Tuesday, May 27, 2008

School Committee - override reductions

In the event of the override not passing, the cuts were not previously announced in specific for a couple of reasons (1) notification to the teachers needed to occur first (2) to avoid "scare tactic".

Will not know until evening of the 10th what will happen but the high school is preparing two schedules; one with the override passing and one if the override fails.

Listing provided of the specific positions (to be posted soon)

high school class size will run 28-30
middle school
elementary schools some classes can go as high as 28-30 in specific grades

Ogden - FHS accreditation will be looked on "unkindly" with 17 positions being removed from the school. You can't predict what they will do. However it is likely there will be some adverse action.

Gould - transition to high school is the most important thing to protect, a "sacred cow"

class size discussion, most classes are going to be exceeding the range, not just on the high end of the ranges (if the override fails)

Gould - Franklin has done well at protecting the school instructional side, there is nothing else to cut. The FHS supplies budget is less than it was in 2001 and this is with an increase in students since 2001.

Mullen - would cutting French V affect the college placement for the seniors?
Gould - possibly. Students have to go somewhere, the electives can go higher. "Under Ed Reform, you can not have study halls. You have time to learn measurements."

Cafasso - could you get some others to assist with some of the journalism or public speaking?
Gould - they would need to be certified according to the state


School Committee - budget to actual

Miriam Goodman
clarification of the $1.8M that appears to unencumbered is actually being planned to be used within the budget for items that are already required

line item currently in deficit was usually covered by the Medicaid revenue which the schools are not getting this year. the budget for FY 09 has been adjusted accordingly. If the schools do get the Medicaid funds, there will be further adjustments.

Roy - facilities budgets question from Town Council meeting earlier? Is there a "slush" fund there as claimed by one Town Councilor.
Miriam will look into the numbers in detail but they are running into deficits at first glance


Finance Administrator goals
Miriam is comfortable with them

School Committee - FHS handbooks

Pam Gould, FHS Principal, discussing the high school handbook
memo to committee highlighting the changes, relatively small amount but a good time spent reviewing the whole handbook

tardiness - allowing some leeway for the vice principals to listen to the students explanation before making the decision

cell phones and iPods moved to a whole new section

drug and alcohol policy, there was not clarity around the policy
the MIAA had guidelines for the athletes but there was not something similar for the other students
1st offense - 5 day out of school suspension and a 45 day (term) social probation
looking to add an option of a contract with the principal with random drug and alcohol testing and counseling

sounds like a very reasonable proposal to address the real issue behind the problem
did use the contract in a previous position, had only one failure with one student who had significant problems

Armenio - pushing on the attendance policy
Gould - the rules need to be tightened in some cases, most of the students would not be in these scenarios, if there are exceptions, I can change the record

Armenio - troubled by DPH guidelines
Gould - agrees that there is room for improvement at the DPH

Roy - has a beef with the parent note not being accepted as an excused absence, partially due to the School Committee policy reference differences (JH vs. what is referenced as approved in 1999)
Gould - disagrees, she attempting to put the state rule in this handbook

Roy - concerned with the pattern
Gould - would it be amenable to provide a couple of "freebies" per quarter?
Roy - yes, it would be

Roy - chain of command policy should be in all handbooks

Gould - putting policy into the 7 Habits diary that is given to the 9th graders


School Committee - live reporting

called to order at 7:45 PM

reason for delayed start due to last week's Tuesday mishap with the scheduling

Matt Kelly absent

minutes approved for May 13th, one abstention

Seniors graduate this Friday, Juniors now rule the school with more room in the halls

Horace Mann Rube Goldberg competition
3 hours to build machine, came in 11 of 27 teams
certificates for each student who participated
bubble needed to float 5 seconds in the air
15 transfers required
first team from Horace Mann to participate


Oak Street stock market essay winner
funded through FEF grant
1st at Boston Globe, 7th in nation
- Austen Sholudko -

Michele Kingsland-Smith
presentation on District Literacy Initiative

goal - develop a philosophical and instructional vision for literacy

1 - What do we want students to know and be able to do?
core expectations were identified as
  • read widely
  • read strategically
  • think critically and creatively
  • communicate effectively
2 - How will we know when/if students have meet these expectations?
not a small task

3 - What is exemplary literacy instruction?
need to expand the team, focus on K-8 and work up

Team challenges
amongst them, differences in instructional philosophy around the district

Literacy vision developed

assessment planning on-going

- wonderful approach, how is this going to be done with an increase in class size under the scenario with a failed override? - my two cents

Cafasso - can we bring this down to the household level? where do the reading lists and required texts fit in?

