Monday, December 28, 2020

Franklin, MA: 1930 to 1939 (video)

Joe Landry provides this video about the history of Franklin, MA from 1930 to 1939. 
Direct video link:

"Taking Back Control - A Resetting of America’s Response to Covid-19"

"Ten days ago, the @RockefellerFdn released a white paper on how we could reopen all US schools over the next new months with aggressive government investment in frequent proactive COVID testing and more.

I think it's an important report. Some highlights:"  
Shared from Twitter:

"Taking Back Control - A Resetting of America’s Response to Covid-19"
"Taking Back Control - A Resetting of America’s Response to Covid-19"

The Hill: "CDC issues new guidance about vaccinations for people with underlying health conditions"

From The Hill

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Saturday issued a new guidance stating that people with underlying health conditions can receive a coronavirus vaccine.

The guidance explains that “adults of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19.”  

Thus, the CDC added that those vaccines that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration “may be administered to people with underlying medical conditions provided they have not had a severe allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in the vaccine.” 

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Stimulus and government spending bill signed to avoid Federal government shutdown

Via The Hill

"President Trump on Sunday signed the government funding and coronavirus relief package, the White House said, averting a government shutdown and delivering economic aid as the pandemic worsens.

Trump signed off on the $2.3 trillion package from his golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., days after he expressed displeasure with the spending outlined in the omnibus and complained that the coronavirus relief measure should include direct payments of $2,000 per person, up from $600.

But the delay came after unemployment benefits expired for millions of Americans on Saturday as the bill went unsigned. Trump has visited his golf club in Florida each day since arriving in the state on Wednesday and has made no public appearances. "
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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Putter Day 2021 - So as it is fixed, so let it be done.

by Pete Fasciano, Executive Director 12/27/2020

Once again Putter Day (a fave of mine) is nigh.  My ersatz holiday returns on Jan 1 to usher in the New year, and I celebrate by – puttering.

This  year  I  will  fix  the  kitchen  cabinet  door  (again).   This  time  for  sure.  I  will approach the ‘honey-do’ chores list – with some cautious optimism. Will I actually reduce it to zero items? Not likely, but hope springs eternal.

However, for some of the hardest hit in 2020 – perhaps not so much. Hope becomes elusive. Many have lost their loved ones. Tragically, many more will likely follow. With job losses unabated, risk of eviction, food insecurity and financial desperation for so many, I am putting an item at the top of my puttering chores list.
Putter Day 2021 - So as it is fixed, so let it be done.

On this Putter Day, I will celebrate 2021 by doing something to help someone else. There is indeed a dire need to be met, and Putter day is all about doing. What better way to celebrate Putter day than to do unto others – in kindness.

Although the year ahead holds great promise, we still have to get through these darkest of days and return to brighter and better times ahead. That patient journey requires ongoing diligence and vigilance by all.

Until those brighter days, please don’t be among the callously cavalier and careless. The pandemic continues to be all too real. Social distancing is the new social grace. A mask is the new, must-have, fashion accessory. Flaunt it – with flair.

Don’t leave home without it.

I wish you a happy and productive New Year and better/putter days ahead. And – as always –

Thank you for listening to wfpr●fm. 
And, thank you for watching.

Get this week's program guide for Franklin TV and Franklin Public Radio ( online  or for archive purposes

From The Guardian: Yes, climate crisis stickers coming soon to gas stations in Cambridge, MA

From The Guardian: Yes, climate crisis stickers coming soon to gas stations in Cambridge, MA.

Cambridge, Massachusetts, has become the first US city to mandate the placing of stickers on fuel pumps to warn drivers of the resulting dangers posed by the climate crisis.

The final design of the bright yellow stickers, shared with the Guardian, includes text that warns drivers the burning of gasoline, diesel and ethanol has “major consequences on human health and the environment including contributing to climate change”.

The stickers will be placed on all fuel pumps in Cambridge, which is situated near Boston and is home to Harvard University, “fairly soon” once they are received from printers, a city spokesman confirmed.

And from FastCompany

The ordinance was modified in Jan 2020 and at least part of it (referring to self-service stations) can be viewed on the Cambridge page

climate crisis stickers coming soon to gas stations in Cambridge, MA
climate crisis stickers coming soon to gas stations in Cambridge, MA

COVID-19 vaccine discussion on - Monday, Dec 28

Given the recent vaccine news from both Pfizer and Moderna, with more trial successes likely to follow, I think it would be good to put this issue front and center.

Dr. Natalia Linos could address epidemiology and immunization stats (and societal/personal consequences of not being vaccinated?).

Dr. Jeff and Dr. Walker-Jones could also address government's role in organizing the effort and also encouraging/guiding or mandating compliance, masking, vaccination, etc. The ongoing debate is that 'personal rights-v-public good' element that is quite literally 'Trumped Up' by the President's followers.

Government sets guidelines, shared standards, regulations for the public good. We drive on the right side of the road - not wherever we want. We take tests to demonstrate competence and safety. We all benefit in a reasoned and reasonable common good. This is an important discussion.

The panel is  Dr Michael Walker-Jones, Jeff Roy, Peter Fasciano, Dr Natalia Linos, Dr Greg Chiklis and Frank Falvey.

The panel discussion will be broadcast Monday, Dec 28 at 11 AM, 2 PM, and 8 PM.

COVID-19 vaccine discussion on - Monday, Dec 28
COVID-19 vaccine discussion on - Monday, Dec 28