Showing posts with label kindergarten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindergarten. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2022

The Guardian provides another view to US news

A couple of good articles on topics we don't always find in the US new media

"How COVID shook the US: eight charts that capture the last two years"
Death is a topic not well discussed and perhaps even more so when associated with COVID-19. The counting process can be problematic. Everyone needs to be using the same definitions and even in MA, the definition of a COVID death is changing. One thing is clear, the disease is deadly.

one of the 8 charts in the article
one of the 8 charts in the article

Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)

"Sandy Hook review: anatomy of an American tragedy – and the obscenity of social media"

"Even in a country now completely inured to the horrors of mass shootings, the massacre at Sandy Hook remains lodged in the minds of everyone old enough to remember it. Ten years ago, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fired 154 rounds from an AR-15-style rifle in less than five minutes. Twenty extremely young children and six adults were killed.

It was the worst elementary school shooting in American history.

Elizabeth Williamson’s new book is about that “American Tragedy”, but more importantly it is about “the Battle for Truth” that followed. In excruciating detail, Williamson describes the unimaginable double tragedy every Sandy Hook parent has had to endure: the murder of their child, followed by years and years of an army of online monsters accusing them of inventing this unimaginable horror."
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)

Note: my wife taught kindergarten for 20+ years here in Franklin so the Sandy Hook tragedy hits close to home. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Friday, February 12, 2021

Franklin Public Schools, MA: Kindergarten registration is open

Kindergarten registration is open! Please see the attached flyer for info and links! 
Registration is ongoing but we are asking families to register their child by March 1st if possible to help us prepare for staffing & class sections. 

PDF Flyer for Registration:

Shared from Twitter:

Franklin Public Schools, MA: Kindergarten registration is open
Franklin Public Schools, MA: Kindergarten registration is open

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Franklin Public Schools: Kindergarten Registration Open for 2021-2022

"Kindergarten Registration for the Class of 2034 is now available! Franklin Public Schools are now enrolling K students for the 2021-2022 school year.
Visit our website at for details. Questions? Please reach out to Central Office at 508- 553-4819"

Franklin Public Schools: Kindergarten Registration Open for 2021-2022
Franklin Public Schools: Kindergarten Registration Open for 2021-2022

Friday, January 22, 2021

Sunrise Montessori School: Open House - Preschool & Kindergarten - Jan 23

Sunrise Montessori School is hosting an in-person Open House for our Preschool & Kindergarten programs. 

Families are welcome to tour the school, speak with our teachers and learn more about Montessori education. 

Applications are being accepted for the 2021-2022 school year. No RSVP is necessary, but you may call Andrea Rossick, Head of School, at 508-541-8010 if you have any questions. 

Please wear a mask and practice social distancing.

When: Jan 23, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Check out Sunrise online:
or on Facebook: 

Sunrise Montessori School: Open House - Preschool & Kindergarten - Jan 23
Sunrise Montessori School: Open House - Preschool & Kindergarten - Jan 23

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Franklin, MA: School Committee - Agenda - Jan 12, 2021

School Committee Meeting - Agenda

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance 
Moment of Silence

I. Routine Business
A. Review of Agenda
B. Citizen’s Comments
In the spirit of open communication, “the Committee will hold a public participation segment (also called Citizen’s Comments) about matters not related to an agenda item at the beginning of each regular School Committee meeting. The Committee will listen to, but not respond to any comment made…. A Committee member may add an agenda item to a future meeting as a result of a citizen comment…. The Committee will hear public comments related to an agenda item when the Chair deems appropriate during the Committee meeting. Topics for discussion during the meeting must be limited to those items listed on the Committee meeting agenda for that evening…. ” - from Policy BEDH
C. FHS Student Representative Comments
D. Superintendent’s Report

II. Guests/Presentations
A. Oak Street Elementary School Update – Brad Hendrixson

III. Discussion/Action Items
A. FHS Athletics if Remote
I recommend approval of the plan for athletics if remote as discussed.

