Saturday, October 9, 2010

In the News - QintinQ armor

Franklin company's net armor saving lives in Afghanistan


Soldiers reported the netting-style armor, which was recently installed on their new all-terrain vehicles, worked exactly as advertised when they were ambushed by insurgents in the Ghazni province during a patrol.
The platoon's story was told in a newsletter article written by U.S. Army 1st Lt. R.J. Peek, which caught the attention of employees at the QinetiQ facility in Franklin where the protective net was manufactured.
"We were absolutely thrilled to get the news, seeing as this is one of our most exciting products," said Andrew Rogers, group director for QintiQ North America's survivability division.

Read the full article on the Milford Daily News with the link above. Visit the QintiQ company website here:

Franklin, MA

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mr. Lemon Hero or Villian?

Franklin Matters is happy to introduce our new monthly feature “Voices of Franklin”; each month we will be unleashing Lydia Dustin into the community to track down and interview some of Franklin’s most fascinating people.
For my first interview I sat down with one of Franklin’s most controversial characters.  None other than Franklin’s most popular ice cream man Mr. Lemon.   Mr. Lemon, his name elicits strong reactions. The kid’s hear his musical truck and burst into squeals of delight. Parents on the other hand hear his cheery tune and want to burst into a string of expletives. Mr. Lemon is he a hero or villain? Love him or hate him I sat down to get to know the real man behind the mystery.  
I sat down with Mr. Lemon at my kitchen table. His familiar yellow and green truck parked in front of my house. With the neighborhood kids swarming around outside like bees I got right to business.
Mr. Lemon, do you know that you are one of the most beloved and at the same time disliked people in Franklin?
I have actually heard and witnessed this tenfold. Children always run up to me and parents always give me like a pretty evil scowl whenever they see me. Don’t get me wrong, some parents actually enjoy my company. But, some of the parents…start to get aggravated that I am always around. It’s money out of their pocket and it’s sugar into their children.
Being a parent I will tell you that parents do discuss you. You are a popular topic at bus stops and play grounds. A lot of families feel that you actually stalk them because you show up everywhere they go, including their homes. You seem to magically be able to be in more than one place at the same time.  Which made me wonder if you do seriously posses super human powers that make it possible for you to be all around Franklin at the same time?
I can not confirm nor deny those allegations.
I see. Do you have any other super human powers that you can share with us?
I have the power to make children love me.
That’s a wonderful power to have.
That is a wonderful power to have, but sadly it doesn’t work on the adults.
Do you have a loyal sidekick?
No I don’t.
Do you have an evil nemesis?
Yes I do.
Oh you do?
Yes, Juniper Farms. Yes, they are my nemesis.
Do they have an ice cream truck as well?
Yes they do.
I have never heard of them.
They have a blue truck that drives around Franklin, although they have not been around lately.
Have you thwarted their evil plans?
I have. I have shown up to locations before them and have devastated their business, several times over and over…Not to be cruel, but business is business.
Is there any substance that weakens your super powers, like Kryptonite?
Yes. The sun! I am a fat kid running a marathon in that truck it’s horrible…I am pushing 300 pounds and the temperature in that truck can get between 100 to 113 degrees. 
That’s terrible.
I am literally driving an Easy Bake Oven.
You are baking in an oven yet the ice cream is chilling in frosty coolers? Can’t you make a big cooler for yourself and sit in there like the ice cream?
No. I wish I could. I shove my head in the cooler every now and then. 
This is an incredible oxymoron you suffer in the heat in order to provide cold refreshments to others?
Yes. It’s a bitter sweet irony.
You are a true super hero. You sacrifice your comfort and even your health to bring our children ice cream treats. You risk your life for our children’s happiness. Sniff sniff Shame on all us parents!
I know. If only they understand the torture I go through to make their children happy.
We are lucky to have had an ice cream man like you. Sadly we are having this interview because this is your last day of work.
Will we be seeing you next summer?
No. I’m going to concentrate on my music and spend time with the wife and son.
Oh. You will be missed, by me and especially my kids. Thank you for bringing smiles to the faces of the children of Franklin. But, before you go back into your super hero hideout can I ask you one more question?
Are you the real Mr. Lemon?
No, no
Are there other Mr. Lemons in other towns?
Yeah, there was…
What happened?
Now it’s just me…
Who is the real Mr. Lemon?
I am not at liberty to say.
I know his secret. He basically like Santa and you are one of his helper’s?
Essentially yes, that’s basically what’s going on.
Does he live at the North Pole?
No, he does not live at the North Pole.
But, he does really exist?
I’ll never tell.

