Showing posts with label hearing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hearing. Show all posts

Thursday, May 18, 2023

CommonWealth Magazine: "Split-in-two committee to hold dueling hearings this week"

"Those interested in testifying on bills dealing with offshore wind and energy storage may have to do double-duty this week.

The feuding House and Senate chairs of the Legislature’s Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy Committee are splitting the panel in half, with the House members taking testimony on bills dealing with offshore wind and energy storage on Thursday and Senate members holding their own “parallel hearing” on the same bills on Friday.

The two feuders – Rep. Jeffrey Roy of Franklin and Sen. Michael Barrett of Lexington – both say they are acting on principle in a fight about the rules that govern their legislative committee.

Roy said his concerns trace to the end of the legislative session last year, when Barrett used the powers provided under the rules to control which bills were released from committee. He said action on major energy legislation was delayed and hundreds of other bills were blocked, which means they ended up with the label “ought not to pass.”

Barrett said he is refusing to engage in any legislative business with Roy until the House chair either agrees to new rules or abides by the rules that were in force last year, which require the consent of both chairs to schedule a hearing or an executive session where legislation is acted on."

Continue reading the article online -> 

The golden dome of the State House. (Photo by Andy Metzger)
The golden dome of the State House. (Photo by Andy Metzger)

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - May 4, 2022 - 7 PM

Franklin Town Council
Agenda & Meeting Packet
May 4, 2022 - 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building
2nd floor, Council Chambers 355 East Central Street  

a. This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.
b. Chair to identify members participating remotely.
a. Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to three minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.
a. March 16, 2022
b. April 6, 2022
a. Proclamation - Harriet DiMartino

5. APPOINTMENTS - None Scheduled.

6. HEARINGS - 7:00 PM
a. Alcoholic Beverages Licensees, Failure to Pass Compliance Check - Continued from 4/13/2022
i. TM1 Solutions, Inc. d/b/a 7-Eleven 37380 - 664 Union Street
ii. Dharma Bhakti Corporation d/b/a Liquor World - 365 West Central Street

b. Street Acceptances: 
i. Joseph Circle
ii. Susan's Way, and a portion of Lawrence Drive

a. Discussion: Congressman Jake Auchincloss, 4th Congressional District
b. Presentation: FY21 Annual Financial Audit - Melanson and Heath
a. Resolution 22-27: Order of Acceptance of Joseph Circle as a Public Way and Related Utility and Drainage Easements (Motion to Approve Resolution 22-27 - Two-thirds Majority Vote)
b. Resolution 22-28: Order of Acceptance of Susan's Way and a portion of Lawrence Drive as Public Ways and Related Utility and Drainage Easements (Motion to Approve Resolution 22-28 - Two-thirds Majority Vote)
c. Bylaw Amendment 22-879: Chapter 170, Vehicles and Traffic, Appendix A, Fines, Parking Violations - First Reading (Motion to Move Bylaw Amendment 22-879 to Second Reading - Majority Vote)
d. Bylaw Amendment 22-880: Chapter 170, Vehicles and Traffic, Article IV, Stopping, Standing and Parking, §170-15 Parking Prohibitions and Limitations, D. Parking Prohibited, Downtown Parking Map - First Reading (Motion to Move Bylaw Amendment 22-880 to a Second Reading - Majority Vote)
e. Resolution 22-29: Gift Acceptance - Fire Dept. ($275), Veterans’ Services Dept. ($100) (Motion to Approve Resolution 22-29 - Majority Vote)

a. Davis-Thayer Update

a. Capital Budget Subcommittee
b. Budget Subcommittee
c. Economic Development Subcommittee





Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - May 4, 2022 - 7 PM
Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - May 4, 2022 - 7 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Community Outreach Hearing: Proposed Marijuana Establishment - Aug 6

Community Outreach Hearing

Subject: Proposed Marijuana Establishment
Date: 8/6/2020
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Zoom Virtual Meeting Web Address:
Zoom Access Information Dial in #: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 875 6427 7718
Zoom meeting instructions: To join the online community outreach meeting enter the above listed web address into the address bar at the top of your internet browser. Then follow the listed instructions on the provided website. Or you can dial in using the phone number and meeting ID provided.

