Sunday, October 3, 2010

Native Plants of Franklin

Greetings Franklin! It has been two weeks since I posted the last mystery plant - sorry for that unexpected delay. The hint for this week's plant is "the fruit is a lot more interesting than the flowers." And here is the flower:

I cheated here: I had to aim the camera up into the flower to get a good picture. The flowers are a pretty yellow on the inside, and they bloom from summer all the way through until the fall, but they hang downward like bells, so they aren't particularly showy.

The plant itself is a foot or two high, a bit fuzzy, perennial, and , if you know your veggie garden plants at all, you might think it looks like a tomato or potato plant. That's because it's a relative. This is called ground cherry, or more specifically, "clammy ground cherry", or Physalis heterophylla. And just like its more well-known veggie cousins, this plant has edible parts.

Ground cherry is perhaps most closely related to the tomatillo. Just like the tomatillo, it produces edible fruit in a papery husk. This is what the husks look like when they are developing.

And these are the husks when the fruit is ready to harvest. Which, by the way, is right now, so get out there and look in the weeds for this plant. If you find some, you may get a tasty treat.

The fruit itself is a marble-sized berry that is yellow or orangy when ripe, and tastes like a combination of a tomato and pineapple.

One word of caution: like the tomato, tomatillo, and potato, this plant is in the nightshade family of plants. Nightshade plants are all typically poisonous to some degree, which is why we don't eat tomato leaves or green potatoes. To be safe, don't eat any portion of the ground cherry plant except for the ripe berries.

But don't let this put you off from sampling these delicious native fruits! Ground cherries used to be more common as backyard vegetable garden plants, but seem to have been forgotten in recent years. I hear they make good pies, but I wouldn't know, because I ate all of my berries before I had a chance to cook them.

Here is next week's mystery plant. It's a tree actually.

Here's a hint: this tree is nearly extinct. I'll tell you all about the effort to restore the tree in next week's post, along with where you can go to see it growing in and around Franklin.

Michelle Clay writes about gardening here in Franklin at the Clueless Gardeners Blog.

Franklin, MA

Traffic Survey Comments - Yes and No

The survey conducted on the Franklin Downtown Partnership website resulted in many comments for an against the proposal to change the Main St traffic flow from 1-way to 2-way.

While the survey is not an exact science nor can the results be taken as an 'official' reflection of the will of the people, the comments do provide valuable insights.

While the Town Council did indicate that they are for the change to 2-way traffic, they will still need to vote on a bylaw change to do so. The bylaw change will require additional discussion at 2 public meetings (of the Town Council).

What do I think one should take from the comments?
The need for better communication on the details, the reasons, and the numbers remains great. While some number of folks have spent a lot of time working on this over the years, and I have great respect for that effort, there are folks who are just now becoming aware of it, who need to be able to find clear information on what the change is and how it was arrived at.

As much time as I personally have spent reporting on what is happening in and around Franklin, I do not feel that I have all my questions answered. This is what is continuing to drive my own efforts to share what information I can. This website (Franklin Matters) and the information shared here is not and has never been about me. I truly believe that Franklin matters. I do believe that information sharing can be improved. Franklin doesn't have nor can it afford a "Community Information Director". Hence I have assumed that title on a volunteer basis.

These are the comments associated with NO

Comments to Traffic Survey Where They Responded No

These are the comments associated with YES

Comments to Traffic Survey Where They Responded Yes

Prior posts

Franklin, MA

Town Council - Agenda Document - 10/6/10

The full agenda document included details on the subjects scheduled for discussion on Weds, Oct 6 can be viewed below.

Of note:

1 - I would spend some time on the DelCarte proposal to fix the dams. The dams are currently breeched and in need of repair. The space is gorgeous. The potential for developing some trails to safely walk amongst and enjoy this natural beauty is tantalizing. If you have had the chance to visit Stony Brook in Norfolk or Borderland St Pk in Easton, this space within Franklin's own borders can provide that experience.