Michele - bed & breakfast analogy, what are the essentials? it is easy to by a program but it is a one size fits all. "Hopefully parents will see greater enthusiasm, a greater variety of materials"

Town Council - Budget hearing - after recess

Going back to the elected officials item
raise was an average 2.1%
elected officials got 2%

Mason, "amounts to a token increase"

motion made to increase salary treasurer/collector , passed 7-2

motion mode to increase town clerk, passed 7-2

motion made on downtown planner, 5 yes 3 no 1 abstain

motion on adoption of town budget for FY 09

motion passed unanimously

Doak "budget time trying to choose between least bad options"
need to think seriously about what kind of town we want to live in

Pfeffer explains why she was driving in the parade

Bartlett outlook on budget has changed, impressed with effort on part of all in the town
"I can find no waste and believe me I have looked"
"need to tackle much harder redundancies due to state and local requirements"

motion to adjourn

Town Council - Public Hearing on FY 09 Budget

These are notes taken during the meeting and published live... they will be updated as the evening progresses.

Clerk reading budget line items, anyone can put an item on hold for further discussion

Doak arrives at 6:06; Whalen and Zollo still not here

Instructions on motion or release of hold for the items that were held

Mason hold on Treasurer/Collectors Salary
opened a can of worms here, Jeff and Susan aren't in agreement on the timing of the 2 vs. 2.5 percent increase
Bartlett, willing to reconsider but would like the confusion resolved before she makes up her mind
Doak supports the 2.5 percent that was previously voted
- Zollo arrives -
Feeley explains that the elected officials are not entitled to merit or step increases
Doak clarifies his position to review the elected officials on an annual basis

moving on while the item is clarified

Bartlett motion to reduce planning and growth management salaries
effectively removing the downtown manager position

- Whalen arrives to complete council attendance -

McGann speaking against motion
Nutting clarifying that the position is going to be needed and used as the downtown planning progresses in response to Zollo question; can be reviewed next year
Zollo speaking for the position, does need to have the position justified but shouldn't be terminated prematurely
Doak concerned about the overall Planning Dept increase of 13%
Doak challenges McGann's reckless comment to save us all some time by identifying the "waste in this budget"
motion failed 4-4 with one abstention
new motion
second failed same vote
determined to come back to this item

Vallee speaking for the addition of 2 police officers
"not providing adequate safety for our citizens"
making motion to add 2 positions with commensurate salaries
Jeff makes technical amendment to make the salaries and expenses align properly
Vallee approves of the amendment
money to come from the stabilization fund
Doak agrees with the justification but not with the money coming from the stabilization fund
Whalen agrees also with Vallee's sentiment on safety
Whalen also takes on McGann's comment on "waste in the budget"
"as a community we have to come with a plan"
Nutting saying with 40 plus teachers going out the door, adding two here is not good
"tough thing to do at this point"

"3 years in a row the department waived raises"
McGann will back Vallee on this
Bartlett "can't support hiring unless we are falling apart at the seams"
Zollo "this conversation underscores the seriousness that the citizens need to understand"
"We are the least taxed, understaffed in every department, too late to repair after breaking at the seams"
"What type of community do I want to live in?"
"Commends chair for coming up with group to study and develop the multi-year plan"

Jim Roche, put forth increase to override to cover the increase for Fire and Police
should rename the stabilization fund as the "emergency repair and replacement fund"

Pfeffer thought she found a million dollars by using the revenue from the 4 Corners building but that would only free about 100,000 dollars of operating revenue
motion to add the police failed at 7-2 vote

Dept 300 - Town Schools
the budget item seems to include the transfer of the support staff yet there is no MOA, there is no hearing by the Town Council, there is no number crunching as requested by Councilor Zollo
the budget does not include the $5.4M for the facilities consolidation

Doak, without memorandum in place are we exposed if we proceed down the way
Nutting what has to happen, town has two actions, school committee has to approve
Nutting "have to meet the net school spending"
should make it now or next year, not practical to do in October

Whalen concerned
Vallee wants an answer
Pfeffer doesn't understand either

Rohrbach disagrees with the budget subcommittee statement that Feeley made about the budget dollars

Roy stating the case for the School Committee/Department maintaining
This proposal will not save the town money, this proposal will cost money
It is a good idea to explore, let the planning committee explore those opportunities
Why can't we wait until the memo is done?

Armenio budget subcommittee member, present at the meeting
MOU would be put together and then the budget would be discussed

Cafasso was put on hold previously to not confuse the override last year
under the state law, the school principals have authority over whoever works in the school
a transfer could take place mid-year

Feeley motion to accept town administrator's version of the budget (giving the town the building management)

Nutting restating the prior arguments
Nutting won't give an answer to Zollo's question

Vallee consolidate to save money
Is that item overspent or underspent? It makes him suspicious.

motion approved unanimously



TUESDAY MAY 27, 2008

6:00 PM