Monday, April 7, 2014

"there is not an opt-out option"

On Sunday, the Boston Globe MetroWest section had an article on the growing discussion around standardized testing. PARCC is being piloted here in Franklin as well as other communities around the state. Some communities are trying to get out of the piloting and the article quotes Franklin's Joyce Edwards:

Joyce Edwards, director of instructional services for the Franklin school system, said every step had been taken to ensure that the testing, which will be conducted this week and in May in eight schools across the district, will have as minimal an impact on daily instruction as possible. 
“There is always an extra burden when there is extra testing,” Edwards said. “We took every exemption available to avoid double-testing. Beyond that the state has been quite clear there is not an opt-out option.”
Franklin’s schools obtained MCAS exemptions from the state for students who take the PARCC pilot test. If students take a PARCC test in English or math, they won’t have to take the same section in MCAS. 
Edwards said if an opt-out was allowed by the state, the district probably would have offered it. 
“We absolutely would have considered that,” she said. “We don’t believe in double-testing and the loss in instructional time.”

You can find the full article online here (subscription required)

Stations of Cross Broadcast

The Franciscans of Divine Mercy/ Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus of the Independent Old Catholic Church of the Americas will have a special televised Stations of the Cross often called Via Dolorosa @ 2:00 PM on Good Friday April 18th. 
The Franciscans of Divine Mercy's weekly televisions show REFLECTIONS and the special Good Friday Stations is broadcast through the Franklin Community Cable Access TV Studio on Comcast Channel 8 and on Verizon Channel 26. 
The REFLECTIONS television show airs every Sunday at 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM on Franklin Community Cable Access TV Studio. 
The show is available to all local Cable Access stations in New England in accordance with Massachusetts law simply by a resident of station manager requesting it. 
All the REFLECTIONS Shows are also available on YouTube by going to: 
For more information contact Rev. Fr. Bob Johnnene OFD @ 508-520-0992 or by email @

Pax et Bonum

Peace & All God's Goodness be with you
Rev. Fr. Bob Johnnene OFD

Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus
Divine Mercy Old Catholic Parish
Independent Catholic Church of the Americas

Link to Fr. Bob's Weekly TV show

Our Facebook page:
Mission Web Site
Franciscan Web Site
ICCA Seminary Link
Diocese Office:

Hydrant Flushing - begins Apr 7

While visiting the Franklin Historical Museum for the Cultural Council open house on Sunday, I found a photo opportunity announcing water flushing begins Monday, Apr 7.

hydrant flushing - starts Apr 7
hydrant flushing - starts Apr 7

hydrant flushing - starts Apr 7
hydrant flushing - starts Apr 7

Updated 4/8/14 to include this message from the DPW

The Franklin Department of Public Works, Water Division will begin its hydrant flushing program on Monday, April 7, 2014. This program is conducted annually to improve Franklin’s water quality and fire flows. Some hydrants will be flushed in the evening hours, while others will be completed during the day. Hydrant flushing will continue depending on water availability and system pressures.  
Residents may experience temporary water loss or discolored water while hydrants are being flushed in their area. Even though the water may be discolored, it is still safe for human consumption.  
Check the DPW Home Page to find out which streets we are working on today.  
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the DPW office at 508-553-5500. 

As the sign board was located at the 'gateway' to Franklin, it raises a question related to the future of this building and land. Would the town include an easement in the land deal so they could continue to use this location for such notifications?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

FM# 104 - 150 Emmons St discussion at the Town Council meeting recorded the Town Council meeting on Wednesday Apr 2 but has not yet posted the video to the Franklin web page. As the 150 Emmons St discussion is important, I am sharing my audio recording of the meeting. 

Without further ado, here is the segment of the Town Council meeting Apr 2 that covered the discussion. (It runs approx 90 minutes)

Updated 2/6/20 = If you need the audio, please contact me directly.... thanks


This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin. I can use your help. 

