Thursday, January 19, 2017

MassBudget: Budget Explainer: Transportation

MassBudget  Information.
 Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center  Democracy.

Budget Explainer: Transportation 

Better transportation infrastructure makes the economy more productive, connects people to jobs, and reduces the amount of time people waste in traffic.

Where do the resources come from to operate our transportation system, and where is the money invested? The flow chart below displays state revenues and spending, with the width of the arrows representing the dollar amounts. Read the fact sheet with a larger chart.

MassBudget has also recently updated two fact sheets that compare Massachusetts taxes to other states: 
The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (MassBudget) produces policy research, analysis, and data-driven recommendations focused on improving the lives of low- and middle-income children and adults, strengthening our state's economy, and enhancing the quality of life in Massachusetts.

BOSTON, MA 02108

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FUN One-Night Workshops In January

Franklin Public Schools ~ Lifelong Learning Institute
The Center for Adult Education
and Community Learning
Your Winter Adventure

Fun One-Night Workshops 
Don't miss these ......

Easy Indian Cooking: Hands-on class Register Now
Cooking authentic Indian food has never been so easy. In this 2-hour hands-on class, you will get the confidence to recreate your favorite Indian food, while also learning about the health benefits of various spices AND tasting some delicious dishes.
Thursday, January 26
7:00 to 9:00 pm 

Franklin High School, 218 Oak Street 
Cost: $70

Learn how to downsize successfully by focusing on the memories not the stuff. During this class we'll discuss the difference between valid and invalid reasons for holding onto things. We will define what it means to keep the memories not the stuff, and we will discuss 10 different ways to hold onto the memories.    
Thursday, January 26
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm

  Franklin High School, 218 Oak Street
Cost: $25  


Investing for Retirement  Register Now
Learn what it takes to create a successful retirement for you and your family.  If you are just starting out, midway through your career or closing in on retirement, this 2 hour seminar will give you the tools and information you need to lay the foundation to accomplish your long term goals.Tuesday, January 31  
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Franklin High School, 218 Oak Street
FPS- Lifelong Learning, 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038

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Downtown Partnership: Networking Luncheon Dates, Dean Leadership Institute Speaker

Franklin Downtown Partnership 
9 E. Central Street, Franklin, MA  02038

2017 Networking Luncheon Dates Set:
***  February Date Correction  ***

Join us for our 2017 Networking Luncheons:  

February 14 
March 14
April 11
May 2

These luncheons happen from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Dean College Dining Center, first floor of the Campus Center. 

A delicious lunch and excellent conversation all for the low, low price of $6.55! 

RSVP to Matt Lechter,, or Gary Donelan,

Member Announcements
Dean Leadership Institute Executive Lecture: Angela McKay
Franklin Downtown Partnership, 9 E. Central St., Franklin, MA 02038

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Constant Contact

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Live reporting: closing

K. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTdifficult budgets coming
state numbers due soon but don't look good
L. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMSPfeffer - shoudl re-look at zoning VII
a workshop is coming

Old museum - to discuss use for it
Senior Center elevator approved today

condolences to long time Franklin people
they will be missed

motion to adjourn, passed 9-0

Live reporting: Legislation for action

1. Resolution 17-01: Acceptance of Gift to the Library (majority)
motion to accept, seconded passed 9-0

2. Resolution 17-02: Acceptance of Gift to the Council on Aging (majority)
motion to accept, seconded passed 9-0

3. Resolution 17-03: Appropriation, Administration: GASB 4575 Actuary Study (majority)

required to do a study every 2 years

motion to accept, seconded passed 9-0

4. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 16-775: Zoning Map Changes from Rural Residential I to Residential VII an Area on Summer Street - 2nd Reading (2/3 majority Roll Call Vote)

motion to accept, seconded 
Bissanti recuses himself

if this about the construction, this is not the meeting for it
if this is about the rezoning, please be respectful of others

Sally Winters 
her house is 50 feet from the lot line, the well is 35 feet from the line
no basis for the re-zoning
Cook's Farm was a different situation
the country club sold their driving range for that to happen
I have 250 signatures, everybody is opposed to this
it affects me more than anybody else

850 Summer
intentionally chose to live there on Summer St to enjoy the quite and quality of life
development has been astronomical 
what was rural is now an ugly eyesore on Upper Union St
one of the only remain untouched area in Franklin
reviewed the Master Plan update published recently by Jeff Nutting
we have forgone sidewalks in an attempt to maintain our way of life
why would you allow this only remaining swath of land?
If educating our children is not important, how are we

Kimberly Bears, 493 Summer St
bought 7 years ago, were on Grove St
moved to this 'dream home' as it was much quieter than Grove St
our children want to never leave, however if the re-zoning takes place that may change
if you add another 34 units, what will happen to the traffic
we have had fox in our yard, if this is rezoned, what is that going to do to the wild life
please think about your decision, what is best for the residents and not for the benefit of one or two people
would you want this happening in your neighborhood?
this is not what you would want

Kurt Lovell, 711 Summer St
I have spoken to many of you
we are not at 10 percent for 40B, so we are moving in fear
I'd like you to vote no tonight, do we want to have spot zoning all over Franklin

Eileen Mason, 62 Beaver St
where is the need?
why 34 units on 11 acres when they are allowed to put 8-9 houses on 11 acres?
no reason to do so, other than financial gain
I have not heard of other reason to do so
I request that you vote no on this