2 - There is a new bylaw proposed to better identify and have maintained the abandoned property that is located within Franklin,


Franklin, MA

In the News - Library

A birthday bash at Franklin Library


If you haven't visited the library, you can take a virtual tour by video

Franklin, MA

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Franklin Chargers helping the Franklin Food Pantry

The E2 Franklin Chargers Football team hopes to collect 500 canned goods this Sunday (Oct 3, 2010) for the Franklin Food Pantry.
Public Relations Manager Chuck Findlen said the team is challenging other squads to collect the most goods, and has already collected 350 pounds of items.
Drop-offs can be made to bins located at the Beaver Street field. Collection will start at 8 a.m.
For more information, visit
This was originally posted to the Milford Daily News here

Disclosure: I am on the Board of Directors of the Franklin Food Pantry and I approve of this activity to help members of our community.

Franklin, MA

Blackstone Valley Bike Path Moves Forward

If you Haven't had an opportunity to ride or walk along the Blackstone Valley Bike Path, I would recommend it. Especially now as we get into the fall colors, the bike path will be a nice place to visit.

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 10/1/10

Lieutenant Governor Timothy P. Murray today announced $15 million in Accelerated Bridge Program funds for design and construction of the first segment of the Blackstone Valley Bike Path.  Once completed, the proposed 48-mile trail will connect Worcester to Providence.  Improvements to this path will also support the the East Coast Greenway, a project to create a 2,900-mile trail system linking cities along the coast from Maine to Florida.

Lieutenant Governor Murray joined state and local officials to celebrate the first phase of the project, a 2.5-mile pathway including 11 bridges between the Triad Bridge in Millville located in the Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park and along the Rhode Island border.
The Blackstone Valley Bike Path will connect historic and cultural sites, natural resources, recreation facilities, and commercial and residential areas. The project is a joint effort between MassDOT and the Department of Conservation and Recreation.  Design is underway with construction expected to begin in spring 2012.

Things you can do from here:

They're bugs, and they stink, but they're not stink bugs

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Universal Hub by adamg on 10/1/10

Jennifer Forman Orth alerts us that the stinky bugs now invading many homes around here are not true stink bugs but rather Western Conifer Seed Bugs, which, darn them, can also stink up the joint:
These bugs do release a "stinky" liquid when startled, but they are not related to true stink bugs.
She provides helpful closeup photos so you can tell the difference before you grab one with a paper towel or apply a shoe.

Things you can do from here:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fire Dept - Open House - Oct 3

The Fire Department will hold a family style open house on Sunday at the King St Station. The open house will be held from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Pictures from last year's open house can be found here:

Franklin, MA

Lincoln St: Road Closure/Work

Lincoln Street Detour/Pleasant Street Paving

On Saturday, October 2 2010, the Franklin Water Department will be working in the roadway near 603 Lincoln Street.
The road will be detoured from Brook Street to Daniels Street 8am until 4pm.

Pleasant Street will be paved from Church Square to Monterey Drive.

Police Officers will be on site to assist with traffic, however, it is strongly recommended you avoid the area and seek alternate routes.

To subscribe and receive your own copy directly to your inbox visit the Franklin website here

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It is worth taking the chance

You want to go to Job Search Jam Sessions but you're waiting for the phone call for that interview.

THAT interview. You know. The one that will land you in the dream job and get you off unemployment.

But you really would like to go to Job Search Jam Sessions. You heard it was such a great time in May.

Folks learned about negotiating, entrepreneurship, networking, resumes and LinkedIn. Someone from the Milford Career Center came to showcase their suite of programs.

It was held in Hopkinton and those who went really liked the event. They asked for more sessions. They asked for a longer day.

Now it is coming on Friday, October 1. A full day with more sessions. And yet, you are waiting for that phone call.

You know, there is a way to solve that. You can register via the link below. You can either pay via credit card or select to pay at the door. If you get the phone call you can cancel out your registration and get a full refund (if you paid via credit card).

This is an easy thing to do. All the organizers know how you feel. Torn, frustrated with waiting. But if the phone call comes, you can get a full refund. We understand. We've been there. Some of us are still there. Your interview, your job search takes priority.

We do want you to register if you think you will be able to go so we can plan for the food accordingly. This operation is running on the little income generated by the registration fees. There are no major corporate sponsors. No one is paying for this. You and I are with our contributions of time and money.

Why? Because we can and should do this. Because we are all in this together and by helping each other. By learning, sharing and networking together, we will find the position that we should. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But we will find it.

Register here to take part. If you do get the call about that interview, let us know and you'll get your full refund.

