Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Town Council Candidate Jane Callaway-Tripp responds to questions

For the following you can read FM = Steve Sherlock and J C-T as Jane Callaway-Tripp, candidate for Town Council. The answers were provided by Jane via email in response to the offer made to all the candidates for the Franklin Election Nov 2, 2021. 

Publication of the answers or interview responses does not constitute an endorsement of the candidate nor an attestation that the statements are true. This is my public service effort to enable informed voters for the election Nov 2, 2021.

FM - Briefly, what is your “Franklin Story” tell us Briefly about your life here.

J  C-T -  Hello. I was born and raised in Franklin. I graduated from Tri- County High school. Growing up here in Franklin was a great experience and gave me the sense of home. I saw my parents involved in the elks and the Franklin soccer program. My mother was on the Street Lighting Committee and then she sat on Town Council.  These experiences and watching the care my parents had for the town and the residents showed me that community is very important. This is why I am now running for Council. It is time for me to be able to give back to the community, the town, and ALL the residents.

FM - Participating in elections is one of the key Freedoms of American life and voting is one of the primary responsibilities of citizens. While the law does not require citizens to vote, voting is a very important part of any democracy. What can you tell us about your own voting record? And if you have been not been an active voter, please tell us why? And how important is it that we elect people who are active participants in the election process?

J  C-T -  I have been voting since I was 18. Although I have not always been able to vote at every local election due to personal reasons, I do vote every 4 years. I believe that voting is important. It is a way to make sure our voices are heard. Though being an active voter is not a requirement to run for town boards/ committees or council, I do believe that you should be an active voter if and when you are representing the people in the town. It is hard to convince people to get out and vote when the people running are not following the same advice. Though there is no wrong time to become an active voter. 

FM - Have you been Vaccinated for Covid-19? DO you think there should be a mask mandate in Franklin? Finally, what measures should the government take to protect the public from the virus, and how should these efforts be delineated between the Local, State, and Federal governments?

J  C-T -  My vaccination status as everyone else is our personal and private information. It is a violation of our constitutional rights to ask and require an answer.  Our vaccination status has no bearing on how I will or any candidate will effectively work on council. This is a town election. How I feel our government should or should not handle Covid-19 also has no bearing on the town election or how I would perform as a council person.  If at the State and Federal level they choose to mandate or not to mandate, as a council person I would have to follow the protocols put in place. We at the local level do not create laws or mandates; therefore, this question is not a valid question to determine how one would be effective in the seat they are running to obtain.

FM - What are the 3 most important actions you believe are needed to move Franklin Forward?

J  C-T -  First and foremost, as a Council we need to get all residents more involved in what’s going on. We need to encourage them to speak out and we need to listen to them, their concerns, their opinions and their ideas. Anything we do in this town effects the residents. They fund this town and they alone are the ones that will make this town successful. All residents need to know that they matter.

Second, we need to find a way to bring current residents downtown. We need to find a way to give them shops they want to shop at on a regular basis while keeping our town like the home town that drew people here or kept them here in the first place. We have done a few different studies over the years and some were not even followed after the fact. Nothing has been done that has brought success and I feel that is because the council has been more concerned about getting more people into the town then focusing on the 30+ thousand who already call Franklin home. 

Finally, supporting our first responders is also key. With the growing population and the geographical layout of the town, it is important to make sure they have what they need.  We are a safe town and for that I am grateful; however, crime can and will grow if our police officers are stretched too thin. We have had several fires lately and our fire department, EMTs are working wonderfully in responding. If they do not have what they need; however, lives will be lost. 

FM - What experience or background will help you serve in this role? Or what do you bring to the table that helps to set you apart from the others?

J  C-T -  What I bring to the table is that I listen, I hear what people are saying, and I will stand up for what is right no matter what. It is great to be friends as a council, but when you walk through the doors of the council chambers friendship is not what counts. As sworn council members, we will be sworn to do a job and that is the only thing that counts. I believe every resident of this town matter and deserves to be represented. I will bring back accountability. I will bring back the residents’ voice. I will uphold exactly what I would be sworn to do. I love this town and I care about every person in this town.

