Friday, May 6, 2011

Gas tax collections holding steady; rate of increase slowing

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Revenue by Robert Bliss on 5/5/11

Two months ago, DOR published a blog post noting that price spikes in gasoline had not caused a decline in consumption. That remains true today after reviewing gasoline excise tax collections for March and April.

The two months' combined collection is $96.8 million, which is $200,000 more than the same two months a year ago. Through the end of April, year-to-date gas tax collection is at $493 million. up $6.4 million from a year ago.

It is fair to say, however, that the rate of increase in gas consumption, as measured by gasoline tax collection, has slowed down. In the first six months of FY11, collections were up $5 million. In the ensuing four months (January-April of 2011) which correspond to the period in which gasoline prices have gone up, the increase over a year ago is just a little over $1 million.

Those interested in pouring over these numbers should visit DOR's Blue Book, published monthly, to review individual month and year-to-date collections of a variety of tax collections and other revenue sources. (The April edition should be up in a few days.)

This is probably a good time to review how gas tax revenues are used. As a result of reform of the state's transportation system in 2009, gasoline excise tax revenue goes into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund, along with registry fees and .385 percent of the sales tax. The fund is used to pay debt service associated with highway maintenance and construction projects and provides funding for the operation of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT).

Revenue from the gasoline tax, which is 21-cents per gallon, goes almost entirely (99.85 percent) into the Commonwealth Transportation Fund. The balance of fifteen-hundreths of one percent is credited to the Inland Fish and Game Fund.

One of the best explainers of the new MassDOT and its funding sources appeared in Gov. Patrick's FY11 budget proposal.

The state gasoline tax of 21-cents per gallon is not the only tax paid at the pump. The state also collects 2.5-cents per gallon to help fund the cleanup of underground storage tanks; this money goes into the state's General Fund from which the Legislature makes appropriations to pay for cleanups. And the federal government collects a federal gas tax of 18.4-cents per gallon.

The Tax Foundation publishes annually a ranking of gasoline taxes by state. Massachusetts is ranked 27th from the top out of the 50 states.

Things you can do from here:

"Cuts have to be made"

The budget hearings continued Thursday evening and spent a good deal of their time on the Department of Public Works:
The department has lost more than 12 positions over the past six years while taking over maintenance of school grounds. That has reduced its ability to fix potholes, sweep streets, prepare fields and complete other tasks simultaneously, Cantoreggi said. 
"Our priorities have to be adjusted," Cantoreggi said. "Our response time is increasing. I think people are starting to notice." 
The department will also have a few less clerk hours as part of a townwide reorganization and reduction of clerk positions, Nutting said. 
Roche, the committee's chairman, said the department is an example of the difference between the town and a business. Companies lay off workers when business slows down but "we lay off people and have more demand for services."

Read more:

The budget hearings close out Monday night with the Library, Schools and Fire Dept are reviewed. The Town Council conducts their budget hearings Jun 8 and 9 to have an approved budget before the Fiscal Year 2012 begins July 1, 2011.

These cuts are real. On this time line, there is no opportunity for an override to come before the voters to approve an increase in taxes to avoid the cuts.

Franklin, MA

Thursday, May 5, 2011

In the News - Clark-Cutler-McDermott, roads closed Sat

Franklin's Clark-Cutler-McDermott honored

Dean College graduation Saturday

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Agenda - May 5, 2011

Part 3 of the budget hearing for Fiscal 2012 continues Thursday evening. The agenda showing which department budgets are scheduled for review this evening is shown in the document below:

FinCom Agenda 5/05/2011

Prior session agendas:

Franklin, MA

Fluoride Choice vote in Franklin this Friday

You are receiving this email because you live and/or work in Franklin and because you care about your individual health freedom. 
Only you can consent to receiving a medication. No one has a right to force one on you. 
This Friday morning at 10:00 am, there will be a vote of the Franklin Health Board on whether or not to continue the old 1970 policy of forced fluoridation of the people in Franklin. Ingesting fluoride ought to be a personal decision, not a government decision. 
For the background on this story, see 
I will be representing fluoride choice at this Friday's health board meeting. If you are able to join me, that might make a difference in the vote's outcome. The meeting will be in the small conference room right next to the clerk's office. I know it's a work day, but standing room only would truly rock! 
Please forward to other Franklin residents who care about their medical rights. 
Rich Aucoin

