Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Recap - Joint Budget Subcommittee meeting - Apr 12, 2021

Quick Recap:
  • This meeting was asked for as a result of the Town Council budget subcommittee (Mar 17, 2021) seeing a preview of the School Committee budget and yet not having anyone to ask questions about it. So this meeting is scheduled and a couple of 'little' questions are asked but they don’t ask the 'real' questions.
  • The Schools do not include Davis Thayer in their budget; students will leave in June, items will be moved from it to Keller (and potentially elsewhere in the district) as it gets emptied and cleaned prior to getting declared surplus. Superintendent Ahern is hesitant to declare a date that may be premature as much work on the transition to Keller remains to be done. The School Committee is planned to vote to declare the building surplus during the transition process.
  • Minimal maintenance amounts for the Davis Thayer building are in the town side of the budget and the Town would be happy if the School District took care of the other remaining materials in the school to handle that final disposition (or surplus for desk, books, etc.) before the Town takes over.
  • We do find out that the Town budget will be released on Friday, April 16 with plenty of supporting material. It will reflect a slight increase in new growth revenue and in local receipts over the amounts previewed at the aforementioned budget meeting. There is no use of the debt stabilization funds to balance. There is a possibility of a proposed fiscal policy to set aside a percent of free cash for debt stabilization to help avoid future budget issues.
Unlike most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes when listening to the audio recording of the meeting that I missed. 
  • Chair Matt Kelly opens meeting, reads protocol statement
  • FY 2022 budget discussion opens with TA Hellen providing an overview
  • An outcome from the previous TC budget subcommittee meeting to ensure all three groups are aligned
  • town administrator’s recommended budget being released on Friday April1 16, historical and supporting data being released with it to provide something to read over the school break
  • Participating: Supt Sara Ahern, School Comm Chair Anne Bergen, Vice Chair Denise Spencer, also Tim Keenan, Jen D’Angelo school committee members
  • Participating in Chambers: FinCom George Conley, Councilors Mercer and Pellegri.
  • Town Councilor Melanie Hamblen on remote, FinCom member Nicole Corbosiero and Susan Dewsnap on remote
  •  Q  - FinCom member George Conley - from the American Rescue Plan as released by the MMA site, has that been allocated and included in this budget?
  • A - Hellen - no, guidance coming from Treasury in May, the funds themselves possibly will be available in a similar time frame. Apparently, we’ll have 3 years to spend then but there has not yet been a discussion on how and where we would. The money  can be used for infrastructure and broadband, water, sewer, roads, etc. It can not be used to set aside for a rainy day, or to fund pension obligations. There will be an appendix in the budget to show and account for the CARES Act funds received during the pandemic last year.
  • Q - councilor Melanie Hamblen - some folks complain about the training provided. Could we have a list of how many, what kind of training provided.
  • Kelly - good idea
  • Q - FinCom Susan Dewsnap - since we saw your preview of the budget has there been any significant changes on the revenue forecast?
  • A - Jamie Hellen - yes, a couple - one we did use the 10 year average as a guide for new growth which will come in at about $1.1M (which is up over the preview) and we also added about $200K to the expected local receipts (over the preview). The Governor’s revenue number is still in the budget, while the House and Senate did agree to an increase in local aid last week, we don't yet know how that will play out. So that potential increase is not in our budget being released this week.
  • Q - FinCom Susan Dewsnap - we did have a small amount of budget stabilization funds, does the budget include any of that?
  • A - Jamie Hellen - no, it does not.
  • Q - Council Chair Tom Mercer - how are you carrying Davis Thayer in your budget? While you have indicated closing it, you java not yet declared it surplus so something must be keeping it active.
  • A - Supt Sara Ahern - yes, the school committee did vote to close Dave Thayer, there is a transition plan underway to account for the transition of the students to Keller. Most of the budget is for personnel and we have realized a savings of about $770K which is being reinvested within the district. As the school is still being used right now, she has not yet asked the School Committee to vote on it being declared surplus but anticipates that would be as part of the transition process.
  • A - Jamie adds, the town facilities budget will show minimal amounts for water and utilities in anticipation of it not being used. Also several of the buildings, Senior Center, Library, etc. which had been closed or mostly so will also reflect an increase in the facilities budget as those building return to use under the reopening process.
  • Q - Councilor Pellegri - why would we wait until the end of the year?
  • A - Supt Ahern - I don’t want to put out too premature a date when the facility is still being used. Once school is out the materials etc. will need to be moved to Keller or elsewhere within the district. We’ll also have some clean up to do as not everything will be going. We will move as quickly as we can, so it may be sooner than the end of the year.
  • Q - Councilor Pellegri - Jamie, any idea of the cost from June through the end of the year?
  • A - Jamie - specifically in the detail Mike D’Angelo has in the budget, don’t have that at finger tips but can share. It is accounted for in the budget. He would like for Miriam to handle most of the school furniture surplus process as she is more familiar with those items than the Town would. Kids get out June 22. It will take some weeks or months to move and clean out.  
  • Motion to adjourn

