Showing posts with label art association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art association. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Escape to the Arts! Saturday, June 12

Escape to the Arts! Saturday, June 12 continues Franklin's ArtWALK Celebration
For the complete schedule of events and activities for the ArtWALK


Escape to the Arts! Saturday, June 12
Escape to the Arts! Saturday, June 12

Franklin's ArtWALK Celebration June 11-12-13
Franklin's ArtWALK Celebration June 11-12-13

Thursday, June 3, 2021

FM #557 - ArtWALK Artists & Business Panel - 05/26/21 (audio)

FM #557 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 557 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares my conversation with a wonderful fun loving panel of business and artists on the forthcoming ArtWALK Celebration. We had our conversation via virtual conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

  • Agway- Melanie Hamblen 

  • Artist - Chris Blue Lamb Toubeau

  • Rockland Trust- Laurel Katsaros 

  • Artist -  Walter Spencer  

We talk about the upcoming ArtWALK scheduled for June 11, 12 and 13. The events will take place on the Town Common, at THE BLACK BOX, and the Historical Museum. 

Check out the Cultural District page for all the details 

Thanks to the Franklin Cultural District, The Franklin Cultural Council, the Massachusetts Cultural Council (grant), Franklin Downtown Partnership, The Franklin Art Association and the Franklin Public Library. Did we miss someone? I hope not, there are a lot collaborating on this wonderful event.

The recording runs about 25 minutes, so let’s listen to our conversation

Audio file ->


ArtWALK - event page -> 

Cultural District page -> 

Library Summer Reading page 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.


For additional information, please visit  or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

One of the pieces of art to be displayed at Agway:  

Artwork by Chris Blue Lamb Toubeau with Brooke J. Toubeau as her collaboration partner
Artwork by Chris Blue Lamb Toubeau with Brooke J. Toubeau as her collaboration partner

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Escape to the Arts: Listen to hear about the ArtWALK Celebration scheduled for June 11-12-13

Listen to Franklin Public Radio ( - from any browser) or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

Two interviews are combined to be shared on the air today. 
  • Cultural District Committee Chairperson Nancy Schoen talks about the origins and planning for the event. 
  • Then a panel of artists  and and business folks have a fun-filled conversation about the collaboration involved bringing art into the business area to showcase. Melanie Hamblen (Agway), Chris Blue Lamb Toubeau (artist), Laurel Katsaros (Rockland Trust) and Walter Spencer (artist).

Listen => Wednesday at 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 6:00 PM, and again Saturday at 9:00 AM

Find the complete schedule of events for the ArtWALK online

If you miss the broadcast, the podcast version of these can be found on iTunes, Google Podcast, Spotify or your favorite podcast app.

The first part (interview with Nancy Schoen) can be found online

The second part is available (updated 6/3/21) will be available Thursday (6/3/21)

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Franklin ArtWALK Celebration June 11-13

Franklin Culture (@franklinculture) tweeted on Thu, May 27, 2021:
Take a walk in Downtown Franklin & enjoy the new exhibits! The Franklin Art Association will be displaying their work in Downtown storefronts during the Franklin ArtWALK Celebration June 11-13th! 
Visit for details!#ArtWALKCelebration #EscapetotheArts 

Shared from Twitter:

Franklin ArtWALK Celebration June 11-13
Franklin ArtWALK Celebration June 11-13

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Franklin Art Association: Monthly Meeting - May 5

Don’t forget to add our upcoming virtual monthly FAA meeting on the first Wed. of the month as usual, to your calendar ! 

May 5 , 2021 6:30 PM FAA Zoom Meeting!!

We have an exciting demo artist for this month- renowned Collage Artist Betsy Silverman.  Check out Betsy Silverman’s work at her website:

Zoom link:


Franklin Art Association: Monthly Meeting - May 5
Franklin Art Association: Monthly Meeting - May 5


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Photography – Reflecting Through Lens and Pen (video)

Marjorie Sardella of Beaux Regards Photographic Art recently gave Zoom presentation to the Franklin Art Association titled "Reflecting Through Lens and Pen."
If you missed the presentation on Zoom, you can view it on YouTube!  or here

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Now On View: The Norfolk Annual Juried Art Show!

Check out the online Norfolk Cultural Council 2021 Juried Art Show!!!   Several FAA members have works in this show!!
Our first ever virtual art show is open!
The Norfolk Annual Juried Art Show!

The 2021 Norfolk Annual Art Show is now on view!

Click here to view the show!

Thanks again to all of our amazing contributors! We were blown away by this year's submissions and we're so proud to share this exhibition with our community!