B. Student Opportunity Act Plan 2021-2023
I recommend approval of the Student Opportunity Act Plan 2021-2023 as discussed.
(no document released)

IV. Discussion Only Items
A. Personnel Update

B. Kindergarten and Grade 1 Survey Summary (document posted at Schools page  doesn't display all the charts properly) (doc updated 1/11/21)

C. School Reopening Status Update (1/8/2021)

V. Information Matters
A. School Committee Sub-Committee Reports (e.g. Ad Hoc Supt. Evaluation, Ad Hoc Facilities Analysis, Budget, Community Relations/Public Schools Advocacy, Policy, Transportation)
B. School Committee Liaison Reports (e.g. Joint PCC, Substance Abuse Task Force, School Wellness Advisory Council, Franklin Racial & Social Justice Task Force)

VI. New Business
A. To discuss any future agenda items

VII. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes from your December 22, 2020 School Committee meeting as detailed.
B. Executive Session Minutes
I recommend approval of the Executive Session Minutes from the December 22, 2020 School Committee meeting to be released as detailed.
C. Keller Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $790.56 from the Keller PCC for supplemental supplies as detailed.
D. Scholarship
I recommend acceptance of a check for $5,000.00 from Thomas A. Wagner for the Wagner Scholarship as detailed.
E. Music Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $60.00 from Franklin Music Parents for in-house enrichment as detailed.
F. Leuder’s Annual Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $75.00 from Leuder’s Environmental, Inc. for supplemental supplies as detailed.

VIII. Payment of Bills Dr. Bergen
IX. Payroll Ms. D’Angelo

X. Executive Session
 A. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the FEA as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on
the bargaining position of the School Committee and the chair so declares.
B. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A §21(a)(2) to conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel.
XI. Adjournment

The agenda doc (including connection info) can be found in the meeting packet folder

Do your part Franklin!
Do your part Franklin!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Franklin (MA) School Committee meeting recap - Dec 22. 2020

Quick Recap:
  • Donna Grady, FPS teacher and FEA president spoke about reframing the discussion on kids missing out. They are not, they are all in the same boat. (I would add: health is more important than education - without good health, you can't learn. And it would be good to recognize that this pandemic is a time to think about our overall learning processes. How do we learn? How can we learn? The specific topics and curriculum items mean less than the developing the capability to learn.)
  • excellent presentations from ECDC and the Performing Arts dept showcasing the work and learning being done in trying circumstances. (See how we can learn when we put our minds together to do so)
  • First draft of school calendar for 2020-2021 shared
  • Superintendent's goals were approved. The sharing pre-meeting had caused some kerfuffle among community members who misinterpreted what they were lacking the full context. (A solution to this would be a 'cover note/memo' to better frame the doc when shared pre-meeting next time. Not sharing the doc before hand is not an acceptable solution. Although it is an 'easy way' out, it does nothing to build the trusting relationship with the community that is very much a work in progress)
  • Re-opening status - lengthy discussion with SchComm Q&A and only a few community comments this time around. Plan to bring K-1 back in person still being developed. Finally a question on ESP's use as subs and what happens to that learning time? (it doesn't always get made up - and this has been gong on for some time, well before the pandemic) Staffing in the pandemic continues to be working a tightrope. If the numbers change (in the wrong direction) expect more remote learning days.
Photos captured during the meeting broadcast and shared via Twitter can be found in one album


