Thursday, May 16, 2013

In the News: budget woes, mosquito control

Franklin town administrator portends budget woes

All along, Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting has presented the $95.1 million proposed fiscal year 2014 budget as a calculated step toward shoring up Franklin for greater fiscal challenges on the horizon.

Area residents are advised that he Norfolk County Mosquito Control District will begin the 2013 late evening ULV aerosol applications for mosquito control on or about May 28, weather permitting.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Live reporting: closing

nothing tonight

nothing tonight

Vallee - discussion on road repairs
Nutting - discussion on amount for an ongoing repairs, how much could be done per year. Should be a dedicated override vs a bond issue. Payback on the bond issue would require 2M a year on a 5M bond
under the law now, you can earmark amount for an override with only a change due to another vote by the general public

Roy - I would an enjoy a presentation on the options that can be consider
what roads would be consider, what returns would be covered

Bissanti - frankly the road situation is not good, we have to address it, the citizens have been concerned and have been participatory, we have to address it. I don't like spending money but we need to review it

Mercer - not only the roads but the water and sewer are underneath it

Nutting - we can put something together

Nutting -  we have a road and sidewalk plan, and a water/sewer plan, we are putting them together to have a simple 'master plan'

Dellorco - if we are going to present it we have to do it right, otherwise they won't approve

Nutting - the good news is we would present the plan, the council would approve each year

Vallee - we can be reactive, we need to be more proactive

Vallee - the time the ambulance takes to drive to Milford or Norwood, why can't we get a small hospital in town? urgent care, to stabilize a victim before travel

Nutting - to site a hospital is likely a decade of work with permits, etc.

Powderly - it would be a long process, we could talk with the area facilities and see if they would consider opening a satellite facility here

Nutting - this is a business decision, not a charitable operation

none tonight

O.EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required

motion to adjourn, passed 9-0

Live reporting: legislation for action




Impervious Surfaces
1. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-716: Changes to Chapter 185, Section 3. Definitions – Referral to Planning Board
referral to planning board, approved 8-0

2. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-717: Amendment to Chapter 185, Attachment 9. Schedule of Lot, Area, Frontage, Yard and Height Requirements – Referral to Planning Board
referral to planning board, approved 8-0

Zoning Map:Old West Central Street
3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-705: Amendment to Chapter 185, Section 5. Zoning Map – 1st Reading (this is actually the second reading) 1st reading was at meeting on 4/24/13
motion to approve, approved 8-0 (via roll call)
Economic development committee worked to make this change

Adult Entertainment
4. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-706: Changes to Chapter 185-5. Zoning Map, Adult Use Overlay District- 1st Reading
motion to move to 2nd reading, approved 8-0
5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-707: Changes to Chapter 185-47. Adult Entertainment Establishment Districts – 1st Reading
motion to move to 2nd reading, approved 8-0

Medical Marijuana
6. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-708: Changes to Chapter 185-3. Definitions – 1st Reading
motion to move to 2nd reading, approved 8-0
7. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-709: Changes to Chapter 185-4. Districts Enumerated – 1st Reading 
motion to move to 2nd reading, approved 8-0
8. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-710: Changes to Chapter 185-5. Zoning Map, Medical Marijuana Use Overlay District – 1st Reading
motion to move to 2nd reading, approved 8-0
9. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-711: Changes to Chapter 185-7. Compliance Required – 1st Reading
motion to move to 2nd reading, approved 8-0
10. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-712: Changes to Chapter 185-49. Medical Marijuana Use Overlay District – 1st Reading
motion to move to 2nd reading, approved 8-0

Pond Street Change of Zoning
11. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-714:Changes to Chapter 185-3. Definitions – Referral to Planning Board
motion to refer to Planning Board, approved 8-0
12. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-715: Changes to Chapter 185-7. Compliance Required – Referral to Planning Board.
motion to refer to Planning Board, approved 8-0

- Councilor Roy arrives -

public hearing being scheduled for Jun 3rd at Planning Board meeting
would allow Town Council to seek requests for proposals
look for a full explanation on Monday Jun 3rd, 7:30 PM

difference between lease and ownership options, if land is still owned by Franklin, they would maintain control over the details
also discourages private competition

big questions but current zoning limits this opportunity to only this spot
there is a boat load of information to be had during the public hearing
if this is desired to be repeated at the council meeting, it can be

if this goes forward, there would be an RFP for companies to put forward a proposal
the amount of revenue would be dependent upon the amount of electricity generated to the grid

13. Resolution 13-31: Appropriation- Remington Jefferson School
to fund repairs to the roof of the school
Asking for $500,000 for repairs during the summer

Will this correct the current leaks at the school?

affects 40% of the backside of the roof near the playground area
5 yr contractor warranty, 20 product warranty
(copy of plan to be added later)

14. Resolution 13-32: Salary Schedule Full Time Elected Officials
move resolution,  voted 8-1 (Pfeffer only no, via roll call)

needs to be voted separately as these are the elected officials
constantly adjusting and evaluating to maintain competitive salary
closer to the average both still well below the average salary
an effort to bring some parity to the positions

all collective bargaining agreements have gotten 2%

for the 1st time, giving a raise of 4.6 and 5.3 percent and the others have not gotten this, I will not support this

if you do not offer a competitive salary, the move to making them more so is laudable, we do that for others. I would urge the Councilors to support this