How can you help, you ask? 
If you have an interest in writing about something that matters in Franklin, please let me know. If you have interest and time to cover the Planning Board, or Zoning Board of Appeals, or Conservation Commission, or School Committee meetings I would be most interested.

As always - 

  • If you like this, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like this, please tell me.

This feedback loop is important. Thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit where you can subscribe to the daily email that will deliver to you all that is posted once a day

You can find us on Facebook as "Franklin Matters" as well

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission

I hope you enjoy!


My published notes for this meeting can be found here

Lawrence Lessig's wish

Lawrence Lessig's wish appeals to all citizens

Here's my wish. May one. May the ideals of one boy unite one nation behind one critical idea that we are one people, we are the people who were promised a government, a government that was promised to be dependent upon the people alone, the people, who, as Madison told us, meant not the rich more than the poor. May one. And then may you, may you join this movement, not because you're a politician, not because you're an expert, not because this is your field, but because if you are, you are a citizen. Aaron asked me that. Now I've asked you.

Find out more about the wish here

Franklin Public Schools: Feedback Opportunity

All our stakeholders have a voice in Franklin Public Schools' ongoing pursuit of educational excellence.  
Beginning on Monday, April 7 we will be asking for your feedback about the individual school your child attends or where you are assigned as a staff member. We are focusing on critical school issues such as academic preparation, student support, parent engagement, diversity, school operations and accessibility of school leaders.  
This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. All responses are strictly confidential. 
After the survey closes, we will report the findings publicly sharing what we have learned and what specific changes you may anticipate as a result of your feedback.  The survey will open on Monday at 4:00 pm and you will receive an email with the link. We thank you for your support and we value your feedback. 
Maureen Sabolinski

Franklin Public Schools
Franklin Public Schools

This e-mail has been sent to you by FRANKLIN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. To maximize their communication with you, you may be receiving this e-mail in addition to a phone call with the same message. If you wish to discontinue this service, please inform FRANKLIN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT either IN PERSON, by US MAIL, or by TELEPHONE at 508-613-1777.

Rails to Trails and Rails WITH Trails - Apr 16

Rails to Trails and Rails WITH Trails projects in 
Southern New England: 
How we got here and where we’re going

Presenter: Craig Della Penna, Executive Director, Northeast Greenway Solutions

Date/Time: Wednesday, April 16, 2014. 7:00 pm

Location: Franklin Public Library, Community Room (Downstairs)

SNETT sign - Grove St entrance
SNETT sign - Grove St entrance

The Southern New England Trunkline Trail (SNETT) is one of the longest trails in the region and is currently the center of a local effort to convert this old rail line to a universally accessible trail. Formerly the site of a major rail line from Boston to NY, the trail begins in Franklin (on Grove Street) and heads west through Bellingham. Developing the SNETT into a multi-use, non-motor vehicle trail will improve home values and businesses in both towns and create a recreational outlet for all ages. Come learn how a rail trail will benefit you.

For additional information on SNETT visit the Franklin Bellingham Rail Trail Committee page

Downtown Partnership - talking points on Emmons St building

The following are the talking points presented by Executive Director Lisa Piana to the Town Council at the 7:00 p.m. meeting on April 2:

Message from the FDP Board to the Town Council -- April 2, 2014

The Partnership Board of Directors recently sent a letter to the Town Council recommending that they give the community time to further develop concepts for the Emmons Street property. We also recommended that the Town Council evaluate the potential traffic and parking issues prior to sending out an RFP.

We believe there is no downside to inviting the community to participate in the process. We think Franklin has some very talented residents who could offer some creative solutions.

The March 4th workshop was a great start, and we appreciated being invited to participate, but many of us were under the impression that there would be time to further develop ideas and research funding possibilities.  

We feel that there is no rush to sell this property, since we believe the land will only increase in value once the streetscape project is completed.

