Showing posts with label personnel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personnel. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2024

Town of Franklin, MA: DPW's Cantoreggi suspended indefinitely

Jamie Hellen, Franklin Town Administrator's statement:

"Effective immediately, Robert "Brutus" Cantoreggi has been placed on unpaid administrative leave, indefinitely, and until further notice. This leave is related to a personnel matter.

In Mr. Cantoreggi's absence, I have appointed Town Engineer, Mike Maglio, as Acting Director of Public Works for the Town of Franklin until further notice. Mike has served the Town for 13 years at the highest level of professionalism, skill and expertise. I have the utmost faith and confidence in Mike and the entire DPW staff to provide the leadership and direction necessary to manage DPW operations while Mr. Cantoreggi is on leave. There will be no disruptions in service or any projects in town.

I will not have any further comment on this matter until all information has been collected. I fully recognize everyone wants to know what occurred and what led to this decision, however I cannot answer those questions at this time. But rest assured that, when appropriate, all information that led to this decision will be made available to the public in full view. I do not have any timeline. In the meantime, your patience is greatly appreciated."

Shared from the Town of Franklin, MA Twitter account, @TOFranklinMA posted at 9:33 PM on Sat, Feb 10, 2024:

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Franklin Education Association (FEA) statement at School Committee meeting 3/08/22

Thank you for this opportunity to speak on behalf of the membership of the FEA to the important issue of the budget. You've just heard Dr. Ahern's presentation.

We also support an increase in the budget and wonder if it shouldn't be a bigger increase, but for different reasons.

We've heard about the Portrait of a Graduate and the strategies for district improvement - both important topics. Over the  last few pandemic years, we've seen money spent on needed upgrades in technology and facilities improvements. Both good things, things that were necessary. Things that were needed.

We're asking you now to look at how that budget money is spent. We don't need any more assessments, or new initiatives, to tell us kids have learning gaps or social trauma. We know this. This is what we do. We need bodies - people who are working with and in front of the kids, everyday, all day. We need councilors, ESPs, health care staff, teachers, guidance, team chairs, special educators, ELL educators, psychologists, etc. Let's increase that budget so we can support the students and families in Franklin the way they  deserve  -  directly,  thoughtfully, impactfully.

Thank you.
Donna Grady, FEA President


For more about the FEA ->

Franklin Education Association (FEA)
Franklin Education Association (FEA)

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Franklin Police: Crash with property damage under investigation

"The Franklin Police Department is currently investigating an incident at roughly 10:43 PM November 9, with a Jordan Road resident reporting that a Ford F450 truck had crashed into her garage, damaging that structure and a vehicle within that garage.

The driver of the truck was immediately transported to a nearby hospital, treated and released. Although the investigation is ongoing and not yet completed, charges are anticipated.

The suspect driver is a sworn member of the Franklin Police Department but was not on duty at the time of the incident. The officer is being placed on paid administrative leave by the Town Administrator. Further information will be released should charges be taken."

Copy of the Police Media Release ->

Franklin Police: Crash with property damage under investigation
Franklin Police: Crash with property damage under investigation

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

School Committee Meeting - Recap of Sep 22, 2020


  • The Superintendent's Report was detailed and covered a whole host of areas around the re-opening of schools, issues with bandwidth, equity of materials and class sizes, acknowledgement of communications issues, etc. See the Twitter thread for details.
  • An overview on the hiring practices was provided and the 'comprehensive' personnel report was lacking in that it did not fully account for the 104 (or 103) notifications. This is really an elementary level math problem and it is disappointing not to get a resolution (yet).
  • Resources attempted to being into the system (additional counselors, digital learning specialists, curriculum personnel...) have had their needs raised due to the requirements of delivery education in this pandemic period (hybrid or remote).
  • A preview of the District Improvement Plan and goals for this year, including an update on prior year accomplishments was provided. Approval of the goals is up for vote at next meeting.
  • The Community Relations Subcommittee will met again (their absence could have helped with the above communication issues). The Facility Analysis Subcommittee has a meeting Sep 30 to pick up where they suspended work during the summer. The Policy subcommittee has been busy. The Budget Subcommittee will be scheduling a meeting.
  • The meeting was to go to executive session and return but given the uncertainty for when they would return, I left the meeting when they entered executive session.

