Sunday, August 2, 2015

Voices of Franklin: Pamela McIntyre - Consider running for School Committee

In the midst of our vacations and summer plans, please keep in mind that once again there will be elections this Fall for School Committee. If you love education and the town of Franklin, please consider serving your community in this very important and rewarding way. This is your chance to better understand how decisions are made and be an integral part of shaping education here in Franklin. 
I served on the School Committee for two years. It was definitely an education for me, to witness the care and thoughtful consideration that goes into every choice that is made for our children. It had a sacred quality to it- it was an honor to serve with these very conscientious and caring members of this committee.

In general, our work included meeting every other Tuesday with additional sub- committee responsibilities. Although I expected the work to be intense, it was less demanding than I imagined. It is a commitment, no question, but also rewarding in the tangible results that we achieved.

When I served, I remember having a conversation with someone who had concerns about an issue and kept saying “ they do this, they do that,” and my response was “There is no they, I am they.” It is a convenient myth to think that someone “out there” is doing something to us. Whatever administrative body you think is running things, it is us- our neighbors, our friends, people like you and me who are volunteering, who are trying to do the right thing for our children and our town. We do it because we want to walk the talk, because education is a priority and we are willing to take the time to give back to our community in this way.

It’s time to step up, Franklin, and show up and participate! We can’t complain about who gets voted in or what’s being done if we have a chance to take part, and we don’t. Two years ago, there was no competition for the two open seats on the School Committee- seven people ran for seven seats. Apathy. Let’s not do that again. It is embarrassing for our town. Care enough about the education in this town to take part. Please.
Nomination papers will be available for pick up at the Town Clerk’s office the first week in August. At that point you will receive more detailed information. Papers are due back around mid-September.

Enjoy this last month of summer and please consider this transformative experience of serving the schools and your community here in Franklin.

Pamela McIntyre

Franklin Town Common
Franklin Town Common

Guidelines for the "Voices of Franklin" series can be found here

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