FM - The Town Council approves the Annual budget which sets the priorities for how Franklin operates. How do you see the financial priorities we should address? How do you explain to the voters and residents why you would vote that way?

J  C-T -  I would have to look at the proposed budget that was put in front of me. Then I would look and see where the needless spending is being done. I feel that we have a lot of things that need to be taken care of that have not been for some time. The town continues to raise taxes and fees yet things are still not getting done. There are roads that need sidewalks, there are areas that need stop lights or stop signs, roads that need repair and we have a school system that needs to be funded. There is no one answer here. 

As for how to explain to the voters and residents, well my hope is that they will be involved and share what they feel and think needs to be done. I understand that sometimes decisions are made and not all residents will be happy with it; however, if as a council we actually take into consideration the residents and how we spend their tax dollars, it can go a long way. Not every resident will be happy 100% of the time, but right now I feel the majority of the residents are unhappy 100% of the time. Let’s not forget it is the residents who fund the town of Franklin, and yes as a town we do get some grants, but grants are federal/state TAX dollars so as taxpayers it is all our money being spent.


Candidate Jane Callaway-Tripp responds to questions
Candidate Jane Callaway-Tripp responds to questions

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Election 2021: Candidate interview questions finalized

Thanks to community input and review by the 'voter guide folks', the following questions were finalized. These questions will be used for candidates who accept the interview offer or chose to reply via email with responses.  

The questions were chosen to provide a common background of information on the candidate and the position that they are campaigning for. An informed voter casts the best ballot.

The offer to candidates was made in August. A number have been scheduled and will be as the elections season progresses. All info related to the election can be found in the Election Collection.

The questions can be found (and downloaded) from here ->

Friendly reminder for those not yet registered to vote in Franklin, the deadline for this election is Oct 13.

Election 2021: Candidate interview questions finalized
Election 2021: Candidate interview questions finalized

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Wicked Local: "Franklin ballot filling up. Dozens of candidates eye town offices"

"In the handful of weeks since the town's election season was opened, a flood of potential candidates has flowed through the municipal building taking out and returning nomination papers.

As of Aug. 30, a total of 35 residents have taken out papers for positions on five boards and for town clerk. Twenty of those have already returned their papers.


NOTE: In cooperation with Franklin Matters (, we invite residents to submit questions they'd like to have asked of the candidates as the election proceeds. To submit a question, visit:"


Shared from Wicked Local ->

Wicked Local: "Franklin ballot filling up. Dozens of candidates eye town offices"
Wicked Local: "Franklin ballot filling up. Dozens of candidates eye town offices"

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

You can help determine the questions asked of each candidate

As the candidates are out and about completing their signature requirements, it is time for us to start gathering the questions that you would like to be asked of the candidates.

As in prior elections, I prefer to provide four or five question to all the candidates. Each position may be slightly different (their role is different) so the questions should reflect that.

You can help with the question development by submitting the ONE question you would ask of each candidate. With all of the Town Council or School Committee candidates responding to the same set of questions, we can then determine whom we would prefer.

Use the Google form here to submit your question. You can submit more than one but the final decision on the four or five questions to be asked remains with the editor.

Form link =>

The offer to candidates to set up an interview 

You can help determine the questions asked of each candidate
You can help determine the questions asked of each candidate

Prior questions and prior interview results are located in the Election Collection for each Town of Franklin local election going back to 2007 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Franklin Matters Q & A - Apr 29 - 1:30 PM

Thursday, April 29 at 1:30 PM - Franklin Matters Q & A via Zoom with Steve Sherlock.

Email for the link to attend. 

Hear what is happening in our town and bring your questions for Steve!

Franklin Matters Q & A - Apr 29 - 1:30 PM
Franklin Matters Q & A - Apr 29 - 1:30 PM

Thursday, March 12, 2020

You ask - we answer: When will the Dean Ave. apartments start renting?

Q - When will the Dean Ave. apartments start renting? Are any for low income? Will there be a safe walkway to train?