As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #schcom1222

  • Getting ready for the School Committee meeting tonight, agenda doc is here:  #schcom1222
  • Meeting starts on time and the recording allows me to catch the gavel this time ( yeah!) #schcom1222 one in route to meeting (D'Angelo) other six present remotely or in person for this hybrid session
  • #schcom1222 participation over 100 at this point with a good # of teachers showing up via the names 
Citizen comments
  • Donna Grady, FPA teacher and FEA president speaking in citizen comments in regards to comments from prior meeting, should not be pitted teacher vs family
  • Need to reframe the comment on kids missing out, they are all in the same situation, they are not missing anything. This is not normal, if we push kids to school, they won't be interacting, they'll be sitting in desks separated, we all want folks to be safe #schcom1222
  • #schcom1222 we are in this together, please help us do this, we (teachers and staff) can't do this alone. We are not there yet and the situation is causing trauma, if academic progress is goal, we need to meet the basic safety goals first, staff and students are showing symptoms
  • Of trauma. Kids are told they are safe when they know other students are home in quarantine. Teachers are going above and beyond. They are frustrated about not doing their best, this will take months to repair. #schcom1222 please put mental health of our staff first
  • FHS representative says students understand everyone is doing their best. In person attendance dropping, many be multiple reasons for that. In a reselect process the numbers may change #schcom1222
Superintendents report
  • Superintendent report: update from DESE around student mental health and connection, instructional time daily to connect with teachers 34 hours over a ten day period, 40 hours over 10 4 asynchronous. Looking for consistency district 2 district. Did complete a survey #schcom1222
  • FPS meeting requirements. CARES funding deadline extended to Dec 2021, which will help to fulfill due to supply chain issues. #schcom1222 
  • Not universal on snow day for last Thursday. Compliments to teachers etc for doing fun stuff last Thursday.
  • This is Beth Simon's last night supporting the SchComm by doing notes. #schcom1222 not sure what funding does to the other building schedules for HVAC changes, purifiers are in or being deployed. Miss snow days but will be happy in June.
  • Guest presentations: ECDC up to share updates to talking to the doc… #schcom1222 timely slide picks up points being made in comments
  • #schcom1222 taking time to build relationships, yes it may not be 6' but the little ones don't understand. Pics of staff with and without masks available. BTW participation up to 135+ in Zoom, 12 more viewing live stream, some #? also via the 2 cable channels
  • #schcom1222 went on a leaf hunt, and integrated leaves into various lessons there is an explanation and story for each photo on the slide. Need to set students up for success.#schcom1222 monthly newsletter went out today, folks overwhelmed, how can she best reach folks in a manner that resonates. (Video link in presentation doc)
  • #schcom1222 taking registration for next school year, hopefully it will be fully in person. Helpful info on the sheet here remote learning bags coming via COVID-19 funding.
  • #schcom1222 positive comments from the SchComm members on update from ECDC. This shows the amount of work and level of commitment to do this in person. Enjoy the time off.
  • Next up, performing arts update from Diane Plouffe kudos to staff and students for rolling through this craziness. Rehearsal in the fall outdoor for middle school band #schcom1222
  • presentation doc being shared and talked to for this update #schcom1222 the team!
  • New standards are a challenge with COVID restrictions #schcom1222 singing indoors currently not permitted
  • Can you imagine elementary music without singing or sharing instruments? They are finding a way #schcom1222 a virtual chorus rehearsal on Wednesdays. No beginner lessons as lifelong learning is not operating; over 500 students signed up
  • Sad looking rehearsal space, when used by students, everything is wiped down before students leave, wipes on music stands. #schcom1222
  • Exploring bringing band back in, working on details for approval through the channels. Sample horn mask, bell cover in plain black, to out logo on would be too much #schcom1222 ventilation being updated over the winter break.
  • Brief video clip shared of music performance with teacher performing with some students in room, some remote #schcom1222
  • The "brady bunch" video is not easy to do, each 3 minute piece takes about 24 hours of prep. #schcom1222
  • 60 students in middle school orchestra over 100 at FHS, expand the timing in the prior tweet by these #s to see total work required #schcom1222 
  • Drama club performed Clue on stage using same precautions as athletes did before rehearsal.
  • Video of 3 cohorts and then mixed with the students remote #schcom1222 