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online #SchCom0922

  • Real time reporting underway for the #Schcom0922 meeting. (They should wait a minute once allowing entrance to Zoom before starting)
  • Moving to superintendent's report: update on reopening, ongoing support for PD, metrics, transition to hybrid, update on chromebook, etc. #schcom0922
  • See text of report on #schcom0922 page when posted Weds AM (will share link when available. Meeting being broadcast via zoom (link in agenda doc), Verizon/Comcast and Town of Franklin live stream (
  • Another Professional development day scheduled for Friday per calendar #schcom0922 COVID metrics slightly higher for Franklin over last several weeks still in good stage, hybrid a go so far
  • Still looking to accelerate the hybrid date for FHS (is currently end of first Q marking period) #schcom0922 4,000 chromebooks and germicidal implementation benefit the schools from COVID funding coordinated with Town
  • Grant used to support technology integrationist along with others (see the personnel update for details) #schcom0922 (will spend more time on this report later in meeting)
  • Apologies for info flow to families on virtual academy, not what she would have preferred, hybrid has been a challenge to plan for. Has been working hard on the virtual program, with separate staffing model. #schcom0922 still coding students into the learning system
  • Supplies pickup scheduled for next week for virtual academy, more details coming; some chromebooks coming next week, more in Oct. Details to be provided, tech dept working on issues. Internet bandwidth has supported this far, researching minor issues here/there #schcom0922
  • Demand on video driving the issues, closing in on a solution. #schcom0922 digital integrationist holding events for families on remote learning. There are families without internet, hard to quantify, can provide access.
  • FHS sports won the Boston Globe Dalton award 2nd year in a row. (Shared on FM previously) #schcom0922 Req to bring in example of enhanced learning being used to meeting. Req to teachers principals re: lingering issues SchCom should know pls be specific
  • Discussion on teachers supporting both in person students and online (remote) students; looking for monitors and ESPs for assistance in this manner. #schcom0922 sounds like teachers need to be like a circus ring master keeping students engaged in person and remote at same time
  • Talk about how to apply and address SEL in this environment. #schcom0922 SEL Committee will also be spending time on this as they get started this school year. Q - Hearing things being worked on during taskforce but not being used now? May reconnect with members of task force
  • So much work to be done, maybe it feels like too much work to be done. Difference in and among the 6 elementary schools and now the 7th with the virtual academy. Curious on the differences and why? Not to resolve now, but need to be addressed. #schcom0922
  • Material difference, class size difference between hybrid and virtual, will virtual be separated in line item budget? #schcom0922 is the equivalence among the students and schools including virtual? What is special ed alignment for virtual vs. hybrid?
  • #schcom0922 central office does spend time on where to be consistent vs local i.e. individual school direction. It is a tension and discussed. Work last year on consistency did get halted due to pandemic. Resources are being looked at, building principals can supplement
  • Hybrid does become challenging because you have two cohorts and the high needs students. Virtual is not to be separate reporting, per DESE requirements. Virtual will participate with building teachers for consistency and also among virtual #schcom0922
  • Are tracking expense for virtual separately and will allocate back to each school they came from for end of year reporting #schcom0922 helpful to NOT think of virtual as a 7th, communications still the issue that rears its head, difference creates confusion
  • Bergen: it is a learning curve, an enormous one, always adjusting, it goes across all levels. Q's first line is to principal, SchCom is not to get into day-to-day issues. #schcom0922 understand the respect and complexity of what we're doing
  • What we have asked for before in budget and couldn't get; these are still needed even more so today: curriculum consistency, digital learning integrationist... Look at all the awards across, DECA, Mock trial, music, we have a lot to be proud of #schcom0922
  • Lisa Trainor, HR for schools is present to get into the details on the personnel report. #schcom0922 usually a hiring season in spring, onboard in summer and we go in September, some adjustments during but not the scale we see now
  • In competition with other districts for a variety of staff to help now. #schcom0922 start with hiring process. Respect and experience of candidates whether hired or not is key for process. Interview team for teachers and some positions. Lesson planning, reference checks
  • #schcom0922 a rigorous process to ensure a right fit. Usually a large pool to draw from, this time around smaller choices. 6 resignations due to non renewal where they went elsewhere before could recall. Accommodations made where possible.
  • Page 2 of memo outlines budget process positions, #schcom0922 increase in counseling at Parmenter due to partner not participating this time due to pandemic but services still needed. Page 3 pandemic positions building subs was six, up to ten today
  • More updates on lifelong learning coming in future meetings. 104 notices given. 87 returned. (#s still not adding up) Milford Daily News reporter talked to Superintendent today resulting in article updated late today #schcom0922 chap 70 funding related insights helped
  • Unsung heroes all over Central Office, #schcom0922 21.6 open positions includes all. Principal at Keller was teaching art (and doing it well) LPNs needed. Q on long term sub vs. new teachers. Teachers on salary schedule, mentor works with staff usually but assigned to subs too
  • Moving to District Improvement goals #schcom0922
  • DESE pilot interrupted per pandemic. #schcom0922 vaping focus for substance abuse taskforce via grants, support for staff and families for SEL will be focus this year building upon work started last year.
  • Working to create a feeling of safety when approaching the building. SEL team did continue through the school closure to meet virtually and work on the "I can" statements #schcom0922 data from summer surveys to be incorporated in work
  • Principal to do building based survey to get input from teachers and staff, #schcom0922 resources from health care/plans made available as well. This is a preview of the DIP goals, to be voted at a future meeting.
  • Expanding with SAFE Coalition per local funding for counseling, portrait of a graduate coming this fall. #schcom0922 Ron Taylor mentioned in regards to tweet thread about expectations
  • #schcom0922 assessment of skills and address accordingly, leverage portrait to build curriculum, MAPLE one item to come off list as one to take off plate (from earlier meeting)
  • Identify support for academic enrichment, instructional practices for hybrid and digital environment #schcom0922
  • Q on homework program that had been cancelled, when? Special consideration for homework during remote, work would shift and trying to distinguish independent work vs work outside if school day #schcom0922 increase awareness of bias in materials for example
  • Awareness of bias is also work being done in some of the curriculum studies; Q on transition back to FHS and middle school; screening would be building based #schcom0922
  • Priority to build relationships over curriculum with students, Community spirit among staff, #schcom0922
  • Moving to discuss/action items #schcom0922 first based on MASC with progressive consequences; also MA general law re: idling in a vehicle in or around a school building - motion to move to 2nd reading, second, passes 6-0 (1 absent Pfeffer)
  • #schcom0922 MASC delegate appointment for Denise Spencer Moved, second, passes 6-0 (1 absent)
  • Budget Subcommittee coming next week TBD, MASC 10 resolutions to be scheduled for review over the two Oct meetings before the conf in November, FEF fund raiser at La Cantina 9/30, Community relations TBD, facilities mtg scheduled 9/30 #schcom0922
  • #schcom0922 joint PCC met recently, Judy did attend will have notes next time, looking at PCC resources, officers, etc. Event planning underway for social and racial justice, TBD. Y gave out 175K food packs, 3K to Franklin
  • Consent agenda up Motion to approve, second, passes 6-0 (1 absent) Motion to go to executive session to return to open meeting #schcom0922 passes 6-0 (1 absent)
  • That will be all for me for this tonight, catch you next time #schcom0922
The agenda for the meeting can be found
The written version of the Superintendent's report was added to the meeting packet folder
Additional photos from the meeting and used with Twitter posts are available here