I see the level of complexity we have vs some of the bedroom communities, the increases are justified based upon the work we do vs other communities

The next four resolutions are made annually to approve the establishment of such accounts

15. Resolution 13-33: Establishment of a Use of Facilities Account for Fiscal Year 2014
motion to approve, passed 9-0

16. Resolution 13-34: Establishment of a Fire Department Fire Rescue Training Revolving Account for Fiscal Year 2014
motion to approve, passed 9-0

17. Resolution 13-35: Establishment of a Council on Aging Supportive Day Program Revolving Account for Fiscal Year 2014
motion to approve, passed 9-0

18. Resolution 13-36: Establishment of a Council on Aging Senior Center Activities Program Revolving Account for Fiscal Year 2014 
motion to approve, passed 9-0

Live reporting: public hearing - zoning bylaws

Impervious Surfaces
1. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-701: Changes to Chapter 185, Section 3. Definitions
hearing opened and closed,

2. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-702: Changes to Chapter 185, Section 36. Impervious Surfaces – To be Continued to June 5 at 7:10 pm.
3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-703: Changes to Chapter 185, Section 40. Water Resource District – To be Continued to June 5 at 7:10 pm.

motion to continue to Jun 5th, 2nd, approved 8-0

4. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-704: Changes to Chapter 185, Attachment 9. Schedule of Lot, Area, Frontage, Yard and Height Requirements
hearing opened and closed, 

Zoning Map Amendment: Old West Central Street Zoning
5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-705: Changes to Chapter 185, Section 5. Zoning Map 
hearing closed, 2nd, approved 8-0

Adult Entertainment:
6. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-706: Changes to Chapter 185-5. Zoning Map, Adult Use Overlay District 
7. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-707: Changes to Chapter 185-47. Adult Entertainment Establishment Districts 
hearing closed, 2nd, approved 8-0

Medical Marijuana
8. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-708: Changes to Chapter 185-3. Definitions 
9. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-709: Changes to Chapter 185-4. Districts Enumerated 
10. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-710: Changes to Chapter 185-5. Zoning Map, Medical Marijuana Use Overlay District 
11. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-711: Changes to Chapter 185-7. Compliance Required 
12. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-712: Changes to Chapter 185-49. Medical Marijuana Use Overlay District
hearing closed, 2nd, approved 8-0

Live reporting - Town Council - May 15, 2014

Present: Mercer, Dellorco, Kelly, Powderly, Vallee, Pfeffer, Jones, Bissanti
Absent: Roy

April 3, 2013

moved to approve minutes, 2nd, passed by 8-0

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by Franklin Matters.




13. FY 2014 Budget Hearing – 1st Reading

Town council meeting
Jeff Nutting presenting to Town Council

Jeff Nutting providing the overview on the FY 2014 Budget. The document used is in the agenda document previously released

would need $3 million to fund the OPEB on an annual basis
Boston Globe listed area communities, Franklin was 8th of 49. Avg tax bill was 7,899, almost $3,000 more than Franklin average.

one of the challenges balancing the budget in future years, roads, OPEB, etc. nothing new

the forecast for 2015, 16, 17 and 18 show increasing deficit levels
and that doesn't include funding for roads, OPEB or storm water

Should consider a dedicated override to fund road repairs.

School budget overview
Paula Mullen, School Committee Chair
Maureen Sabolinski, Superintedent of Schools
Miriam Goodman, School Business Director

school budget presentation
School budget presentation

unfunded mandates a significant driver for the school costs other than the 'normal' salary and benefits for staff
$1.4M of federal funding could be affected by sequestration, exactly how much remains to be seen; could be about a 5% reduction

Under the State average on all 11 categories of per pupil spending, overall 19% below the state average

no questions from audience or councilors

Now reading the line items of the budget, as noted earlier, a item can be 'held' for further discussion
all items not held will be considered 'approved' and voted on once all the items (and potential adjustments) are totaled.

 held for Thursday night
Schools - not held!
motion to approve budget as not held, 2nd, passed 8-0

- recess for a couple of minutes -

Lavenchy goes to the dogs?

Gene Levanchy of FOX25 meets with Clarity the Clown along with Doug MacPherson of HMEA to talk about the HMEA 12th Annual Independence Day Walk/Run/Stroll.

Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston

For more information on this event Sunday, May 19th

FHS - Construction update and quality check wall

Between the showers on Saturday, I stopped for some photos at the new Franklin High School.
cranes in position to work

The framing of the walls is just starting. According to Building Committee Chairman Tom Mercer, they are on schedule to have the exterior complete before the winter sets in. The building walls, windows, doors and roof will be complete and what will remain will be all the interior work.

walls getting framed
When I was here Apr 24, the yellow wall sections were just getting into place.

the front corner getting a roof
Roofing sections are now being placed as well.

The back corner
I was curious to see the 'quality wall' that Tom Mercer mentioned during his update at a recent Town Council meeting. This is a good and recent innovation by the MSBA. Each of the subcontractors works to do their thing to put this 'quality wall' together. The architect can then observe the product in this test section before they work on the real building.

quality wall
This allows the architect to confirm that the materials and process are being used as specified and that the end result is what they were looking for.

quality wall - side view
This quality wall will be taken down but serves a good purpose with minimal expense and effort!