in FY17. The Town’s so-called Pond Street Property, former sewer beds, was sold to a developer in FY16, and construction of a condominium housing development is well on its way. 

The Town’s so-called “Nu-Style” Property on Grove Street, has been the subject of environmental assessment and remedial activities since 2006. The results of testing showed that to fully assess the property’s soil and groundwater contamination, a dilapidated former manufacturing building on site needs to be removed. During FY18 DPCD developed and the Town advertised a Request for Proposals, in attempt to find a company or individual to purchase, clean and redevelop the site. One proposal was received from an adjacent property owner, and the Town is working to execute a purchase and sale agreement.

DPCD will continue to undertake a wide range of community and economic development projects, programs, and planning initiatives that will keep the Town of Franklin’s goals and objectives current and representative of residents’ needs and desires. DPCD is proud of its accomplishments and welcomes public input on all of its efforts to improve the quality of life for the residents of Franklin.

Respectfully submitted,

Department of Planning & Community Development Staff.

You can read the full Annual Report for 2018 online

The archive of prior year annual reports

Franklin Annual Report - 2018: Department of Planning & Community Development
Franklin Annual Report - 2018: Department of Planning & Community Development

Sunday, April 10, 2016

"I can see clearly now, the building's gone"

My estimates for when the 150 Emmons building would come down were off by a couple of weeks. It is down now, nothing but piles of rubble and scrap remain.

looking East to the Historical Museum
looking East to the Historical Museum

also looking from the construction entrance on Emmons St
also looking from the construction entrance on Emmons St

the Historical Museum is framed
the Historical Museum is framed

a view into what is left of the basement
a view into what is left of the basement

With apologies to Johnny Nash

What was left as of Friday morning

the West Central side
the West Central side

looking to the sunrise from the corner of Emmons and West Central
looking to the sunrise from the corner of Emmons and West Central

along Emmons looking to the Historical Museum
along Emmons looking to the Historical Museum

Photos from earlier in the demolition (March 23)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

going, going, .... almost gone

The building at 150 Emmons St continues to be demolished this week. After getting off the train from Boston Tuesday afternoon, I managed to grab some photos in daylight. By the looks of the progress, assuming the weather remains good for this week, this could be down by Friday.

from Emmons St
from Emmons St

also from Emmons St
also from Emmons St

at the corner of West Central
at the corner of West Central

on West Central looking towards Emmons St
on West Central looking towards Emmons St

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Looking back to January 2015

We had some snow in the later part of January 2015 and missed a couple of days of school in what became the 'endless' winter.

  • There was much to do about the conversations overheard with the microphones turned up at the Town Council meeting on January 7th. After all was said and done, there was no apology from the Councilors involved.

Jan 7th meeting here

  • The School Committee meeting on Jan 13th was a marked and positive difference. Two FHS seniors were recognized for being in the top of their class. Dillon Scarnicki had his teammates from the FHS hockey team support him for his participation in the Special Education presentation.

School Committee - Jan 13th

  • Pond St was rezoned, Emmons St was sold.

Town Council - Jan 21st meeting here

the snow did not keep Ben from reading
the snow did not keep Ben from reading

More photos from the walk  around Franklin on Saturday, Jan 24

Feel free to cruise through all the archives (176 posts) for January 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Downtown Project Update #14 - Emmons St paving begins Wednesday night

"We are scheduled to pave Emmons and West Central Street Wednesday night. Start time will be 7:00 p.m. with a finishing time of 5:00 a.m. The finishing time may be a little later so we can finish Summer Street, but we will be out of the school’s way for the start of their day. 
If anything changes and we have to push it back to Thursday, we will let you know but we should be all set Wednesday night. 
If anyone has a question, please feel free to reach out to the DPW Director, Brutus Cantoreggi or Town Engineer, Michael Maglio at 508-553-5500 or Jeffrey Nutting, Town Administrator at 508-520-4949. "
Note the start time has changed from what was captured 2 weeks ago.
Note the start time has changed from what was captured 2 weeks ago. This time they will pave at night shutting the road from 7:00 PM to 4:00 AM

This was shared from the official Franklin webpage

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Emmons St closed today for paving

We will have to close Emmons St at 7:00 am tomorrow. 
I told Mike to order extra details so we will have one at Emmons/Main, Emmons/School, School/Union and Union/140 to properly direct traffic. 
Detour signs will be properly placed. Traffic coming 140 SB will be placed in the NB lane first. That way we can get people in and out of Davis Thayer better. 
We should be completed, or at least out of their entrance way by 2:00 pm

Anthony Tavalone

sign with notice on Emmons St closing
sign with notice on Emmons St closing

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Planning Board: Agenda - Sep 14, 2015

The Planning Board will begin hearing the proposal for the retail complex on the land where Ficco's and Kegan Chevrolet was located. They will also get the first view of the 'final' proposal for the new building at 150 Emmons St.

The meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Building. The meeting will also be broadcast via the local cable channels (Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29).

The full agenda document can viewed here

Ficco's Bowladrome
Ficco's Bowladrome

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Beaver St building proposed as new home for Recreation Dept

The Finance Committee heard of plans for the purchase of the building and land at 275 Beaver St to serve as the new home for the Recreation Dept. The Recreation Dept has been housed in the 150 Emmons St property which is in the process of being sold

Emmons St building - under agreement for sale by Franklin
Emmons St building - under agreement for sale by Franklin

The two documents handed out at the FinCom meeting are shown here. 

They are also part of the Town Council agenda package for the meeting scheduled Apr 15th.

The memo from Jeff Nutting outlining the purchase plans

A summary of the Recreation Dept including revenues and expenses from 2011 (actual) to the current 2015 year (projected)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Live reporting: Finance Commmittee - Apr 7, 2015

Present: Deswnap, Bertone, Conley, Fleming, Heumpher, Dowd,
Absent:  Smith, Dufour, Aparo

Nutting, Gagner, Dacey, Cantoreggi, Semerjian, Jette

Draft capital plan for review tonight
left about $100,000 on table just in case something comes up before the end of the year

old municipal building up for sale, Recreation Dept to be displaced and needs a new home

discussion on proposal to purchase building at 275 Beaver St
use of the funds from Emmons St to be used for purchase of the facility

can briefly offer more programs, slight fee increase in fees
to provide revenue for renovation and continue operaitng

5 -7,000 sq ft, not many buildings this size to fit the need.
it has office space already built out, has capabiity to build out interior space for other rooms, training, art, etc. Meeting rooms space is available and could also be rented out to generate more revenue

parking for 25-30 spaces available, should cover most of the need for parking, most of the programs that would be run that are drop offs.

rental fees for use of school gymnasiums, can be avoided by use of the new facility

a newer more modern building, easier to maintain

most large storage is kept in containers on or near the fields where they are used

front building, to renovate specific space, currently wide open and would be built out to meet needs
back building

planning to use Parmenter school during the summer time to provide space during the gap betweent he sale of the old and purchase/renovation of the new

still need to do 21E, pass papers in June, have the Council approve

State did release money for paving, road repairs

can cover the $500,000 from various accounts of 'cash'; for example, $100,000 from the sale of the land being used for Starbucks. The other $500,000 would be from the sale of Emmons St

by 2026 our debt is dropping

motion to recommend to purchase and renovated the building on Beaver St
seconded, passed 6-0

Friday, January 23, 2015

150 Emmons St sold, Pond St parcel re-zoned

One building sold, another parcel moving along the sale process, more money was added to the Legal budget and Franklin agreed to join with Bellingham and Hopedale in a community building grant application.

Emmons St

After so much to do in the Town Council meeting around the proposal for the 150 Emmons St building, the actual pair of resolutions to make the land available and then to authorize the sale agreement were conducted with little fanfare and no audience participation. There was a substantial audience but they were awaiting the next action item, the re-zoning of the Pond St property.

Attorney Cornetta representing the purchaser was present and left the meeting after both resolutions passed by 8-0 votes with one Councilor recusing himself (Kelly). Members of the Franklin Downtown Partnership, which had lobbied extensively against a drive through, especially if it were to be food service related were not present.

The deal to complete the sale of the property will take approx. four months to complete. In the meantime, Franklin will be looking to relocate the Recreation Dept which is the primary occupant of the current facility. 

150 Emmons St - to be redone as a 'gateway' to Franklin
150 Emmons St - to be a 'gateway' to Franklin

Pond St

On the re-zoning of the Pond St property, members of the neighborhood were much better prepared than for their first exposure to this at the Jan 7th meeting. They spoke at length, in detail, and raised applause on many good points. 

Ultimately, the Council did not agree to a delay on the vote but did amend the resolution to change the 2,000 sq ft requirement to 3,000. This was clearly a compromise on their part to help provide some of the restrictions that the Pond St neighbors were asking for.