Superintendent Sara Ahern making a point during meeting 9/22/20
Superintendent Sara Ahern making a point during meeting 9/22/20

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Franklin, MA: School Committee - Agenda - Sep 22, 2020

 Vision Statement

The Franklin Public Schools will foster within its students the knowledge and skills to find and achieve satisfaction in life as productive global citizens.

“The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance 
Moment of Silence

I.    Routine Business
A.    Review of Agenda
B.    Citizen’s Comments

In the spirit of open communication, “the Committee will hold a public participation segment (also called Citizen’s Comments) about matters not related to an agenda item at the beginning of each regular School Committee meeting. The Committee will listen to, but not respond to any comment made…. A Committee member may add an agenda item to a future meeting as a result of a citizen comment…. The Committee will hear public comments related to an agenda item when the Chair deems appropriate during the Committee meeting. Topics for discussion during the meeting must be limited to those items listed on the Committee meeting agenda for that evening…. ” - from Policy BEDH

C.    FHS Student Representative Comments 
D.    Superintendent’s Report
II.    Guests/Presentations
A.    Personnel Update - Lisa Trainor

III.    Discussion/Action Items
A.    Policy - First Readings
I recommend moving the following Policies to a second reading as detailed:
A.    EEAEC - Student Conduct on School Buses
B.    EEAJ - Motor Vehicles Idling on School Grounds

B.    MASC Delegate
I recommend the Committee appoint Denise Spencer to serve as the Committee's delegate to the annual MASC Annual Meeting of Delegates.

IV.    Discussion Only Items
A.    None

V.    Information Matters
A.    School Committee Sub-Committee Reports (e.g. Ad Hoc Supt. Evaluation, Ad Hoc Facilities Analysis, Budget, Community Relations/Public Schools Advocacy, Policy, Transportation)
B.    School Committee Liaison Reports (e.g. Joint PCC, Substance Abuse Task Force, School Wellness Advisory Council)

VI.    New Business
A.    To discuss any future agenda items

VII.    Consent Agenda

A.    Approval of Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes from your September 8, 2020 School Committee Meeting as detailed.
B.    Approval of Executive Session Minutes for release
I recommend approval of the Executive Session minutes from your September 8, 2020 School Committee Meeting as detailed.