James Giannoti
can we get clarifications on what can be done if the developer wants to do 40B
the overwhelming majority come out with no decision, the town and the developer work it out
this is putting a black eye on the Town Council
you are in conflict of interest if you are a realtor as you are getting an increase
of 4x the market
maybe there is someone else to take up the mantle for the little guy
this is not about politics, or investments, all my father wanted to do was to go home, the way it was

Beth Wierling
basically what I would like to say is that the 40B is inevitable
the argument is not good, it will happen sometime some where, the master plan is not addressing this
you need to think of the greater good of the town
you have so many people here because they do not want this to pass

Attorney Cornetta, attorney representing Grandise Homes and potential developer of the property

we have been listening to the comments
we have had a subsequent meeting with the town administrator
we have talked about the sidewalk
we have committed to extend the sidewalk from the entrance to King St

(objection to this is not relative to the zoning)

project would enhance one of your main tenants of the Master Plan, the downtown area
the sidewalk would greatly improve the neighborhood
could walk or bike downtown
it would be a significant improvement to the area

(exceeding the 3 minutes provided to the citizens)
(someone offers to let him continue with their 3 minutes)

this will never become the responsibility of the town
meets a market requirement
the fiscal benefits, including the 5,000 foot sidewalk
we would also need to come back before you with water and sewer amendments
this is the first step to undertake that

Kim Spellman, Great Pond Road
250,000 that is a none issue
that was already taken into consideration when the master plan was calculated
shouldn't even be an issue

711 Summer St
please think about the residents in Summer St
please think about us
don not let us down

483 Summer St
less than 3 years, we moved there because it was amazing
Summer St was the perfect place
we don't need more places, it is a disappearing commodity
we have deer living there, it doesn't need to be concrete

Rondeau, 5 Squidnocket Rd
several years ago, a redistricting affected 
it was our job to get our children to get to school safely
but when the developer comes up, there are sidewalks considered

744 Summer St
every summer there is a water shortage
how are you going to put in 34 units where there isn;t enough

I agree with what is said, they are compasionate
we would not gain one thing by passing this
I am not against the applicant building there, they can do 11 houses

it has been a long week, I have been up and down
I think Res VII sucks, we either need to change it or re-do it
can you answer the question about 40B's?
are we going to get the water?

the 40B question, the town doesn't have the 10% the developer can usurp all zoning until we get to 10%
if done right and done proper they can be an asset to the town

as far as the water, that is the straw that broke the camels back
we have water restictions that I don't see going away
we are looking at a $6M project for a couple of wells to provide good water
I don't control the weather, if it comes we can deliver

the state won't let us put more straws in the ground

it depends upon the density of the development

there are other considerations that can limit the 40B including developers as their profits are capped at 20%

they can go anywhere

if there is water available, it is extensible

it is Bruce's property, he can develop it
I did talk with the other direct abutters and they have no problem with it
I am not happy with the situation

If I get greedy, I can break up Maplegate Country Club to 5 acre lots
and then what are you going to do about that?

Via roll call

  • Dellorco - No
  • Jones - No
  • Vallee - Yes
  • Pfeffer - Yes
  • Mercer - Yes
  • Padula - Yes
  • Pellegri - No
  • Kelly - yes

vote was 5 yes, 3 no, the measure fails to pass as it need 6 votes for

Hence it failed to pass

Live reporting: Communications and Civic Engagement

presentation at the Town Council, Jan 18, 2017.

overview of the challenges of the information world today

more news sources today presents a challenge

the "Google" problem, how do you get answers right away

staff have time constraints, do not have the budget of an Amazon to meet the needs of the Town

March 2016 drafted a communications "master plan" and worked to make it happen to "tell the story"

expanded Twitter and Facebook followers, from 600 to 2200
still a long way to go
set up a YouTube account to share video
may not use LinkedIn, too expensive for what it provides
developed social media policy

council agendas, meeting notes, actions taken
shared via Franklin Matters

new webpage,

new monthly news magazine "Almanac"

town webpage can't post 3rd party info so the Community Bulletin Board fills that need

e-permitting online for dog licences

all call system for emergency alerts

2017 goals

Town Council welcome letter

on the ground outreach via Police, Fire and Library

continue to work on the website, use analytics to help refine the page

transition to Google, a 12-18 month process of learning to optimize

demo of licensing center for Town Clerk's office
create an online account, need a permit, add to your cart

census mailing coming out this week

try out the suggestion box!

Meet me in Franklin - check out the link

Peter Facsiano - Franklin TV
new radio station coming

Sarah Mabardy - representing local business interests, #shopFranklin
Jim Schultz - representing the local non-profits

Polixsani Manxhari, new producers

WFPR  102.9

Q - what are you doing to reach the seniors?
A - working through the print media as well as social media still works

The radio station will provide an opportunity to broadcast 24x7
they are looking for content producers, have an 8 mile radius

no plans yet for live broadcasting but can broadcast via cable
the quality of the application and details to support it help

Yes, there will be a TV for the Senior Center being added for the 2nd floor
there already is one
there are 20 computers available
there are monitors available, could be able to run the signal through them

this is good work the stuff they do is incredibly good

you are doing good work, I did a show on the SAFE Coalition and it was great

looking to deepening the bench with free lancers

we are doing our best but it does take a 2-way communication
we can provide, if no one uses it, doesn't do much good
if any idea, let us know

Live reporting: Appointments, License Change of Manager

Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the Agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.

Finance Committee - David Wiech

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

F. HEARINGS(none scheduled for this agenda)

99 Restaurant Change of Manager Transition - 7:10 PM

Q on the prior holding of a license, she had held one'

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0