Showing posts with label scribblers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scribblers. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 066 - Moose, Costume Balls, Flowers, Love (audio)

In this episode, the Franklin Senior Center Writers Group (scribblers) share stories, poems, and writings about moose, a chapter of a story similar to one of our other writers about a costume ball, stories of picking flowers, poems of love, and much more.

Senior Story Hour - WFPR:  Episode 066 - Moose, Costume Balls, Flowers, Love (audio)
Senior Story Hour - WFPR:  Episode 066 - Moose, Costume Balls, Flowers, Love (audio)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 064 - Red Squirrel Court Case, April Showers, Love Poems and more (audio)

In this episode, The Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about a red squirrel court case, Ms. April Showers, poems of love, Alice's new book getting published and much more...

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 064 - Red Squirrel Court Case, April Showers, Love Poems and more (audio)
Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 064 - Red Squirrel Court Case, April Showers, Love Poems and more (audio)

Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Monday, March 4, 2024

Check out the highlight events for the Franklin Senior Center this week! March 4 through March 8, 2024

Check out the highlight events for the Franklin Senior Center this week! 

One update is that the Scribblers writing group is on a new schedule. We're meeting on the 2nd Wednesday at the Senior Center and the last Wednesday at the Franklin TV Studio to record our monthly radio show. Note: the 'last' Wednesday can be either the 4th or 5th depending upon how the days fall out on the calendar for that month.

The Senior Center calendar is found at

Check out the highlight events for the Franklin Senior Center this week!  March 4 through March 8, 2024
Check out the highlight events for the Franklin Senior Center this week!  March 4 through March 8, 2024

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Listen to the Senior Story Hour - WFPR

Senior Story Hour - WFPR
The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more.
Find all the episodes online (or on your favorite podcast app)

You can also listen to or 102.9 on Friday's 11:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 8:00 PM

Listen to the Senior Story Hour - WFPR
Listen to the Senior Story Hour - WFPR

Monday, January 29, 2024

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 061 - New Year, Putter Day, Santa Visits, Celestial Light and more (audio)

In this episode, The Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about New Years, January 1st aka "Putter Day', a surprise visit from Santa, Celestial Light and much more.

This episode was aired during January on and if you missed it then, you can catch it now.

Senior Story Hour - WFPR:  Episode 061 - New Year, Putter Day, Santa Visits, Celestial Light and more (audio)
Senior Story Hour - WFPR:  Episode 061 - New Year, Putter Day, Santa Visits, Celestial Light and more (audio)

Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Senior Story Hour ( Episode 059 - Thanksgiving, Guy Fawkes Day, Love Poems and more (audio)

In this episode, The Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about Thanksgiving, the upcoming holiday season, Guy Fawkes day, poems of love and much more...

Senior Story Hour ( Episode 059 - Thanksgiving, Guy Fawkes Day, Love Poems and more (audio)
Senior Story Hour ( Episode 059 - Thanksgiving, Guy Fawkes Day, Love Poems and more (audio)

Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Senior Scribblers Book Release Party celebrated at the Franklin Senior Center (video)

For those who missed the book release party, you can watch recording of the event by Franklin TV.  A number of the contributors to the books read one or more selections. 

Those in the audience could leave with a copy of the book.  You still have a chance for a copy:

Faith Flaherty (left) and Al Larkin (right)
Faith Flaherty (left) and Al Larkin (right)

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Franklin TV: The Senior Writers Group – Book Launch - Sep 26 at 10 AM

by Pete Fasciano, Executive Director 09/24/2023

Oh yes, we did. Our third Writers Book will be officially launched at the Senior Center on Tuesday morning (09/26/23) at 10 AM.

Book Launch
Writings from the Senior Scribblers
Third Edition – by Scribblers Press

This time we arranged for our collected works to be beautifully printed and bound as a self-micro-published run of 100*. 

It’s a real book book – 77 pages of collected writings and storytelling. Simple stories? Personal adventures? Musings? Poems?

There’s something for every reader.

It’s not in The Library of Congress. You won’t find it on Amazon or Google Books. It’s available only at the Franklin Senior Center. Come to our great unveiling, Tuesday, Sept 26 at 10 AM.

Join us for selected readings and copies of our latest ‘best seller’. The N Y Times literary critic wasn’t extended a special invitation. Not even Oprah’s Book Club. Just you.

Do you have some stories and scribbles in you? You can be part of our next book. 

And – as always –
Thank you for listening to wfpr●fm. 
And, thank you for watching.

* Note - of the 100 copies, the contributors got their share and there are 45 available for first come, first serve at the book launch.

Our assigned Comcast channels have changed. Verizon is not affected.
Our Public All-Access TV channel has moved from 8 to 6
Our Franklin Pride School channel has moved from 96 to 8.
Our Town Hall TV Government channel has moved from 11 to 9.

Get this week's program guide for Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( online   

Monday, August 14, 2023

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 056 - Senior Singles Prepare To Mingle, Macho is Childish, Romance (audio)

In this episode, the Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about how being macho is childish, kindness, "Senior Singles Prepare to Mingle", light verse poetry and more.

This episode aired on Franklin Radio for August 2023. 
Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts the Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. If you'd like to join in person or remotely (via Zoom), contact the Franklin Senior Center to get on the mailing list.
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 055 - Senior Olympics, Independence Day, Hurtful Words, Homelessness (audio)

In this episode, the Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about hurtful words, Senior Olympics, Independence Day, Homelessness, and much more.

This episode aired on Franklin Radio for July 2023.

