Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Live reporting - Information matters/Closing

5. Information Matters

Superintendent’s Report
a. Race To The Top  (covered already)

b. H1N1 approx 1200 residents attended the recent clinic

c. DESE Financial Review
When the DESE visited they also did a financial audit. Miriam had only a few hours of notice. They liked the policies and procedures put into place. Thanks to Miriam for the credibility and integrity for the procedures you have put into place to make the Business office a success.

d. Snow Fallout / Sidewalks

School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
Cafasso - T Raposa gathering options on a web site solution, would be good to have as part of the budget discussions

School Committee Liaison Reports
Trahan on Community Health Council - this committee has been taking on important topics and would encourage parents to come forward and take part. Thanks to Lisa Keohane for her work with the Teen Angels.

6. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

Trahan - April 29th - FEF Trivia Bee - themed for a focus on history

motion to move to executive session, not to return to open meeting
passed 7-0 by roll call

Live reporting - Action items

4. Action Items
a. I recommend acceptance of a check for $300.85 from Barnes & Noble for the Horace Mann for In-house enrichment.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

b. I recommend acceptance of the donation of 3 cameras & a Recorder/VCR valued at $2496.48 from Mr. Robert Salzberg of Resh, Inc. for the Davis Thayer Elementary School.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

c. I recommend approval of the proposed trip to Peru in June/July 2011 as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 6-0  (Mullen abstained)

d. I recommend adoption of Policy BIBA – School Committee Conferences, Conventions & Workshops.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

e. I recommend adoption of Policy BID – School Committee Member Compensation & Expenses  motion to approve, passed 7-0

f. I recommend adoption of Policy BGF –Suspension of Policies.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

g. I recommend adoption of Policy DJA – Purchasing Authority.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

h. I recommend acceptance of a check for $1877.32 from Lifetouch for the Remington Gift Account for supplies.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

i. I recommend acceptance of a check for $250.00 from Maura Schaeffer-Tobin for the Jacqueline A Schaeffer Memorial Theatre Arts Scholarship Fund at the FHS.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

j. I recommend approval of the request of Brad Sidwell for the recurring field trip for the FHS Wrestling Team Competition in Eason, PA from 1/22-23/2010 as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

k. I recommend acceptance of two checks for $414.29 and $70.96 (totaling $485.25) from Follett for Library & Supplemental Curriculum Materials for the JF Kennedy Elementary School.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

l. I recommend acceptance of the Best Buddies Grants as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

m. I recommend acceptance of a check for $200.00 from the Franklin Democratic Town Committee for the FHS Young Democrats’ Club.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

n. I recommend that Franklin not participate in the Race To The Top Program.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

o. I recommend approval of the request of the HMMS Ski Club for their recurring trip to Mt. Sunapee, NH on January 23, 2010 as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

p. I recommend approval of the request of Ms. Neal for 5 ALP students to travel to the RI Rock Wall in Lincoln, RI to participate in a leadership program with the YMCA.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

Live reporting - Budget desires

Mullen - would like to see a listing of the cuts made in the last ten years
one page summary that gets repeated at each budget discussion (my idea, yea!)

Trahan - there are so many changes and be clear about what is coming forward

Cafasso - the decade of cuts list would be good. Miriam had put together a great apples to apples comparison to provide some context to the budget. Enrollment corresponding to the budget years. Some historical data on the cost drivers, i.e insurance, special ed, transportation, etc. Recap on how this current years budget was funded?

Rohrbach - the process will discuss a level service vs. a level funded budget. In the past we have also discussed philosophies that should be discussed. We should have a general discussion on what our approach should be. The decisions will be virtiually impossible as we have already cut so much.

Roy - district statistics, # of teachers, # of students, # of schools, decrease in staff vs. increase in students, information on when the schools came on line, per pupil expenditures per the State numbers. Need to begin putting on the table what options are available to bridge budget gaps. Need to share that early on, it is not just cutting bodies. Reviewing the cost saving measures already implemented. Helpful to highlight some of the great things that are happening at the schools, programs, strengths, what makes Franklin a high performing district?

Cafasso - show MCAS or SAT or graduation rates to show barometers of student achievement, the staff have been good about that performance without much resources

Live reporting - Race To The Top Program

The Race To The Top Program

if school districts in MA would like to apply, the application would need to be submitted by midnight Wednesday 1/13/10.

approx. $19,000 possible available
MTA has signed off on the Memorandum of Understanding
36 districts have committed thus far to proceed
there was an indication of significant funding early on, but realistically $19,000 won't go very far.

The investment of accountability may not cover the amount

recommendation to not pursue at this time

the money would be for new initiatives
the bulk of the money would be targeted to under-performing districts (which we are not)
According to the latest ranking we are rated 1, the districts rated 4 or 5 would get the bulk of the money

vocational, charter and 36 public school districts have committed thus far

The funding and administrative support are unrealistic given our challenges with a level funded budgeted.

Live reporting - Discussion only items

3. Discussion Only Items

Policy - Regulation of Motor Vehicle Idling on School Grounds
Sally information came from MA Assoc of Superintendents
attempting to improve school campus air quality, i.e. buses and autos
signage to be posted once approved
The transportation companies were trained and implemented in 2008

Cars in a queue are exempt from the policy
Another unfunded mandate
How many and how much for the signs? Would have to study to see the placement across the District.
Would make sense to have a discussion with Chief Williams to if it would make sense to enforce?

Policy - First Readings
* ACE – Non-Discrimination on the basis of Disability
motion to move policy to second reading, passed 7-0

* ADA – School District Goals and Objectives
motion to move policy to second reading, passed 7-0

Policy – Second Readings

BIBA – School Committee Conferences, Conventions & Workshops
BID – School Committee Member Compensation & Expenses
BGF – Suspension of Policies
DJA – Purchasing Authority
to be addressed in action items later on the agenda

Live reporting - World Challenge

d. FHS World Challenge – Trip to Peru

1. Peter Light, Chelsea Barnard, Dana Harts - Advisor from World Challenge

introduction to program, a high value program
4 week overseas expedition
1 week climatization
1 week service
1 week trek
1 week reflection

extensive safety measures for the students when they travel

The World Challenge website can be found here http://www.wcexpeditions.com/

7 minute video from World Challenge highlighting features of the teacher/student prepared trip, safety measures, etc.

Video from teachers point of view:

Video from students point of view:

Safety starts with the students first.
Offered to freshman and sophomores so they would travel as rising juniors or seniors
Takes seventeen months to prepare; used for planning, fund raising, etc.
Experienced guide accompanies each teacher and student group

Safety and support centralized in Operations Centre in UK

Story of insurance coverage for medical emergencies; one student five years ago had a case of appendicitis on the approach to Mt Kilimanjaro. He was flown to medical help in Nairobi, his mother was flown to join him before flying both back to the states after three days of medical treatment there.

Trip planning is fully risk assessed before leaving.

Money management: trip is an all inclusive package. 3 day training expedition along the Appalachian Trail training in preparation for the expedition to Peru.

Teamwork and cooperation enhanced during the trek.

Living in a village and seeing what life is like in a different world.

Trip cost would be approximately $6,000 per students.
World Challenge will provide some fund raising ideas and a framework to work to and manage a budget.