A - The website for doesn't provide a timeline for rental.

1 - In my walks by the location, exterior construction is still very much in progress. Perhaps before the end of the year? You can sign up for their "Interest List" to find out. 

The Fairfield Residential webpage shows this opening "Early 2020".

2 - none of the units are designated for 'low income'

3 - There will be sidewalk along Dean Ave to Main St. As mentioned in the Facebook thread on this question, the Town and developer jointly are working to address the drainage at the Dean Ave corner with an EPA grant. Roadwork has been underway last year on the underground portion. Sidewalk and paving is scheduled for this year.

The website for
The website for

The Fairfield Residential webpage
The Fairfield Residential webpage

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Franklin in Focus: Candidate Query - Oct 22, 2019 (audio)

FM #178

This internet radio show or podcast is number 178 in the series for Franklin Matters.

This recording shares the Candidate Query conducted by Franklin in Focus on Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 at the Franklin Senior Center.

Franklin in Focus is a nonpartisan organization focused on bringing information about town issues and town government to the public, sponsored this evening with the candidates running for office in the upcoming November 5 biennial election.

Due to time constraints, only candidates in competitive races participated: Constable, School Committee, and Town Council.

The format will ensure that each candidate gets to speak on each of the questions asked.
  • A lottery determined the order of candidate responses
  • The first candidate will get 2 minutes to answer the question
  • Each other candidate will get 1 minute to add to or differentiate from the prior answers
  • Each candidate will get to take a lead on a question
  • Each candidate will also be allowed a summary or closing statement at the end of all the questions

The Constables went first, then Town Council, and then the School Committee candidates. Constable candidates present
  • Rancourt LaRosa
  • Daniel McCahill

Town Council candidates present
  • Ted Cormier-Ledger
  • Eamon McCarthy Earls
  • Deborah Pellegri
  • Andrew Bissanti

School Committee candidates present
  • Joanne Lussier
  • Jennifer D’Angelo
  • MaryJane Scofield
  • David McNeil
  • Timothy Keenan
  • Anne Bergen

Candidates submitted information on their positions and that is available online

Let’s listen in to the candidate query. The recording runs approx 1 hour and 50 minutes.


This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but I can't do it alone. I can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like this, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements.
Thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Constable candidates present
Constable candidates present

Town Council candidates present
Town Council candidates present

School Committee candidates present
School Committee candidates present

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Franklin Candidate Interview Questions Being Formulated

For the candidate interviews, I have dusted off questions from prior elections to bring them up to date for this 2019 Election.

My draft choices are shown below:

General question for candidates:
  1. What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? Or what do you bring to the table that helps to set you apart from the others?
  2. What do you see as your role's biggest challenge?
  3. Do you have any suggestions on how we should resolve it?

Town Council / School Committee:
  1. Franklin is facing a budget deficit next year, what do think we should do to resolve the deficit?

Town Council:
  1. Social media channels from time to time are full of comments like ‘stop the building’, how do you address those?

Do you have a question to ask a candidate? Use the form to submit a question for consideration. 

I'll publish the final set of questions to asked.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What one question would you ask the Franklin candidates?

I posted my offer to the candidates here earlier. Now that the line up has been determined, we can prepare for those who chose to have an interview. One regular reader has already submitted a question around the empty storefronts downtown. What would you ask your candidates?

You can submit multiple questions. You might want to ask a different question of a Town Councilor than that of a School Committee person.

The candidate offer

The final line up for those candidates to appear on the ballot

Monday, August 19, 2013

Survey says: Treasurer/Collector should be appointed

The sample size is small (only 15) so this may or may not be a good barometer for how the real ballot question will be answered in November.

Question: Should the Treasurer/Collector position be changed from elected to appointed?
Yes - 9
No - 6

The question opened on August 4 and closed on August 18.

Other survey question results over the years that you have participated in Franklin Matters can be found here

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Survey Says: No to Mayor

The survey question was posted:
"Would you be in favor of further amending the Franklin Home Rule Charter to provide for the election of a mayor to govern the city known as the town of Franklin?"