Audio file ->

Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts the Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. If you'd like to join in person or remotely (via Zoom), contact the Franklin Senior Center to get on the mailing list.
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Franklin TV: Our Greatest Invention? It’s Also One of Our Oldest

by Pete Fasciano, Executive Director 06/25/2023

Beyond fire and the wheel, there is language, and there is language immortalized. Writing likely began as an effort at simple adornment. A crude representation of a memory scratched onto a cave wall. Sometime well before the caves of Lascaux, writing gradually took form around 10-15 thousand years ago. 

What do these ancient images tell us? The mind ponders and wanders. I can divine some images as a shopping list:

“Honey, on your way home pick up some bison, and if it’s still in season – a mastodon.”

What is key is that these first efforts at recorded memory reveal the experiences of early humans. As language became refined over the millennia, we could include abstractions (the future?) and convey experiences and concepts to later generations who would follow us.

Today, many of us write for our own enjoyment. Personally, I view writing as a mental full-contact sport. Our Senior Center Writers Group (aka, The Scribblers) has just completed our third book. It’s a lovely romp through seventy-seven pages of our past short works. All dressed up for the press run, our latest works will be released later this Summer.

Writings from the Senior Scribblers. Coming soon to a Senior Center near you.

Will you be in our next book? Join our group. Write on, man! Write on!

Thanks for listening to 102.9 wfpr●fm. 
And – as always – thanks for watching.

Get this week's program guide for Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( online   

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 053 - To Have And To Hold, St. George, Memorial Day, and more (audio)

In this episode, The Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about Spring, Memorial Day, St. George, and much more.

This episode aired on Franklin Radio for May 2023.

Audi file ->

Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 052 - Sproing, Love Poems, Egocentricity, and more (audio)

In this episode, The Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about How Spring Has Sproing, Poems of love, Egocentricity and more.
This episode aired on Franklin Radio for April 2023.
Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->
Senior Story Hour - WFPR
Senior Story Hour - WFPR

Monday, April 10, 2023

First Poetry Workshop a success, Favorite Poem reading scheduled for Apr 29, noon to 3 PM

As part of National Poetry Month, the first of two poetry events were held at the Franklin Library. Two different workshops were conducted by Camille Bernstein and jamele adams. 

Camille's group worked on the concept of 'found poetry'. She provided bunches of textual material from which you could select your poems text and leave it in order or revise the order to make it work for you. You can find samples of her output on the Instagram accounts as follows:
jamele's group worked from a series of writing prompts that he provided. He would give the prompt, set some time for us to write the response, then if we choose to share the response. The conversation around the responses was equally as good as the responses.

The prompts and my responses can be found on my poetry page ->

As a reminder, the Senior Center has a writers group, the Senior Scribblers. We meet each Wednesday at 1 PM. Either at the Senior Center or virtually (via Zoom). Once a month (the fourth Wednesday) we meet at the TV studio to record our radio episode/podcast. If you want to get on the mailing list for the weekly meeting reminder on location (including the Zoom link), contact Steve Sherlock (shersteve at

Also a reminder, the second poetry event is scheduled for Saturday, April 29 from noon to 3 PM. Come to the Library to read your favorite poem. Additional details found here ->

In October 2017, there was a Favorite Poem Reading at the Senior Center. The listing of poems and readers a few days in advance of that event (I missed it) can be found ->

poetry workshop participants pose for a photo
poetry workshop participants pose for a photo

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 051 - March, St. Patrick's Day, Valentines Day, "Fifty Ways To Love Your Lover" (audio)

In this episode, the Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about love, obituaries, is it Memorex? and much more.
This episode aired on Franklin Radio for March 2023.
Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 050 - Valentine's Day, Groundhog Day, Presidents Day more (audio)

In this episode, the Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about February holidays; Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Presidents Day, love, and more.

This episode aired on Franklin Radio for February 2023.

Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 048 - Christmas & Holiday Stories (audio)

In this episode, The Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, and writings about the coming winter season, Christmas, spending time with family, love and much more.

This episode aired on Franklin Radio for December 2022

Audio file ->

Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episodes here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Episode 047 - Thanksgiving and Fall Stories (audio)

In this episode, The Franklin Senior Center Writers Group share stories, poems, writings plays and more about thanksgiving, gratitude, fall and more.

This episode aired on Franklin Radio for November 2022.

Audio file ->

Senior Story Hour - WFPR = The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group
Steve Sherlock hosts The Franklin Senior Center Writer's Group for a monthly reading of short stories, essays, poetry and more. 
Find more episode here (or on your favorite podcast app) ->

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Baseball, Hockey, Spring, Meatloaf and So Much More (audio)

"In this episode, The Franklin Senior Center writers group presents stories and poems about growing up playing baseball, being a mother in a hockey family, the dawning of Spring, how meatloaf saved Zenobia's life and much more. 
This episode aired on Franklin Radio for April 2022"

Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Baseball, Hockey, Spring, Meatloaf and So Much More (audio)
Senior Story Hour - WFPR: Baseball, Hockey, Spring, Meatloaf and So Much More (audio)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Episode 040 - Baseball, Hockey, Spring, Meatloaf And So Much More (audio)

"In this episode, the Franklin Senior Center writers group presents stories and poems about growing up playing baseball, being a mother in a hockey family, the dawning of Spring, how meatloaf saved Zenobia's life and much more.

This episode aired on Franklin Radio for April 2022. "  Episode 040 - Baseball, Hockey, Spring, Meatloaf And So Much More (audio)  Episode 040 - Baseball, Hockey, Spring, Meatloaf And So Much More (audio)