Showing posts with label Oak Street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oak Street. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2020

@OakStElementary shares news on a $5K award from Staples for @mrs_perro

"Congratulations to Mrs. Perro! Thanks to our parent community she was a WINNER in the @StaplesStores #ThankATeacher campaign, and Oak Street was awarded $5,000 worth of Staples supplies.  
Thank Staples Thank you @AngelaKinsey and HUGE Thank you to @mrs_perro!"
@OakStElementary shares news on a $5K award from Staples for @mrs_perro
@OakStElementary shares news on a $5K award from Staples for @mrs_perro

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Franklin (MA) Police: Stranger Encounter on Oak Street

On June 14, 2019 the Franklin Police were alerted to suspicious activity involving a juvenile student of the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter School. The juvenile reported that while walking on Oak Street, a male party in a vehicle approached her and motioned for her to come to the vehicle.

Thankfully in this incident a neighbor recognized the situation, and called the juvenile over to her. The child was not harmed in any way.

Over the last few weeks there have been reports in Franklin, and area communities of similar type occurrences. At this time we cannot say with any degree of certainty that these incidents are related other than they all involve school age children. Descriptions of suspects and vehicles are not consistent.

The Franklin Police are actively investigating these incidents. We encourage all parents to talk to their children about what to do if approached by strangers, and to practice safe strategies such as always having a friend with them, or moving with groups of people who they know.

At this time we are not issuing any alert for a specific vehicle or suspect. This message is just to alert the community of these incidents, and to remind parents and children to have a plan about what to do in the event they are approached by a stranger.

This was shared from the Town of Franklin page

Franklin Police - 911 Panther Way, Franklin
Franklin Police - 911 Panther Way, Franklin

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Franklin Public Schools will open on time - Feb 13

Wednesday February 13, 2019

We want to make the community aware that there is a snapped pole on Oak Street that is impacting traffic in both directions in front of FHS and ECDC/Oak/HMMS. Franklin Police Department officers are on detail and will be assisting with traffic.

Franklin Public Schools will still open on time. We will be lenient with tardies this morning if this impacts arrival for your child or children. We also encourage drivers to use Panther Way as an alternative route.


The Franklin Public Schools

Franklin Public Schools will open on time - Feb 13
Franklin Public Schools will open on time - Feb 13

Sunday, October 28, 2018

You can help too! Help Jose Knock out Cancer

Via Twitter we find: 
“No one fights alone!” Our fifth grade community came together to support a classmate! 🧡🧡🧡

“No one fights alone!” Our fifth grade community came together to support a classmate!
“No one fights alone!” Our fifth grade community came together to support a classmate!
Contribute online via GoFundMe

The tweet showing the Farmer Market booth fund raising event

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"It was about the power of the positive”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Yellow buses packed with smiling youngsters pulled up at Davis Thayer Elementary School first thing Tuesday morning. 
Principal Kathleen Gerber said she was happy to see the children back, hearing them greet their old teachers with excited hellos on their way to meet their new instructors. 
“It’s always great to see new faces and welcome new students as well,” she said. “There are lots of smiles, and just the energy of that first day.” 
Superintendent Sara Ahern said the first day was a success in the district."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)
screen grab of presentation on Monday captured and shared by Oak St via Twitter

Monday, March 19, 2018

Oak St Elementary - March fund raising - Mar 20

It's so much more than pizza. With a huge selection of salads, pastas, subs, and burgers, there is something for everyone. 

Oak Street Elementary School will earn 20% of the sales made by our families and friends for the entire day!

You must submit a flyer with your order.


WHEN: Tuesday, March 20th
TIME: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
WHERE: 150 Emmons Street (in the plaza)
PHONE: 508-528-0050

Oak St Elementary - March fund raising - Mar 20
Oak St Elementary - March fund raising - Mar 20

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Franklin Residents: Water main break on Oak Street

Franklin Residents: Water main break on Oak Street

Water main break on Oak Street Ext (off of Pond Street)! Water service should be restored within a few hours and discolored water may persist throughout the area tonight and tomorrow. Thank you for your patience while we make the repair!

