Tuesday, June 24, 2008

live reporting - Action items

Action Items:
1. I recommend acceptance of $13.50 from Kaitlyn Simmons & Corinne Lewis, raised from their lemonade stand for the Oak Street Elementary School Gift Account.
approved 7-0

2. I recommend acceptance of a check for $285.00 from Lifetouch Pictures for the Future Enrichment Programs at ECDC.
approved 7-0

3. I recommend approval of the request of FHS teachers Jackie Eckhardt and Debbie Murphy for the annual trip to Spain for the summer of 2009.
approved 7-0

4. I recommend adoption of the revised 2009-2010 School Calendar
approved 6-1

5. I recommend adoption of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Jeff Roy - school department lawyers were not required to work out the issues on the MOU, this covers most of the items raised in the previous meeting, not perfect but a good ways along, can still be modified as it goes

Cafasso questioned to make sure the heating utilities were being covered by the town given the discussion about the Brick school

hopes that the principals are vigilant and report back to us if things do not go smoothly

Jeff Roy - did get the clause to state that the principals will retain level of control over personnel in their buildings

Rohrbach - hope this goes smoothly, hopes that this does generate some cost savings

approved: 7-0

6. I recommend adoption of the Consolidation Plan.
approved: 7-0

7. I recommend the increase to $325.00 per year for the Pay-to-Ride Program.
approved: 7-0

live reporting - FY 08, Brick closes

Miriam will be bringing the school year to a close with the budget coming in where it needs to be, no surprises

Brick school was not in the budget

needing to put students with disabilities in two places instead of just one
principal agrees with the placement in this way
makes it more efficient to have the two classrooms in Davis Thayer

no one on the committee is happy about not having the Brick school in the budget
in difficult budget times extremely hard to continue that operation
building use subcommittee needs to look at and make a good use of

Allocation of $180,000 - 3 teachers come back

With the additional funds from the athletic funds that were in the budget and not currently encumbered, the budget subcommittee decided to use it to return three teachers from the 45 layoffs, likely at the elementary level

biggest impact of cuts were at the elementary level
school principals got together to come up with a recommendation

Proposed to add back at
Keller - one grade 4
Oak - one grade 3
Kennedy - one grade 2
class sizes were slated to be 28-30

would now reduce the overall teacher layoffs from 45 to 42

Cora Armenio -
The reduction at the high school of 17 teachers, already on warning for that situation
Would 3 make a difference for this status?

Sabolinski -
Maybe, but with the positions already cut and courses already reduced
there is still the facility issue

the importance of the elementary levels is where it all starts
literacy is important
high schoolers will get into larger class sizes in college

Jeff Roy -
Miriam Goodman has currently allocated a budget of 49,760,242
She adds the 180,000 and comes back with the new budget of 49,940,242
with a full line by line accounting so we can vote that budget in July

Ed Cafasso -
can you enunciate a little better about how these three are being re-allocated so we can create a better understanding of what these decisions are and why we are making them

tried to get a close to the school committee guidelines as possible, we would need more teachers to make a better decision

Maureen Sabolinski -
So to clarify the principals can move forward and start to fill those positions

Jeff Roy

the final FY09 budget will be ready for vote in July

live reporting - late bus

Sabolinski -
Exploring options, will have another update in late July
GATRA is one alternative being looked at
current bus service from Holmes is also being looked at

If GATRA is willing to be a partner, there are needs to be fulfilled particularly for the kids, especially from the high school based upon the survey results

Jeff Roy - "happy to hear that you are committed to find a way to have some way to get the kids home"

GATRA is only $.50 versus the late bus at $1.00, could be better for the families involved

looking at Holmes for a "pay for use"
kids who opted for "pay to ride" rode the late bus free
pay to ride does cover a two-way fee, this would then be a third charge

Live reporting - school choice, Pay-to-ride

School choice
previous decision to continue to with school choice
early applicants were notified of not guaranteeing slots
40 overall - 23 in K, the remainder is sprinkled amongst the other grades
76 enrolled in school choice last year, 61 returning, 5 graduated, 10 others left for other reasons, bulk not going to Grade 1 (they came here for K).

have 23 applications for K, would have to do a lottery to chose possibly 10-12
have not publicly held the lottery but could do that to generate some publicity

decision from budget subcommittee to keep any extra funds in the School Choice amount (approx $120K) for a contingency
there are a number of items that it could be used for, instead of a recurring cost (i.e. text books, school supplies, etc.)

anticipating a reduction in revenues for next year as only 61 students are returning which would provide about $300,000 in revenue

Ed Cafasso "one quarter of one percent, a good idea to keep that money unencumbered"

Jeff Roy
"school choice is only offered on a space available basis "

Pay to Ride
616 applications as of Friday, 860 as of this morning
920 applications as of end of day today, last year about 1800 total
on target to where we were last year at this time

seat guaranteed to those with application submitted by June 27th; after that, no guarantee
people moving in do get some slots held for them, others will go to the wait list

Ed Cafasso - would be good to do a survey of the Pay-to-Ride to find out why they use the service
get an idea of routes and schedules in August, before school opens, to try an head off some issues like what occurred last year

Maureen Sabolinski - some parents disagreed with the Franklin Police assessment, that is not a decision the Central Office makes (on bus turn points)

Live reporting - budget effects

3. Discussion Only Items
• Budget to Actual
• Override Ramifications

Current Budget Number

Level funded $54,626,000
plus Additional Rev 830,000

subtotal $55,456,000

less Facilities Consolidation $5,515,758

equals the FY 09 Budget $49,948,242

$3.1 Million less than the level service budget of FY 08
really 2.8 less as another $300,000 will be coming to the schools from the Medicaid reimbursement

- Personnel Changes
teachers were notified for non-renewal during May

in total 74 teachers leaving the district for a variety of reasons, 28 positions will be filled
the others were cut due to the budget changes
there are turnovers in other positions that are funded and need to be filled

45 teachers were notified, there is no shell game

FHS over reduced their number of teachers to add an additional counselor

Jeff Roy
all teacher notices given in May, two reasons
1 - give an advantage to find jobs where they could
2 - to the extent that they can find jobs, that would be a reduction in the unemployment costs the Town would face

The district will look different in the fall

School Committee meeting - live reporting

1. Routine Business
• Citizen’s Comments - none

• Review of Agenda - no changes

• Minutes:
I recommend approval of the minutes from the June 10, 2008 School Committee Meeting.
approved unanimously

• Payment of Bills Mr. Kelly

• Payroll Ms. Armenio

• FHS Student Representatives
enjoying their summer vacation

• Correspondence:

2. Guests/Presentations:
a. Tamatha Bibbo – Recognition
of 10 years service at Franklin High School