Note: As an observer of many of these meetings with public sessions, it was good that the Council apparently suspended their time keeping for each speaker. Given the poor behavior of some of the Council during the Jan 7th meeting where their inappropriate comments were broadcast and recorded, this was a good move.  
For reference the "Visitor's Orientation to Meetings" can be found here 
Copies of this document are generally kept on the small table outside the door to the Council Chambers. 
Note: I also found it interesting that the Town Council did not acknowledge or apologize for their individual behavior and comments at the prior meeting. Had they done so, it could have changed the nature of the relationship. 
The Pond St propery discussion now moves to the Economic Development Committee (EDC) meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Jan 28th. It will be held in the 3rd floor training room of the Municipal Bldg beginning at 6:30 PM. With the parcel re-zoned, the RFP can be drafted to include this 'carrot' for potential developers. 

The RFP would come back to the Town Council for their approval before being advertised as available. The RFP usually would advertise for a 2-3 month period. any proposals submitted for it would first be reviewed at an EDC meeting and then brought with a recommendation to the Council for a decision. If a sale was recommended, it would follow similarly to the Emmons St property. 

The parcel would be declared surplus, an authorization for sale would be reached and eventually concluded. At such time, the developer would then begin the development process working with the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, and other bodies to obtain the necessary permits to begin.

Legal budget increased

Another $50,000 was added to the Legal budget. This line item started with about $45,000 was increased by $30,000 earlier this fiscal year. Most of this attributed to the protracted negotiations with the fire fighters union but not totally associated with it.

Community development grant

Franklin approved signing an agreement to join with Bellingham and Hopedale on this communty grant application. As reported from the Jan 7th meeting, Bellingham would be the lead community doing most of the work but Franklin would also benefit. 

What would this do for us? It would provide some grants or low interest loans for homeowners in the specified area (central Franklin) for those (if they met income requirements) to use for home improvements.

The agreement to join the application can be found on page 10 of the Council agenda here:

My full set of notes reported live during the meeting on Wednesday can be found here

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Live reporting: Legislation

1. Resolution 15-02: Authorization to join Bellingham for the FY 2015 CDBG Program Application
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

2. Resolution 15-03: Declaration of Town-Owned Land at 150 Emmons Street (Old Municipal Bldg. Property) as Surplus and Available for Disposition
Kelly recused himself for this and next item

requires 2/3 vote, via roll call
motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0 (Kelly recused)

3. Resolution 15-04:Authorization for Disposition (Sale) of Town Owned Land @ 150 Emmons Street(Old Municipal Bldg. Property)

dependent upon the prior resolution
motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0 (Kelly recused)

4. Resolution 15-05: Appropriation: Town Administration: Legal Expenses
Kelly returns to meeting
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

initially had about 45-48,000 added ~30,000, now adding $50,000
primarily for negotiation but also for other legal matters

5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 15-745: Amendment to Chapter 185, Attachment 7, Part VI, Use Regulation Schedule, Residential Uses, Office Zoning District – 2ND Reading

motion to approve, seconded

Nutting reads the listing of current allowable uses, the proposal would add one more potential use to the land that the town owns, the town would issue a request for proposal

Kelly - is there another way to permit condos
Taberner - no, other than going through 40B, this would be the only way

Nutting- this is the only place in town where this exists

If we get an RFP would get a response
Meeting of EDC next Weds at 6:30 for drafting the RFP
doesn't necessarily mean a residential component will be part of the RFP
doesn't also mean that the RFP will get a response including residential

If by adding the residential component, we should get more interest
we'll get some input at the EDC meeting next

John Edson, 242 Pond St
not in my backyard, would be easy to say
the road is already, won't make the situation any better
there is big difference between high end condos, and multilevel apartment buildings, when it the time to limit
one reason I bought the house is it a very residential area

Kelly - next week is the EDC meeting, input being looked for as to what would be in the RFP; similar to the Emmons St building

Nutting - after crafted next week, it still comes back to this Council for it before it goes out to the street

Paul Sagar - 225 Pond St
there is a lot of traffic and everyone is complaining about it
I'd rather not have it built on at all
From the Starbucks will add 500 cars a day, 
the left turn lane isn't big enough today and now you are talking about adding something else; most every one appreciates the wildlife that is there
you can drive down i495 and see trees on both sides of the road
we came here to get away of the city
there is also government owned land and that is only accessible via this land
refers to the Alan Earls article posted in Franklin Matters

You just sold some land in the middle of town, doesn't seem to be necessary right at this point; a 20% increase in traffic; 20% of 500 is another 100 cars, if you don't have pets, I have lost pets to traffic; vote no

