Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Live reporting - modular status

Modulars were put into place in 1998 and are coming up on 10 years service, some of them have been used all through the year.

The high school modulars get more of an impact than those in the elementary schools

Leakage in the roofs has required replacement of full walls. A bug infestation was found and corrected. Some doors can't be opened in the winter at Parmenter (due to the temperature change).

If we removed the modulars, where would the students go?
With the reduction in staff last year, the rooms were used by art and special subjects where they were roving within the buildings before.

The high school has room to move what they have housed currently within the full building. Davis Thayer could take down the modulars and utilize two classrooms within the building.
Parmenter would have an issue if they were to loose their modulars. An OT/PT room is currently housed there. Even if the function were moved to another school, the population at Parmenter needs those services.

Replacing the roof is not an economic choice, the roof would outlast the modular.
Looking for direction from the committe before going further with the building committee.

Cafasso - there was a lot of shock and awe amongst the professionals at the FHS tour tonight. The subcommittee's report helps to fill in the needs of the district.

Armenio - This speaks to the current school population and staffing levels, with any increases,there will be additional problems in the next couple of years. It would be worthwhile to take them down. Some of the modulars are the largest classrooms in the building.

Live reporting - Strategic Planning Steering Committee

  • Strategic Planning Steering Committee
R A Gosh
R Danough
S Rohrbach
A Crean
J Bassignati
S Sherlock
P Sweeney

total of 15 with 9 committed thus far, others in process of confirming

to start in November

(will check spelling of names later)

sample field house advertising banner size


sample banner size for advertising in the Franklin High School field house

this banner is 3' x 5', the proposed size would be 4' x 6'

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Live reporting - field house advertising approved

  • Advertising in the Field House
Brad Sidwell, Athletic Director

The 3 x 5 in the committee meeting is smaller than the 4 x 6 that would be used.
Hung from the ceiling in the field house

Approx 40,000 as a rough estimate would view the banners amongst the visitors for basketball, volleyball, indoor track and the multiple other events that are held there.

Discussion on inclusion the phone number on the banner, would you loose opportunity if you exclude it?

Banner approval including the School Committee chair, to view how it works during the early days, should have a good view on it before it goes up, likely not necessarily to be done long term

Want to be flexible with minimum three months with the year a preferred period. Rates adjust downward to cover the three months.

We can reach out to the Downtown Partnership, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.

During the subcommittee meetings, we discussed that we would use the revenue to offset the costs of athletics. Should we consider putting this into a general revenue account or just for sports?

Policy KCD does not apply here as this is selling a service. The use of the revenues to supplant the budget could come under KCD if the advertiser would like to designate how the funds were to be used. By having the school committee dictate the fund allocation, we avoid the issue of the conflict with policy KCD.

The 6 month pilot would expire in early April just about budget time. The pilot would provide input to the policy and budget committee for how we would do the future.

Motion to accept recommendation of subcommittee, removing the phone number prohibition, and restricting a single advertiser to 2 banners.

Approved 6 - 0

Live reporting - discussion only items

3. Discussion Only Items
  • Budget to Actual - no questions
  • Discussion of Superintendent Candidacy
Roy - I will wholeheartedly endorse your candidacy. I am glad we can say that we helped to grow from within the district. Why take taxpayer dollars and go out with a nationwide search and possibly end up with as fine a candidate that we have.

Armenio - You have been here many years and over your multiple roles have grown with the district. Why not earlier? Wayne has been your mentor and groomed you for this. The times have changed. This is not the district that it was a few years ago.

Cafasso - While there has been scholastic progress, there are other problems to be faced, re-districting amongst them. Need to have someone who understands the community and the staff to help us tackle these challenges.

Mullen - I also endorse Maureen for this role. Her sense of Franklin and how much she enjoyed having her kids go through the system. Her work ethic is tremendous.

Rohrbach - not to be repetitive but I will endorse your candidacy. You have a broad knowledge of the district, the students, the community. We may not be able to get "good to great" right now but there are pockets where we can still make progress.

Trahan - Being the last in the line, not a whole lot more to add.

Motion - to enter into negotiations with Maureen Sabolinski to be the next Superintedent of the Franklin Public School District

Aproved 6 - 0

Live reporting - Horace Mann binder program

Dr Anne Bergen, Horace Mann Principal; Chandler Creedon, Guidence Counselor; Jess (student)

The binder program is being piloted. It developed from an observed problem with time management, task management, approached targeting the special ed students first, then determined that this could go across all the students, presented to the PCC to gain their input. Color coded for similar subject matter across the grades. Consistency strived for. They trained a core group of students over the summer in the use to help share the training with the other students as they came in September.

Jess - a place for everything, easy to find for each class, comes with a homework pad, do the homework and then put it into the folder. Con - breaks really easily. Rings would brake open. Top and bottom would wear. Some of the folders would tear (need reinforcements for the holes). Focus group held to get feedback on the overall concept and actual experience. Durability needs to be worked on.

Dr Anne Bergen - a team of 8th graders putting together a binder workgroup

Chandler Creedon - the team will use duct tape in colors to match the folders to reinforce the edges and then hole punch to make the folders more sturdy

Live reporting - School Committee 10/28/08

Attending: Armenio, Cafasso, Mullen, Roy, Rohrbach, Trahan
Not attending: Kelly

1. Routine Business
  • Citizen’s Comments - none
  • Review of Agenda - add discussion of space needs for modular units
  • Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the October 14, 2008 School Committee Meeting. Approved 6 - 0

  • Payment of Bills Mr. Kelly
  • Payroll Ms. Armenio
  • FHS Student Representatives
Sat 11/29/08 - Jr Miss Performance at Horace Mann