Presentation Information

Presented by: PharmaCannis Massachusetts Inc (dba Verilife)
Proposed address for the retail marijuana establishment: 164 Grove St Franklin, MA 02038
Questions can submitted prior to the hearing by email:
★ There will be an opportunity for the public to ask questions
★ The meeting will be recorded for replay on local cable access or other broadcast means at the host community’s discretion.

For the site plan and application on the Planning Board page

For additional info on the company, visit their web page

From the Cannabis Control Commission

Note: This had been scheduled previously and is now rescheduled for this date/time

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Hearing Aid Information at the Senior Center Wednesday, Feb 12

Hi Steve,

We will have a guest speaker from the HLAA (Hearing Loss Assoc of America) of Central MA coming to talk about what to look for in a hearing aid. 

She is a PhD engineer. I hope you can make it. Franklin TV will be here. Details below:

Guest Speaker - Beth Wilson - HLAA
Topic - "Oh, I need a Hearing Aid"

DATE: - Wednesday - Feb 12
TIME: - 1:00 PM
PLACE: - Franklin Senior Center


Best regards,

Maggie Gundersen
Social Services Coordinator

Franklin Senior Center
10 Daniel McCahill Street
Franklin MA 02038

Hearing Aid Information at the Senior Center Wednesday, Feb 12
Hearing Aid Information at the Senior Center Wednesday, Feb 12

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A Life in Music Lost & Found - Jan 8

A Life in Music Lost & Found - Jan 8
A Life in Music Lost & Found 

A “Talk & Play” presentation 
by Betty Hauck, viola & violin

For 50 years, Betty enjoyed a rich and rewarding career as a professional violist— until the day she realized that she had to retire because of progressive hearing loss. 

For three years, she completely turned her back on music. In this “Talk & Play” presentation, she will tell the story of how various twists and turns led her back into sharing the joy of music while educating and advocating for those with hearing loss. 

Her talk will be punctuated by short musical selections on both violin and viola. The program is about one hour and includes Q&A at the end.

Please call the Senior Center to sign up   508-520-4945

Jan 8 at 1:00 PM

Download your copy of the flyer

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Hear what you are missing? - Apr 10 - 1:00 PM

The Franklin Senior Center is starting a new program to support individuals experiencing hearing loss. We will have a kick-off event next week.

The program will be available every Wednesday from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM in a dedicated room here at the Senior Center to provide:
  • Information, research, and referrals to hearing support services and agencies
  • Information on the latest hearing assistive technology and equipment
  • Information on hearing aids components and research on their effectiveness
  • Behavior, communication and/or coping tips-n-tools for clients and family members
  • Monthly support group meeting with guest speakers from a variety of hearing organizations

Please feel free to share this info with your clients/friends, and please join us at our Kick-off event: Wednesday, April 10, at 1:00 PM at the Franklin Senior Center

Print or download your copy:

Hear what you are missing? - Apr 10 - 1:00 PM
Hear what you are missing? - Apr 10 - 1:00 PM

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Live reporting: Public Hearings

7:10 PM
Zoning Bylaw 18-820: Zoning Map Changes on or near King Street, Summer Street, Lawrence Drive and Uncas Ave.

changing zoning to bring plot lines in alignment with zoning so that the properties are in one zone, no real significant changes to property owners

motion to close hearing 9-0 via roll call

Santa Fe Burrito Grill LLC- New License-Public Hearing 7:10pm

motion to approve new license, seconded, passed previously but due to some technicalities it is being redone