  • 8 students going to all state competition
  • resharing the presentation on performing arts, lots of the links are live music performances and worth checking out #schcom1222
  • Very positive comments from SchComm #schcom1222  
Superintendent goals
  • Moving along to superintendent goals, after subcommittee worked on them. Did get feedback on goals, from the posting pre-meeting. There is not enough of a focus on anti-racism, it is in the district improvement plan but in …
  • The broader context while not in the 2 shared it is embedded elsewhere and driving the work on this. Wants to be careful in sharing this. #schcom1222 there is a need to do more Communication, centrally and new mediums to explore. Collaboration folded in
  • Looking to expand Communication channels to share with the Community, i.e. blog. (Has been 'coming soon' since just after arrival) #schcom1222
  • Goal doc linked to… #schcom1222 sets a foundation for future development motion and second, passes via roll call 6-0-1 (6 for, 0 no, 1 absent)
2020-2021 calendar
Re-opening report
  • Also for discussion the re-opening report #schcom1222 some of the 'red' status is due to timing, only .03 over the red line last week #schcom1222 priority standards for  learning and essential content
  • Did close survey on the K-1 families and staff, need to process the data, 360 responses from families, so good return rate. #schcom1222 some districts going remote post holiday, we are not yet planning to do so. In person/hybrid is valuable.
  • #schcom1222 looking at process of taking in reports and do contact tracing (will be complicated) will require administrator follow up, likely not as responsive; hence to have the first day as a remote learning day to allow for processing the reports from the break
  • Looking at Wednesday at FHS to provide some relief with common planning time, looking to add 2 asynchronous periods for planning, could also address student stress re: screen time. Seeing increase in absences, and coverage challenges. #schcom1222
  • #schcom1222 guidance has changed in the last week or so, DESE is now more aligned with the CDC and Dept of Public Health: adjusting the Communications accordingly. Flu vaccine date postponed until Feb, already 80% of students have reported compliance. Notice coming out
  • Looking to do a baseline survey in Jan for all staff, using other sources of info to obtain feedback. #schcom1222 K-1 summary should be available by next meeting, did put out a call for activity monitors and subs, be vigilant during break so we can be safe when we return
  • Q on sub rates and sub coverage options. Miriam provided the rates overview. Sara answered the what if questions and it depends (really it does) Elise remarks on the coverage puzzle is monumental. Not sustainable #schcom1222
  • #schcom1222 some districts have K-1 in school, most are hybrid, split between fully remote vs fully in person. Development of 2 artifacts to help support teachers and families for K-1 students. Sub availability due to timing of finger prints, cori checks
  • Using ESPs as subs does affect time delivering services (this happened pre-COVID-19 and the time of delivery is not easily made up if ever). #schcom1222 
  • Should consider more than one day for remote coming back may not be enough time to fully access the data
  • Extremely frustrating to get the COVID letters daily, students are staying home to go elsewhere over the break, but we can't. Timing on the cohort letters and knowing when the reports were noted. #schcom1222 
  • Moving to info matters
Subcommittee reports
  • Need to set up budget meetings #schcom1222 good showing at FinCom reported (really, not by my notes. SchCom/Central Office left info unshared when they had an opportunity to do so). People come here because of the schools, and being fiscally responsible.
  • Community relations, trying to get date for meeting; date being worked for legislative forum. Policy met on 12/17 with plans for moving; facilities update lengthy errors in presentation were after analysis and did not effect results. Population trends similar #schcom1222
  • #schcom1222 additional data coming mid January and get ready to summarize for SchCom date TBD 
  • Joint PCC rescheduled for January. Wellness exploring hydroponic expansion beyond FHS. Working on another challenge next meeting Jan 12
  • Safe Coalition update to SWAC presented earlier today, adapting and evolving to conditions. #schcom1222
Future agenda items
  • Student opportunity Act plan coming up for vote. FHS update, personnel update, and Oak St elementary will be a highlight. 
Consent agenda
  • Consent agenda motion to accept, second, passes 6-0-1 (6 for, 0 no, 1 absent) via roll call (D'Angelo absent) #schcom1222
Executive session
  • Motion to enter executive session, not to return to open meeting, second, approved 6-0-1 (see before in thread) via roll call
  • #schcom1222 that's all for tonight (and I think for meetings in 2020!) Catch you all later
Franklin (MA) School Committee meeting recap - Dec 22. 2020
Franklin (MA) School Committee meeting recap - Dec 22. 2020

