Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bikes Not Bombs collection Saturday

The Bikes Not Bombs bicycle collection will be held rain or shine Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the parking lot of the Department of Public Works, 257 Fisher St.
Read the full story in the Milford Daily News

Franklin teen advocates bikes, not bombs

Monday, September 21, 2009

Harvest Festival recap

Sunday was a great day for the Harvest Festival in downtown Franklin! If you stayed home to flip between the Pats and the Red Sox, you missed a good time.

Outside Cafe Dolce, Random Play was turning out some good music. The Franklin Republican Town Committee tent was located right there. So close it was hard to have a conversation with the band playing so well.

In the photo above, Don Newton stepped the front with his wireless guitar.

On the triangle over the railroad bridge, Knuf Said was holding forth for their fans arrayed in the shade near their tent.

On Depot St, before heading in to the kids area, Mary Pat McSharry of Closet\and Storage Concepts had their new vehicle and table set up. Nothing like a smart car to show how smartly you can get organized!

I talked with Alan Mercer, Director of Advancement for the New England Center for the Performing Arts about the fund raising they are doing for their new facility to showcase what we know today as the Franklin School for Performing Arts.

I talked with Linda Waters of Back to Business about her new product: Confidence Beads. The website is coming soon.

In front of Rockland Trust, Nothing to No One was getting into their groove.

On such a glorious Sunday, the only real disappointment was in not finding many of the candidates for the Franklin Election in November. Glenn Jones (Town Council) had a tent down by the Post Office (an interview with Glenn is in draft). I did talk with Matt Kelly about setting time for his interview. I met Dan Ballinger for the first time. He may follow up to set up time for an interview with Franklin Matters. Bob Vallee was observed minding one of his grand-daughters. Roberta Trahan (School Committee) worked at the Downtown Partnership table. With no competition for the seven School Committee seats, I am not too worried about that part of the election. The Town Council is respectfully, the more important race this November. If other candidates were around, I missed them in my travels.

It was a real treat to walk down Main St without worrying about the traffic. 

Thanks to the efforts of all involved, especially the Downtown Partnership, the local businesses and vendors, the Franklin Police. This was a great event!

School Committee - Agenda - 9/22/09

1. Routine Business

Citizen’s Comments
Review of Agenda
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the September 8, 2009 School Committee Meeting.
Payment of Bills Mr. Kelly
Payroll Ms. Armenio
FHS Student Representatives

2. Guests/Presentations

a. Elementary School’s School Improvement Plans
1. Davis Thayer – Shirley Babcock
2. Jefferson – Jane Hyman
3. Keller – Mary Jane Wiles
4. Kennedy – Joan Toye
5. Parmenter – Judi Bassignani
6. Oak Street – Corine Minkle

b. Policy - Second Readings

1. GBAB Acceptable Use Policy
2. GBAB-E1 Acceptable Use Agreement 6-12
3. GBAB-E2 Acceptable Use Agreement K-5
4. JT Electronic Device Policy
5. JU Electronic Communication Policy

c. Lifelong Learning Update – Pandora Carlucci

3. Discussion Only Items
Budget to Actual

4. Action Items
a. I recommend adoption of Policy GBAB Acceptable Use
b. I recommend adoption of Policy GBAB-E1 Acceptable Use Agreement 6-12
c. I recommend adoption of Policy GBAB-E2 Acceptable Use Agreement K-5
d. I recommend adoption of Policy JT Electronic Device
e. I recommend adoption of Policy JU Electronic Communication
f. I recommend acceptance of a check for $117.86 from Target’s Take Charge of Education Program for the Annie Sullivan Middle School for In-house enrichment and supplies.
g. I recommend acceptance of a check for $1,000.00 from the Oak Street PCC for a 3rd grade field trip to Plimoth Plantation as detailed.
h. I recommend Acceptance of a check for $112.31 from Target’s Take Charge of Education Program for the Horace Mann Middle School.
i. I recommend adoption of Davis Thayer’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.
j. I recommend adoption of Jefferson’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.
k. I recommend adoption of Keller’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.
l. I recommend adoption of Kennedy’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.
m. I recommend adoption of Oak Street’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.
n. I recommend adoption of Parmenter’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.
5. Information Matters
Superintendent’s Report
a. H1N1 Update
b. English Language Learners
c. Coordinated Program Review
d. Students Leaving the District

School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
School Committee Liaison Reports

6. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

7. Executive Session
Contractual Negotiations

8. Adjourn

In the News - recycling contest

Contest to determine where recycling fees will go

from The Milford Daily News News RSS by Angel Roy/Daily News staff

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Harvest Festival today!

Come to downtown Franklin for the Harvest Festival, today

Sunday, Sep 20th - 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

In the News - youth mass, solar panels

Youth Mass at Franklin church fills the pews

from The Milford Daily News News RSS

Bellingham farm using solar panels to save on energy costs

from The Milford Daily News Homepage RSS

Pictures of the Trolley Crossing Farm solar panels were posted to the Franklin Area Climate Team blog here

The digital natives are restless

Wesley Fryer, writing on his blog "Moving at the Speed of Creativity" has a wonderful post this week:
These are my notes from Robyn Treyvaud’s workshop, “The Natives are Getting Restless: Growing Up and Learning in a Web 2.0 World” at the 21st Century Learning @ Hong Kong Conference on 18 September 2009. MY COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. Robyn is the author and owner of www.cybersafeworld.com. Her wiki on digital citizenship (created with WetPaint) is http://digicitizen-wiki.com.
You ca read the full post here.