Sandy Verhagen, hilltop road
thanks for the help to folks who have provided help since the last meeting
voting to rezone leaves us unprotected unless restricted while in your control
at the last meeting, one of my questions may not have been heard correctly
there is a way to restrict the zoning, by calculating the space and buildings allowed; I am asking you to protect the residents
I also went back to the tape to hear the residents that would be happy to restrict the zoning, I understand that it is late in the process, why not consider it?
Many are not against development, we understand the need to revenue, I would love to hear some guarantees to allow the residents to participate in the writing of the RFP, not just listening; that the town will build something that is truly needed, that won't depreciate the houses already there.
That if there are going to be offices, they be needed, there are a lot already empty

Lea Botta-Whiting, Pond St
gardens in front of her house
noticed the increase in traffic
I go inside when Tri-County gets out

has an alternative idea, Exit 23, parcel of land
solar farm there, but at least it is green and has far less impact
and the lady slippers which are endangered by the way

if you widen the street, all my gardens are gone
if the land gets developed, the sewer beds will get disturbed and who knows what they'll bring up
energy from the solar power and provides revenue
multiple solar arrays, including
maybe we have a few council members who are real estate, maybe it is a coincidence, maybe they are looking for the business

Bissanti referenced for comments and specifically quoted at times
the answer to the town growing too quickly is not to help it grow more quickly, it would only add 1% to the town's revenue

my husband and I have discussed this on end, the town is rushing to see, certain council members need to recuse themselves from this discussion
remember we elected you, you are supposed to work for us
we do not want rezoning

Gail Ward - Hilltop Rd
I will ask you all to do us a favor, I am thinking 
remember what it was like when you bought you first home, 
when your kids grew up, played in the yard
we don't want our neighbor hood to change, I want my grandchildren to have what my children had, please remember that when you vote

Hager, Pond St

Nutting - the proposed bylaw would allow for 1 unit per 2000 sq ft, it is similar to what we have in other areas of town, applies to several zoning districts around the downtown

yes, it would apply

an acre is 44,000 sq ft and about 22 units per acre

This community is density, it has continued to grow, it has snow balled, there is apathy, it is affecting our entire community

Oak St was a glorious farm when I grew up,we had the space to be able to do that; maybe some of you made that decision to allow the property development

we can talk about the stop light and impacted the life, I can walk to the grocery store, I have drunk driver issues trying to get home at night, it is dangerous for me and for the children, consider our density, building is not a bad thing, we do need blank space

Gail Irwin - Hilltop Road

I know this is a zoning process, and not an RFP process
two week ago, I asked about due diligence, you say look to the RFP and I am asking you to do the job we are asking of you, do that fact finding for the people and more communications than to the 62 people who are abutters, if you allow this continue to move forward, you have failed in delivery to the constituents in the town of Franklin

I know the sewer beds are there, I will not walk my children on Pond St because I am afraid for our safety
why are you selling the building, why not putting in parking, two restaurants have closed because of parking, I don't understand what you are doing. My kids are here, we love the town, I hope someone is going to take care of the new school better than the last one

Stephanie Pazniokas, hilltop road
I understand the motivation behind the sale, revenue from the property, while talking amongst yourself, it may have seemed a no-brainer, I have walked over a hundred houses in the last two weeks, my point is that there are many important points that should not be ignored

In 2010, primarily wet lands and prime forest land of local importance, it should not be imposed upon, well head protection area on the property, only 9.7 acreage available, 5 acres minimal, we are not downtown level and should not be zone for downtown where we are. if residential, it should be restricted.

This is not prime residential for high end condos, the EPA has not tested, but has been tested by other private, is it possible to have the EPA proper EPA investigation; back when the people put everything down their toilets, we have no idea what is there

we were on our way tonight, someone beeped their horn at us when they were in excess speed, and we were in the right; the only time it is light is late at night and very early in the morning

we want any zoning change to be restricted to protect us
we can add specific density there, referring to Cambridge zoning

I would like some clarification from Mr Nutting, some of the road, setbacks, etc would come from the acreage

Nutting - the five acres is the minimum they could use to put in housing, we don't have a proposal to give you a good answer

Let's not assume that the condos won't bring children, I live in one where we have three kids, the prior place had fourteen units and fourteen kids

The RFP is only applicable for the development, if a few years done the road, we would be not protected, please don't run with your intentions