"They're not all layoffs but they are degrading or reducing ... services"

"This budget has me very concerned," Town Councilor Tina Powderly said. "It's the same old story. It's death by 1,000 cuts. It's great the schools came in with a conservative budget, but they came in with a conservative budget because they cut 14 (positions)." 
In addition to the school jobs, Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting's recommended cuts include two police officers, two firefighters, four Department of Public Works jobs and 5.5 library jobs. 
The proposed $89.2 million budget represents a 1.2 percent increase over this year's $88.1 million budget. 
Cuts have to be made despite the budget going up due to decreased state aid (down about $300,000), local revenue (down about $200,000) and $2 million less in school stimulus money. About a 12 percent rise in health insurance costs and increased contracted salary hikes have led to a rise in the school budget, administrators have said. 
The town's Finance Committee is scheduled to continue its budget hearing today and Monday. The council's budget hearings are June 8 and 9.

Read more:

Franklin, MA

Garden Registration is Officially Open!

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Growing In Franklin by Franklin Community Gardens on 5/4/11

Calling all prospective Gardeners!

The wait is OVER!


Hop on over to the Franklin Rec page and sign up! click on the words  Online registration, below:

Community Garden
Sign up online for a plot to grow your own vegetables at the King Street Community Gardens.  Or volunteer to help out on Build Day (May 7, either 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm).  Register on our Online registration

Important: when the link opens, Click on "Register for Activities", then select "Community Garden".

How's it going to work? You ask.

Sign up for the lottery online, hurry up, get your name in or register for your community group because the deadline for the drawing is May 23rd at 3:00 p.m.  It is free to enter the lottery, winners will be responsible for the $40 per season charge for a plot.  A "plot" in this garden is actually a 4 foot by 10 foot by approx. 24" high raised bed, filled with a mix of organic compost and screened loam. The sides will be untreated spruce.

If you can not or choose not to do this online, you may go to the Franklin Recreation Department during business hours.

On Friday May 23rd, we will do the lottery drawing in public at the Franklin Community Garden Committee meeting held at the Franklin Municipal Bldg on East Central St, room 205, at 6:30 p.m.  You will be notified if you or your group was assigned a space, and you will be charged the $40.  You do not need to be present for the drawing, but there might be, like, cookies....Just saying.

The Garden's Official Opening Day is lined up for Saturday, May 28th, weather permitting.

Thank you to everyone who has helped bring this project closer to reality.  The major "pinch me" moment will come on Saturday morning, Build Day, but as I walked through King Street recently through the stakes and over to the water pipe and mentally surveyed the site, I about lost it.  Clicking on the Build Day sign up form and seeing new names---out of the woodwork, out of the ether---Names attached to People who will be digging and building and hauling and creating and making and growing and sharing. 

That is community building, my friends. Franklin, you totally rock.

If you are just hearing about this new community garden now, hope you can join us on Saturday, May 7th for Build Day.  Click on the top of this page to volunteer---Sign Up for Build Day---and meet us at the park on Saturday.

Things you can do from here:

We need your help for Build Day!

Hello everyone,
The first ever Franklin Community Garden is happening and we are full steam ahead.  We are building the 46 beds this Saturday, May 7th and we need your help! We will build them and then fill them up with that gorgeous soil!  There are two 3-hour shifts to choose from unless you want to help the whole day!  No amazing "building skills" required.  All the wood will be pre-cut, so if you know how to hold a piece of wood, then you are skilled enough to come help!
Hope to see you this Saturday to help make Franklin an even greener place!
In health and sawdust,
Franklin Community Gardens

Subscribe to the blog!
Yes, we are on Facebook.

Library updates

New Items April 2011

from Franklin Public Library 

New Children's Items April 2011

from Franklin Public Library 

One Book One Community

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"everyone calls us for everything that goes wrong"

"We've turned into a reactive department" he said, adding, "What else are we not going to respond to? If you had a break-in with no evidence left, do we even respond (or take information over the phone instead)?" 
Franklin's police force had 54 officer positions about 10 years ago but will drop to 43 officers after two officers are cut in fiscal 2012, Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting said. One position is already vacant and Nutting said he anticipates the other position will be vacated before the end of the fiscal year. 
Nutting's proposed $89.2 million town budget cuts more than 31 positions overall, including the two officers, 14.3 school positions, two firefighters, four Department of Public Works positions and 5.5 library jobs. The budget represents a 1.4 percent increase over this year's $88 million budget. 
Cuts have to be made despite the budget going up due to decreased state aid (down about $300,000), decreased local revenue (down about $200,000), a loss of about $2 million in stimulus funds, increases in health insurance costs (up about 12 percent) and increased contractual obligations.

