Wednesday, July 24, 2019

“This consensus Fiscal Year 2020 budget strikes a balance"

Representative Jeffrey Roy (D-Franklin) along with his colleagues in the Massachusetts Legislature passed its Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) budget, which invests in programs and services across the Commonwealth. Funded at $43.1 billion, the budget makes major investments in education, housing, substance use disorder services, health care, and other areas while projecting a more than $476 million deposit into the Stabilization Fund – bringing the fund’s balance to more than $3 billion to safeguard the future of vital programs and services.

“I am proud of this fiscally responsible budget that supports the needs of individuals, families, and communities across the Commonwealth through thoughtful investments that increase local aid, strengthen our health care system and protect the environment,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “This budget bolsters our ongoing efforts to combat the opioid crisis, invest in high-quality early education and care and makes another significant deposit into the state’s Stabilization Fund. These investments will have a long and lasting positive effect on the residents of Massachusetts. I want to thank Chair Michlewitz for his leadership and my colleagues in the House, especially those on the conference committee, who worked to put this package together.”

“This budget reaffirms our commitment to local aid and our communities and includes funds for important projects in Franklin and Medway,” said Representative Roy. “The House and Senate were successful at including significant local and regional money throughout the Commonwealth in this coming fiscal year’s budget. Additionally, Massachusetts is dealing with several important societal issues, like the opioid epidemic, public safety, aging infrastructure, and an aging population. The Legislature has struck a balance that takes on these challenges and maintains our commitment to our communities, our children, our seasoned citizens, and the disabled as well as advancing economic development and the arts.”

“Education is a top Senate priority, and I am therefore proud of the significant investments we make in K-12 education in the final FY2020 budget,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “Not only have we voted to advance the largest year-over-year increase in Chapter 70 education funding in the last two decades, we have also made a substantial down payment towards funding the recommendations of the Foundation Budget Review Commission (FBRC). In addition, we fund health and wellness in schools, and provide considerable increases in reimbursement for special education, charter schools, and regional school transportation. Finally, I am very pleased that the conference budget includes $10 million in new funding for mental and behavioral health. These funds will allow the Commonwealth to address the root causes of many of the challenges facing our residents, including substance abuse, homelessness, unemployment and school bullying, among other things. I commend all of the members of the conference committee for their very fine work on this budget.”

Continue reading Representative Jeff Roy's press release in the full text:
The web page has been updated with the Conference Report.

FDA announce first youth e-cigarette prevention (YouTube)

announced their first youth e-cigarette prevention TV ads & new posters w/ e-cigarette prevention messaging for high schoolers. Learn more about the ways
is working to stop the youth e-cigarette epidemic. #NoEcigs4Kids"
Found via Twitter

SOAR LIVE at Mickey Cassidy's - Jul 26

"Come see us at our last public show of the season! You'll get to hear some awesome classic rock and party with us as we rock the house. This will be our final show of Summer 2019. Friday, June 26th at 8 PM. Don't miss it!"

Additional details can be found at the Facebook event

“They go where the money is”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Places such as Baltimore and Atlanta have been hit with massive cyber-attacks in recent years, but it’s not just major cities that are at risk of losing data or having their systems hacked. Smaller municipalities are also targets.

According to a 2019 report from the International City Management Association, approximately one in three local governments do not know how frequently their information system is subject to attacks, incidents and breaches. Of those that do, 60 percent report they are subject to daily cyber-attacks, often hourly or more.

Tiffany Schoenike, chief operating officer for the National Cyber Security Alliance, warns smaller municipalities are just as likely as larger cities to be the target of an attack. This could include anything from sensitive data being lost or stolen to systems being locked with the only recourse paying the hacker to regain access.

“Sometimes funding levels make things worse,” Schoenike said. “This could be from not being able to afford the right kinds of technology, or not being able to hire the best people for the job.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

One of the keys to successful online processing is to ensure the site you are dealing with uses https. The Town of Franklin site does use this feature:

One of the keys to successful online processing is to ensure the site you are dealing with uses https
One of the keys to successful online processing is to ensure the site you are dealing with uses https

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Live reporting: Consent agenda to Closing