Link to show =
View on web page =

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Franklin Art Association: Marjorie Sardella - Photography - April 7, 2021

FAA member Marjorie Sardella will talk about her approach to photography. Monthly meeting Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 6:30 PM. 

Marjorie S. Sardella ~ Marjorie’s love of photography began at the age of ten with her first Brownie Camera. She later painted in oils for several years, but eventually returned to her first love, photography. Having taken several photography courses in the past, at Boston College, she came to love the process of creating a finished photo from a developed negative in the darkroom, skills Marjorie now applies to her photographic works, using mostly traditional darkroom techniques in her “digital darkroom” when required. 

Often, her photographic works are mistaken for paintings, perhaps reflecting on her earlier experience in oil painting. For twenty years, Marjorie was the event photographer and Photo archivist for the Boston College Presidential Scholars Program, which involved traveling to France for over a month each year, offering her the opportunities to travel to other western European countries as well as ventures throughout the northeastern part of the US. 

Through the years, Marjorie’s photos of land, sea, and cityscapes, of wildlife and people seek to capture moments in time that also evoke a sense of timelessness, inviting viewers to enter into a world that rouses, renews and rewards their inner selves.

Zoom link for FAA Meeting Apr 7 =>

Franklin Art Association:  Marjorie Sardella - Photography - April 7, 2021
Franklin Art Association:  Marjorie Sardella - Photography - April 7, 2021

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Franklin Art Association: Pisini Virtual Gallery (video)

The latest Virtual Gallery, devoted to Victor Pisini's work, is up on the FAA and All About Franklin Facebook pages and the FAA YouTube channel.  
The link to get you to it is

Monday, March 1, 2021

Franklin Art Association: Monthly Virtual Meeting: Presentation by Dennis Sardella!! - Wed - March 3

Don't forget that coming your way via Zoom on      March 3, 2021, 6:30pm: 

our very own FAA member Dennis Sardella will present "Science and Modern Art".

Someone comparing a medieval and modern artwork may find themselves puzzling, "How on earth did we get from there to here?"  Art experienced two revolutionary periods that radically changed how artists saw and depicted the world, and that paralleled two revolutionary periods in which science underwent similar changes.  This talk will be a visual exploration of how those two ways of seeing the world developed, and how they led from the "there" of medieval art to to the "here" of modern art."


Dennis Sardella has been a docent at the Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton since 2012, where he leads gallery tours and introduces visitors to the world of Russian icons. He also writes about icons, and speaks regularly to civic and church groups on the topics of religious icons and the role they play in Eastern Christian spirituality. 

From 1967 until 2012 he was a tenured Professor of Chemistry at Boston College.  In 1990 he became the founding director of the Boston College Presidential Scholars Program, a university-wide co-curricular honors program, and directed it until 2010.  For 17 years he and his wife Marjorie, a fine art photographer, led groups of Boston College Presidential Scholars on month-long study trips to France, and it was during those trips that he began to speak to students about science and modern art.


If you haven't already done so, don't forget to download the free app Zoom to your devices (phone, laptop, ipad etc.) and practice using prior to our "first Wednesday of the month" meetings.   There are "how to" instructions on the Zoom website as well as YouTube.  FAA now has its own Zoom account, with its own Zoom link:

 Looking forward to seeing you all then!

Susan Plume
FAA Corresponding Secretary

Monthly Virtual Meeting: Presentation by Dennis Sardella!! - Wed  - March 3
Monthly Virtual Meeting: Presentation by Dennis Sardella!! - Wed  - March 3

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

ArtWalk in Planning Stages, if businesses are interested please respond by Feb 19

Dear Franklin Cultural District Partners,

The mission of the Franklin Cultural District is to foster and encourage culture and the arts in our community.

To support this mission the Franklin Cultural District Committee (FCDC)  and the Franklin Art Association (FAA)  are working collaboratively to plan an ArtWalk event through the Franklin Cultural District. These groups are excited to feature several local Franklin artists and to support our local businesses.

The hope is that by offering this visual art display we will encourage more foot traffic through the Franklin Cultural District and the downtown area.

At this point in time the project is in the planning stages. We will have more details to share when we hear about the plan of our Cultural District Partners.

Currently the FCDC and the FAA are looking for:

  • Merchants/business owners who would be willing to have artwork displayed in their storefronts. The FCDC and the FAA will connect merchants with the artists
  • Although most of the artwork will be hung in the storefront windows, individual businesses could also have artwork inside their establishments if agreed upon with an artist
  • The artwork would be displayed by June 11th and would remain in store windows for the remainder of June and if possible during July as well
  • Any materials needed to have the artwork displayed will be taken care of by the FCDC

If you would be interested in participating in this event, please contact Nancy Schoen at  by Friday, February 19, 2021.

