Tuesday, July 26, 2022

What is 40b? Why is Town of Franklin proposing a "Friendly 40b" Process?

From Mass Housing - https://www.masshousing.com/programs-outreach/planning-programs/40b 

Chapter 40B, the Commonwealth's regional planning law, promotes responsible housing growth by creating a streamlined permitting process for eligible projects that utilize subsidized financing, and that meaningfully accommodate lower-income residents.

Since its passage in 1969, Chapter 40B has supported almost all affordable housing construction in Massachusetts outside of the Commonwealth's largest cities. Approximately 70,000 total units have been produced under Chapter 40B, of which over 35,000 units are restricted to households making less than 80% of the area median income (AMI).

Chapter 40B promotes regional planning solutions and new housing consistent with local and regional planning needs. The law balances the regional need for affordable housing development with local public health, public safety, design, and environmental welfare needs.

The statute allows eligible affordable housing developments to receive a comprehensive permit, even when projects require waivers of local zoning. In cities and towns that achieve certain affordable housing production goals, zoning boards of appeal may reject 40B proposals without facing an appeal from the developer, giving those communities great discretion over 40B development. Municipalities that have not achieved minimum affordable housing production thresholds have a more limited ability to reject 40B proposals.

The Town of Franklin is currently over the 10% minimum affordable housing and wants to stay that way, hence they are proposing a “friendly 40b’ process to help foster affordable housing growth. 

The Friendly 40b proposal can be found


Franklin’s Housing Production Plan https://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6896/f/uploads/franklin_housing_production_plan_-_final_with_approval_ltr.pdf 

Franklin’s Master Plan update in 2020 (overall plan is due for revision in 2023)


What is 40b? Why is Town of Franklin proposing a "Friendly 40b" Process?
What is 40b? Why is Town of Franklin proposing a "Friendly 40b" Process?

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