Thursday, June 11, 2020

What does 103 teachers look like?

Photos of the teachers who raised awareness on RT Tuesday afternoon before the School Committee meeting.

The Boston 25 video brief on the article:

Note: there is a difference between "notification" and "cuts". The School Committee has not yet voted to approve either the 25 or 50 cuts that would be required to balance the budget (depending upon the planning scenario used). These notifications were made in advance of the date required per contract.
The details on the budget will be figured out over the next several months due to the fluid situation. This is not like prior years where once the budget was set, it was rarely changed. Town Administrator Jamie Hellen expects to make several revisions to the budget for FY 2021.
The discussion at the School Committee meeting did not reveal when the budget vote would be scheduled, only that there was still work to do.

The FY 2021 school budget page 

The FY 2021 budget collection for the Town of Franklin

What does 103 teachers look like? - 1
What does 103 teachers look like? - 1

What does 103 teachers look like? - 2
What does 103 teachers look like? - 2

What does 103 teachers look like? - 3
What does 103 teachers look like? - 3

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