We hope that many of you will be willing to participate!


The Franklin Cultural District Committee and The Franklin Art Association

ArtWalk in Planning Stages, if businesses are interested please respond by Feb 19
ArtWalk in Planning Stages, if businesses are interested please respond by Feb 19

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Franklin Art Association: Christine Toubeau featured at Feb 3, 2021 meeting

Join us at the next monthly Franklin Art Association meeting.   Yes, our regular monthly get-together will take place this coming Wednesday, February 3 at 6:30 PM, as usual, via Zoom.  The Zoom link is below.

Following an informal virtual social gathering from 6:30-7:00, we have an exciting program to share, a viewing of a Franklin TV Cable retrospective on the work of painter Christine Toubeau.   

"Toubeau, a member of the FAA, is a graduate of Massachusetts College of Art, earning her MFA from U Mass, Amherst in 2004. She has worked as a fashion illustrator, free-lance graphic illustrator, art teacher at both Tri-County’s Graphic Arts Shop and Franklin County Technical School in Turners Falls.  She has had her own wall mural painting business here in Franklin for several years.

Toubeau’s original, acrylic, paintings deal with the theme of the interaction of humans with futuristic technology. She currently has an exhibit of her acrylic paintings on view at the First Universalist Society Church in Franklin. Franklin TV cameraman Chris Flynn, in collaboration with Toubeau, combined footage of that exhibit with additional images taken from her larger body of work, including paintings featured in a 2010 solo art show at UMass entitled “The Robot Next Door” to produce the film to be shown at the FAA meeting. During the show, she will also illustrate her approach to working with large, four foot canvases as well as a painting with acrylics demonstration from her home studio."
Franklin Art Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FAA Monthly Meeting
Time: Jan 12, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 8191 0922
Passcode: 229622 

Franklin Art Association:  Christine Toubeau featured at Feb 3, 2021 meeting
Franklin Art Association:  Christine Toubeau featured at Feb 3, 2021 meeting

Friday, January 29, 2021

Franklin Art Association: February Monthly Meeting - Feb 3

The next monthly Franklin Art Association meeting will take place on February 3 at 6:30 pm, as usual, via Zoom.  Following an informal virtual social gathering from 6:30-7:00, the formal program will be devoted to a viewing of a Franklin TV Cable retrospective on the work of painter Christine Toubeau.  Toubeau, a member of the Franklin Art Association, is a graduate of Massachusetts College of Art and earned her Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2004.  She has worked as a fashion illustrator, a free-lance graphic illustrator, an art teacher at Tri-County’s Graphic Arts Shop as well as at the Franklin County Technical School in Turners Falls, and for several years had her own wall mural painting business here in Franklin.  

Toubeau’s original, acrylic, paintings deal with the theme of the interaction of humans with futuristic technology.  She currently has an exhibit of her acrylic paintings on view at the First Universalist Society Church in Franklin.  Franklin TV cameraman Chris Flynn, in collaboration with Toubeau, combined footage of that exhibit with additional images taken from her larger body of work, including paintings featured in a 2010 solo art show at UMass entitled “The Robot Next Door” to produce the film to be shown at the FAA meeting.  During the show, she will also illustrate her approach to working with large, four foot canvases as well as a painting with acrylics demonstration from her home studio.  

The meeting is free of charge and open to all.  Anyone wishing to attend should email the FAA Corresponding secretary at, and ask to be added to the contact list for the meeting.  A link to the meeting will be sent out to all attendees several days before the meeting.

Franklin Art Association: February Monthly Meeting - Feb 3
Franklin Art Association: February Monthly Meeting - Feb 3

Monday, January 11, 2021

Franklin Art Association: Demo Meeting - Tuesday, Jan 12 at 6:30 PM

Dear FAA Member,
"Dear folks,
In light of the horror of the seditious actions taking place today in Washington DC, this evening's FAA Zoom Demo is being postponed.
It will take place next Tuesday, Jan 12th at 6:30pm, when this chaos has been brought under control."

The 1/12/21 Demo Artist will be our very own Peg Munson, who is going to demo "Paint Pouring".   Peg describes her Paint Pouring or Poured Fluid Art: "Paint pouring involves combining various additives with acrylic paints, and using different techniques and tools the prepared paints are combined and poured onto a surface. The surface can then be tilted, spun, swiped and manipulated to achieve an endless variety of results.