Hector Angel, manager of the Grill, capacity of 63

motion passed 9-0 via roll call

Table and Vine, Inc. - Manager Change

motion passed 9-0 via roll call

BBRG TR, LLC d/b/a Joe's American Bar and Grill- 
Change of Manager and Change of Beneficial Interest.

motion passed 9-0 via roll call

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Live reporting: Zoning Hearing, license transactions, 4th of July

F. Hearings
F. Hearings - Zoning Bylaw Amendment 17-795R: Zoning Map Changes from Business and Commercial II to Single Family Residential IV and Commercial I, in an Area on or Near Union, Cottage, and Saxon Streets - 7:10 pm

17 Wachusett resident
turning property from residential to commercial not in best interest of Franklin

hearing closed

1st reading tonight, 2nd reading at next meeting before council change approved

G. License Transactions
G. License Transactions:
1. Ashadeep, Inc. d/b/a Union Street Wine & Liquors - Change in Officer/Director, Transfer of Stock - 7:10 pm

currently 100% owned, selling 25% of the shares to the other 2 individuals

question on prior under age items, were in another town and sold off

2. 99 Restaurant - Change in Officer/Director - 7:10 pm

individuals not present
should be done at ABCC level 

motion to table until Sep 22, at 7:10; seconded, passed 8-0

H. Presentations/Discussions
H. Presentations/Discussions - Franklin 4th of July Committee

Paul Kordic, co chari
Joe C

PKjuly4th at
jcjuly4th at

targeting for July 3rd
carnival start on June 29, run thru the 4th

will be starting now to work on the planning for next year
will attempt to bring the fireworks back
American Thunder, the fireworks provider

percent of carnival, usually about 30K from which the other expenses; net about 4-5K to work on next year

looking to get 5K from small business and corporate donors

some transition items are still underway, 501(c)3 filing required later this year, will provide a copy when prepared

Pellegri - had been chair for 25 years, Thanks for taking this on
perhaps we can get together with some other organization to address volunteers, fund raising, etc.
combining with the some other events? Cultural Event, and Strawberry Festival? sit down and try to work something out

considering to have the farmers market open even next year, if they are willing

looking for funding to help this group, police and fire costs add up; maybe we wouldn't need as many or could we put some money aside to pay for this

started as part of the Brick School carnival and expanded from the 80's

fireworks to be from on of the back ball fields (grass)
notification to Eaton Place and neighbors planned as well

Mercer - have DPW and Facilities involved as there are sprinklers in the fields and the fields are new and need to be taken care of

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Live Reporting: Appointments, Hearing

FY 18 Annual Appointments - Boards and Committees

(see listing of annual appointments)

still vacancies, will provide update link to website for application and process

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

Public Hearings - 7:10 PM

motion to open public hearings, seconded, passed 9-0

craft brewery, spirits and wine tasking rooms proposal
space available for tasting room modified to reduce from 33% to 25% of sq footage; should be sufficient, other communities do similar sizing

Bissanti - a good stepping stone to help grow business, could be looking to use the Class B empty spaces filled

Franklin Lodge of Elks - Change of Manager

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

Safe Coalition
couldn't make it tonight to be rescheduled

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Live reporting: Hearings

F. Hearings
Hearing on Whether to Exercise the Town's First Refusal Option to Purchase Land on Washington Street - 7:10 pm

hearing opened at 7:25 PM
town has first option of refusal (map to be added)

purchasing the land would add to land already owned
future use could be open space or hiking
at least closes off access to the land

utility easement cuts through the land (power and gas)
town can meet a legitimate offer which they have

cost would be $212,000

would be purchased with 'free cash' and no limits to used from that 
if that was purchased via Conservation funds, then there could be restrictions

match the 3rd party offer or decline

would have approx 50 acres all connected for future use

hearing declared closed

G. License Transactions
British Beer Company - Change of Manager - 7:10 pm

Ryan Patrick Potter new manager of license
manager has been tipped trained
has been acting in the role
had changed manager last year

had an incident 3 years ago, Ryan was in Falmouth at the time

motion to approve, via roll call, passed 9-0

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Live reporting: Public hearing on recreational marijuana zoning

