Saturday, May 1, 2010

Turn the language around

Let's listen to some kids turn things around.
It is easier than you think.
View this brief video. It is only a couple of minutes.

Now, imagine if we could think of someway to approach the override with the same turn around process.

Instead of negatives, could you approach it as a positive?

Franklin, MA

Stamp Out Hunger - May 8th

Join us on Saturday, May 8th for Stamp Out Hunger — the nation's largest annual single-day food drive!

Letter carriers in more than 10,000 communities will collect food items and deliver them to local food banks to help some of the millions of Americans, including an estimated 16.7 million children, who face hunger every day.

Simply place bags filled with nonperishable food items like canned meats, canned fish, broths, baked beans, mixed vegetables, rice and soups next to your mailbox on Saturday, May 8th.

Your letter carrier will pick up the bags and deliver them to the Franklin Food Pantry.

If you are interested in volunteering at the pantry on May 8th to help sort donations, please email or visit

Thank you for your generosity!

This was originally posted on the Franklin, MA website here

Friends of the Franklin Library: May Book Sale

The Friends of the Franklin Library is preparing for one of the largest May Book Sales ever and we need your help!
The May Book Sale set up begins on Tuesday, May 11.  We need volunteers to assist with the set up through the beginning of the sale on Friday, May 14th.   The set up and sale will again be housed at the DPW garage off of Hayward Street.  Set up times are from 9:30 AM– 2:30 PM Tuesday through Friday (May 11th-14th).
 We also need help on each day of the sale.  Friday (member’s night) 4PM – 8PM and Saturday, May 15th, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  We are planning a bag sale on Sunday, May 16th, from 9AM to Noon and will need help with clean up from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
A perk of volunteering is selecting books (early shopper) for yourself while you work.
Please send me ( or 508-520-9955) the days and times you can volunteer.   If you would spread the word and bring a friend that would also be appreciated.  Just let me know and I will add them to the schedule.
Best Regards,
Denise Jandreski
FOFL President 


Franklin, MA

In the News - Laviolette, power lines

Franklin's favorite son Peter Laviolette on wrong side of rink

Winds knock down power lines, sparking fires

Franklin, MA

Friday, April 30, 2010

Important Downtown Franklin Project in Need of Input

The Town of Franklin is holding a public meeting in order to obtain comments and suggestions on the Downtown Franklin Roadway and Streetscape Improvement Project. The meeting will be held on Wednesday May 12, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Third Floor Training Room of Franklin’s Municipal Building at 355 East Central Street.  

The meeting will consist of two parts:
  • The first half of the meeting will consist mainly of a presentation by Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc., the Town’s design and engineering consultant for the project.  The presentation will include a general update on the planning and engineering portion of the project, as well as a presentation of specific project details through utilization of maps, diagrams and schematics. 
  • The second half of the night will be a hands on workshop, where meeting attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas, and provide suggestions on various general topics as well as the project’s specific design components.
The Downtown Roadway and Streetscape Improvement Project is a multi-year roadway and streetscape improvement project expected to be completed by the end of 2012. The project includes elimination of the one way traffic pattern of Route 140 in Downtown Franklin, installation of interconnected traffic signals with emergency preemption system, period streetlights, traffic calming devices, resetting curbs were needed, ADA compliant sidewalks, resurfacing of streets, and streetscape/landscape improvements and furniture.~

The goals of this important project are to improve vehicular circulation and safety, improve emergency response time, improve the deteriorated conditions of certain secondary roadways, create a safer pedestrian friendly environment, improve the overall appearance of Downtown Franklin, and stimulate private sector investment.

At this time input is being sought from the general public, government officials, Downtown business owners, property owners, and other individuals and organizations. To make it easy for individuals to submit comments and suggestions during the next few months, DPCD will hold at least two public meetings and workshops, including the May 12th meeting, and a required Public Hearing during the summer to review the 25 percent draft design.  

Franklin’s department of Planning and Community Development has created the Downtown Improvement Project webpage on the Town’s website:

Please utilize the web site to provide input and look for other ways to participate in this important project.  In addition, feel free to contact Franklin’s Director of Planning and Community Development, Bryan W. Taberner, at 508-520-4907 or if you have questions or require additional information.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Note: the funding for this project is covered by a couple of State and Federal grants.

 Franklin, MA

In the News - healthy eating, Parmenter 5K

St. Mary's Church Health Ministry hosts Healthy Eating Series

from The Milford Daily News News RSS 

Parmenter 5K Run for all ages slated for May 16 in Franklin

 Franklin, MA

Thursday, April 29, 2010

School Committee - Budget discussion - 4/27/10

If you missed the School Committee meeting on Tuesday evening, you can view the video archive on the Franklin website here.

The link should take you directly to the segment of the meeting covering the budget. You could also go to the Franklin website and click through to the archive and select individual meetings, within each meeting you can view the meeting entirety or move from section to section.