There were 44 responses and the vote was decidedly No = 27, Yes = 17

While was a survey question here, the Franklin voters will see this on the November ballot. What will happen between now and then will help to determine the fate of the question.

Those for the exploration of changing to a mayoral form of government would need to outline the proposal more distinctly. There are different forms of mayoral government, would saying "Yes" mean one of those in particular (no). It should really mean that the Town Council would then start the process of setting up a Charter Commission to determine what the change would be like. Ultimately, nothing would happen right away. It would still be sometime off before a fine tuned proposal would come back to the voters.

Want to know more about the forms of municipal government?

1 - You can visit the National League of Cities site here

(Note, we already operate legally as a city with a council and manager - coincidentally this is the most popular form of government. )

2 - wikipedia has a worthy entry

3 - Strong Mayor Council Institute has some good information

For other survey or quick poll questions that Franklin Matters has conducted over the years, you can visit the collection here

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Should Franklin Have a Mayor?

Among the many items discussed in the often tense Town Council meeting Weds, they did decide to put forward the non-binding question.
According to the resolution approved by the council, the question will read: "Would you be in favor of further amending the Franklin Home Rule Charter to provide for the election of a mayor to govern the city known as the town of Franklin?" 
There will be a note on the ballot specifying the referendum is non-binding. 
"I’m always in favor of a non-binding question to get a feeling of what citizens want," said Vice Chairwoman Tina Powderly. 
The council has debated the question since last month. Chairman Robert Vallee proposed the referendum at the council’s May 10 meeting, saying he would like to see where residents stand on the issue. Over the years, he has said, many have suggested to him that the town and its citizens would benefit from having a mayor in power.

Read more:

To get a sense of whether this proposal is desired or not, I have set up a poll question with a yes or no answer and will leave it open until July 1. You can view the poll on the top right corner of the home page for Franklin Matters.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Do you have a question to ask the candidates?

Round two of the Democrat debate is coming up on Tuesday, Aug 21st. You did very well helping prepare the questions for the debate. If you listened to the debate, you would recognize that many of the questions were indeed asked and answered. If you have any questions remaining to ask, please use the form below to submit them. Alternatively, you can also send me an email.

I'll write up the questions you submit and I craft to post here before the debate. The questions are not as important as the answers. The answers are what should help the voters make a decision.

Monday, July 30, 2012

More questions for Democratic Debate

The debate this evening will NOT be available live via cable. It will be recorded and available for replay. So you'll have a choice of watching the Olympics, the Red Sox or coming out to the debate in person!

In addition to the questions posted yesterday, I have come up with some more.

Why am I posting the questions in advance?
One, the issues we face shouldn't be a secret.
Two, it is more important to find out what the answers to these questions are.

Franklin and most MA communities are faced with Other Pension and Employee Benefits (OPEB) requirements that are underfunded. What is your position on what the Legislature can do to help?

Gov Patrick is reported to be signing the Casino proposal for Taunton today. At least one news article says it will be challenged because the return to the state is “excessive”. Whether you’ll get a chance as a legislator to have a vote in that matter is open right now. What do you think about casinos as a source of state revenue?

There has been talk of the Legislature revising the Chap 70 funding formula. Franklin is a significant beneficiary of these funds. What would be your position on a revision of the formula?

What is your position on the State budget priorities? Should MA government focus on infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.) or education, or??

What is your position on taxes overall? How should the business of providing government services be funded?

What is your position on usage fees? Are there cases where it makes sense to use them in lieu of a more broadly based tax?

What is your position on the governance of utilities, their service rates and performance?

The Franklin library, along with other departments in Franklin, faces an annual budget issue. The MA Library Board of Governors is the body that provides oversight to the library systems. What is your position on what the Legislature should or should not do to help?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

10th Norfolk: Collected questions for Democratic debate

My questions:

What have you done or are planning to do to prepare for serving Franklin in the Legislature?

Two part Q: What do you see as Franklin’s key issue at the State level and how do you plan to address it?

Do you have any relationships with folks in or around the State House or in the Legislature that you can leverage when you are in office to help serve Franklin? Please elaborate.