There are two videos worth viewing within the post. One I have shared here previously. One is new to me and I will share here:

Recall the discussion at a recent School Committee meeting about limiting the electronic interactions between teachers and students.

What would you do to foster appropriate digital behavior?

Note: email subscribers should click through to view the video on the website.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

In the News - Dean grows, Harvest Festival, Pirelli

Dean to build performing arts center, dining hall

from The Milford Daily News News RSS


Franklin Harvest Festival is Sunday

from The Milford Daily News News RSS


Comedy night to raise funds to honor Franklin soldier who died

from The Milford Daily News Homepage RSS


Franklin's new "Express Line"

Subscribe to the Town News to receive an email update at least monthly.

This is what the first issue looks like:

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

You can subscribe to the Town's newsletter via this link

In the News - H1N1 video

Franklin makes H1N1 video

from Wicked Local Franklin News RSS

You can view the video on the Town website here

Friday, September 18, 2009

Franklin: Farmers Market

The Farmers Market is open today. One of the regular local farms represented is Tangerini's from Millis.

Tangerini's offers fresh produce at the stand on the Town Common each Friday. It also offers shares in their CSA program.

Franklin: Farmers Market, originally uploaded by shersteve.

What is a CSA?
Community supported agriculture. You buy a share in advance and can receive produce from the farm regularly. More information on this program which helps to support the farm's operation can be found on the Tangerini's web site here

Franklin: Anniversary Specials at Jane's Frames

Do you have some photos collecting dust that really should be displayed?

What about that award, why is it sitting in the drawer and not hanging on your wall?

Oh, you never got around to finding the proper frame for those items.

Franklin: Jane's Frames Specials, originally uploaded by shersteve.

Now is the time to visit Jane's Frames. Celebrating its 15th year operating in Franklin, there are daily specials that may just help you find the right frame for that photo or award.

There is still time this month to visit and ask about the daily specials.

Franklin: Cheryl Vendetti Benefit

There will be a chicken BBQ dinner and silent auction at the Franklin Rod & Gun Club to benefit Cheryl Vendetti.

Franklin: Cheryl Vendetti Benefit, originally uploaded by shersteve.

The event is scheduled for Saturday, Sep 20, from noon to 3:00 PM

Tickets are $20 and are available at
  • Ferrara's Market
  • Franklin Tire & Auto
  • The Rome Restaurant

Harvest Festival

Come to downtown Franklin for the Harvest Festival, Sunday, Sep 20th!

Sunday, Sep 20th - 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

In the News - seniors, casino, recipes

Addressing senior concerns in Franklin

from The Milford Daily News News RSS

Franklin Casino Night donations sought

from The Milford Daily News News RSS

Recipes sought for new St. Mary's Church cookbook

from The Milford Daily News News RSS

Thursday, September 17, 2009

In the News - charter proposals

Should you care about the Town Charter?

Does the US Constitution matter to you? It should. It provides the guidelines within which our Federal government operates. The first ten amendments to the Constitution are generally referred to as the "Bill of Rights". 

The Town Charter is the same document but focused on how our the local government will operate. The Preamble to the US Constitution reads:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The Preamble to our town charter reads:
We, the people of the Town of Franklin, Massachusetts, in order to form a more perfect community, reaffirm the customary and traditional liberties of the people with respect to the conduct of our local government and take fullest advantage of the Home Rule Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, do ordain and adopt this Home Rule Charter for our Town.

The Milford Daily News covers the charter discussion from the Town Council meeting here:

Franklin may make some positions appointed

from The Milford Daily News News RSS 

Town Council Mtg Smry 09/16/09

The live reporting for the Town Council meeting on Wednesday Sep 16, 2009 are collected here:

Secretary of Elder Affairs - visits Senior Center Thursday, Sep 17

Meet the Newly Appointed
Secretary of Elder Affairs,
Ann Hartstein
the Franklin Senior Center
Thursday, Sept. 17
At 12:30 p.m.

The public is welcome to attend to ask questions
and offer feedback
about elder issues!

Originally posted on the Town website (doc)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Live reporting - closing items



McGann - went to an Eagle Scout ceremony for three scouts at the Elks

What is the duty.legal option for dealing with a coyote. He has a number of coyotes coming up to his door, he doesn't want to loose his golden retriever to a coyote.

Doak - omitted from earlier report on the Charter Commission, did not look at the people currently in the position

Pfeffer - New Secretary of Elder Affairs will be at the Senior Center Thursday.

motion to adjourn - passed 8-0

Live reporting - Administrator's report


Thanks to everyone's patience, the roads that were to be paved, have now been, some stripping remains.

The first newsletter has been sent out via email. You can sign up at the Town Administrators web page.

Live cable show available for on-demand viewing on the H1N1 virus update.