6. New Business
a. To discuss any future agenda items
school handbooks coming Aug 13 for review
available online, changes to be noted in advance of meeting
discussion on trying to get the handbooks earlier for review if possible, it seems like to be able to do so

summer projects update

7. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes from the June 25, 2019 School Committee meeting as detailed.
b. Executive Session Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes from the June 25, 2019 Executive Session of the School Committee meeting as detailed to be released.
c. ECDC Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $920.00 from Bridgewater State University for in-house enrichment at ECDC as detailed.
d. Jefferson Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $348.00 from the Jefferson PCC for supplemental supplies at Jefferson Elementary School as detailed.
e. FHS Gifts
I recommend acceptance of three checks totaling $727.65 as follows:
• Alliance Energy, LLC $500.00 supplemental curriculum materials
• Scholastic, Inc. $199.65 in-house enrichment
• Coca Cola Give $ 28.00 in-house enrichment
f. JFK Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $1,401.20 from the JF Kennedy PCC for supplemental supplies as detailed.
g. Oak Street Gift
I recommend acceptance of two checks totaling $4,229.54 from the Oak Street PCC as follows:
$1835.00 Library books
$2394.54 Supplemental Curriculum Materials

motion to accept the consent agenda, seconded, passed 5-0

8. Payment of Bills Dr. Bergen

9. Payroll Mrs. Douglas

10. Correspondence
a. Budget to Actual – Miriam Goodman
b. Student Activity Accounts Report – Miriam Goodman

11. Executive Session
a. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(2) to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel.
motion to enter executive session, seconded, passed 5-0  via roll call

12. Adjournment

The documents released for this meeting can be found on the Town of Franklin page

Live reporting: Policy First Readings

b. Policy First Readings
I recommend moving the following policies to a second reading as discussed: BEC – Executive Sessions
BEDG – Minutes
JKAA – Physical Restraint of Students

motion to approve, seconded, pass 5-0

4. Discussion Only Items
a. none

5. Information Matters
a. School Committee Sub-Committee Reports (e.g. Budget; Community Relations; Policy; Transportation; Public Schools Advocacy; Ad Hoc Superintendent’s Evaluation)

Budget - joint subcommittee meeting Weds at 6:00 PM, what is current status and start to plan next steps

Committee Relations - at Farmers Market; 12-3 on Friday 
great time to come and meet, talk, provide feedback

Policy - Aug 20 at 7 PM
did meet and policies tonight came from last meeting

b. School Committee Liaison Reports (e.g. Joint PCC; Substance Abuse Task Force; School Wellness Advisory Council [SWAC]; MASC

Public School Advocacy - meet after the budget is settled

Live reporting: School Committee Meeting - July 23, 2019

Present: Feeley, Scofield, Bergen, Schultz, Zub
Absent:  Linden, Douglas

1. Routine Business
a. Review of Agenda
no changes
b. Citizen’s Comments
none tonight
i. In the spirit of open communication, “the School Committee will hear public comment not related to an agenda item at the beginning of each regular School Committee Meeting. The Committee will listen to, but not respond to any comment made. A Committee member may add an agenda item to a future meeting as a result of a citizen comment” – from Policy BEDH
c. FHS Student Representative Comments
d. Superintendent’s Report
Executive Institute attended by Superintendent
equity not just a buzzword, a meaningful opportunity for change
have a courageous conversation

Dr Brown, very motivational speaker
a foot in two worlds, trama background and talent potential
how educators influenced him along way

Commissioner Riley unvealed "Our way forward"
pathways to success, improvment plan
four themes of focus, link to plan coming
holistic support on needs
innovation and evidence based practices
prmoting educator workforce diversity
crowdsouring curriculum
vision of the stare as a partner
incentives and rewards, rather than requirements and punishments

budgetary front - received a special grant for Safer Schools
$60K awarded - part of supplemental State vudget
supports efforts underway as part of capital plan

FY 2020 State budget update
preliminary word from Legislators is good (as published)
awaits the Governor's signature so it still could change
also 2 earmarks for FPS
possible revisions to budget in August after Governor settles on final budget

2. Guests / Presentations
a. none

3. Discussion / Action Items
a. Superintendent’s Evaluation
I recommend your approval of the Superintendent’s composite evaluation for the 2018-2019 school year as discussed.

motion seconded, passed 5-0

Thanks to Dr Ahern for her input
thanks to the full committee for their attention and comments
to present tonight the summary of the review
"Exemplary" is reserved for about 1% of all the superintendents
Proficient is the general or overall rating with some specific areas as "exemplary"; highlighting just the commendations and opportunities for consideration tonight

1 - social emotional learning
2 - staff wellbeing
3 - (to be added)

monitor homework policy across all levels

ensure all school council members understand their responsibilities

continue to promote wide range of career options for students

Scofield - you are out there, approachable and do follow up, people like that
thank you, we are fortunate to have you here

Zub - I'd like to echo that, it is an important part of the job and it is important to balance all of that. You are really passionate and engaged in this communities education. We recognize that

Dr Ahern - it really comes down to a team, among the central ofice leadership, the leadership in the buildings, so much of the evidence comes forward from the collective work in the district

The documents released for this meeting can be found on the Town of Franklin page