Register for Job Search Jam Sessions 2 in Hopkinton, MA  on Eventbrite

Franklin, MA

Lincoln Street Construction - Closed Sat 10/2

On Saturday, October 2, 2010, the Franklin Water Department will be working in the roadway near 603 Lincoln Street. The road will be detoured from Brook Street to Daniels Street. Work will begin at 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Police Details will be on site.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and thank you in advance for you understanding and cooperation.

The Department of Public Works

Franklin, MA

Town Council - 09/29/10

The live reporting posts from the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, Sep 29 2010 can be found here:

Franklin, MA

Dean College hosts first program of business lecture series October 6

Dean College will host the first in a series of presentations by regional and national business leaders called "Leadership in Action, "  on October 6 at 4 p.m. in the College's Campus Center Atrium. 
The first speaker in this series is Irina Simmons, Senior Vice President and Treasurer of EMC Corporation on October 6, 2010 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in  the Campus Center Atrium.  
Ms. Simmons will discuss "Leadership & Career Services - A Personal Journey".  Immediately following the lecture, a Women's Networking Reception will be held from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in the Campus Center Atrium.  
The event is free and open to the public.

For other events on the Dean calendar visit

In the News - traffic flow, bake sale, Lincoln St

Franklin to make downtown roads two-way


St. Mary’s women’s club of Franklin sets bake sale

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Live reporting - Closing

work on the grant for green underway



Powderly - there was an authorization for money on traffic signals, it is not cash, the authorization was rescinded and it is not available

McGann - We should be looking at our own people first before hiring some person from outside

Nutting - you are not getting all the information, qualifications, past experience, etc. It is a personnel matter and we shouldn't be discussing it.

McGann - if we don't hire from within, it demoralizes the workers here.

Vallee - how long do we wait before a skim coat?
Nutting - every road we do , we let the trench sit at least a winter and then the top coat goes on so it gives the street more integrity

Pfeffer - Stella has a show on Franklin, a series on former selectmen and their decisions

Nutting - it was turned over to the Historical Commission for final painting

Mason - happy birthday to Catherine, who is 16 and I want to embarrass her sufficiently

O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required

motion to go into executive session, collective bargaining
passed 8-0 (via roll call)

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - traffic, continued

Nutting - the south bound RT 140 traffic will still be a backup, today and the future, everything else will be better

Jones - Safety is the number one issue for me

Vallee - nothing is perfect, the folks were against the change when we went from 2 way to 1 way in the 70's

2. Resolution 10-56: Endorsement of Plan for Two-Way Vehicular Traffic on Emmons, West Central and Main Streets as Element of Downtown Revitalization Project

motion to waive the reading, passed 8-0
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - presentation on traffic flow

H. PRESENTATIONS/DISCUSSIONS – Downtown Franklin Enhancement Project Proposed Traffic Circulation – Westin & Sampson
Gene Bollinger, Bill Paley (spelling?)

We have been accumulating the grant money since it was awarded in 2004.
A public hearing for the 25% design position, then another for the 75% design, with the hope of getting a shovel in the ground for 2012.
Town Council would have to change the bylaws to change the traffic flow
Intent is to gain the Council endorsement for the traffic changes
This is less intensive than what was done previously
Some property taking is anticipated but nothing major, just strips here and there to enable the crossings and turnings

Interest is to come away with your comments and submit the 25% design to MassDOT
Continue to interact with the public, various department heads, Dean College, Downtown Partnership, etc.

The first board identifies the section of the various projects (HPP and PWED)
The PWED can go sooner as it does not require MassDOT approval.
Utility work already underway to try and compress the overall construction schedule and minimize disruption.
End of curb to end of curb, new or re-surfaced roadways, expanded sidewalks for ADA access.
Light pole, street furnishings, etc.

Traffic circulation would stay as is with the exception of the 1-way to 2-way change on Main St

Emmons, West Central - This intersection offers a level of service B, (A is the top, F is the bottom)
Triangle - This intersection offers a level of service C
all the traffic numbers are based upon the peak period.
Summer St is currently rated an F, it would improve to an A with the light and synchronized with the others
Main St/Emmons - Main would be free flow, Emmons would be stop signed

There are raised tables downtown and near Dean, an elongated speed bump to help the walkers

Signalizing the intersections creates gaps in the traffic where there are no gaps with no signals today

Multiple questions and answers.  This part of the meeting will definitely be better to listen/watch to

3 minute recess

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Public Hearing - underground utilities

F. HEARINGS - Public Hearing to Consider Removal of Utility Poles, Overhead Wires & Associated Overhead Wires and Associated Overhead Structures in Downtown Area – 7:10 PM

Due to the clerical error, this is part of the hearing. No council vote tonight. The council has another public hearing on Oct 20th and after that, then they will be in a position to vote.