By using some basic knowledge of color theory (color wheel) and learning what additives and techniques will give the desired results almost anyone can create a successful painting. It will require some practice and probably some 'failed' paintings along the way, but it is a lot of FUN."


Peg's background:  I have always been interested in art and have done watercolors, stained glass, pastels, alcohol inks and most recently paint pouring with acrylic paints. My interest in photography has been ongoing and is a great pairing with the other art mediums. I am mostly self-taught, but I took weekly pastel classes with Joanne Willoughby for two years and attended several pastel workshops. 


I have had several solo shows of my pastel paintings and have participated in several juried art shows in person and online.  As a member of the Franklin and Foxboro Art Associations I participated in many art shows and been pleased to win some ribbons. I recently started a Facebook art page "Margaret L. Munson Art". 


In pastel my focus has been landscapes, and since discovering alcohol inks and acrylic paint pouring, I have really enjoyed the abstract art form. I have discovered that paint pouring is a lot of fun and somewhat addictive!  

Peg Munson, who is going to demo "Paint Pouring"
Peg Munson, who is going to demo "Paint Pouring"

"See you" all next Wed, Jan 6, 2021 Tuesday, Jan 12 at 6:30 PM at the FAA Demo Meeting!! 

The Zoom link will be sent early in the week!


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Franklin Art Association: Demo Meeting - Wednesday, Jan 6 at 6:30 PM

Dear FAA Member,

***Happy New Year***!!  We hope you safely enjoyed the 2020 Holiday Season, and are looking forward to the first FAA Demo meeting of 2021 this Wednesday, Jan 6th at 6:30pm. 

The 1/6/21 Demo Artist will be our very own Peg Munson, who is going to demo "Paint Pouring".   Peg describes her Paint Pouring or Poured Fluid Art: "Paint pouring involves combining various additives with acrylic paints, and using different techniques and tools the prepared paints are combined and poured onto a surface. The surface can then be tilted, spun, swiped and manipulated to achieve an endless variety of results.

By using some basic knowledge of color theory (color wheel) and learning what additives and techniques will give the desired results almost anyone can create a successful painting. It will require some practice and probably some 'failed' paintings along the way, but it is a lot of FUN."


Peg's background:  I have always been interested in art and have done watercolors, stained glass, pastels, alcohol inks and most recently paint pouring with acrylic paints. My interest in photography has been ongoing and is a great pairing with the other art mediums. I am mostly self-taught, but I took weekly pastel classes with Joanne Willoughby for two years and attended several pastel workshops. 


I have had several solo shows of my pastel paintings and have participated in several juried art shows in person and online.  As a member of the Franklin and Foxboro Art Associations I participated in many art shows and been pleased to win some ribbons. I recently started a Facebook art page "Margaret L. Munson Art". 


In pastel my focus has been landscapes, and since discovering alcohol inks and acrylic paint pouring, I have really enjoyed the abstract art form. I have discovered that paint pouring is a lot of fun and somewhat addictive!  

Peg Munson, who is going to demo "Paint Pouring"
Peg Munson, who is going to demo "Paint Pouring"

"See you" all next Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 6:30 PM at the FAA Demo Meeting!! 

The Zoom link will be sent early in the week!

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Franklin Art Association: Virtual Gallery on Facebook

Check out our *third* FAA Virtual Gallery which is up on the FAA Facebook pages, as well as Instagram.   

The Facebook video is 3 minutes long while Instagram limits their videos to one minute. 

Franklin Art Association:  Virtual Gallery on Facebook
Franklin Art Association:  Virtual Gallery on Facebook


Saturday, October 31, 2020

Franklin Art Association meeting on Nov 4 features Nan Hass Feldman

The Franklin Art Association’s monthly Zoom meeting is scheduled to take place next Wednesday, Nov. 4, at 6:30 PM.  It will feature a demonstration by acclaimed artist Nan Hass Feldman.  A bio is below this, along with her photo and some photos of her work. 

"Nan Hass Feldman has been painting for more than 40 years. In that time she has had 49 solo exhibitions and has been included in over 50 group shows, and 28 museum exhibitions. She has work in private collections in five countries; in corporate collections such as Fidelity Investments, Meditech, and Veryfine Products; and in hospital collections, including Boston Children’s, Brigham and Womens, and the Mayo Clinic.

For many years she has taught in the Boston area, including at the Museum of Fine Arts, Worcester Art Museum, the DeCordova Museum, Danforth/Art, and Framingham State University, and, since 1999, she has also been leading painting retreats in France, Greece, Italy, and Mexico, and, recently, in the Mediterranean, Baltic, and Caribbean, forOceania Cruises. At present, Nan is part of a community of artists who live and work at Boston’s historic Fenway Studios.