Based upon the flyer on the door, it seems like you are both walking the neighborhoods. What is one thing that going door to door does for your campaign?

How much will websites and other social media tools help your campaign?

Questions submitted by others in Franklin:

If elected what changes would you propose to help commuters from Franklin/Medway afford to get into Boston for work?

What are your thoughts about the MA higher education costs. Is there anything you would propose to help more students afford MA State higher education?

Local officials often complain to voters that costly state mandates tie their hands and prevent them from making common-sense fiscal policies for the town. What will you do as state rep to remove burdensome state mandates and un-tie local officials' hands?

What will be your priorities if you are selected to serve in the state legislature?

How can we make health care in Massachusetts more affordable for the commonwealth, cities, towns, businesses and individuals?

How do you feel about what Gov Patrick has done so far about containing health care costs?

My question to all is This... I think all of you are educated well, are lawyers and have held local seats on a board but what Policical experience so you have that I may not know about that you feel makes you qualified to be sucessful at this job?

Don't see a question topic here that you would like an answer to, add yours to the mix via email or the form here

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What would you like to know?

When you have an election ballot in front of you, you have a list of positions, a listing of candidates and a marker to fill in a circle next to one or more names. How do you decide to make a choice amongst the candidates?

To help you make your choice, I have offered to meet with all the candidates. My purpose is hear directly from them about their background. To listen and share their views on the issues that that they will work to resolve on our behalf for Franklin.

This is not an endorsement of any candidate. This is an information sharing exercise.

I’ll ask the same set of questions of each candidate so that you will have some common ground to make your decision.

The questions I propose to start with are as follows:
1 - Tell me a bit about yourself, your family and your life here in Franklin?

2 - What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? or What do you think makes you a good candidate to fulfill this role?

3 - What do you see as your role’s biggest challenge and do you have any suggestions on how we can resolve it?
If you have some questions you'd like to ask, I’d like to hear them. Send me an email or leave a comment here.

I may find during the course of the interviews that I 'tweak' the questions. If I do that, I’ll post the updated questions here.

I have five candidates lined up thus far. Up to 37 total for this election are possible so we'll see how many take advantage of this.

The Election 2011 collection of posts can be found here:

Town Council and School Committee attendance records (Nov 2009 to present)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

How will you decide?

When you have an election ballot in front of you, you have a list of positions, a listing of candidates and a marker to fill in a circle next to one or more names. Or you may have a ballot question to answer yes or no. How do you decide to cast your vote?

To help you make your choice, I have offered to meet with all the candidates. My purpose is to hear directly from them about their background and their views on the issues Franklin faces that that they will work to resolve on our behalf.

This is not an endorsement of any candidate. This is an information sharing exercise.

I will ask the same set of questions of each candidate so that you should have some common ground to make your decision. The questions I propose to start with are as follows:

1 - Tell me a bit about yourself, your family and your life here in Franklin?

2 - What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? or What do you think makes you a good candidate to fulfill this role?

3 - What do you see as your role’s biggest challenge and do you have any suggestions on how we can resolve it?

If you have some suggestions, I’d like to hear them. I may find during the course of the interviews that I should tweak the questions. If I do that, I’ll post the updated questions here.

Election information

Friday, July 16, 2010

Massachusetts ballot questions announced by secretary of state

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc. on 7/15/10

Wicked Local Politics
Expect to hear a lot in the coming months about Questions 1, 2 and 3.  Massachusetts voters in November will decide the fate of questions slashing the sales tax rate to 3 percent from 6.25 percent, overturning last summer's new tax on retail alcohol sales and repealing the state's comprehensive permit law known as Chapter 40B.
Secretary of State William Galvin on Thursday announced the numbers attached to each question.
  • The alcohol sales tax repeal question will be Question 1,
  • The comprehensive permit law repeal is Question 2 and
  • The initiative petition to reduce the sales tax to 3 percent will be Question 3. 

Things you can do from here:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Poll question results


Yes - 33
No - 22
Total - 55

Franklin, MA