They walked the property doing a sidewalk survey to estimate the potential electrical cost to re-do the feed from the street to the house. Most were in the range of 0-$4,000. 

Those numbers sound rather conservative, once you get inside, the electrical code and updates.
The Town Council has an option to pay none, some or all of it.
The Town should not absorb a penny of this . Why should the tax payers pay for an improvement to their building.

G Smith - 
Nutting - Verizon charge is only on the land line, Comcast is only on the cable bill not on the phone, so it is confusing but the statute was done many years ago. The amounts are projected for the customer base.
G Smith - If the customer has both Verizon and Comcast would pay about $112. If you only have electric, you only would pay $12. There is inequity in this fee schedule. Considering the results of the last override election, it would be a charge against the will of the people

McCarraher - consider that the overhead wires are a hazard to the firefighters. It is a small part, but please look at it from the firefighters safety perspective.

Piana - Downtown Partnership sent letter encouraging this being done now as it is the only opportunity to do so. It is important to the esthetics's of the downtown appearance.

Piana - the majority of the membership do agree, of course, not all do. 

Mason - we are trying to get a consensus. Is there anyone who would like to speak. Any thoughts from the Councilors?

Kelly - The voters did vote down the override, I don't think I would support it at this time.

Jones - the major issue I have with this is the unknown costs for the property owners for what I have counted as a dozen telephone poles.

Vallee - I have mixed feelings about this, I am concerned about the looks, I am concerned about passing the costs to the citizens

Powderly - I am usually for investing in the town but I have a number of concerns about the unknown costs. We have to look at this project in with the other capital needs, we have the high school coming down the road, a large operating deficit, so at this time I don't think I can support putting this on the citizens.

Pfeffer - It was many years ago the Boston Magazine said we were 'seedy'. Since then we have been voted top town to live and top to retire. I don't think we can do it for only a part of the downtown.

Mason - We are always seeking the help of the voters, since there was the vote expressed three months ago with the failed override, I can see how we can do so at this time.

Whalen - the likelihood of needing an overrider for operations next year is good. 

Motion to close the hearing - passed 8-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Town Council

Present: Kelly, Jones, Vallee, Whalen, Mason, Pfeffer, McGann, Powderly
Absent:  Zollo

A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – September 8, 2010
motion to approve, passed 8-0

-Meetings of the Town Council are Recorded by Verizon, Comcast and Franklin Matters
Veterans Breakfast, Fri Nov 5th at Senior Center, thanks to the generous sponsorship to the Friends of Franklin Elders
Lincoln St detour on Sat Oct 2
Hazardous waste day at Town Hall, Sat Oct 2 (tickets required, call DPW)

- Thermo Environmental Scientific

Capt Gary McCarraher, open house at King St fire station from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM




1. Resolution 10-55: Order of Layout, Acceptance, and Taking of Hemlock Lane and Related Parcels and Easement -
motion to approve,  passed 8-0

3. Resolution 10-57: Scheduling of Public Hearing to Consider Removal of Utility Poles, Overhead Wires, and Associated Overhead Structures in Downtown Area - motion to approve,  passed 8-0

Yes, due to leaving out the section of Main St on the original map, the hearing needs to be formally re-done. An oversight on submission of the map, a mistake on Jeff Nutting's part. 

4. Resolution 10-58: Appropriation to Construct Opticom System on Traffic Signals -  motion to approve,  passed 8-0

using a donation to install the system on the Four Corners interchange
money originally designed for King/Union interchange but since the State is doing so, they are moving down to this interchange.

Franklin, MA

Downtown Traffic Survey says

The results from the survey conducted on the Franklin Downtown Partnership page are in:

Should the Main St traffic pattern be changed from 1-way to 2-way?

No - 99
Yes -  68
Grand Total 167

So 59% against, 41% for.

Only 167 so that is clearly a small sample of Franklin residents and voters.

Thanks to all for your contribution.

Franklin, MA