Friday, December 11, 2020

FM #410 School Committee Meeting - 12/08/20 - P2 of 3 (audio)

FM #410 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 410 in the series. 

This session shares one of three segments for the Franklin, MA School Committee meeting held on Tuesday, Dec 8, 2020. 

The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format: some of the School Committee and Central Office personnel were in the Council Chambers, the remainder of the Committee was remote via conference bridge, all to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

I’ve split the two hour and forty minute meeting into three logical segments:
  • First - covers the opening through the Discussion Action Items (approx. 53 minutes)
  • ** Second ** - picks up Discussion Only Items; the budget update, K-1 return alternatives, and re-opening through the School Committee members comments only (approx. 55 minutes)
  • Third - picks up the community comments on re-opening and run through the remainder of the meeting (approx. 52 minutes)

The show notes contain links to the meeting agenda and to my notes. The meeting packet folder will hold the other documents released for the meeting (as we go to press, the Superintendent’s Report is not yet updated)

Let’s listen to this segment of the School Committee meeting of Dec 8, 2020



We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters" 

Superintendent Sara Ahern provides an update at a recent SchComm meeting
Superintendent Sara Ahern provides an update at a recent SchComm meeting

Thursday, December 10, 2020

School Committee meeting Dec 8, 2020 - recap - K-1 planning, winter sports, updates, re-opening remains a challenge

Quick Recap:
  • Sensitivity is high across the community. Parent complained about FHS student representative updates being interpreted by SchComm as reflecting other middle and elementary school students. While trying to be positive, there are issues all around
  • Superintendent's report (not yet posted to FPS page as of 9 AM 12/10/20)
  • Winter sports update as developed by MIAA and task force/subcommittee work summarized and presented by AD Angelo  
  • The two policies up for second reading were initially moved to vote together as no one acknowledged any questions for either policy. As the vote commences, D’Angelo raises questions, the motion is modified to vote the two policies separately, D'Angelo votes for one and against the other
  • Budget update still quite fluid but some savings being seen in this pandemic world. What happens after the COVID/CARES funding expires Dec 31, 2020 remains unclear as there are so many moving parts. Schools will stay within budget as authorized. Preparation for Finance Committee meeting scheduled for Dec 15 in process
  • Bringing the K-1 back to in school full time still requires much work to be done to confirm it is possible and what it would cost. Committee and parents disappointed with lack of specificity in the report given the timing of it
  • Re-opening in hybrid is still a challenge, tech issues, staffing, time on learning all issues being struggled with, patience is required (yet running short)
Photos captured during the remote meeting and shared with Twitter can be found in one album