This is an automatic message from Town of Franklin MA.

Friday, December 22, 2017

"There are two children that stole our hearts and we will not let Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy steal them"

"Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common fatal genetic disorder diagnosed in childhood, affecting approximately 1 in every 3,500 live male births (about 20,000 new cases each year).” Although there are medical treatments that may help slow its progression, there is currently no cure for Duchenne. 
We began this journey with DMD in July 2013 when our 7-year-old son, Caeden, went to Children's hospital for a neurological evaluation and blood tests were conducted. We received a call several days later that his CPK levels were extremely elevated which indicates a muscle disorder. We then went to the Neuromuscular Disease Center at Childrens Hospital the following week where another assessment stated he was showing signs for Duchenne, Becker, or Limb girdle muscular dystrophy. 
We were shocked to say the least and researched all the disorders and hoped for none but if it had to be one not Duchenne. Caeden had genetic testing done to determine the form of muscular dystrophy and told we would get the results in about a month. We received the call about a month later which diagnosed Caeden with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(DMD). We were beyond devastated and a lot of tears were shed and so much uncertainty. 
Several weeks later we were told that Devin would need to be tested as well since it is a genetic disorder and it mainly effects boys. 
Devin had his testing and another blow Devin was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy as well. We were not even able to process the diagnosis for Caeden and now we had to digest the same diagnosis for Devin. So many emotions especially since our only two children have been diagnosed with such a devastating disease. 
So where we stand right now is we live day to day and we love them. The boys have good days and bad days and we know due to the diagnosis there are a lot more bad days in the future. We had moved to a new home in July before all this happened and now we have a home with stairs to get in the house and for the boys to get to their bedrooms and that is not functional. The boys have a very hard time ascending and descending stairs. We need to add an addition so the boys bedrooms and bathroom are on one level and we have a lift to get them in our home from outside. The cost for this addition is $200,000. 
On top of all the boys medical expenses this is very hard for us to accomplish. We had to purchase a used minivan as it is a little easier for the boys to get in and out of however at some point in the future we will need a fully accessible van and they are very costly. We know there are many other things we will have to consider or think about in the future.

Right now HOPE is all we have. Hope that all these biotechnology companies and medical researchers will come up with a treatment that works to save our sweet boys and all the boys with DMD."

"There are two children that stole our hearts and we will not let Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy steal them"

Please consider making a donation to help:

C & D UNITED For: Caeden and Devin Parisi

C & D UNITED- For: Caeden and Devin Parisi

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Take a walk in the "Meadowlands" - October 28

Saturday, October 28, at 10:30 AM, Alan Earls will be leading a walk through the fields and wetlands along Mine Brook in Franklin to assess potential public access points and existing trails on behalf of the Charles River Meadowlands Initiative.

We will meet at the end of Oak Street Extension (please park carefully so as not to impact neighbors) and depart, rain or shine, heading roughly south toward the former town sewage treatment facilities (now being redeveloped).

Depending on conditions we will either retrace our route or exit via White Ave., returning to our cars on foot. This is an opportunity to see this hidden open space gem and to contribute to efforts with town and federal authorities to improve access. Plan on a duration of approximately two hours.


image shared from the Charles River Meadowlands webpage
image shared from the Charles River Meadowlands webpage

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Oak St Teacher Dance Party (video)

The Oak Street Elementary School teachers know how to provide a good example in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Now there is evidence that they also can add rhythm to list of r's. 

While Franklin Matters has been off the grid (yes, off the internet completely) for the past several days, we hope you have enjoyed the scheduled posts. Regular news will begin to be caught up with today and 'new' posts will be shared on Thursday, July 6.

flower peek-a-boo
flower peek-a-boo

Sunday, April 2, 2017

“I think Franklin’s really ahead of the curve”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"The town’s schools will be partnering with William James College to further their “social-emotional” learning efforts. 
Assistant Superintendent Peter Light said the partnership - which will offer graduate-level instruction to the Oak Street Elementary School’s faculty and administration through a pilot program - will take place over the course of the 2017-2018 school year. 
In recent years, the local district has adopted social-emotional learning practices, which take a “whole-child” approach to education. 
“What we see more and more is that we have to have high-quality, standards-based instruction, but equally important is the kids’ readiness to receive that instruction,” Light said.'