We understand that a few Town Council members want to sell the property as quickly as possible. However, we feel that there are 5 key questions that still need to be answered prior to putting out an RFP:  
  1. What are the specific long-term goals for this property?
  1. What is the plan for where businesses will park during the construction project?
    1. Businesses have been told for the last year that parking would be available at the Emmons Street property.
    2.  When Main Street is under construction, there needs to be a place for people to park.

  1. How will losing the 50 parking spaces on this property affect downtown businesses?
    1. It is important to be proactive and plan for the future parking needs and growth of the downtown.
  1. What will the new traffic patterns be after the streetscape project and the two-way traffic pattern is implemented?

  1. What state funding is available in the town considers a cultural center and greenspace?
    1. We have been told that there may be state funding available.
    2. We think it would be in the town’s best interest to pursue these options before deciding to sell the property.

The town is so fortunate to own this Gateway property. We have a chance to really put something special on Emmons Street.

Something special means different things to different people. One of the reasons the Partnership Board wrote the letter to the Town Council was because of some of the commercial ideas that were being talked about. When the developer started talking about a drive-thru coffee shop and a drive-thru drycleaners, we started to get calls and e-mails.

One of the concerns is that if the town loses control of this property and the wrong commercial business gets built, we could see traffic back-ups all the way to the Davis Thayer School.

The Partnership Board of Directors would like to recommend that the Town Council give the community time to work together with the Council, Jeff Nutting and the Planning Department to further develop ideas and research funding options.

We also ask the Council to take the time needed to answer the important questions that I just mentioned. Once these questions are answered, we believe the community will feel more comfortable with the final plan for this property.

We feel that the more ideas, facts and knowledge the town has, the better the final outcome will be for this important “Gateway” property.

Thank you.

150 Emmons St, Franklin, MA
150 Emmons St, Franklin, MA

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Bocce Club Meeting - Apr 22

The Senior Center Bocce Club will be meeting on Apr 22 at 10:00 AM

Bocce Club meeting - Apr 22, 10:00 AM
Bocce Club meeting - Apr 22, 10:00 AM

For information about additional activities at the Senior Center visit their webpage

or review their monthly newsletter

Citizen Committee Annual Report

Steve - attached is the annual report on the Citizens Committee which was delivered to all town council members as well as to Town Administrator - this was done in January - thought you may want to see what the Citizens Committee has been involved with this past year - jppfeffer

Chairman Vallee:
Pursuant to your request for a report from the Citizen's Committee for topics and issues addressed this past year, please be advised:

1. Improvement to recycling site on Beaver Street (ongoing).
2. Acquisition of land adjacent to recycling site (ongoing).
3. Improvements at train station (ongoing).
4. Cook's Farm/Country Club/Gateway initiative (ongoing)
5. Davis Thayer/temp classrooms/Gateway initiative (ongoing).
6. RFPs for Pond Street , old town hall, other potential town-owned properties (ongoing)
7. Enhancing the cbd (central business district) aesthetically and commercially.  PRIORITY
8. Seeking a developer to consider a public/private venture for a major cbd redevelopment.  PRIORITY
9. Consideration of an "unkempt property" by-law for both commercial and certain residential properties (bank-owned, foreclosed, abandoned, etc.).
10. Maintaining/Improving/enhancing the town's properties, roadways and facilities; (ongoing and PRIORITY).
11. Review and reconsider adoption of R6 zoning as initially written by the town prior to changes made to restrict/discourage development.
12. Inclusion of Dean College as a potential partner in certain town initiatives.
Those items above identified as "ongoing" indicate Council action, monitoring or participation as necessary, as shall the Committee. 