note, others may have participated but were either not acknowledged during the audio or spoke during the audio recording and hence missed in these notes.

"a rare opportunity—and a responsibility—to reimagine the path towards what I call “back to better”"

An excerpt from Senate President Karen Spilka's remarks to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, April 13, 2021: 

"I have been particularly struck by the statistics on the devastating effects COVID-19 has had on women in the workplace. Before the pandemic, women in Massachusetts were participating in the workforce at increasing rates, surpassing the national rate by 2019 – but the pandemic has brought women back to where they were after the 2009 recession. In fact, the percentage of women participating in the U.S. labor market in October 2020 was the lowest since 1988.

It is clear to me that if we wish to have a full and equitable recovery, we must take a close look at the factors that affect women’s employment, at every level and in every sector, and one clear factor that we must address is caregiving. In the same way that we learned to diversify our sectors after the last recession, we are now learning that we must support and strengthen the caregiving sector in Massachusetts so that we can support working families across the Commonwealth.

Almost exactly one year ago today, I appeared before this Chamber, in what was your first ever virtual forum, if you can believe it, and declared that childcare was as important to our infrastructure as roads and bridges in getting people back to work. The struggles of the past year have borne this out, which is why I have pushed the Legislature to begin to address the need for childcare, including providing for emergency childcare for essential workers, increasing rates for early education providers, and dedicating $40 million for a new reserve to cover parent fees for those receiving subsidized childcare. We also established the Early Education and Care Economic Review Commission to review childcare funding and make recommendations on policy changes to expand access.

With the promise of over $500 million in federal funding through the American Rescue Plan, we are well-poised to make more strides in making childcare more accessible and affordable, and I look forward to working with all of you to dedicate our best thinking towards tackling this problem, both in the public and private sectors.

But childcare is just one piece of what many are calling a “caregiving crisis”–a storm that has been brewing on our horizon for a few years, but which COVID-19 has turned into a full-blown tsunami. Many people, mostly women, who work in non-caregiving professions, but are sandwiched between aging parents and growing children, have dropped out of the workforce in alarming numbers to care for those who rely on them, while too many Black and brown women who work in caregiving professions have been crushed by the job losses of the economic downturn, with devastating results for their families and communities. As we all feel the squeeze of this caregiving crisis, is it any surprise that we are facing a mental health crisis as well?

