Thursday, March 4, 2021

Recap of Economic Development meeting - Mar 3, 2021 - modification to tasting room bylaw and food trucks approved

Quick Recap:
  • Modification to bylaw requirement for up to 25% of the space allowed for the tasting room proposed for removal. Few other communities require such. Approved to bring to Council. Would still require approval process loop through the Planning Board and back to Council before effective
  • Discussion on draft of new Franklin Business Guide. Good suggestions made. If you have any, please send to Anne Marie Tracy
  • Discussion on proposal to change restrictions on food trucks. Would allow for private parties on private property. For a public event on private property (i.e. a business like Pour Richard's) they could get a permit for it. The current zone for food trucks would remain in place at the Town Common. Plans for them during the summer (assuming COVID protocols allow) for Farmers Market/Concerts on the Common. Approved to bring to Council for further discussion
Photos captured during the meeting and shared via Twitter can be found in one album

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #edc0303 

  • Economic development Committee meeting start at 5:45 PM #edc0303   Proposal to modify tasting room bylaw, proposal for food trucks modification, and draft of business guide up for review
  • Real time reporting underway for the Economic Development meeting #boh0303 link shared earlier Chair Hamblen covers the meeting protocol message, all votes will be via roll call
  • First up, the tasting room proposal as modified, changes the current bylaw by removing the % requirement of space for tasting area. Prior meeting had covered details, this is in response to that discussion. #edc0303
  • #edc0303 Bissanti thinks it is great, anything to help business. Jones, ditto. Frongillo agree most don't have restrictions. Planning Board approved current operations under prior plan, this affects new entities. Existing businesses would have to request a change if they want
  • #edc0303 some business also have waivers and would not help existing businesses as they already have an exception, under this they would not comply. Motion to move bylaw amendment proposal to Council for full discussion, second, passes 4-0 via roll call.
  • Next up business guide in draft up for review.  #edc0303 up for review, do you find what you need? If not contact Anne Marie Tracy to provide the input - page 5 of the agenda doc
  • #edc0303 consider colors to differentiate chapters, ensure links are good, doesn't really say where the zoning map is, where is R1, R2, etc. Highlight specific areas, downtown, Clark Cutler, Crossing, etc. A vacant registry? Need a larger conversation on town wide branding
  • #edc0303 each business owner would take their own journey to open; my suggestion to develop a flow chart to help with the navigation; maybe having a planning board member at the tech review meeting, also they apparently aren't notified of EDC meetings
  • #edc0303 Chair heard also that they went thru the tech review easily and yet runs into difficulty with Planning Board. Tech review is for staff dept heads to provide input, they do line up folks with what was presented. Planning Brd advised not to participate to avoid conflict
  • #edc0303 back to business guide: love the idea of a flow chart. Bissanti thinks you need Plng Brd. Moving on to food truck proposal, add a fee for temp food truck event, fact sheet in packet. Page 35 has table of fees with addition of a food truck fee. Mostly internal approval
  • No permit needed if private and public not invited, fee yes #edc0303 same for one day license, i.e. Pour Richards for a tasting with a food truck, fee required. Food truck friendly zone around Town Common remains as is. I.e. for events and summer concerts.
  • A nonprofit like ArtWeek, etc. could arrange for the Common for their event and get food trucks. There is also a requirement to avoid conflicts with same foods, 500' buffer. Ex. a taco truck couldn't be in the parking lot across from Sante Fe Grille. #edc0303
  • Bissanti food trucks have a place in Franklin. #edc0303 Jones fine with this. Frongillo what is the permit process? Hellen hadn't been aware of food trucks operating based here. There are mobile vendor codes to abide by, health safety, Chrissy works on this with the staff
  • #edc0303 once familiar with business, they tend to be more of a 'rinse/repeat' and go quickly. Food service permit req'd from BoH for private events. A concern with parking where the food truck would appear in case enforcement is required. We want these to work.
  • #edc0303 motion to move to Town Council, second, passes via roll call 4-0 
  • Motion to adjourn, second, passes 4-0 via roll call 
  • Catch you in a few for Town Council!

modification to tasting room bylaw and food trucks approved
modification to tasting room bylaw and food trucks approved


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