Friday, March 4, 2011


The United Regional Chamber of Commerce has organized a Business After Hours at Dean College, 99 Main St., Franklin, on March 10 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The event will take place on the concourse of the new Dean College Campus Center. The Main Stage Theater space and Campanella Boardroom will be open for self-guided tours. Ample parking is available on the main lot on Route 140 adjacent to the Campus Center main entrance. Admission is $5 for Chamber members and $10 for non-members. Please register by calling any Chamber office: 508-222-0801, 508-695-2011, or 508-528-2800.

The United Regional Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, business support organization serving the communities of Attleboro, Bellingham, Blackstone, Foxborough, Franklin, Mansfield, Medfield, Medway, Millis, Norfolk, North Attleborough, Norton, Plainville, Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Wrentham.

Franklin, MA

In the News - Brittany Maier, zoning workshop

Playing it by ear

from The Milford Daily News News RSS

Franklin to hold workshop on downtown zoning

Franklin, MA

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"fundamental issue is we're still facing a deficit"

"We're trying very hard to avoid an override," Whalen said after the Town Council meeting. "We're very conscious of the fact that there's a potential for a double whammy and we want to avoid that." 
But, if town officials cannot balance the budget without significantly reducing services, it might be better to let voters decide if they want higher taxes or service cuts, he said. 
Town Councilor Tina Powderly agreed with Whalen's comments, noting she hopes that, with a better-than-expected local aid picture, the town can close the gap through savings on health care and further increasing government efficiency. 
"Every year you hope to balance the budget without an override," Powderly said. "There's certainly going to be a deficit. ... We hope to put enough of a bite into the deficit that we won't have to have an override."

Read more: Franklin officials hope to avoid override - The Milford Daily News

Franklin, MA

In the News - DARE, art,

Franklin police announce DARE camp

Franklin artists’ work on display at Norfolk library

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Citizens Against Waste - The question collection

The question form and guidelines

Franklin, MA

Library and Friends clear the air

The Friends of Franklin Public Library meeting took my attention away from the Town Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday night. Yes, that is rare but in this case, especially worth it. Why? The book sale is a major fund raiser. The Friends contributed $20,000 last year to the Library. The bank account for the Friends is currently sitting at $29,516.

(The Town Council conducted their meeting in under 8 minutes. If you watch the recording, the first 1:20 is blank so hang in there it will appear (at least it did successfully when I watched it Weds evening). The liquor license for Ichigo Ichie Franklin, LLC (going into the former Piccadilly Pub) was approved. The July 4th committee presented their financial report to the Council. The snow and ice deficit is now about $400,000. “Pray for warm weather” is what Jeff Nutting asked for.)

The Friends meeting was indeed special. Felicia Oti, the Library Director and Cindy Dobryznski, Chair of the Library Board of Directors were both in attendance with the Board of the Friends and a couple of their members..

I won’t go into the recap of the events that transpired beginning with the December 2010 meeting. There is really no point in trying to reconstruct the incident. It has passed and both sides are willing to go forward. There may be some who don’t want to forget and that is okay. We all have choices to make and then we need to live with them.

It was acknowledged that there were mistakes made on both sides. It was acknowledged to let the past be put behind and go forward to support the Library.

There will be a book sale. It seems likely that it will be sponsored by the Friends of the Library for the benefit of the Library.

The book sale will be held at the DPW Garage like in recent years. The DPW will hold their “Touch a Truck” day to coincide with the book sale. All this will take place on the Saturday, May 21st.

The Library is still accepting books. The donation is technically to the Friends to benefit the Library. When the donation is to the Friends, the donor can receive a “Donation Acknowledgement and Tax Receipt”. If the donation is to the Library, it is accepted as a gift with no tax donation available. (An update from a loyal reader reveals that the statement above is incorrect, the gift to the Library still qualifies for a tax deduction.)

The sorting space that was a problem is still being used. Volunteers are still welcomed to help with the sorting. Felicia has heard from some volunteers who have stepped up to help conduct the book sale. The Friends book sale coordinator from last year had already determined not to do it this year (before the whole incident arose). Whether the Friends have another person to fill in remains open.

The permanent solution for space still remains to be determined.

Both the Friends and the Library Board of Directors have pledged to keep in better contact.

Felicia committed to come to the April meeting of the Friends.

Friends of the Franklin Library Mission Statement: We are a nonprofit organization, incorporated in 1991 and dedicated to supporting and promoting the Franklin Public Library. Ours is the first public, lending library in the USA, established with a donation of books from Benjamin Franklin. We are an all-volunteer community group that meets the first Wednesday of the month in the Library Community room at 7:00 pm from September thru June.

Franklin, MA

Town Council meeting 3/2/11

Present: Kelly, Jones, Vallee, Whalen, Mason, Pfeffer, Powderly
Absent: McGann, Zollo

A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 2, 2011
Motion to approve, passed 7-0

Meeting recorded by Verizon and Comcast but not by Franklin Matters tonight


Warren Ravel - July 4th Committee presented annual report on the committee's work for the event


F. HEARINGS - none

New All Alcoholic Beverages Restaurant License
– Ichigo Ichie Franklin, LLC
motion to approve, passed 7-0




recognition of training by Police and Fire personnel
recognition of letters to thank the Fire Dept for excellent work done for the citizens

Approx $400,000 in hole on snow/ice removal, pray for warm weather



Powderly - encourage seniors to take advantage of the Senior Circuit Breaker tax credit
don't have to own to get the credit, if any questions, contact the Senior Center

FHS doing their Spring fund raiser Sunday, March 13th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM

Vallee - question do you have the break down on the Police/Fire/DPW - that was a really big expense?
Revel - Yes, I don't have the specific break out with me but it was about $10,000 for Police and Fire and $3,000 for DPW
Nutting - I can provide a copy of the invoice if you want
Mason - is that alright Bob?
Vallee - yes
Mason - thanks for your work on this, it is a great event for the town and a ton of work. I hope you can continue to do this for some time.

Motion to adjourn - less than 8 minutes (likely a record!)

Franklin, MA