I really truly hope that is not the case, look at alternative sources of revenue

Nutting - EPA paid for our environmental investigation in 2002 and 2009, the paid for the study

access, every RFP would require access to Mine Brook and it would still be part of; 

we did get solar investigated there and it would not be as beneficial as what we have with the Upper Union St solar Farm where we get 80% of our electricity

Condos produce half the traffic that an office would, it is more of an advantage to minimize the impact to the neighbor, far less intrusive than what is allowed by right

the Council has to address 34,000 people
they have to balance the budget and the development with the needs and wishes of the neighbors, the RFP is the vetting process. it has already gone out twice, I appreciate that no one wants change, someday we'll have 40,000 people, I remember well the little pond on oak St and it was private property and there was nothing the town could have done about that.
we are the largest land owner in the town with the green space we have

Steve Quinlin - Pond St
what is the end game? when does it end, how much larger is Franklin going to be in the future?
this is one little small piece, are we going to say we got these bills and do more?
Norfolk and Wrentham, drive downtown there, people don't know where it is, there is nothing there

On the number of units, art 2,000 sq ft, you got 20 units?
400 hundred people

Nutting- our projections say the town will continue to grow, there is a lot of vacant land that is privately owned

Quinlin - about 45,000? you get my general drift, thank you

Paul Sagar - (returning)
you have a one acre lot, 

Nutting - most of the zoning is a 1/4 acre

Sagar - you might put a hundred units there? it doesn't seem possible, the Council has a right to restrict what ever goes there, they control the destiny; you can put in the RFP how much it should be

Nutting- you can put it for 20 years initially

Sutty? - 89 Pond St
I think we are putting more burden on the depts in Town. I am trying to weigh the pros and cons and I don't see pros. Every dept you are going to put a burden on. I started smelling the sewers, and you put in the day care and office building so I can hear the train; if you put something else in, Ill be able to hear the traffic on 495, with all the traffic going in there, how are we going to do it. I haven't found too much good, how much you get from selling this, you going to spend more to support it. I am against the whole thing. I think it is perfect.

? - Oxford Dr
last meeting, when the developer does have empty space, he is still on the hook for the taxes, 

Nutting - we have an 8-10 percent vacancy rate at any point it town, no one will make a proposal thinking it will be empty space

Nutting - I thnk someone is going to invest and propose, you not goign to spec out a $10M office building without a tenant, you wouldn't get financing

Lea Botta-Whiting, retuning
Bissanti would you sell my house

The gentleman is making our case, green space is important, the natural habit animals do better with open space than with office space

John Edson - returning
the govenment should not be part of the growth problem, we don't have control over the private space, over population is a problem, you need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem

Stephanie Pazniokas, returning
economic development opportunity, Franklin largest property owner of green space, if we are continuning to grow, then we should protect what we do have; it is not a large area but a special area

I am not sure it is in the towns best interest to fill up the space when what we don't have control over

Sandy - 
reiterating, you can restrict the density, you have heard it tonight, you can do so in the zoning bylaws

Sherry Lynch, 6 walker road
when you take all those trees down, what is the buffer to be there? what are they going to do to protect them from the highway noise, almost didn't buy with the highway noise as it was; 

Nutting- from years ago the minimum was going to be 75 ft, the brook that runs through the property helps to protect as well as it makes it undevelopable

Lynch - I am thinking of selling and can't do so as everyhting is up in the air
are they goinp to tap into that old sewer line?

Nutting - one along Walker and the other goes under 495 and services pretty much the rest of the town, the structure couldn't be built on; they can't do anything without the town's permission.

Lynch - what are we going to get as a privacy barrier, is there anything else you guys can do to protect those who are living there; what you are going to propose could help the values but could also kill us. My thing was the privacy factor. Realtors don't always tell the truth

Nutting - the topo(graphy) of the area is a dramatic drop off, there is a small section of evergreen, there has been no discussion or decision of the buffer on Pond St

Can you answer an individual each question?
Vallee - You can't ask that
Kelly - She can ask, we don't have to respond

If you were the woman would you vote?
Pfeffer - yes, I would. The income would be 600,000 which the town absolutely needs
Kelly- yes, as an abutter I can have a say now rather than some other alternative

Padula- I'd probably abstain if I was an abutter, this project was almost developed with a hotel potentially begger than what we may get
Do you tink it is in the Town's best interest to not develop this? No, I think we need to

Bissanti - I'd like to remind you that the prior proposal was for the anaerobic digester, and we stopped it. I didn't want 80 garbage trucks taking trash here. We stopped it. I hate to say it, there is a misunderstanding of the RFP process. The developer who did reply wanted apartments, we didn't want that. We all got together and did what was right for Franklin.