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #schcomm1208

Citizens Comment
  • FHS Spanish teacher speaks to the long hours of work required, will be taking sick days periodically to keep up with the work (not to be sick) Oak St teacher complaint about lack of school data around COVID-19 spread when so many in school are affected #schcomm1208
  • Oak St parent acknowledges that the FHS students don't speak for all the students especially for her 3 where there are so many problems. #schcomm1208
FHS Student representatives
  • FHS student representatives, senior class president is only representing his view and that of the upper class, lack of testing for subjects available, more students are not coming in (staying home). Junior class president confirms prior comments, music doing well #schcomm1208
  • Harder for underclassmen at FHS to get involved due to nature of this school year. #schcomm1208 
 Superintendent's Report
  • DESE recognizes logistical challenges with testing, testing postponed to later in school year. Masks being distributed by State and soon available for Franklin. Portable air purifier
  • Units to be distributed to rooms not covered by current plan for UV units. Mention of cyber event (spear phishing) expanding to a cyber position in Technology dept focusing on security. #schcomm1208 tech concerns being reported and addressed, user support on software
  • User support on hardware, remote and hybrid; (in other words they are getting swamped and time spent triaging who should do so delays the response) #schcomm1208 since it was human error for spear phishing event, does school side have dual approval to avoid issue
  • Superintendent acknowledges that her name is being used in some emails asking for things and training is needed to help avoid issues. Where would funding for new person come from? To be part of the discussion for budget. #schcomm1208 staff wellbeing raised
Winter athletic update
  • Moving to winter athletic update. AD Tom Angelo to speak and provide info #schcomm1208 cheer and wrestling moved to later, indoor as well to later. Over 200 students signed up. Hockomock league, all Kelly-Rex competition within the league with exception of girls ice hockey
  • Student athletes who test positive must be quarantined at least 14 days and cleared by medical professional before return including a negative test #schcomm1208 no hand shakes, no hi-fives, masks during games... 12 swimmers in pool at time at Y. Max 25 on larger buses
  • Directly on bus for travel to pool or gym, from bus to pool or gym, no deviation; assigned seating for athletes for the season. Cleaning between Frosh, JV and Varsity games, Franklin TV to live stream varsity games #schcomm1208 rule modifications for each sport
  • Modifications shared previously (will reshare as notes are compiled) most kids designed to eliminate contact between/among participants. #schcomm1208 in rough number more folks and teams in fall season than being set up for now. Thanks for a successful fall season
  • "All the credit goes to the coaches, we have the best, the kids are anxious to begin". #schcomm1208 nothing has changed yet based upon Gov Baker's changes announced today. "If they don't know about the rules to abide by, they will know on Monday. We'll do our best"
 Discussion action items