But this is Massachusetts, my friends, and I know we can do better. "

Continue reading the full text of Senate President Spilka's remarks 

"a rare opportunity—and a responsibility—to reimagine the path towards what I call “back to better”"
"a rare opportunity—and a responsibility—to reimagine the path towards what I call “back to better”"

Karl E. Backlund Sr. - obituary

You may recall the request last week to connect relatives of Karl Backlund with Ed Beksha. The community responded quickly to make the connection. Karl's obituary is now posted and shared here.
"It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Karl E. Backlund Sr, who left this world for his next big adventure on April third at the age of 78.
Karl E. Backlund Sr

A native of West Wrentham, Karl led a storied life with strong connections to his local community. He was many things, a member of the American Legion, a Boy scout leader, a talented woodworker, a collector, a fisherman, but most importantly a husband, father, grandfather, and good friend. After graduating from King Philip High School, he served his country proudly as a member of the United States Army before marrying his wife Sandra and raising their three kids: Karl, Kirk and Kim.
Karl was a wealth of knowledge and was never afraid to speak his mind. He lived his life on his own terms, always stubbornly committed to making sure things were done the "right" way. Although his approach could be intense, those who worked with him and for him gained from the experience. A generous man, Karl welcomed all who came to his door and was always willing to help both friends and strangers."
Continue reading the obituary online

MA Vehicle inspection extended again

"Massachusetts drivers with expired inspection stickers from March and April will now have until the end of May to get a new one, as the state’s inspection system remains down due to a malware attack on its software contractor.

The Tuesday announcement marks both an expansion and an extension of the grace period that officials instituted due to the ongoing technical issues, which previously allowed motorists whose annual inspections expired in March an extra month to renew. Now, drivers with expired March or April stickers will get until May 31.

The state has said it expects the system, provided by Wisconsin-based Applus Technologies, to be back online by this weekend. But the extension would still likely be a help to motorists, as there is sure to be huge backlog of vehicles in need of new stickers. Thousands of inspections happen across the state on a typical day, and the system has now been down for more than two weeks."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Franklin, MA: School budget changes for FY 2022

The school budget changes scheduled for vote tonight at the School Committee meeting, Apr 13, 2021.

The full agenda can be found here

The preview of this budget can be heard here

FM #511 - Talk Franklin - 04/09/21 (audio)

FM #511 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 511 in the series.
This session of the radio show shares my "Talk Franklin" conversation with Town Administrator Jamie Hellen and Marketing and Communications Specialist Anne Marie Tracey. We had our conversation via conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

We talk about: 
Grants received
        Housing, Fire dept, Popup marketing
Community Preservation Committee got an update on open space 
Economic Development SubComm
Business guide released
Ladybug trail by Franklin Downtown Partnership
Town Council meeting
long list of legislation items
Capital budget, street acceptances, food truck permit fee
Joint Budget SubComm – Apr 12
School Committee budget – Apr 13
Town Council outlook for Apr 14
Storm water art contest
ArtWalk by Cultural District
Hybrid events at THE BLACK BOX

Links to the key topics covered here are included in the show notes. The recording runs about 36 minutes, so let’s listen to my conversation with Jamie and Anne Marie.  Audio file =


Town of Franklin budget page 
Franklin Schools budget page 

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( 
This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit  or
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com
The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.
I hope you enjoy!
You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"
FM #511 - Talk Franklin - 04/09/21 (audio)
FM #511 - Talk Franklin - 04/09/21 (audio)

MRN Diagnostics offering free EUA approved rapid COVID antigen and PCR testing

MRN Diagnostics is now offering free EUA approved rapid COVID antigen and PCR testing to anyone in our community with any types of respiratory symptoms over the last 7 days.  This includes employees of all businesses, town offices and others in Franklin and the surrounding towns.  This is only for people with current Respiratory Symptoms.

We will interview the individual for basic information about their symptoms and onset (5 min) and then collect 2 swabs for our FDA studies and their free test.  These are simple swabs in the front of the nose and antigen results will be provided within an hour of testing and confirmatory PCR testing within 48 hours. 

This sample collection is Investigational Review Board Approved for safety and patient consent will also be required at the time of collection. To schedule a free test please contact Janet at 508 384-0033 and she will book your reservation.

MRN Diagnostics is a Franklin based company located in at 101 Constitution Blvd. For more info about MRN, you can visit them on the internet at

MRN Diagnostics offering free EUA approved rapid COVID antigen and PCR testing
MRN Diagnostics offering free EUA approved rapid COVID antigen and PCR testing