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Oak Street Elementary School to take part in pilot program for social emotional learning
Oak Street Elementary School to take part in pilot program for social emotional learning

Saturday, January 28, 2017

"That’s impressive for humans who can’t yet tie their own shoes and still need to be reminded to share"

"I was only in the classroom for 45 minutes, but that was long enough to compel me to write a letter to the teacher once I left. 
I’ll be honest, I have zero qualifications as it relates to child education. My only qualification and reason for being in a kindergarten class that day is my oldest child is a kindergartner. He attends a public school and I was in his classroom as a parent volunteer. 
His teacher had asked parents to sign up to help during the daily Literacy Center portion of the morning. I was excited to go in, see my son in his classroom, and meet his classmates. When I arrived, the class was sitting on the floor, singing, and drawing the alphabet in the air with their fingers. Mrs. G gave me a quick rundown on how I was to help. She introduced me to the class and then quietly asked the children to go to their first center."

Continue reading the article about 45 minutes in a kindergarten classroom

While this article is published in the Washington Post, the writer could have been a mother visiting a Franklin kindergarten classroom. I recognize the concepts of the centers in the classroom. Having visited a kindergarten (although not yet this year), I also recognize the sentiments expressed by the writer/mother.  

By way of disclosure, my wife (Mrs Sherlock) is one of the three kindergarten teachers at Oak St Elementary. You can see some of what they do in the classroom when they share via their new Twitter account @OakStKinders

kindergarten writers working on their pattern books
kindergarten writers working on their pattern books

Thursday, June 16, 2016

School Committee recognizes retirees, agrees to MOU on new contract

The School Committee spent the first several minutes of their meeting recognizing several personnel (teachers, van drivers, and administrators) that are retiring this year.

Oak St School provided an update followed by the Keller School.  

Then the School Committee went into Executive Session to discuss the labor agreement with the Franklin Education Association (teacher's union) returning to open meeting and the action items. The last action item was passed without revealing any details of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or any discussion. Apparently, more will be discussed when the actual contract is formally signed in a future meeting.

j. I recommend ratification of the proposed MOU for a contract between the FEA and the Franklin School Committee.motion to accept, seconded, passed 7-0
Keller 2nd grade students ready to model their morning meeting for the School Committee
Keller 2nd grade students ready to model their morning meeting for the School Committee

For the detail notes taken during the meeting: (photos were added to the individual sections):

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Live reporting: Oak St Update

The Oak St Update presented by Principal Kate Peretz and Assistant Principal Kathleen Gerber

photo from the monitor in the Council Chambers
photo from the monitor in the Council Chambers

Collecting acorns helps to reinforce the community at Oak St

decision making collaborative approach to running the school by determining the schedule, etc.

event 'EdCamp like' being planned for the parents/guardians at the Curriculum night next fall

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Oak Street Elementary School: Walking Wednesday - May 4

Tomorrow, May 4th is our first Walking Wednesday of the spring. It's also MA Walk/Bike to School Day. 
Keep your fingers crossed that the weather cooperates with us since we hope to have lots of students walk to school. 
It's a great way to start the day with family and friends!