Read more:

The Budget hearings will resume Thursday, May 5.

Results of the Budget hearing on Monday evening are contained here

Franklin, MA

In the News - Art, Leaders, Summer program

Franklin Art Association hosts spring art show

Young leaders honored at Tri-County in Franklin

Franklin schools to offer summer art programs

Franklin, MA

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Agenda - May 3, 2011

The Finance Committee continues their series of budget hearings on the Fiscal 2012 budget Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM. The department budgets scheduled to be reviewed are contained in the document shown here.

An anonymous commenter on the Milford Daily News has already stated "Cut until someone in a town job actually has to go home tired." This is your town, these are your services. Get informed. These are your choices to make.

FinCom Agenda 5/03/2011

Franklin, MA

"Obviously, it's a continued struggle"

Last night, leaders of the administrative, comptroller treasurer/collector, town clerk and planning departments explained how reduced clerical support could result in longer waiting times, delays in providing services and reduced office hours. Those departments - coupled with the legal, human resources and inspection departments - will lose hours that combined will total the equivalent of one position. 
"We don't want to close the office, but I can envision that if something comes up and someone is out (sick) there's no way we're going to stay open," Town Clerk Deborah Pellegri said. 
Planning Director Bryan Taberner said he would normally write five or six grant proposals in six months, but only anticipates completing two with the reduced staff. 
"In 2009 I probably spent 50 percent of my time on economic development (activities)," Taberner said. "I don't do more than half-a-day a week now."

Read more:

Budget hearings continue Tues May 3, 7:00 PM, and Thu, May 5 also at 7:00 PM.

Franklin, MA

Monday, May 2, 2011

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Agenda - May 2, 2011

The agenda document for the Finance Committee meeting Monday, May 2. This is the first of a series of budget hearings for the Fiscal Year 2012 budget. The fiscal year begins July 1, 2011 and ends June 30, 2012.

FinCom Agenda 05022011

Franklin, MA

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - May 4

A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 16, 2011




E. APPOINTMENTS - Historical Commission





1. Resolution 11-12: Order of Taking-Land Located on Colt Road and Washington Street
2. Resolution 11-13: Designation of “Special Municipal Employees” Under State Ethics Law
3. Resolution 11-14: Acceptance of Deed of Parcel 212-011, Pond Street Pursuant to G.L.
Chapter 60, Section 77C
4. Resolution 11-15: Acceptance of Deed of Parcel 212-012, Pond Street Pursuant to G.L.
Chapter 60, Section 77C
5. Resolution 11-16: Appropriation: Veterans’ Benefits
6. Resolution 11-17: Appropriation: Norfolk County Agricultural High School
7. Resolution 11-18: Appropriation: Debt & Interest
8. Resolution 11-19: Appropriation Snow & Ice Deficit
9. Resolution 11-20: Appropriation Personal Property Revaluation (3Yr)
10. Zoning Bylaw 11-652: Amendment to Chapter 185 §4. Districts Enumerated Zoning
– Referral to Planning Board
11. Bylaw 11-653: Amendment to Chapter 185 §7. Compliance Required Zoning
– Referral To Planning Board
12. Bylaw 11-654: Amendment to Chapter 185 §12. Schedule of Lot, Area, Frontage, Yard &
Height Requirements. – Referral to Planning Board
13. Zoning Bylaw 11-655: Amendment to Chapter 185 §2. Parking, Loading, and Driveway
Requirements, Subsection B - Referral to Planning Board
14. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 11-660: Amendment to Chapter 185 §45. L. (1) Administration
and Enforcement – Referral to Planning Board
15. Bylaw Amendment 11-659: Amendment to Chapter 135, Removal and Undergrounding of
Utility Poles and Overhead Wires and Structures – 2nd Reading




N. COUNCIL COMMENTS O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


Franklin, MA

In the News - cooking way

Bellingham students trying to cook their way to the White House

Franklin, MA

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Calling for the Pantry

$20 will feed your neighbor for a month.