Franklin, MA

School Committee - delayed reporting - 4/27/10

Present: Douglas, Cafasso, Rohrbach, Mullen, Roy, Trahan, Glynn

The agenda was modified to move item 2 B to a future meeting.
b. ASMS Comuniteen Fundraiser – Pennies for Patients – Raised $5,020.22 for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society:
1. Emily Bellavance, Cheyenne Esposito, Ashley Gatchell, Anya Sternadore and Celia Sternadore. 
Presentation of the Latin Awards

a. Latin Awards
1. HMMS – Outstanding Achievement

1. Patrick Milne
2. Mark Mooney
3. Adam Lynch
4. Haven Butler

2. HMMS - Achievement
1. Nithya Sridhar
2. Lipee Vora
3. Kristen Brandenburg
4. Liam Devine
5. Ben Mednack
6. Justin Collins
7. Julia Birely
8. Katherine Donahue
9. Niharkia Singh

3. RMS – Outstanding Achievement
1. Chris Cannon
2. Collin Chen
3. Nicholas Chieng
4. James Lavoie

4. RMS – Achievement
1. Troy Donahue
2. Bridget Gallo
3. Dylan Martin
4. Andrew Petit
5. Carolyn Hoye
6. Allison Klowan

5. ASMS – Outstanding Achievement
1. Lauren Irvine
2. Aaron Kaplan
3. Michael Labine
4. Joshua Hall
5. Margaret Streeter
6. Lauren Altobelli

6. ASMS – Achievement
1. Kaitlin Dinmore
2. Emily Hood
3. Edward Sullivan
4. Joseph Tobin
5. Alexandra Wolfe
6. Vincent Nazaretian
7. Kelly Morgan
8. Alexandra Quinn
9. Rebecca Vickery
10. Benjamin Zogby
11. Christopher Hu
12. Danielle Dupont
13. Carly Burgess

This reporting is being done via the archived video from Tuesday's meeting

Franklin, MA

Franklin override - June 8th

There will be a special Town Election scheduled for June 8th to vote on an override in the amount of 3 Million dollars to fund operational budget for the schools, library, fire, police and DPW to avoid further cuts in service.

The Financial Planning Committee updated their long range outlook, you can view that report here:

The Town budget can be viewed here:

The School budget can be viewed here:

The notes from the Town Council meeting on Apr 28th can be found here:

There will be additional meetings by the Finance Committee to review the Town and School budget in detail. These meetings will provide insight from the department heads into the details on each of their operations and the budget issues they face.

Franklin, MA

Town Council 04/28/10

The collected posts live reported from the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, April 28th, 2010:

 Franklin, MA

In the News - accreditation, override

Franklin High to keep accreditation

from The Milford Daily News News RSS 

Franklin officials seek $3 million override

For additional information on the Town Council meeting Apr 28, 2010

 Franklin, MA

Cost to businesses = "an estimated $71 million in Franklin"

The mandate, which has pinpointed Milford, Franklin and Bellingham, aims to clean up the Charles River, specifically the phosphorous found in the river from stormwater runoff.
"It's not that we don't view the public policy goal as worthy," Fernandes said. "What we don't think has been thought through is whether this is being implemented fairly."
The cost that comes along with the new mandate, an estimated $35 million to $60 million in Milford and an estimated $71 million in Franklin, is something that Fernandes said will hurt the towns.
With an additional cost to regulate stormwater, many businesses may choose to stay out of Milford, Franklin and Bellingham, creating unfair competition not only with bordering towns, but also towns in Rhode Island and Connecticut.
In addition, Fernandes said the towns' added cost in regulating the stormwater has the potential to place a tax burden on residents, creating even more of a disadvantage.

Federal help sought on rainwater mandate

from The Milford Daily News News RSS 

For more information on the proposed mandate: 

- EPA is issuing these draft rules for public review and comment. The proposed rules, and instruction how to comment, can be found on 
EPA's Charles River website. The official comment period will remain open until June 30, 2010, and EPA will accept written comments until that date. 

- EPA will hold two public informational meetings. The first will be on May 12, 2010 between 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Tri-Country Regional Vocational Technical School at 147 Pond Street in Franklin. On June 22, 2010, EPA will hold another informational session at the same location from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Immediately following the information session, EPA will hold a formal public hearing at which it will receive oral and written comments for the official record. 

EPA’s Clean Charles River Website, including proposed final rules regarding stormwater pollution (

Franklin, MA

Horace Mann Middle School Plans Yard Sale

The Horace Mann Middle School in Franklin will hold its second annual yard sale on Saturday, May 8, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the school on Oak Street. Proceeds from the sale will help fund school programs such as field trips and guest speakers.

Among the great finds awaiting bargain hunters are sporting goods, toys, bikes, antiques, furniture, lamps and books. Shoppers can browse booths by local vendors for Mother’s Day gifts including theme gift baskets, jewelry, crafts and potted plants.

The PCC will provide donuts and coffee for sale for early shoppers, and will grill up hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch. They invite residents to spend the day!

In case of rain, the sale will be moved inside the school. The sale starts promptly at 9:00; please no early birds. Anyone interested in donating an item or participating as a crafter can contact the school at (508)-541-6230.

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Live reporting - Closing

Nutting -
thanks to all the volunteers for Earth Day
looks like the museum will open May 15th
we went to the market to borrow the money for the totters, .07% so paying about 7,000 for interest, less than in the budget
we have an opportunity to take down the old building on Grove

Thanks to Bryan Taberner for acquiring some interns

Old business
Vallee - street opening bylaw copy requested to review for possible amendments

New business - none

Councilor Comments

Zollo - I welcome the debate, we can agree to disagree
Pfeffer - belated happy birthday to Mr Vallee, his 90th
Jones - May 11th special election to fill Scott Brown's seat
Whalen - if this override is to succeed, and I hope it does, it will take a massive effort. Apart from hand delivery I am not sure what else we can do. If you care about services, try to get the word out as broadly as you can.
Mason - May 24th, public forum to discuss the override
I want to thank my fellow councilors tonight, I know we have divergent opinions, thank you for putting the question to the voters.

Motion to adjourn, passed 9-0

 Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Legislation for Action

4. Bylaw Amendment 10-643:Chapter 105, Junk, Secondhand Goods and Antique Dealers – 1st Reading
re-wording, to clarify enforceability, most businesses operate fine, some don't, some stringent requirements on how these businesses operate.

I did survey other communities and then added some of my own.

motion to move to second reading, passed 9-0