"No other refundable tax credit equals the Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit"

No other refundable tax credit equals the Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit for putting money into the wallets of average taxpayers 65 and older. In tax year 2009, more than 77,000 senior taxpayers who were either homeowners or renters received credits of nearly $60 million.
Yet it is safe to say that many eligible taxpayers have never heard of the credit. If you are reading this and have older relatives or friends who might benefit, pass on the word. The maximum credit, after all, is worth $970 in the coming tax year.
The Department of Revenue has just released the rules and regulations for the Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit in tax year 2010. The credit is based on the actual property tax or rent paid by the eligible taxpayer who is either living in their own home or paying rent.
A taxpayer's total income may not exceed $51,000 for a single individual; $64,000 for a head of household; or $77,000 for married couples filing a joint return. The assessed valuation of a residence may not exceed $764,000. Many taxpayers 65 and over fall within these limits.
The credit is equal to the amount by which the taxpayer's property tax payments in the current tax year, including water and sewer charges but excluding any abatement or exemption, exceeds 10 percent of the taxpayer's total income.
The credit also works for renters. It is equal to the amount by which 25 percent of the rent actually paid during the taxable year exceeds 10 percent of the taxpayer's total income, with the credit capped at $970.
Read the full posting here:

Spread the word amongst the seniors you know, this could be something to help them!

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: wants your business

Why do business in Franklin?
Franklin has much to offer!

Franklin Wants Business

Participate in the Economic Development Summit scheduled for Oct 27th or call the Planning and Community Development office at Franklin to inquire more about bringing your business to Franklin.

Franklin, MA

Thursday, October 7, 2010

FM #73 Week of 10/7/10

Let's take about 15 minutes this time to cover what is happening in Franklin, MA. It has been a bit since I posted so this will catch up on the major items from the Town Council meetings of Sep 29 and Oct 6; the Downtown Improvement Project, DelCarte dam repair and the Main St traffic flow.

Time:  14 minutes, 33 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes:

Town Council meeting of Sep 29, 2010

Executive summary for the Traffic Changes

Project presentation from May 2010

Downtown Partnership letter in underground utilities

Town Council meeting of 10/6/10

DelCarte - Town Council discussion

Where is the DelCarte property?

Photo tour of the property in May 2010

Economic Development Summit

Franklin Economic Development Summit - Oct 27th

Town Councilors Jones and Powderly have worked with the Town Administrator and the Planning and Community Development Dept as well as local government representatives to schedule this great event for businesses to look at Franklin as a prime location for their business.

Franklin Economic Development Summit

Franklin, MA

5th Annual Casino Night - Nov 19

On Friday, November 19, 2010, the Franklin Education Foundation (FEF) will hold its 5th Annual Casino Night at the Franklin Elks from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. The event will feature Black Jack, Roulette and Money Wheel as well as raffles, a Silent Auction, cash bar and FREE hors d’oeuvres. The event is well known as a fun evening out with friends and neighbors, all while contributing to a worthwhile cause.

FEF is currently seeking table sponsors as well as auction donations. If you have an item to donate or if your company is interested in sponsoring, contact FEF. It’s a great way for local companies to show their commitment to education in Franklin.

Admission is $25. To avoid waiting in line at the door, advance ticket purchase is recommended. For ticket purchase, auction donation or sponsorship information, please contact Peter Minor at (508) 541-6700 or Cash only accepted for chip purchase. Checks and Visa/MC accepted for Silent Auction items. For more information visit

Since 1997, The Franklin Education Foundation events have raised well over $190,000 which has been distributed to Franklin public schools in the form of special grants. All Franklin Public School staff members are eligible to submit creative, innovative ideas for programs or activities that would not traditionally be funded by tax dollars. To see a list of programs FEF have funded over the years, visit

Franklin, MA

Where is the DelCarte property?

Not all of the folks in Franklin have grown up here so for those us of who came along because this was a good place to live, here is the Google Map of 'Franklin Reservoirs' - otherwise known as the Delcarte Open Space.

View Larger Map

Prior post on the location

Franklin, MA

Town Council - 10/06/10

The collection of posts reported live from the Town Council meeting on Wednesday Oct 6th can be found here:

Franklin, MA

Vallee holds office hours next week

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc. on 10/4/10

Rep. James Vallee, D-Franklin, will hold his monthly walk-in office hours next Friday, Oct. 15.

Things you can do from here:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Live reporting - Closing

Nutting - there is a gain of six spaces downtown overall and attempts still underway to find more

Reference to a company who was read into the Congressional Record for life saving armor


Zollo - is there a prohibition against parking cars on the lawn
there is for large vehicles but not for cars

Zollo - I want to comment on the King St project, I was here 15 minutes early and it was due to the improvement made there, I'd like to commend the State and Town for that project

Jones - thanks to Brian and Jeff for putting together this economic summit
a lot of hard work went into making this happen

thanks to Mark and Jeff for writing up this bylaw, it is well written, thank you

Pfeffer - congrats to Dean College on the opening of their campus center, it is a great job, well done and asset for the Town

O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required

motion to go into executive session, passed 8-0  (via roll call)

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Action items

1. Resolution 10-48: Appropriation – DelCarte Open Space Design and Permitting of Repairs to Dam

motion to approve, as amended (taking from Hotel Motel Tax Fund - for open space and recreational improvements) passed 7-1

Vallee - given the state of the economy, I can't support it now, I am open to revisit it later
Pfeffer - the money is being used for something it can, it can not be used for education, we need to keep this property for our children
Whalen - I am torn over this but I think we should
Jones - we dammed if we do, we're dammed if we don't, couldn't help but say that.
Mason - state mandate are two words to increase project cost