Today through Tuesday evening, volunteers will be making phone calls to Franklin residents to raise money. If you are out and about, and miss the phone call you can still help by making a contribution.

You can write out a check and mail it to the Food Pantry:

Franklin Food Pantry
P.O. Box 116
Franklin, MA 02038-0116

If you would like to make a secure online donation you can do so here:


The Food Pantry and those we serve, thank you for your contribution!

The Franklin Food Pantry is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

We believe in the power of community. Our mission is to connect the resources needed to sustain a healthy life.

The Food Pantry website can be found here:

Franklin, MA

In the News - Bowling, Organ donors

Chad Dunbar Bowling Tournament to be held tomorrow


Franklin High students promote organ donation

Franklin, MA

Summer Art

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Lifelong Learning by Pandora Carlucci on 4/29/11

This summer Franklin Public Schools is offering the Summer Art Institute, which will be directed by Michael Caple. The Institute will meet Monday, June 27 through Friday, July 8 (no class on July 4) at the high school from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Students entering grades 7, 8 and 9 may choose from a variety of classes including:
Jewelry - Beginner and advanced students alike will enjoy this intensive introduction into all things jewelry making. Basic stringing and wire working will be covered to create unique, handmade earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Design will be a large focus. Materials used will include wire, chain, leather cord, clay, diamond glaze, and sheet metal. We will form, glaze, and fire our own beautiful ceramic beads, and pendants. We'll also learn metalworking techniques of texturizing and stamping using a variety of tools. Our final design will incorporate all techniques covered. Come create your jewelry collection.

Digital Photography - Students will learn how to use the camera as an art tool to create strong photographic compositions. Students will learn and use Adobe Photoshop to create and manipulate digital images. They will make high quality digital prints of their best work.

Drawing & Painting - Students will experiment with many different drawing strategies. They will review and learn about color different painting techniques, including watercolor and acrylic.

Ceramics - Students will learn basic ceramic hand-building techniques including pinch dot, slab, coil, score and slip through a variety of projects. Students will also be able to explore glaze and paint as a decorative finish for their artwork.

Graphic Design - This class focuses on the elements and principles of design that are used to create various artworks. Students will become familiar with Adobe Software including InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Students will create their own cartoon character, create a morphed and transformed self-image, and design their own insignia.

These five classes will be taught by FPS art faculty.

High school students entering grades 10, 11 and 12 may enroll in High School Portfolio Preparation/Open Studio. This class follows the same schedule as the middle school art classes and is designed to help students build both their skill level and their portfolio for possible entrance into a post-high school art program. This course will focus on drawing skills, but will also be individualized for each student. This is a great opportunity for students who think they may want to continue their education in the visual arts.

These classes have a variety of projects that meet the interests and needs of students who are new to art, as well as students who plan to make art part of their academic career. Come and be part of the fun!

For additional information and registration -
Telephone: 508-553-4814

Things you can do from here:

Sign up Form for Build Day!

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Growing In Franklin by Franklin Community Gardens on 4/28/11

Calling all Volunteers!
Sign up for Build Day!

Click on this link to open the registration form:


email us at

Things you can do from here:

Friday, April 29, 2011

"We feel like we made an excellent decision"

Franklin switched to a single-stream system in July under which residents combine paper, cardboard, glass and cans into a new 65-gallon container. Residents also received a new trash container. 
The town borrowed $800,000 to buy both the trash and recycling containers, a cost that will mostly be paid off by user fees. 
The grant reimburses Franklin for about 20 percent of the $400,000 cost for the recycling containers, helping the town repay that money sooner without raising fees, Department of Public Works Director Robert Cantoreggi said. 
Since the switch, the amount of material recycled has increased by 15 percent while the amount of trash has decreased by more than 18 percent, a trend Cooper said has been seen in many of the 70 Massachusetts communities that have adopted single-stream recycling programs since 2005. 
Franklin is expected to save more than $100,000 in disposal costs and earn $20,000 in new recycling revenue this fiscal year, statistics provided by Cooper's department show.