Public hearing opens for 5 bylaws on recreational marijuana

per Jeff Nutting, in absence of further guidance from the State this zoning makes sense

adds recreational marijuana to the industrial zones
also changes the medical use from by right to by special permit

no citizens for comment on these bylaws

Q - on how are we prepared for a challenge
A - we are handling both together, fair treatment

motion to close the hearings, seconded, passed 9-0

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Live reporting - Hearings on bylaw changes

– Disabilities Commission - Martha Murray
motion to appoint, seconded, passed 9-0

1. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 14-728-R: Industrial to Single-Family III

rezoning 6 parcels on Washington St left over from industrial area

2. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 14-732: Amendment to the Franklin Town Code at Chapter 185, Section 21. Parking, Loading, and driveway requirements

2 proposed changes to site plans, to use a different standard rather than a fixed length
makes sense to have sight required based upon speed of vehicles (MA DOT)

zoning board currently has authority, but they are already in front of the Planning Board, switch to Planning Board to ease process

3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 14-733: Zoning Map changes from Commercial I to Downtown Commercial District in an Area on or Near Alpine Row

proposal came out of the Master Plan and the zoning workshop last year
not a big area but trying to clean up the map

4. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 14-734: Zoning Map Changes from Industrial to General Residential V District in an Area on or Near Josephine Street

proposal came out of the Master Plan and the zoning workshop last year
not a big area but trying to clean up the map, 5 of the parcels are town owned and swamp

5. Bylaw Amendment 14-735: Chapter, 25, Personnel Regulations, Appendix A and Appendix B
removed from revised agenda listed on 5/6/14

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

live reporting - Tax Classification Hearing

Tax Classification Hearing – 7:10 PM

The documents associated with the tax rate hearing can be found here

reference to the booklet shown by Ken Norman, the documents contained in the booklet are found in the link above.

Kevin Doyle, Director of Assessors
Ken Norman, Chairman - Board of Directors
Chris Feeley, John Neas

discussion on single vs. split tax rate, most communities inside the 128 beltway
the single rate is the fairest given the disproportionate groups residential vs. commercial industrial

Bissanti - a dual tax rate is burdensome upon the businesses, businesses have left communities for that

the high school building raised the taxes about $48 dollars on the average

My personal notes: this simpler quicker presentation was not very informative. If folks have seen this before, it is a minor rate change. If people have not seen this before, then they don't get much info in this forum.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Live reporting - license transaction, zoning bylaws public hearing

New All Alcoholic Beverages Restaurant License:
Artistry Franklin

looking to open before Thanksgiving

motion to approve license, passed 9-0

Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-719: Changes to Chapter 185. Attachment 9. Schedule of Lot, Area, Frontage, Yard and Height Requirements- 7:10 PM
Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-720: Changes to Chapter 185-4. Districts Enumerated – 7:10 PM
Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-721: Changes to Chapter 185-5. Zoning Map- 7:10 PM
Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-722: Changes to Chapter 185-50. Residential VII Zoning District – 7:10 PM
Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-723: Changes to Chapter 185. Use Regulations Schedule, Parts I through Parts VII – 7:10 PM

hearing opens with all of the bylaws at once.

Mercer and Bissanti recuse themselves

Jeff provides overview on the package

Richard Cornetta, represents the Cook Family Trust property
Christopher and Ralph Cook

requesting to amend language to striking section in entirity
to remove section that could create a jurisdictional conflict between Planning Board and Conservation Commission
reference to dead end streets, Planning Board has been designated as ruling body, would have approved language codifying language that would have defined the dead end street
as an alternative remove dead end streets

Vallee - getting conflicting info
Nutting - 600' is required by the Planning Board and we would like to keep it
Cerel - proposed alternative would not be legal, they happen to be the special permit authority
zoning has to be uniform, predicable and fixed
it is the only place as an oversight and needed elsewhere
if an emergency vehicles were to be blocked it could be an issue particularly giving the density of the proposal

Nutting - this zoning bylaw will go to other places,
Cornetta - we are no proposing a change in the length, this is just the first place where you have codified the standard. By placing a hardline, you are taking some authority from the Planning Board.