Her awards include two Frances A. Kinnicutt traveling fellowships from the Worcester Art Museum to paint in Oaxaca, Mexico, and in the Dordogne Region in France; the Basil H. Alkazzi National Acquisition Award; the Liquitex Fine Art Achievement Award; and a Massachusetts Arts and Humanities Foundation Commission from the Museum Without Walls.

As Nan briefly describes her work, she says: “For me, art is really about enhancing and interpreting reality to create a more positive and joyous world.” 

Nan Hass Feldman
Nan Hass Feldman

The Boats Come to Yellow Sky

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Morini Gallery - "In the Zone" - Online Juried Exhibit

In the words of Emily Hill, the journalist, being "in the zone" is delicious, immersive, and kinda trippy.  Time collapses. Sound falls away. Suddenly we look up, and it's 4 AM.  This tunnel-vision phenomenon is reported by athletes, creatives, and psychologists alike as a hyper-focused, sometimes spiritual, state of mind where anything is possible. It is where we become our most productive, creative, and powerful selves.

Artist's were asked to take a moment to recall that feeling and show us examples of when they truly felt they were… "In the Zone".

This exhibition is presented in a virtual format and can be viewed HERE
“In the Zone” Online Juried Exhibition

September 1 – December 31, 2020

Morini Gallery - In the Zone Online Juried Exhibit
Morini Gallery - In the Zone Online Juried Exhibit

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Get ready to ZOOM with the Franklin Art Association at upcoming meetings in Oct/Nov

Dear FAA Members,

If you haven't already Zoomed with family and friends, as well as other organizations you belong to, please download the free ZOOM app to your laptop, ipad or even your smartphone now!   If you are new to ZOOM, please check out YouTube "how to zoom" videos, along with instructions on the Zoom web-site to learn how to Zoom.   Or, of course, ask any teen or young person how to use this popular video-conferencing app! 

Yes, the FAA Franklin Art Association is going to start meeting virtually, since our "new normal" in the midst of the pandemic won't allow us to meet in person at the Franklin Senior Center, at least for the foreseeable future.  

Please mark Oct 7 & Nov 4 on your calendars for our regular FAA first Wed of the month 6:30 meetings.  We have guest artists lined up to give ZOOM demos followed by Q&A:  Karen Israel will demo on Oct 7, and Nan Hass Feldman will be presenting on Nov 4.  You will receive more info about these exciting artists shortly.

Also, a new issue of the FAA Newsletter is forthcoming, including an informative letter from our President.  We would also like to include any news from FAA members- e.g. have you been in any shows, have any artistic tidbit to share with other FAA members?   Please send any news items to me by Sep 20.

Looking forward to "seeing" everyone on Oct 7 and Nov 4!!

Susan Plume
FAA Corresponding Secretary

Get ready to ZOOM with the Franklin Art Association at upcoming meetings in Oct/Nov
Get ready to ZOOM with the Franklin Art Association at upcoming meetings in Oct/Nov

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Franklin Art Association: Encaustic Demonstration - Jan 8

The Franklin Art Association board hopes you had a fun and restful holiday season and that you are ready to come back and join us for many exciting demonstrations during 2020 starting with our January meeting.

Wednesday, January 8, the Franklin Art Association is pleased to host an encaustic demonstration by Theresa Spadafora. 

Next month meeting, Feb. 5th we will host acrylic artist Lenny Moskowitz. Followed by a watercolor demonstration March 4th given by Carlie DeGaetano.

We hope to see you for these exciting and educational opportunities!

All the meetings are scheduled for 6:30 to 9:00 PM at the Franklin Senior Center, 10 Daniel McCahill Street in Franklin. Refreshments and social time will begin at 6:30 PM, followed by a short business meeting before the art demonstration.

FAA meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month, September through May, and are free and open to the public. For more information log on to

Franklin Art Association: Encaustic Demonstration - Jan 8
Franklin Art Association: Encaustic Demonstration - Jan 8

What is encaustic painting?
Encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, involves using heated beeswax to which colored pigments are added. The liquid or paste is then applied to a surface—usually prepared wood, though canvas and other materials are often used. The simplest encaustic mixture can be made from adding pigments to beeswax, but there are several other recipes that can be used—some containing other types of waxes, damar resin, linseed oil, or other ingredients. Pure, powdered pigments can be used, though some mixtures use oil paints or other forms of pigment.[1]
 From wikipedia