VIII.    Payment of Bills    Dr. Bergen
IX.    Payroll    Ms. D’Angelo
X.    Executive Session
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the FEA/RN Unit as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee and the chair so declares.
XI.    Adjournment 
Documents for this meeting can be found in the Town of Franklin folder for the meeting
Franklin, MA: School Committee - Agenda - Sep 22, 2020
Franklin, MA: School Committee - Agenda - Sep 22, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020

Franklin Public Schools: FY 21 Budget Development and Personnel

To: Franklin Public Schools Families
From: Sara Ahern, Superintendent of Schools 
Date: June 5, 2020
Re: FY 21 Budget Development and Personnel

In my recent memo to the School Committee, which was forwarded to the community, I framed the financial situation facing the Franklin Public Schools. At this time, we are very uncertain about what our school budget will be but we do know that under the current Town Budget Blueprint, using the Governor’s Budget figures from January, that we are facing $3.4 million in reductions including about 25 positions.

We anticipate that the budget gap will widen when we learn more about likely reductions to state aid, due to state revenue forecasts falling short of projections by about $6 billion. Unfortunately, we do not anticipate knowing this until further along in the summer. If state aid were to be cut by 10%, we would estimate a shortfall of $5.4 million from the School Committee’s adopted budget. State aid cuts could be greater.

We are striving to be creative wherever possible to mitigate the loss of positions, however we do expect personnel to be impacted. Yesterday afternoon, we held a virtual meeting with all non-Professional Teaching Status (non-PTS) faculty in FEA Unit A. (These are our professional educators who are in their first three years in the district). At this meeting, I shared that we are issuing all non-PTS faculty members non-renewal notices in advance of the June 15 statutory deadline. By following this process, we will gain time to further develop the budget and have the needed flexibility when additional information is known from the state about state aid to Franklin.

I did not share this information immediately with the community out of respect for our staff members and the intention of giving them space to process and absorb this information.

We are deeply saddened to have to take such a dramatic approach in developing our budget this year. The recruitment and development of talented educators is something that we take very seriously and we are very proud of the work our non-PTS educators accomplish each and every day. We are hopeful that some of our non-PTS faculty will be able to be reappointed in the future and we will do so as soon as we are able.

For more information about the budget, we encourage families to view the Livestream of or attend the June 9 School Committee meeting when another budget discussion will take place. If you have questions, we encourage you to reach out to the Superintendent’s Office at 508-553-4819. Although we are working remotely, your voicemail will be directed to e-mail and you will receive a timely response.

Franklin Public Schools: FY 21 Budget Development and Personnel
Franklin Public Schools: FY 21 Budget Development and Personnel

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Live reporting: Personnel Updates

2. Guests/Presentations

b. Personnel Update

  • Bill Clement, asst Principal at Sharon currently

will be coming to a future meeting for an introduction

Kate Peretz now principal at Oak St

  • Amy Soles, from Foxboro will be coming to backfill for Kate

  • football coach search

9 went to 4 finalists, currently being interviewed during this time

  • Nancy Schoen is retiring, so some parents have already called to be part of the search team

Music Director position will be a tough one to fill, may have to look at how to fill that one

  • President's Award of Merit for Brad Sidwell, as FHS Athletic Director

couple of letters from community members of the football search committee
recognition of the process for the new coach

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"Get a head start by organizing your financial documents"

From the MA.GOV blog, they share some of the links to the common MA personal income tax forms. Yes, now that we are in 2015, April 15 (tax deadline) is approaching daily. While the Super Bowl comes first, and spring training is around the corner, we are in 'tax season.'
Tax season is upon us, and that can mean stress for Massachusetts residents and workers who don’t have the documents they need to file returns and payments by the April 15, 2015 deadline. 
While the Department of Revenue (DOR) encourages online filing of Massachusetts state income taxes withWebFile for Income, you can make filing a paper return as easy as possible by having the right forms and information at your fingertips.  

image shared from MA.GOV page on tax season
WebFile for Income is only available to full-year residentsPart-year residents and non-residents can file electronically using commercial software or a professional tax preparer.
Continue to the MA.GOV site to find the link to the common forms

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Water/Sewer Rate Changes (audio)

From the Town Council meeting 5/7/08, the discussion and eventual vote approving the water rate increase of 15% and sewer rate decrease 10%. The water rate will also increase in FY 2010 another 15% to help provide the funding necessary to continue the water line repairs at about 1-2 miles per year.

Admendment moved to second reading on personnel classification adjustments.

Amendment moved to second reading on an adjustment to the water map.

Time: 10 minutes, 47 seconds

MP3 File

My notes from the meeting can be found here.