Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Joint Statement: Senate President Karen Spilka & Chair of the Massachusetts Black & Latino Legislative Caucus, Representative Carlos González

On Monday June 15, 2020, Senate President Karen E. Spilka, Chair of the Massachusetts Black & Latino Legislative Caucus (MBLLC) Representative Carlos González, and members of the MBLLC met to discuss racial justice legislation. The following is a joint statement from President Spilka and Chair González.

"Today we had a very productive discussion about the urgent work that will take place in the Senate over the next few weeks to advance police reform and racial justice legislation.

"The areas of discussion were consistent with what the MBLLC has prioritized, as well as the focused work the Senate's Working Group on Racial Justice has been doing on the topics of police officers' standards and training, excessive use of force, duty to intervene, police accountability, and the need for robust data collection.

"Both the MBLLC and Senate President agree: The effort to dismantle institutional and structural racism that exists in our Commonwealth must be both a sprint and a marathon. We must do everything we can to achieve short-term systemic change while making a concerted effort to address racial barriers across areas such as education, housing, economic development and our financial systems.

"The MBLLC and the Senate are intensely aware of the gravity presented by this moment and are committed to working together to get a strong bill to the governor's desk before July 31, 2020."

Senate President Karen E. Spilka, (D-Ashland)

Representative Carlos González, Chair MA Black Latino Legislative Caucus, (D-Springfield)

Please Respond Today to the 2020 Census

We have reached a 76.6% response rate for Franklin, there is still time to get beyond 80% (Franklin actually did 79.9% in the 2010 Census).
"The 2020 Census is underway and more households across America are responding every day. Over 90 million households have responded to date, representing 61.4% of all households in America. Make sure that you and your friends and family are included in this once-a-decade count.

Help us spread the word: Everyone can respond to the 2020 Census online in one of 13 languages, with assistance available in many more."


Visit the 2020 Census response rate map  https://2020census.gov/en/response-rates.html

The current results for Franklin (as of Sunday, June  14, 2020):

Please Respond Today to the 2020 Census
Please Respond Today to the 2020 Census

Inside the budget documents

There is a wealth of budget documents posted for the Budget Hearings scheduled by the Town Council this week. Among the pages of material what are some of the key points that you should be mindful of? Having spent time with the budget over the years, let me try and show a few key points, without getting too deep into the weeds.

Fixed costs summary
In most budgets you have fixed costs and variable costs. The fixed cost summary shows a relatively stable percentage for the fixed costs to the total budget and to the municipal budget. It would be nice to have the School side of this too but we don't for now. The table and chart shows the fixed costs totals and percents from 2000 to 2019. There is not a whole lot of change.

a relatively stable percentage for the fixed costs to the total budget and to the municipal budget
a relatively stable percentage for the fixed costs to the total budget and to the municipal budget

Tax rate: history and split vs. single rates
Some of the discussion in social media has been consideration of a split rate vs. the single rate we have. The situation we are in doesn't warrant a split rate. The tax base is 80% residential and 20% commercial/industrial. To reduce the residential burden by $1 would increase the commercial/industrial rate by $4. We don't have a diverse enough economy to make that work. 

The table shows the tax rate over the years and how it goes down when the total valuation increases, and goes up when the valuation decreases. There will always be an increase in the actual tax levy, period. The amount will increase even if it stays within 2.5%. The rate as a percent fluctuates with the real estate valuation.

Getting back to the split vs. single rate, the chart shows we can be successful as long as there is growth in real estate valuation and especially new growth. The new growth allows Franklin to increase the tax revenue and stay within the 2.5%. The problem this year, this budget, is the forecast for next years revenue - the pandemic effect.

tax rate over the years
tax rate over the years

Revenue forecast
The pandemic effect is where we have a major problem this year. Look at the revenue information. The revenue forecast for new growth drops significantly. The revenue forecast for local receipts also drops significantly. So even without a change in the State aid we have a problem.

revenue forecast for local receipts and new growth drops
revenue forecast for local receipts and new growth drops

Systemic issue
Look at the 10 year average for the various departments costs. Aside from the **Other Municipal category, the major budget items are in a 3-4% increase year over year. As mentioned above, we 'only' get 2.5% unless the new growth increase is such to cover these. 