Discussion only items

budget update

  • Next K-1 some scenarios for bringing students back to in person. Do agree to do so for educational benefits but need to do so when health and safety is feasible. (Link was not available on Sunday albeit dated 12/3/20) #schcomm1208
  • Class sizes and cohorts would vary by school, could consider alternative locations with schools but that would have a ripple effect. Transportation consideration, lunch consideration (shifts possible). #schcomm1208 3 alternatives offered for review/discussion
  • Staff hiring is already an issue, may not be likely to get enough to cover the required cohorts. #schcomm1208 scenario 3 explores half day option for the cohorts, would be coverage for students with existing staff, would have to look at special requirements. Cost for buses
  • As well as cleaning during the day between session. More work to do, still working on details incorporating bast practices to provide help with instruction and schedule. #schcomm1208 if there are additional switches, could add another VLA section in grade K,1
  • #schcomm1208 Parent survey important data point, how many would move (or not), would like to see survey sooner than later, disappointed on details at building level. Compared to Mr Angelo and how well he presented data on the athletes and sports and still waiting here
  • Concern about getting good info from survey. When are we talking about when this could happen? Superintendent doesn't have a date to share #schcomm1208 can it be done? Depends upon the survey # I believe in the instructional quality, don't want to give up, staffing real challenge
  • When would the help be available? Too many young kids in tears, developing a dislike for school. We have been problem solving within each building, shifting to more collaboration across the schools. Break time? #schcomm1208 expectations set, may vary by teacher
  • k time on learning is different (not required grade per state) 1st grade and other grades are required. Would love to see more info on break time and schedule. It is hard, it is unprecedented, we're hearing from parents kids aren't learning, it is not ok #schcomm1208 out shortly
  • Likely within next week to get info before the winter break #schcomm1208 Gov Baker is reducing folks in buildings, and yet we're trying to go the other way. have not yet surveyed staff on this anecdotal but not quantified. What about other implications
  • There is concern about different size space standards within the schools. More staffing would be required if there is a 6 foot requirement. Inequity is a big issue. Moving students to another building, how does this work with specials #schcomm1208 would mean reassignment
  • There may be a family implication with a K-1 student at one building and other family members elsewhere, would require 2 pickups? Would strive to maintain student with teacher, there could be changes. #schcomm1208 understand complexity, staffing a huge issue
  • Can we get an updated personnel status, what's open, etc changes from the last time and bring to date. #schcomm1208 (BTW there were about 80 at meeting start, up to over 170 now) 
  • DESE counting excludes student positives if they were not "in the building"
  • Contact tracing is taking time, other districts have hired in this area, changing guidance from CDC we have not switched to the new guidance DESE also looking at stay tuned. Looking at staff testing for baseline in Jan 2021. #schcomm1208 add building base to district, and %
  • Yes they are concerned about pivoting to remote to provide coverage where staff are out in quarantine #schcomm1208 books and library access for VLA vs. hybrid maybe an equity issue? not a lot of books are used in elementary, will see variability there
  • Library books not going home over issue of how to sanitize when they come back, #schcomm1208 clarification on 1st graders who can't read (not k students). Parent expressing bristle when "all the kids" is used when the kids vary in response, claiming risk isn't the same
  • Parent with 4 kids, came here from Quincy because of the schools, two youngest are struggling a lot. #schcomm1208 teacher reading specialist confirms youngest struggles as they can't do it themselves, reading at 1st grade is not always age appropriate.
  • Teacher also chides the SchComm for lack of a comprehensive plan, sports plan was done for them. My kid is getting library books, don't want to get someone in trouble #schcomm1208 the "asynchronous learning time is 100% parent support required" touch screen better than mousepad
  • Parent also a teacher with k student the teacher for that student is great, can't image how much time it takes to prepare, multiple invoice recordings on each slide, kid is responding well to it. #schcomm1208 middle school students talking about behavior that isn't good
  • Hence another source of stress for teachers, with hybrid model has lost touch with some students, can't always get to those students fully remote. #schcomm1208 survey staff first before going to family members, stress growing daily, over 10 staff quarantined at Oak
  • "Remember safety first, we do want to be with kids, that's what we signed up for". #schcomm1208 how are we monitoring staff wellness and wellbeing? Not seeing it. Folks should be mute when not talking (esp SchComm members sneezing)
  • Switch from hybrid to VLA may not be easy in case of student with special services, would loose access to regular teachers and support, would need to be part of decision and not sure how that would be covered in survey #schcomm1208 the community is ready to help!
  • We have to come together. We are still photo copying packets and packets of info as we don't use a book. #schcomm1208 disappointed with lack of details on the K-1 options; teachers are doing well with what they have, they are available. Pitting parents and teachers against
  • Each other. YouTube videos queue up and auto play, concerned about where they could end up without monitoring. #schcomm1208 even the best teacher in the world would be challenged with K in a hybrid environment, echo asynchronous requires parents assistance
  • Daughter eager to go to school in Sept and in the last two months has turned and now doesn't want to go. Parent volunteers to do survey, busing shouldn't take prominence in survey, we would drop them off to get them more time in school #schcomm1208
  • Parent left her job to stay home with 1 and 2 graders, and the time is required. How would half day work? Put yourself in the kids shoes. #schcomm1208 willing to volunteer; 
presentation planInformation matters
  • Budget workshop last week (recording shared) information being gathered to share, budget timeline. Meeting with FinComm next Tuesday Dec 15 Comm relations picking a date to meet; policy meeting Thursday the 17th. DTFA meeting 12/9. #schcomm1208
  • New ad-hoc Committee for Superintendent's eval, Tim, Elise, Ann. #schcomm1208 Joint PCC meeting Dec 22, SWAC meeting Dec 15
  • #schcomm1208 ECDC update next week, music and art performance updates next week. Student opportunity Act plan due (even though money not forthcoming). 
Consent agenda
  • Consent agenda - motion to approve, second, passes via roll call 7-0
  • Motion to enter executive session, not to return to open meeting, second, passes 7-0 via roll call #schcomm1208 that's all for tonight, catch you next time!
MIAA statement and sports modifications for Winter
FPS COVID-19 Dashboard (updated weekly)
Winter sports update summarized by Athletic Director Tom Angelo
Winter sports update summarized by Athletic Director Tom Angelo

Friday, September 4, 2020

Franklin Public Schools: Re-opening Update Sep 3, 2020

September 3, 2020

Dear Franklin Elementary Families,

It does not go unnoticed by us in the Franklin Public Schools that the first day of school for most of our students (grades 1 through high school) would have been yesterday and today we would have welcomed Kindergarten. There is a measure of sadness, as we so wish to welcome our students back to school in our traditional ways. We are thinking of our families, as well, and recognize that there is likely some grief and worry for parents/guardians and children alike.