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Oak St School
Oak St School

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Live reporting: Oak St Update

b. Oak Street Elementary School Update 
– Corine Minkle,Kathleen Gerber

a brief snapshot of the year in review
trying to tie it all together in pictures

lots of slides depicting various scenes in school day
small group learning
anchor charts
art integrated with other academics
math workshop
K students with a whiteboard
math games and exploration
brain gym training in between academics
stations to warm up for gym
every classroom uses technology
standards based
common planning time for grade levels
families came to to participate in math morning
'fancy day' for 3-4-5th grade concert
about 90% dressed in fancy black/white
Halloween candy collected for troops
4-500 pounds of candy just from Oak St
Spaulding Center does a disability awareness for 5th grade
'read across america' outside readers
partnered with the Y, BOKS program for 4-5th grade students
from Plimoth Plantation Jeffrey came in to talk about Indian life
Science day
'best buddies' partnered with FHS and Dean
EMC project on 'mini empty bowls', bowl purchase raised money for Franklin Food Pantry
morning wakeup for Channel 5

it is difficult to find out what is going on in school, based upon this, there is a lot going on at Oak St
the collaboration working in and connecting within the community, I give you an A+

I like with what I have seen is that the same techniques are used at the high school

Q - how is attendence?
It is well represented, when students are involved. With a parent only evening, it is more challenging
99% of faculity and students were in red/white/blue
standing room only

Jewell - If the parents can't come, invite the grandparents?
We do and many of those come, if their parent is not there, they are at least paired with someone

Jewell - are you comfortable with the level of questions for PARCC
The students like PARCC because they can use the computer
it is a learning curve for everyone as they were tailoring the questions
some were hard, some were easy and some were just right

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Much ado about her hats

There was mush ado in a short period of time within the closed group on Facebook called "Friends of Franklin". The issue was raised that Susan Johnson, the colorful and friendly crossing guard at the Oak St school crossing had been told she could not wear her hats any more.

Despite the attempts to quell the fury that erupted, the comments continued and a petition started to circulate. The petition is not necessary.

Some folks need to consider what is on Facebook carefully before responding. Facebook is not designed to make it easy to review all the comments, however in cases like this, a review of the comments would have revealed this was a non-issue but that did not stop some from continuing to raise the alarm.

A tempest in a teapot, over a hat, and all for a non-issue. The back story on the incident is summarized in the text of this email from Superintendent Maureen Sabolinski
Last spring there was an accident at the Oak St school crossing  
MA Dept of Labor (DoL) investigated this summer - meeting with Jeff Nutting, DPW, Franklin Police and Franklin Human Resources 
The Dept of Labor gave some guidelines for crossing guards - (apparently DoL investigates when there is any accident with a crossing guard) 
Lisa Trainor met with Ms. Johnson and suggested that the hats are a distraction. Lisa supervises the crossing guards.
Lisa and I met this morning, what the DoL provided are guidelines and not regulatory so it is within our purview (Franklin Schools) to mandate compliance. 
Lisa chatted with Ms. Johnson this morning and told her it was her choice to wear hats if she wants to 

Note: this is one of the crossing areas that will be getting the new signals currently in use at the King St crossing to Parmenter School. This new signal will hopefully help to slow down the traffic and make it safe for the kids to be crossed by Ms Johnson.

school zone speed reducing signs
school zone speed reducing signs

The August 6th Town Council meeting discussed the signs

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Attention Elementary Parents - Info Night on new Math Program and Report Cards

From the Franklin Public Schools:

We will be running 3 information nights for parents to introduce our new elementary math program and elementary report cards, which will be issued in December. Information on these two important topics will be presented by teachers, math specialists, and administrators on the following nights:

Parents of children at Jefferson and Parmenter
Wednesday, November 5th at Jefferson Elementary 
Parents of children at Oak Street and Kennedy
Thursday, November 6th at Oak Street Elementary 
Parents of children at Keller and Davis Thayer
Wednesday, November 12th at Keller Elementary

Each evening will run from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

If you cannot attend on the evening designated for your child’s school, please feel free to join us for one of the other presentations.

All materials will also be posted to school and district webpages after the last presentation.

Ladybug rug at JF Kennedy School
Ladybug rug at JF Kennedy School

This was posted to the Franklin Schools webpage here

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Franklin's Wake Up Call (video)

The Channel 5 "Wake Up Call" was provided by Franklin's own Horace Mann and Oak St schools today (actually recorded a couple of weeks ago).

Wake Up Call
Wake Up Call

You can also view this directly on

Note for email readers: to view the video, you'll need to click through to the Franklin Matters website