The Committee, with regular attendance and input from the Planning Board and ZBA chairs, is supportive of rezoning on many (if not all) our arterial roadways, and particularly #140 in its entirety.  Rezoning major roadways to accommodate certain commercial and retail development in residential areas, consistent with the Master Plan, and cognizant of the town's history in which neighborhoods frequently had mixed uses, and  "mom and pop" stores to serve their needs,  would reduce extensive travel for small purchases (milk, bread, etc.) and decrease traffic congestion.  This is particularly true for North and South Franklin residents. (note: the issue of rezoning, too often an emotional issue,  impacting property values does not appear, in most cases, to be accurate.  We could not identify any properties devalued as a result of rezoning. In reality, the opposite resulted with properties on #140 that were residential, particularly in the area of 3 Restaurant, greatly increased in value once designated commercial/retail).  
It was offered at one of our meetings that Franklin was comprised of 80% residential property and 20% comprising all other classifications.  If so, it is obvious that our financial position is not likely to improve if our revenue stream is driven, primarily, by residential taxation. 
The Committee is supportive of expanding regional services and efforts whenever possible or beneficial.  It also believes the permitting process in Franklin, although somewhat improved, needs further improving if we are to compete with our neighbors.   
Housing, almost always in demand, should seek creative and alternative development as suggested in the Master Plan.  Allowing market forces to determine housing is preferred and there appears to be a large inventory of existing affordable housing in the community (as well proposed); a small percentage of luxury housing; senior housing appears to be a likely issue in the near future and will require consideration.  A review of R6 to allow for certain condominium development, eliminating the restrictions imposed to curtail development, is recommended.   The recent R7 zoning requires "stand alone" units and precludes duplex or quads as constructed in desirable developments as Chestnut Ridge, Spruce Pond, etc.  The fear of multiple condo development proposals, as alluded to in the R7 debate, has not materialized and is unlikely to materialize as history tells us development is market driven. 
Those items above identified as "ongoing" indicate Council action, monitoring or participation as necessary. 
The use of sub-committees, and a more aggressive agenda by the Economic Development Committee, are encouraged and necessary to complete the issues/topics noted above.  Simply, Council participation enhances projects and proposals toward completion.  Topics identified as PRIORITY, most of which are relative to the aesthetics of the community, cannot be too strongly emphasized.  Characterizing Franklin 's cbd as "seedy" (Boston Globe) is a negative difficult to overcome.  Every major developer or investor inspects our downtown before considering Franklin as a potential site; there has been some improvement, and the blending of the downtown reconstruction along with the depot site is encouraging, but more needs to be done and should be a priority of the Council.    
As suggested by the Town Administrator, there needs to be a "Team Franklin" approach to conducting the town's business.  Workshops for all those, elected, appointed and/or volunteering should be ongoing to educate and encourage for a unified response to the town's problems and initiatives.   Historically, Franklin has been most productive and successful when the Council actively participates in moving the agenda and issues forward.  Assuming the town administrator, well qualified and energetic, can accomplish all these objectives alone is unrealistic.  The use of sub- committees is both recommended and essential and, in the past, served the community well in meeting its' needs.  
Lastly, there needs to be an enhancement of the relationship between Dean College , one of the town's largest landowners, and the community at large, particularly in the greater cbd development.  Dean is the elephant in the room; we need to recognize and appreciate the symbiotic potential and aggressively move to enhance it; it is in our mutual interest to do so.  
These are mostly the issues, subjects and topics we discussed in 2013 and shall continue to monitor in 2014, along with new or emerging proposals. 
On behalf of the Committee, Robert Avakian, Andrew Bissanti, Paul Cheli, Matt Kelly, Judith Pfeffer and Robert Ficco, Esq., 
I am, yours truly, 
L.P. Benedetto, 
January 19, 2014.
Franklin Municipal Building
Franklin Municipal Building

Note: The Citizens Committee did get their own reference page set up on the Franklin website.

While there has not been a published meeting schedule, or meeting agendas, or meeting notes, it is anticipated that these deficiencies will be corrected.

Affordable Housing

Condominium units in Franklin Heights off Lincoln St are available for purchase as affordable housing.