Read more:

State Rep Jim Vallee announced this grant earlier this week

Prior posts on the recycling series can be found here:

Franklin, MA

In the News - Dean College

Former Dean College students settle suit against officers

Franklin, MA

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reminder: Calling for the Pantry: Apr 30 - May 3

Volunteers for the Franklin Food Pantry will be calling residents of Franklin, MA as part of a fundraising effort during specific time periods from Apr 30 through May 3, 2011. The volunteers will be using the phone bank at Dean College to call residents on Saturday, Apr 30 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Sunday, May 1 from Noon to 4:00 PM. Monday, May 2 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Tuesday, May 3 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

The volunteers will announce that this is the first annual phone call fundraising effort for the Food Pantry. The Pantry is looking to raise funds to provide for the over 400 families it services each month. The Pantry is able to provide 5 meals for each $1 donated by leveraging the resources of the Greater Boston Food Bank, local supermarkets, local farmers and generosity of the Franklin community.

Donors will be asked to make their contribution via credit card, or to make a pledge. The pledge will result in regular mail sent to their address which can be returned via the mail with a check, or the check could be dropped off at the Pantry during operating hours.

As an alternative, donors can visit the Food Pantry website and make a secure transaction with their credit card via Google Checkout. The website can be found at

Note that the volunteer calls will appear as “Dean College” for those with caller ID.
The Food Pantry thanks Dean College for the gracious access to their phone bank for this fundraiser.

Volunteers to make the phone calls are still welcome. There are several time slots to choose from over the four day campaign. If you would like to help with this effort, please contact Maureen Roy.

Saturday, April 30th
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, May 1st
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Monday, May 2nd
6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, May 3rd
6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m

For additional information on the campaign, contact Maureen Roy at the Franklin Food Pantry. Telephone Number: 508-528-3115. Maureen can also be reached via email at

Web site address

We believe in the power of community. Our mission is to connect the resources needed to sustain a healthy life.

The Franklin Food Pantry was established in 1987. We provide supplemental food and non-food items to the needy in Franklin. The Food Pantry was housed in various temporary locations until June 2009 when thanks to the generosity and support of Rockland Trust, the Pantry moved to our current home at 43 West Central Street. The Franklin Food Pantry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Note: I have added a Food Pantry 'Donate button' on the Franklin Matters website. The button takes you through the process of making a donation to the Food Pantry directly. The same button can be found on the Food Pantry website.

Franklin, MA

"ready to tackle the issues"

"We want to ... really focus on what we think will make the biggest impact with the town," said Chairman Douglas Hardesty. 
Hardesty presented a list of priorities he compiled from brainstorming sessions with the current committee and items the previous Long Range Financial Planning Committee was unable to fully evaluate. 
The list includes projecting and evaluating retirement benefits, the high school project, the tax burden, efforts to change state legislation and road and other capital investments. 
"We want to take a problem and say (to the council or School Committee) here's your portfolio of options," committee member Greg DiMarzio said. 
The previous committee, comprised mostly of elected officials, produced a report that explained the town faced a structural deficit in which revenue growth was less than what was required to maintain services. They projected that, through 2014, expenses would grow faster than revenue by $7 million to 10 million.
Read more:

Prior meeting reports are available here

Franklin, MA

In the News - Fusion Fest, identity fraud, municipal guide, Historical Museum

1st Annual Franklin Fusion Fest planned

Franklin man indicted on 67 identity fraud charges

Franklin’s municipal guide on town website

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"architects realized the costs would be similar"

The state is expected to reimburse the town between 53 and 58 percent of the cost, leaving the town to fund $30.8 million, $40.8 million, $45.6 million or $38.5 million, respectively, depending on the option. 
Dorothy Miller, who has a son in middle school and another who is a sophomore, said she worried renovating the existing building would significantly disrupt classes.
School officials said a new school would be built on nearby fields while students attend class in the existing building.
In a renovation, "where would they put them?" said Robert Cloutier, 55, who has a son in eighth grade. "In the gym?" 
Cloutier said he worries about the cost, but said it's time to do something with the school, which was built in 1971. Project officials said it has outdated science labs, utilities systems and no elevators. 
Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting said during the meeting that a $35 million renovation would cost the owner of the average home valued at $360,000 an extra $235 a year while a $40 million model school would cost $265 a year, based upon current property values. A Proposition 2 1/2 debt exclusion override would need to be passed to pay for any of the options, most likely in the fall.