2. Resolution 10-60: Acceptance of Deed with Conservation Restriction for Open Space Parcels Located in Franklin for the Preserve At Oak Hill

Land being developed in the old ski area 

motion to approve - passed 7-0, 1 abstained

3. Resolution 10-61: Renewal of the Comcast Cable Television License

the last contract was 7 years ago, after a long and difficult negotiation, we have reached an agreement
I can't say enough about the multiple hours that Bob Dean has put into this
Comcast is paying 4.8% of their fees, Verizon is currently paying 5%

this covers just the cable

The attorney worked on this needs to have his name added to this
motion to approve,  passed 8-0

4. Bylaw Amendment 10-649: Amendment to Sewer System Map, Coutu Street- 2nd Reading
motion to accept, passed 8-0 (via roll call)

5. Bylaw Amendment 10-650: Chapter 168, Vacant Properties: Registration and Maintenance -1st Reading

idea initially from Cerel and Jones, requires registration of vacant buildings
if they don't register, it kicks off the timeline to enforce action
goal is not to fine but to keep the place maintained

Some of these entities will be hard pressed to be found, they are all over the country
We do recognize this as a challenge, at least we can let the Fire Dept know not to rush into a vacant building

I was talking with Wells Fargo about a property in Medfield and they do have to go into maintain it, in the same call, they said there is no bylaw in Franklin so they'd skip right over us, I think it is a good idea to put it on the books

motion to move to second reading, passed 8-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - DelCarte proposal

– DelCarte Dam Feasibility Study

Nutting - recommend to take the money from the Hotel Motel Tax Fund instead

Matt Bellisle, Pare Corp

2 of the structures meet the MASS DCR requirements, need to be registered and maintained
Town is responsible for this, outlined in the Phase 2 of the report (see the PDF in the document published earlier)

The water provides a great conservation and recreation area for use by the Town folks
The trail system can be augmented, red lines on the chart indicate the proposed recreational trails (see photo below)

Incidental benefits:
  • flood control, hold back the storm water
  • natural cleaning process for nutrient removal
Whalen - There is talk of earthen dams but I see concrete
The control section of the dam is concrete, the whole dam is the raised portion which is earthen, the spillways are concrete

In the current condition, they are in poor condition, significant erosion, large trees are growing there as well, the trees are not good for the dams
The rate of degrading can not be predicted but they will continue to fail

Given the size of the vegetation, approx ten years old, the had been maintained prior to that

They have seen a number of aqua-culture uses but now are designated as conservation space

There are 2 that have the power of the State dam safety requirements even if you don't do anything with the other five

You could loose some of the flood control by not doing anything on the other five

The lowest dam #5 is severely eroded, water does flow around the spillway, additional erosion possible with large water events, dam #3 also shows signs of beaver activity due to the vegetation there

The dams are proposed to be repaired by restoring what we have (no major concrete)
an increase in the spillway size but not a significant increase in the overall size of the dam

A restoration of the original dam, not looking to raise the dams to increase the body of water

What is the trigger event to register the dams with the State?
In 2006, the State passed legislation requiring registration and enforcement
At the State, they are working their way down the listing, they expected the listing to be addressed last December. They are working on it.

This amount is for the design and permitting which should enable us to look for grants and other outside help to defer the cost of this.

If there is reasonable progress, the State will work with the community. They don't like no action./

3 minute recess

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Town Council

Present: Kelly, Jones, Vallee, Whalen, Mason, Pfeffer, Zollo, Powderly
Absent: McGann


-Meetings of the Town Council are Recorded
Economic Development Summit - Oct 27, 2010
Congratulation to Franklin Housing Authority for award as as Outstanding Agency




F. HEARINGS - none

- New All Alcoholic Beverages Restaurant License, British Beer Company
Richard Cornetta, representing Franklin BBC

Located in former Applebees in the Franklin Village Mall
5700 sq foot building
extensive renovations to inside and outside the building
outdoor seating proposed
a partially enclosed area, control by a management station
enclosed by a 4 ft decorative wrought iron fence
all one level inside (currently two levels but the second is being removed)

British Beer Co a 'chain' of restaurants, most recently in Westford, next closest is Walpole
theme, an atmosphere of an 'Olde English pub'
food service is a central element to their offerings

motion to approve license, passed 8-0

Franklin, MA

"We just want to give you the tools you need to analyze"

Ken Moraff, EPA deputy director of ecosystem protection, said the agency hired the Horsley Witten Group, a Sandwich engineering firm to analyze the best options for each town.
Moraff said the study will conclude May 31, with the possibility of an extension.
"The study is supposed to give towns options," Moraff said.
Members from the company weren't present at yesterday's meeting in the Franklin Municipal Building. EPA officials said the company is finishing its final work plan, and will be available to meet with each town.
In an attempt to clean the Charles River, the mandate requires each town, and businesses with more than two acres of impervious surface to reduce phosphorous by at least 54 percent.
Read the full article on the EPA's new assistance for the local communities to handle their storm water here

Prior posts on the EPA and storm water

Franklin, MA