Our choice, is to decide what we want Franklin to look like. What services do we provide to our schools and community? As shown, some years, the new growth can provide additional revenue but in other years, we also need to dip into our own pocket. The question is whether we are willing to do so and by how much?

3-4% increase year over year
3-4% increase year over year

The budget docs from which this info came from can be found

Fixed costs
 Tax rate history

Revenue forecast

Systemic issue

In the News: Keolis contract for Commuter Rail extended through at least 2025

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Keolis Commuter Services, the French company that had fallen out of favor early in its contract, will continue to operate the Massachusetts commuter rail system until at least 2025 under a renegotiated contract approved by the MBTA Board on Monday.

Under the new agreement, Keolis could continue to run MBTA trains for four years beyond the original eight-year contract’s 2022 end date. However, the T can opt to end the partnership after only three additional years if officials feel ready to launch a search for what they described as a “transformational” successor.

In 2017, Transportation Secretary Stephanie Pollack said the MBTA planned to seek a new operator at the contract’s conclusion rather than use one or both of the two-year extensions available. The administration’s position has softened since then.

Officials on Monday described the updated extension as a better deal than what the T could get in the current pandemic-affected market, and they said it also offers flexibility to prepare a long-term plan -- which sprung from the Rail Vision project -- for reimagining the commuter rail with more frequent, interconnected and potentially electrified service."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Franklin's Forge Park Station
Franklin's Forge Park Station

"Retail association says 30% of members fear going under"

From the Commonwealth Magazine, ab article of interest for Franklin:
"The Green Bean’s experience is not unique. Many businesses are beginning to reopen with new safety standards and reduced capacity, but there are many others that may not be able to reopen at all. And those closures could have a ripple effect on Main Streets across the state.

“Businesses have made decisions where to locate around amenities,” said Greg Reibman, president of the Newton-Needham Regional Chamber. “If we’re losing amenities, that has a whole domino effect.”

The Retailers Association of Massachusetts recently surveyed its members and found that 30 percent of respondents were somewhat or extremely concerned that they would not survive the pandemic. President Jon Hurst said many businesses are at the end of their financial rope. They have had to pay for leases and inventory they could not sell. A clothing store might have a large stock of unsold winter coats – but it needs to buy summer clothes to reopen in June. Federal business loans can only go so far.

“It’s the reality of just not having the wherewithal to do that outlay for buying the inventory when you’ve had no income coming in,” Hurst said."
Continue reading the article online

The news of the British Beer Company closing is not the only retail operation we'll hear about. We do need to support our local businesses, all the time. This pandemic is going to have some significant impact on many operations.

Commonwealth Magazine
Commonwealth Magazine

Monday, June 15, 2020

Franklin Public Schools: Remote Learning Update - June 15, 2020

June 15, 2020

Dear Franklin Families and Faculty/Staff,

The purpose of this message is to update families and faculty/staff on Remote Learning.

Planning for Re-Opening School in the Fall
A District Re-opening Taskforce -- comprised of district and school-based administrators, faculty/staff, school nurse leader, school physician, Facilities Department, Food Services, Lifelong Learning, Athletic Director, and a School Resource Officer -- has begun to plan for reopening school in the fall. We will be including parent/family and student voice as well.

The group’s efforts are focused in five areas: operations, healthy, and safety; whole child supports; personnel; academics; and distance learning. We expect that preliminary guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, containing more details around teaching and learning, will be issued soon. The guidance issued on June 5, 2020 was specific to ordering Personalized Protective Equipment (PPE) and should not be interpreted as what school will look like in the fall.

The District will be surveying families, staff, and students. Please be on the lookout for a survey soon. You can expect a communication from the Re-opening Taskforce mid-summer, in advance of the opening of school, for your planning purposes.

Chromebook Collection
At this time, the District will not be collecting Chromebooks from families whose children will return to Franklin Public Schools in the fall.

If your child is not returning you may complete a “request for remote support” form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf--tUJyJtg2OIFTEIXaoyJCmDbrqBEkvFgPYe9AJ3q7F3Asg/viewform) and then drop the Chromebook off at the rear of Franklin High School at the technology office on a Wednesday from 4-6 PM.

If your child is returning to FPS but you would like to return the Chromebook, please also complete the request for remote support form and drop it off on a Wednesday from 4-6 PM at the rear of Franklin High School at the technology office.

Alternatively, you can connect with a building administrator for a time when you can drop it off at your child’s school.