We also recognize that you are eager for information. We are working around the clock to bring this to you and your children so that you know what to expect as we start the school year. Please note, the school year will begin in a predominantly remote environment on September 16, 2020.

While we had hoped to get you more specific class cohorting and placement information this week, the planning and preparation for the year is complicated and complex. While elementary cohort information was originally intended to be shared today, it will be sent on Tuesday, September 8. As bus information is dependent on cohort scheduling, transportation will follow after that. Assignments of teachers can be expected at the end of next week.

Cohort information, when shared, will include to which hybrid cohort your child has been assigned OR it will include a virtual-only designation for students whose families indicated in the family inventory that their child would learn in the entirely remote setting. As noted in the August 25, 2020 Reopening Update letter, children from across the district will be grouped together in classroom sections for virtual instruction in a “Virtual Learning Academy”. We are aware that there were conversations in the community that this plan had been changed. The District has carefully reviewed parent/guardian requests, instructional design, hybrid cohorts, and available personnel and is confirming that we are moving forward with the Virtual Learning Academy, which is described here (

The plans we are putting in place depend heavily on commitments from families and we ask that you honor the selections you have made. Additionally, because of the planning required, we are asking that students learning in the virtual environment, who wish to switch to hybrid, remain in the virtual setting through the first trimester.

If you have questions about virtual only learning, please reach out to the building principal.

Late last week, some new information was released related to childcare. Remote Learning Parent Cooperatives were among the options described by the Department of Early Education and Care and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education issued guidance related to care options for hybrid and remote learning models. Helpful guidance about parent cooperatives, including legal limitations, can be found at this link:

Additionally, we are aware that several childcare options are emerging within the community and we are communicating closely with them. Please check out our News You Can Use web page where we post helpful community based information like this.

We recently updated our FAQs (reopening website below) to include information related to:

  • Space constraints for children of MA educators attending school full-time
  • HVAC information
  • Influenza Vaccination documentation deadline
  • Chromebook information/optional insurance

We appreciate your patience and kindness as we work through multiple details as we implement our reopening plan. We are actively taking steps to keep you informed during this very fluid environment.

Franklin Public Schools

Please e-mail with questions.

Re-opening Update Sep 3, 2020
Re-opening Update Sep 3, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Leaping into Kindergarten - May 20

Leaping into Kindergarten, the annual program for parents of incoming kindergarteners, was held via virtual meeting and recorded for replay via YouTube.

The video link:

The presentation copy:

Shared via Twitter

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Leaping Into Kindergarten Event - May 20

Our Leaping Into Kindergarten event has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 20th at 6 PM. 

It will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel, which is available here

Leaping Into Kindergarten Event - May 20
Leaping Into Kindergarten Event - May 20

Monday, May 4, 2020

"Leaping Into Kindergarten" - rescheduled to May 20 via YouTube Live

"Our Leaping Into Kindergarten event has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 20 at 6 PM.
It will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel, which is available here

Shared via Twitter

Our Leaping Into Kindergarten - rescheduled to May 20 via YouTube Live
Our Leaping Into Kindergarten - rescheduled to May 20 via YouTube Live

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

In the News: kindergarten registration for Franklin Public Schools

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Initial kindergarten registration for Franklin Public Schools will take place Tuesday, Feb. 11 and Wednesday, Feb. 12 in the third floor training room at the Franklin municipal building, 355 East Central St., Franklin.

Hours on Feb. 11 will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m., and on Feb. 12 they will be 1-6 p.m.

After Feb. 12, 2020, kindergarten registration will be processed at the superintendent’s office, also in the municipal building, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

For a kindergarten registration packet, go to:

A link to the necessary documentation for registration can be found at:"

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

In the News: kindergarten registration for Franklin Public Schools
In the News: kindergarten registration for Franklin Public Schools