A realtor page shows this information

The following notice was posted to the official Franklin webpage

Franklin Heights
Franklin Heights
Additional information on affordable housing in Franklin can be found here


The book sale prohibition is explained in item #13 in the following list:

To ensure safety, fairness and for mutual protection of all patrons of the Town’s Facilities, the Town of Franklin maintains certain operating rules and regulations. The following rules and regulations have been developed to be in the best interests of the Town, its residents and the public who use the facilities. These rules and regulations are designed to assist the public in understanding their responsibilities and to ensure a safe environment for all persons using Town facilities. The rules and regulations are, as follows: 
1. Persons shall not enter or be upon town property under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Persons shall not consume or possess any alcohol, illegal drugs, or marijuana on Town property. 
2. Persons shall not use any tobacco product within any municipal building or upon the property on which any municipal building is located, except in designated areas. 
3. Persons shall not possess, use, or store any explosive, incendiary device or weapon on Town property. 
4. Persons shall not present a false or altered identification that may be required as part of using a facility. No person shall defraud the Town in any manner. 
5. Persons shall not assault, threaten, harass or abuse any employee or a member of the public, either physically or verbally. 
6. Persons shall not engage in any form of disruptive conduct while on Town property. 
7. Persons shall not use skateboards or operate dirt bikes, ATV’s, motorized bicycles, motorized scooters or other motorized vehicles on Town property. This prohibition shall not apply to a person who, as a result of a handicap or disability, requires the use of a motorized wheelchair or similar equipment. 
8. Persons shall comply with all posted safety rules and regulations.

9. Persons shall not misuse, abuse, damage or tamper with the property of the Town or property of any employee or member of the public. 
10. Persons shall not use Town property or enter Town offices without first obtaining proper authorization, except during normal business hours or when the property or offices are open to the general public. No person shall enter or remain in a Town building or facility outside of regular business hours without authority or permission to do so. No person shall enter or remain in any portion of a Town building or facility to which the general public does not have regular access without authority or permission to do so. 
11. No animals (except those needed by the physically handicapped are allowed within Town buildings. All persons with an animal on Town property must properly remove and dispose of any animal feces. 
12. The Town assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged personal property. 
13. No solicitation or sales of goods or services is permitted on Town property, except those fundraising activities that directly support the Town's facilities or programs. 
14. No person shall enter or remain in a Town building or facility unless properly clothed and shod: street clothes and footwear are required at all times; no bathing suits are allowed. 
15. No person shall enter or remain in a Town building or facility who emits an offensive odor because of poor personal hygiene. 
16. No person shall use any Town building or facility other than for its intended, authorized or permitted purpose or use. 
17. Persons shall promptly report all accidents or incidents which result in either personal injury or damage to the property of the Town, an employee, or member of the public, regardless of who is responsible for the damage 
18. Persons shall immediately report defective equipment or unsafe conditions of any equipment or facilities that may endanger anyone to the Town employee in charge of the facility or to the Town Administrator. 
Persons that fail to follow the rules and regulations of the Town or other rules or regulations established by each Department may be subject to a fine and/or loss of privilege to use the Town facilities. Depending on the severity of the offense or the frequency of other offenses the Town may initiate legal action.

This document can be found on the Franklin website here

Franklin Municipal Building (and yes, I'll need to update the photo to show no snow)
Franklin Municipal Building (and yes, I'll need to update the photo to show no snow)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Upcoming Events in Franklin, MA Area: FRI 4/4/14 - THU 4/10/14

FRI 4/4  6:30pm   Art Night Uncorked - Franklin Art Center

SAT 4/5   2-5pm   Black, Brown and Beige - Fundraiser for FPAC at Pour Richards, featuring a talented jazz trio.
SAT 4/5   8pm   Concert: Garnet Rogers & Archie Fisher, First Universalist Society

SUN 4/6   2-5pm   Best Buddies Fundraiser at Pour Richards
SUN 4/6   3pm   Student Show at Franklin Art Center
SUN 4/6   2 - 4pm  Cultural Council Open House at Franklin Historical Museum
SUN 4/6   1 - 4pm  Putting for Patients - Franklin High School Field House

MON 4/7   4-8pm   Kindergarten Registration in Franklin, Horace Mann MS.
MON 4/7   6:45pm   Community Garden Committee Mtg., Franklin Municipal Bldg., Rm 106
MON 4/7   7pm   Planning Board Meeting, Franklin Municipal Bldg.