I do appreciate that it didn't go in.

Dellorco - I was with Bissanti to support stopping the anaerobic digester. I am against the project

Feldman - we built three beautiful parks in town last year. It affected alot of people and I'll take this case on its merits

Irwin - we did not understand process the last time, we did our homework. What concerns me is that you think we don't understand, we think you have an oppportunity to take some traffic studies, to get an updated EPA study, is it going to be that determental to take a little more time

Bissanti - that will be coming down the road, that comes under the site plan, the RFP has to describe something, I have been asking for an unrestricted RFP, so we could get more, get their different ideas. some you might love, some you might hate. According to our attorney that is what we follow. I don't blame you people that is the way we have to do it

?? - 44 Pond St
why are we rushing to do this? let's take a step back, each one of use represents others who could not be here
we want to trust you that you are going to do what is in our best interest. If you really want to do so, you'll postpone this

Nutting  - the zoning could be changed by the next council, it can not be restricted in perpetuity

Pfeffer - minium of 5 acres for residential, when it goes to the EDC for the RFP crafting they could stipulate some number of units
this isn't over, next week you can come to get some restrictions

Nutting- the RFP drafting will be an open process, 

Sandy - so you could change the bumber 2,000 in the zoning to help restrict

?? - (returning)
with more growth, you need some lands for more fields for the recreation

Feldman - there is ability to restrict the current motion?

Nutting - that would be an amendment to the proposal

Feldman - I am not saying I would oppose it, could we consider delaying
I appreciate your solar efforts but the town is already doing a tremendous job, it is an amazing effort going to a hundred houses, every town would like this effort
1% may not sound like a lot but it can make a difference.

Padula - as members we sit on the horns of this dilema, it almost happened with the last RFP if it had come back with a hotel, you may not have known.
it is okay to compassionate, that is good. If we had sold this property we'd probably have $10M in our coffers. Is it logical to think that we'd never develop that property? It is not realistic.  We're asking to slow this piece, the RFP process is next week but it may also be more than enxt week to complete the process. I would not be in favor of the Emmons St property if it were other than a bank drive through, if I am not comfortable with it. If a hotel goes in, I don't want that to get converted. I want to make sure, is there something we can do to protect us down the road. We want to control that piece. 

Nutting - a zoning change could be done in 2 weeks time
Cerel - there are mechanisms to ensure that you get the development you want, but there are not guarntees due to ecnomic conditions, we have seen in the recent downturn many items

Mercer - I appreciate everyone coming forward tonight. I think everyone has heard and appreciate your concerns, we need to vote on what is in the best interest of the town. It doesn't mean we will do it, the RFP for Emmons st shows that the process does work. When the RFP comes back to the Council, if it comes back without addressing your concerns, I wouldn't support it.

Pfeffer - we are looking at this 2,000, what if we changed that to 3,000.
Nutting- there is no magic number there

Pfeffer - amend motion to change the motion to allow 3,000 sq ft instead of 2,000

Feldman - Why 3,000?

Pfeffer - I was going to go with 4,000 but that would only be ten units, and we want to get a response

vote - 8-1 to approve amendment (Dellorco - no)

Bissanti - I'd like to point out when the traffic studies and trip analysis come back, the development residential is not going to screw up Pond St traffic, we don't want to cut the legs out of the RFP. And that is why we got rid of the anaerobic digester. Some one may ask to put in a sports complex and we'll need to review that. I'd like to see what can be done.

Forster - 
the traffic study won;t get screwed up, it is already that way, I asked to see if you would drive that, not sure if you did. Any addition will screw it up more. 

Bissanti - the Planning Board will hold the developers feet to the fire

Did any of you do the drive on Pond St?

Irwin - while I appreciate, Ms Pfefer's attempt to accomodate us? I would like you consider Mr Feldman's mention of a request to delay to come up with a thoughtout process. I get something will go there, I want a thoughtful consideration and thoughtful compromise

Pazniokas - 
it is not just about the traffic, a lower density would be more attractive to some of the residents, and impact to the other resources of the town, make it more attractive to live there

Difficulty in changing the zoning, I appreciate your efforts. It is not just the traffic but hwo might be living there.

Lea - (returning)
if the traffic is a problem, then why haven't you done something. Story of the truck parked delivering to Starbucks, cars all parked on the side street

Pfeffer - motion to close the discussion
vote to close the question, 9-0

vote on bylaw via roll call
8-1 (Dellorco no)

two minute recess