Last day of School 6/18
The end of the year certainly doesn’t look like how we envisioned when we began the school year on August 27th. Our last day of school will be Thursday, June 18th. In order to accomplish end of year tasks, the day will be modified where the secondary block will run from 8:30-10:30 AM and the elementary block will run from 9:00-11:00 AM. Afternoon instruction/meetings will be rescheduled. Current Kindergarten students will participate. More specific information may be issued from your child’s school. The last day of ECDC will be June 16th with their end of the year “Fun Fair” on June 17th.

Elementary and Middle School Report Cards
Please see the following links about report cards at the elementary and middle levels:
Elementary Report Card Letter (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HJCijpl2DrqyddwbtKyt3UdBqWV27ImIS3DQLYbx3gk/edit?usp=sharing)
Middle School Report Card Letter (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xkXgkjG7keyq6Sz0Pj1MN_OijOHCnkOvXtTu60QVGeY/edit?usp=sharing)

P-EBT Card for Students who Qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch
Families whose students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch started to receive P-EBT cards in the mail on Friday, May 29, and we hear that there has been some trouble with activating cards. The following information comes from the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) in order to assist you with activation:

Call DTA's Assistance Line at (877) 382-2363 and press 6. Their staff can help families to get the case information.

We are pleased to announce that the Food Services program has been awarded a grant in order to continue food service this summer, serving breakfast and lunch, to any child in Franklin.

This has certainly been a challenging spring for everyone. We want to thank the Franklin community for working together to keep each other safe and for cooperation, patience, and communication in shifting the entire instructional and support system to be remote. We have learned much in these difficult days, most notably emphasizing how much we value the opportunities we have to be together.

We want to wish all of our faculty/staff, students, and families a healthy and safe summer. 

Kind regards,
Franklin Public Schools

Please contact the Superintendent’s Office at 508-553-4819 with any questions. Please leave a voicemail. Although we are working remotely, voicemails are sent to email and will be responded to in a timely fashion.

PDF version (not yet on schools web page)

Franklin Public Schools: Remote Learning Update - June 15, 2020
Franklin Public Schools: Remote Learning Update - June 15, 2020

How did we get here?

"How did we get here?" is a frequently asked question these past couple of weeks. Folks have responded to the notification of over 100 teachers for potential 'non-renewal' of contract for September, 2020 and are looking for info and answers. There is plenty of info. The answer pile is short.

This has been a scenario developing for several years. The use of one-time funds has provided a 'band-aid' to get by. Each time the 'band-aid' is applied folks generally forget that it digs us deeper into the hole for next year. Both School Committee and Town Council have used these 'fiscal' measures.

The School Committee deviated from their revolving fund policy to use funds from the various revolving funds (Transportation, Sports fees, etc. ) to balance their budget.

The Town Council tapped into the Budget Stabilization account for FY 2019 and FY 2020 to balance the overall town budget. There is only $6,000 left (if I recall) so that doesn't help this time around.

School Committee - school budgets 
  • FY 2021 - Page 12 touts a decrease in use of revolving funds
  • FY 2020 - look for the 'red' marked offsets, i.e. revolving funds used in this doc   
  • FY 2019 - Page 11 summaries the use of 'revolving funds' for

Town Council - town budget

  • FY 2021 - "The Budget Stabilization Fund is completely empty as the remaining amount was used to balance the FY20 budget. The Town does not have one time reserves to build into this budget or bail us out. There is no “Rainy Day” money."

Page 4 of the budget narrative

  • FY 2020 - "The FY 20 proposed budget will be balanced with use of approximately $390,000 from our Budget Stabilization Fund (Rainy Day account), which will bring the balance of that account to zero. Further, both the School Department and the Town will cut budgets to make ends meet While this will work for one year the FY 21 budget will require policy decisions on how to handle the budget shortfall. The fiscal forecast suggest a shortfall of approximately $4,000,000 +/-" 
Page 1, opening paragraph of the Budget Narrative

  • FY 2019 - "While fiscal challenges remain, our resolve to overcome them is relentless. The FY 19 proposed budget will be balanced with use of approximately $1,500,000 from our Budget Stabilization Fund (Rainy Day account). While this will work for one year the FY 20 budget will require policy decisions on how to handle the budget shortfall."
Page 10 of the Budget Narrative

How did we get here?
How did we get here?