TUE 4/8   7pm   School Committee Mtg., Franklin Municipal Bldg.
TUE 4/8   7:30pm   Franklin and Bellingham Rail Trail Committee Meeting at Whole Foods Bellingham. Open to public.

WED 4/9   6pm   Zentangle Class at Jane’s Frames in Franklin.
WED 4/9   6:30pm   Cooking Matters - Free classes, Franklin YMCA. Call to sign up.

THU 4/10   4-7pm   Kindergarten Registration in Franklin, Horace Mann MS

For more details on above events click HERE and select the event of interest.

*If you have any suggestions or events for the calendar, please email

I bought my book at Ginley's Funeral Home

Ted Reinstein, author and reporter for New England Chronicle, spoke to an enthusiastic group at the Franklin Public Library on Thursday evening. Some had already brought a copy of Ted's book "New England Notebook" to have him sign.

New England Notebook
New England Notebook

Others waited patiently for him to finish his delightful stories,

Ted Reinstein during his presentation at the Library
Ted Reinstein during his presentation at the Library

sign a few copies of the book,
pack his bag, get into his Jeep,
drive across the street to the Ginley Funeral Home parking lot
where he was able to sell copies of his book.

Ginley Funeral Home at night
Ginley Funeral Home at night
Yes, one of the unique things about Franklin, authors can NOT sell their books at the Library. Go figure!

Ted in the center of the Franklin book buyers!
Ted in the center of the Franklin book buyers!

Fortunately, Ted was a good sport and having as much fun as the book buyers. We all posed for a picture on the front steps to mark the occasion.

Ted prepares for the 'selfie'
Ted prepares for the 'selfie'
His selfie may not compete with Ellen's or that of David Ortiz but it was memorable.

my signed copy of New England Notebook
my signed copy of New England Notebook

I did get my copy signed. Thank you Ted. You shared some great stories. I am sure the book will be worth it. Even if not, the evening was memorable. I can say I am part of the select group that bought Ted's book at Ginley's.

More about Ted can be found on his webpage

Black, Brown, and Beige: A Spirited Afternoon

Basic store logo
Connecting good friends with great wine!
Never Drink Ordinary!

Pour Richard's Ultimate Cocktail Challenge
Saturday, April 5th 2-5 PM

Fabulous Music courtesy of the 
Acme Trio
otherwise known as Mark White, Mark Poniatowski, and Kenny Hadley.

Fine, rare, and antique spirits presented by the experts.
Scotch: Springbank 10, Kilkerran WIP #5, a selection of Cadenhead's bottlings, Glenlossie 19, Fettercairn 16, Cragganmore 16, Bunnahahain 10, Tobermory 18, and many, many more.

Bourbon, Rye, Etc: Town Branch, OYO, Cyrus Noble, 1512 Spirits, Pearse Lyons Reserve, Cu Chulainn, Most Righteous, Gunpowder Rye, and more.

Armagnac: 12, 20, and 40-yr-old Darroze, plus vintage selections.

This is a great opportunity for early Father's Day shopping! (Or, expand your own collection.)

The $10 admission is a 100% donation to the Franklin Performing Arts Company's 

Electric Youth

, and will contribute to their July 4th concert for US troops stationed at Aviano Air Force Base in Italy.

21+only. Please RSVP by replying to this email. (All are welcome, but we want to have a handle on numbers.)

Never Drink Ordinary! -Ann and John
Please share this email with friends who are enthusiastic about great wine, beer, and spirits. (Keeping all the good stuff for yourself is bad karma.)

Like us on Facebook

Pour Richard's Wine and Spirits | 14 Grove Street | Franklin | MA | 02038