Read more:

The March School Building Committee meeting is available here

Franklin, MA

Downtown Partnership Networking Luncheon - Apr 29th

FDP Networking Luncheon - Friday, April 29th

1:00 at Dean College Campus Dining Hall $5.00 for all you can eat

RSVP Joel Carrara at

Franklin, MA

Raw Foods Cooking - this week at Whole Foods

Dont forget this weeks Raw Foods Cooking class. Thursday at Whole Foods Market Bellingham 6:30!! Who is coming??

I have a great guest speaker for this class. Sheryl Stone a graduate of the world famous Hippocrates Health Institute  
Sheryl is a Certified Health Educator, she works with individuals who want to lose weight and gain energy through changes in thier diet including, but not limited to, the raw vegan lifestyle. She specializes in raw desserts and not depriving youself of the foods you love!
Via email from Karen Ring, CPT / Health Coach / AADP, instructor at Whole Foods Market Bellingham

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Franklin, MA: School Committee - Agenda - 4/26/11

1. Routine Business
Citizen’s Comments
Review of Agenda
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the April 12, 2011 School Committee Meeting.
Payment of Bills Mr. Glynn
Payroll Mrs. Douglas
FHS Student Representatives
Correspondence: none

2. Guests/Presentations
a. New Administrators
b. FHS Students – Building Project (John Leighton, TBD)
c. FHS Building Committee – Tom Mercer
d. Summer Program/Community Outreach – Pandora Carlucci

3. Discussion Only Items
Food Service Program

4. Action Items
a. I recommend approval of the Budget Transfers as detailed.
b. I recommend acceptance of a check for $20.44 from Follett Educational Services for the Jefferson Elementary School.
c. I recommend the School Committee authorize the administration to develop an RFP that propose to seek bids to privatize the management portion of the Franklin Public Schools Food Service Program.
d. I recommend acceptance of a check for $500.00 from Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund for the FHS Swim boosters.
e. I recommend acceptance of a check for $428.57 from the RMS PCC for Field Trips.
f. I recommend acceptance of a check for $107.14 from the RMS PCC for Field Trips.
g. I recommend acceptance of a check for $252.00 from Wells Fargo for In-house enrichment for the FHS.

5. Information Matters
Superintendent’s Report

School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
School Committee Liaison Reports

6. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

7. Executive Session
Contractual Negotiations

8. Adjourn

Franklin, MA

Franklin residents urged go to meeting about school plans

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Brian Benson/Daily News staff on 4/25/11

School officials are encouraging residents to attend tonight's School Committee meeting to learn about the options being considered for renovating or building a new high school.

Things you can do from here:

Franklin to receive state recycling grant

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Brian Benson/Daily News staff on 4/25/11

State Rep. James E. Vallee, D-Franklin, announced today that Franklin will receive an $86,500 grant from the state Department of Environmental Protection to help offset the cost of wheeled bins the town purchased last summer when switching to a single-stream recycling program.

Things you can do from here:

Teen Advisory Board Meeting

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Franklin Public Library by Franklin Public Library on 4/25/11

Things you can do from here:

Monday, April 25, 2011

"doing her part to help future cancer patients"

"They gave me the self-confidence I needed," Longobardi said. "I knew right away when I got there that they would take care of me. I'm forever grateful and want to help (the hospital)." 
The clothes, adorned with the slogan "Fight like a Girl," are on sale at Frugal Fannie's, where Longobardi works as an apparel buyer. Frugal Fannie's co-owner Kathleen Doxer, who also had breast cancer and was treated at Beth Israel, jumped at the chance to sell the shirts, Longobardi said. 
Longobardi started last year with sweatshirts and has since added T-shirts. The T-shirts cost $9.95 and sweatshirts cost $19.95, 10 percent of which is donated to Beth Israel's BreastCare Center. They have sold more than 500 T-shirts and sweatshirts, she said. 
Her efforts are one of several projects undertaken by former cancer patients to give back to the hospital that are being recognized at Beth Israel's Evening of Giving celebration on Wednesday, said Jennifer DiFranco, the hospital's director of annual giving.

Read more:

Franklin, MA