Padula, Planing Board Chair, 600' as stated is for the maximum 12 homes on a 600' road; the homes are likely to be sprinkled, when sprinkled you can cut the space required between houses, it is there for a reason, I don't think the whole bylaw should be changed to cater this plan.

Pfeffer -
one is applied to subdivision and one applies to special permit
if the road gets blocked, emergency vehicles get blocked

McCarragher - if it is beyond 600' you also need a secondary egress, a secondary road to get people out of the area. When you put larger populations in there, you need a secondary road. If you increase the density, you increase the risk - 20 units versus 5, we usually can get in pretty good but it is getting out that is an issue

Powderly - we have multiple recommendation to keep this in, while this might be the first time we are doing this, if we are being smart to do this, then we should do that.

Padula -

Cornetta - we do not disagree with what is being said here tonight, our comment was meant to ilusstrate that this is the first time you are doing this. If you could look at the distinctiion between lop roads or dead ends, maybe we could look at an other design to meet the requirements. The project still is functional with this language.

Bill Roche - President of Franklin Country Club, the Board of Governors has voted to endorse the rezoning

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

live reporting - hearings - liquor licenses


• Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-718: Changes to §185-7. Compliance Required

hearing opened, no comments from audience, no comments/question from Councilors

This would remove the restriction on putting a parking facility in the downtown area, it already is zoned that way for the residential area - which is backwards.

Hearing closed

awaiting time for start of next hearing

• Violation of M.G.L. 138 §34: Sale, Delivery of Furnishing of an Alcoholic beverage to a person under the age of 21 – Postponed to September 11, 2013- 7:10 PM

Village Mall Liquors

Chief Semerjian provides an update of the operations on June 25th that failed the compliance check

Village Mall Liquors is a first offence
Acknowledge offence, have instituted new procedures since
good cashier/clerk didn't check admittedly

3 days, one day immediate, 2 days held in abeyance
when a package store is penalized, the store closes 
agreed to be Fri Sep 13th

Ichigo Ichie
Jeff Roy recused himself from the hearing

potential dispute at least from the representing attorney, that additional details made present a different picture

as this is the second offense, and potentially disputed Mark Cerel advised to proceed with more formality than the prior hearing

Chief Semerjian restates the report, basically a simple operation, if the drink is given and the operative is able to control 

for purposes for the record, he was asked for the ID, he presented it and was still served

Attorney wanted to clarify on the expiration of the minor license, it does not expire on the date of the birth date

brief video to be shown on an iPad, apologizes for not bringing it on a more viewable format

owner had watched individual enter, fallowed the individual to the bar and talked to the bar tenders to alert them to the under age individuals

no dispute on the service, the owner did have a conversation immediately after the individual left; the bartender was fired, all the employees were re-certified on the license check

there was a violation last year, there was a red-alert for the individual, the only thing the manager didn't do was to check the id himself.

The restaurant took the first violation seriously, and are taking this one seriously
Under the circumstance, asking for consideration, asking for one day

Q - on how many checks have there been since the first one?
A - likely this is the fourth, we have done shoulder taps

Pfeffer - advises going with the 5 days

situation is different in that the second offense within the 2 years so the 2 days held in abeyance need to be considered; would be 5 days now, with two days held in abeyance

If the client challenges, or appeals to the ABC Board it could come back to the Council for  a new hearing

Jones, Mercer, Kelly similar comments on incident, good intentions don't always make for good results. Have a problem with changing precedent

Powderly - steps taken are necessary and thank you for them

motion to move penalty as 5 days served, 2 additional held in abeyance, to commence Sep 20th